


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 only a single chemical reaction is addressed catalytically.
2 may synergize with photon absorption and act catalytically.
3 of 1 further affords 14a, a chromene product catalytically.
4 sters as a sulfur source can nonetheless act catalytically.
5 uggests that 7-8 atom clusters are effective catalytically.
6  this study, we aimed to distinguish between catalytically active 3D molecules and those that build a
7 the analysis of the correlations between the catalytically active acid-base sites and reactants, it i
8  (kH/kD = 3.0 +/- 0.2), the isolation of the catalytically active alkoxide intermediate, and DFT-mode
9 , the peptide forms a hydrogel which is also catalytically active and maintains its reversible (de-)a
10 show that Thr(507)-phosphorylated deltaKD is catalytically active and not phosphorylated at Ser(359)
11                                              Catalytically active APOBEC proteins execute their biolo
12 Ru(II) chloro complex was converted into the catalytically active aqua counterpart by a ligand exchan
13 BD1/NBD2 dimerization, and NBD2 contains the catalytically active ATPase site in CFTR.
14               In this work, the structure of catalytically active AuRh bimetallic nanoparticles prepa
15       Here, in crystallo enzymology with the catalytically active bacterial cellulose synthase BcsA-B
16 on and G3BP1 demethylation were rescued with catalytically active but not mutant JMJD6.
17              The AR9 nvRNAP lacking gp226 is catalytically active but unable to bind to promoter DNA.
18 ontaining full-length PNPase that was either catalytically active but unable to interact with RNase Y
19      In the ATP-bound state (A-state), GS is catalytically active but unable to interact with TnrA.
20 rophile and nucleophile by in situ generated catalytically active cationic Pd(II) species facilitates
21 ia thailandensis, we show that delivery of a catalytically active CDI system toxin to immune (self) b
22 ter of single 6-rings that act not only as a catalytically active center, but also as a dealumination
23 ons can selectively channel that energy into catalytically active centres on the nanostructure shell.
24 n ChlD, is necessary for the assembly of the catalytically active ChlHID-MgATP complex.
25 HDACs may serve as a scaffold to recruit the catalytically active class I HDAC complexes to their sub
26 nal to the phosphorylated Ser/Thr to prime a catalytically active conformation, facilitating phosphor
27 tic contact is vital for the generation of a catalytically active conformation.
28                         Our study finds that catalytically active CypD causes strong aggregation of w
29         Their activity depends on one or two catalytically active cysteine residues, the peroxidatic
30 lectrode, showing the dynamic formation of a catalytically active dimer on an electrode surface.
31 dition, we report the X-ray structure of the catalytically active domain of TbTK in complex with dThd
32 ion from exo-protonated Ni(0) isomers to the catalytically active endo-isomers, but decreases the rat
33 nsition midpoint temperature of the reduced, catalytically active enzyme.
34 f MMP-9 zymogen and subsequent generation of catalytically active enzyme.
35  composites, especially the Ag48Pd52/WO2.72, catalytically active for dehydrogenation of formic acid
36 ontrast to the disordered alloy NP, which is catalytically active for hydrogen evolution, ordered AuC
37                                              Catalytically active Glt1 was required for the addition
38 and before large and small subunits form the catalytically active heterodimer.
39 ORR activity on the PdCuM NPs stems from the catalytically active hollow sites arising from the ligan
40  growth factor receptor (HER3/ERBB3) and its catalytically active homologs EGFR and HER2 are essentia
41 tion of a new Ru(II) metallocavitand that is catalytically active in alkene epoxidation reactions.
42             Only the cytoplasmic portion was catalytically active in both cell lines and primary ALCL
43            Our findings suggest that mOGT is catalytically active in vivo and supports mitochondrial
44 , enabling the solvation dynamics around the catalytically active iridium sites to be robustly charac
45 t of field-suitable species that concentrate catalytically active levels of palladium.
46 and nitrogen-doped porous carbons containing catalytically active M-N x moieties (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni,
47                                 We model the catalytically active M-N x moieties using density functi
48  compartments has inspired the design of new catalytically active materials that self-assemble from b
49 nctional receptors, macrocyles, and cages to catalytically active metal complexes and helix mimics.
50  acts as a four-electron donor ligand to the catalytically active metal fragment [Cp*RuCl] but switch
51                         Interactions between catalytically active metal particles and reactant gases
52     Because of conflicting past reports, the catalytically active metal redox state of the catalyst h
53                            Towards this goal catalytically active nanoformulations of SOD1 ("nanozyme
54 e been designed for the selective binding of catalytically active nanoparticles.
55  etc. have been investigated by synthesizing catalytically active nanostructured TMDs in bulk quantit
56 te prior to turnover-limiting formation of a catalytically active nickeladihydrofuran.
57 is not clear whether all these molecules are catalytically active or what other function(s) they prov
58 pathway of increasing the surface density of catalytically active oxygen radical sites on a MoVTeNb o
59 terestingly, a detailed investigation of the catalytically active palladium species pointed toward a
60                                          The catalytically active Pd/NHC/phosphine complex represents
61 ing four immunoglobulin-like domains and the catalytically active peroxidase domain.
62 d live cell-imaging techniques revealed that catalytically active PKA holoenzymes remained intact wit
63 vity and were rescued by reconstitution with catalytically active PLD.
64                  subtilisstrain containing a catalytically active PNPase that could not interact with
65 no acids necessary to produce a foldable and catalytically active polypeptide have shown that a basis
66                               We report that catalytically active proteasomes exist almost exclusivel
67  sensor used the synergistic activity of the catalytically active Pt nanoparticles on a high surface
68                         HDX/MS revealed that catalytically active rM1-PK undergoes significant rigidi
69  increased charge separation by rGO and more catalytically active sites from MoS2.
70     The atomic structure and identity of the catalytically active sites have been well established fo
71 ificantly increase the density of accessible catalytically active sites in them and facilitate the tr
72 fusion lengths, and increasing the number of catalytically active sites per unit volume.
73  foil enhances the number of low-coordinated catalytically active sites, which dramatically lowers th
74 introduced to ensure a high concentration of catalytically active sites.
75 in the porous structure, which introduce new catalytically active sites.
76                             In addition, two catalytically active sodium-based intermediates were det
77 ld electrodes is due to the formation of the catalytically active species [Mo(bpy)(CO)3](2-) via a se
78 resulting nanoswitch [Cu(2)](+) captures the catalytically active species from solution and the conju
79 icate that under experimental conditions the catalytically active species is [Cu(phen)(SAc)] regardle
80                                          The catalytically active species were found to be dependent
81 upon reaction with Boc2O, is proposed as the catalytically active species.
82 itochondrial Hsp90, TRAP1, revealed that the catalytically active state is closed in a highly straine
83 chniques, we have obtained a cross-validated catalytically active state of Cas9 HNH domain primed for
84 , polyethylene glycol stabilizes the docked, catalytically active state of the ribozyme, in part thro
85 n, where Dcp2 adopts an open, a closed, or a catalytically active state.
86  associated with formation of the closed and catalytically active state.
87     We determine molecular structures of the catalytically active Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 R-loop
88              We also show that Mettl3 is the catalytically active subunit, while Mettl14 plays a stru
89 oteins' compromised ability to assemble into catalytically active supra-tetrameric filaments, as prev
90 adly tunable optical properties coupled with catalytically active surfaces that offer a unique opport
91 tophagy, is dependent on the localization of catalytically active TBK1 to the vicinity of cytosolic b
92                    We confirmed that LSD1 is catalytically active toward H3K4me2 and H3K9me2 but iner
93 ng the oxidation and reduction mechanisms of catalytically active transition metal nanoparticles is i
94  When expressed in bacteria, yeast or plant, catalytically active variants of CaARP conferred toleran
95     These results demonstrate that XXT5 is a catalytically active xylosyltransferase involved in xylo
96 rate-binding site of MMP-13 and surround the catalytically active Zn(2+) ion without chelating to the
97    Furthermore, features associated with the catalytically active, enzyme-coordinated copper center w
98  can also be included by adding photoactive, catalytically active, or redox-active recognition sites,
99 iative extraction from base-oil molecules on catalytically active, sliding nanometre-scale crystallin
100 ive site of BAM2, suggested that it might be catalytically active.
101 for the development of custom proteases that catalytically alter or destroy target proteins for biote
102 e solution was confirmed by monitoring their catalytically amplified collisions with a Hg-coated micr
103                  The substrate complexes are catalytically and kinetically competent to be intermedia
104 onfiguration changes that could be harnessed catalytically before excited state relaxation.
105 ral cyclopentyl beta-amino esters are formed catalytically by [3+2] cycloaddition reactions of enecar
106  can rapidly and non-intrusively measure the catalytically coked zeolites with sample full body penet
107 lvent-exposed hydrophobic pocket to form the catalytically competent active site.
108 e active sites and the di-domain linker form catalytically competent active sites and provide insight
109 straints imposed by the regulatory domain is catalytically competent and that Thr(507) phosphorylatio
110      GaMD also reveals the conformation of a catalytically competent Cas9, which is prone for catalys
111  interdomain interactions that stabilize the catalytically competent closed conformation of the polym
112 l domain of ArfA and RF2 help RF2 to adopt a catalytically competent conformation for peptide release
113 ctures, which orient active site groups into catalytically competent conformations.
114 role of the helical domain in establishing a catalytically competent dimeric cyclase conformation.
115  almost isopotential, yet the enzyme retains catalytically competent electron transfer between quinon
116 bstrate while blocking probable formation of catalytically competent interactions with noncognate sub
117 ring reveals the di-iron bridging imido is a catalytically competent intermediate, one of several iro
118 absence of other proteins or cofactors (with catalytically competent kinetics) plus hydroxylated 17al
119 mes bound these less-phosphorylated IPs in a catalytically competent manner, suggesting that IP hydro
120            The incorporation of a synthetic, catalytically competent metallocofactor into a protein s
121                                            A catalytically competent palladacyclic dimer intermediate
122 ransition from the 'initiation' state into a catalytically competent pentameric state, is accompanied
123 nd requires oxidative maturation to form the catalytically competent prFMN(iminium) species.
124 merase (RNAP)-promoter closed complex into a catalytically competent RNAP-promoter open complex.
125 e how close each GRK structure is to being a catalytically competent state.
126 istinct types of IN protomers supporting two catalytically competent subunits.
127                   Prolinyl groups, which are catalytically competent toward asymmetric aldol reaction
128 ater molecules than occur in the (presumably catalytically competent) pre-transition state (preTS) cr
129 at SpUreG needs a "flexibility window" to be catalytically competent, with both too low and too high
130  of 4-fluorostyrene, and this complex is not catalytically competent.
131 its R789 arginine finger, but stabilizes the catalytically-competent conformation and pre-organizes c
132 avidin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate that catalytically converted the 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidi
133 verted into either a sulfinic/sulfonic acid (catalytically dead and irreversible inactivation) or a s
134  repression of the same lambda promoter by a catalytically dead CRISPR Cas9 protein gave either compr
135 cription by stalling elongation complexes at catalytically dead EcoRIE111Q roadblocks.
136                       Complementation with a catalytically dead mutant highlights that nick sealing a
137 N-null cells with either wild-type PTEN or a catalytically dead mutant stabilizes IP3R3 and induces p
138                             Furthermore, the catalytically dead mutant TRAF6 C70A abolished the TRAF6
139 Ectopic overexpression of SIRT2, but not its catalytically dead mutant, increased intracellular level
140 ase alone and in functional complex with its catalytically dead paralogous partner, prozyme.
141                               Ska1 fusion to catalytically dead PP1 mutant does not rescue and shows
142 isting of both an N-terminal truncated and a catalytically dead RAG1.
143 e mouse hippocampal CA3-CA1 pathway, but the catalytically-dead mutant did not affect LTD induction.
144 t with H2O2 (k = 2.9 x 10(7) M(-1)s(-1)) and catalytically decomposes H2O2 using Cc as the reducing s
145 mical warfare agents and their simulants are catalytically decontaminated by a new one-dimensional po
146 ng cells using a fusion protein containing a catalytically defective Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9, a c
147 e trans-acting AT to complement modules with catalytically deficient AT domains leads to enzyme acyla
148     Loss of H3K4me1 from enhancers in Mll3/4 catalytically deficient cells causes partial reduction o
149                                              Catalytically deficient TgDHODH localized to the mitocho
150 monstrate that Drosophila embryos expressing catalytically deficient Trr eclose and develop to produc
151                                     To photo-catalytically degrade RhB dye using solar irradiation, C
152 rom the proteasomal degradation in dose- and catalytically dependent manners.
153                                          The catalytically dominant pathway proceeds from the excited
154  involving dissociation of the ynoate from a catalytically dormant nickelacyclopentadiene intermediat
155 te recognition in the evolution or design of catalytically efficient chimeric PKSs.
156 ucturally essential to ensure an optimal and catalytically efficient organization of the PTC, highlig
157 uctural studies indicate that TtuA carries a catalytically essential [4Fe-4S] cluster and requires AT
158 undiscovered protein fold that coordinates a catalytically essential [4Fe-4S] cluster.
159                                          The catalytically essential arginine side-chain guanidino gr
160 yl-l-methionine (SAM) enzyme that installs a catalytically essential glycyl radical on pyruvate forma
161                  We show that PFL-AE binds a catalytically essential monovalent cation at its active
162 ur structural and biochemical studies reveal catalytically essential residues in the dimer-mediated a
163 EF to MVAPP is necessary to guide ATP into a catalytically favorable position.
164                   Glu-310 of this motif auto-catalytically forms an ester bond with the heme 5-methyl
165 t a mono-mu-hydroxo diferrous species is the catalytically functional state that reacts with NO and O
166  complexes also promotes nitrene transfer to catalytically generate asymmetric dialkylcarbodiimides f
167 eduction beyond the CO and formate level and catalytically generate products such as methanol is part
168 arbanion equivalents via the intermediacy of catalytically generated benzylcopper derivatives, provid
169     Additionally, the [3+1]-cycloaddition of catalytically generated metallo-enolcarbenes was success
170 results do not support a model in which Mad2 catalytically generates a Mad2-free APC/C inhibitor.
171                                              Catalytically grown nanowires are ideal systems for stud
172 strong acid sites that make them very active catalytically, (ii) porosity through the layers and (iii
173  deaminase to operate on DNA when fused to a catalytically impaired CRISPR-Cas9 mutant.
174         Heteromeric interactions between the catalytically impaired human epidermal growth factor rec
175    Therefore, determining which residues are catalytically important in this specialized RNase family
176  These data provide biochemical evidence for catalytically important interactions of the P4 helix of
177 coordinated motions and dynamically isolates catalytically important regions of the kinase domain.
178              Here, the authors discover that catalytically important surface oxides form only when Pt
179  switch that is critical for positioning the catalytically important WPD loop.
180 pH-activity profiles identified at least one catalytically important, ionizable group with an apparen
181 he conserved tyrosine 27, a component of the catalytically-important flexible N-terminal loop.
182 d a mutant protein (KpsC D160A) containing a catalytically inactivated N-terminal domain.
183 y short lived enzyme to the same degree as a catalytically inactivating mutation (C9A).
184  Aedes albopictus cells and rapidly reverted catalytically inactivating mutations.
185 characterized two HemO variants, one that is catalytically inactive (HemO H26A/K34A/K132A or HemOin)
186    We report here the crystal structure of a catalytically inactive (Y324F) mutant of this engineered
187                   In addition, expression of catalytically inactive AC9 in neonatal cardiomyocytes de
188  of non-repetitive coding sites, whereas the catalytically inactive ADAR3 predominantly acts as an in
189              We show that even though CD1 is catalytically inactive and CD2 is the active deaminase d
190                                Expression of catalytically inactive aspartate mutations as well as tr
191 tive but unable to interact with RNase Y, or catalytically inactive but able to interact with RNase Y
192 ckdown and demonstrated RNA editing by using catalytically inactive Cas13 (dCas13) to direct adenosin
193 ic cells using guide RNAs (sgRNAs) to target catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) and offers an altern
194 nstrate that fusion of Tet1 or Dnmt3a with a catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) enables targeted DNA
195 M1 to the cyclin B1 gene promoter via CRISPR-catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) in MVM-infected cell
196 expression is to block transcription using a catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9).
197 hrough a proteomic approach and the use of a catalytically inactive CLPP, we produced the first compr
198 xes, suggesting that these complexes adopt a catalytically inactive conformation probably important f
199 in expressing JD with another expressing its catalytically inactive counterpart.
200                 We engineered drug-inducible catalytically inactive Cpf1 nuclease fused to transcript
201 ctivity and secretion, overexpression of the catalytically inactive D478A FAM20C mutant was detected
202 BR1, since it did not occur when we used the catalytically inactive DBR1(N85A) mutant.
203                                   We fused a catalytically inactive dCas9 to the catalytic domain of
204 ion activation of follistatin when used with catalytically inactive dCas9-VP64 or dCas9-p300core fusi
205  Moreover, the utp14 mutants that mimicked a catalytically inactive dhr1 mutant in vivo showed reduce
206  in the C-terminal half of the protein and a catalytically inactive dioxygenase-related N-terminal do
207               As thiols can be oxidized into catalytically inactive disulfides, the isomerization rat
208                                            A catalytically inactive dominant-negative GODZ construct
209 CRISPR associated protein 9 (SpCas9) and the catalytically inactive dSpCas9 protein fused to the amin
210  CI when sperm introduce it into eggs, and a catalytically inactive DUB does not induce sterility.
211 dynamin 2, but suppressed by expression of a catalytically inactive dynamin 2 mutant.
212 tor alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) Z-variant with catalytically inactive elastase.
213                                  A seemingly catalytically inactive electrode, boron-doped diamond (B
214                                              Catalytically inactive enzyme paralogs occur in many gen
215                                 Prozymes are catalytically inactive enzyme paralogs that dramatically
216 at reducing negative feedback (by expressing catalytically inactive ERK2) and increasing negative fee
217      These observations demonstrate that the catalytically inactive FIG4 protein provides significant
218 bilized, both in vitro and in cells, and are catalytically inactive for cognate histone H4 peptide ly
219 eral human polymorphic variants of NEIL1 are catalytically inactive for their DNA glycosylase activit
220          AOC3-knock-in mice, which express a catalytically inactive form of AOC3, were also protected
221 expression of wild-type METTL3, but not of a catalytically inactive form of METTL3, inhibits cell dif
222 m DRiP Ags was diminished by expression of a catalytically inactive form of Usp14.
223 tes exhibited a growth defect not rescued by catalytically inactive Glt1, indicating that the glycan
224 ed by the expression of wild type but not by catalytically inactive grk-2 or by the selective express
225 omparison of X-ray crystal structures of two catalytically inactive HigB variants with 70S-HigB bound
226 so effective but significantly less, whereas catalytically inactive JD was completely ineffective.
227                                              Catalytically inactive LwaCas13a maintains targeted RNA
228 lasmic structures, compared to expression of catalytically inactive MCR-1 (E246A) or MCR-1 soluble co
229                                      iRhoms, catalytically inactive members of the rhomboid-like supe
230 inhibits translation, and both wild-type and catalytically inactive METTL3 promote translation when t
231                      Ectopic expression of a catalytically inactive mutant did not elicit any of the
232                                     However, catalytically inactive mutant of nsp4 abolished its abil
233                 Unexpectedly, we find that a catalytically inactive mutant of PBP 2B supports cell di
234 l-specific expression of either USP20 or its catalytically inactive mutant revealed anti-inflammatory
235 BIN1[D485N] mice to knock-in mice expressing catalytically inactive mutants of IRAK1 or IRAK4 prevent
236                      Rescue experiments with catalytically inactive mutants of MOF showed that its en
237 the X-ray crystallographic structures of two catalytically inactive mutants of protein-tyrosine phosp
238                 Depletion or introduction of catalytically inactive mutation of ClpP increases DmLRPP
239 was actively transferred to a heme-depleted, catalytically inactive nitrate reductase, restoring its
240 nthetic substrate was co-crystallized with a catalytically inactive Phe substitution in the His-Asp c
241 ic pseudophosphatase STYX We reasoned that a catalytically inactive phosphatase might have adopted no
242                         Mice expressing only catalytically inactive prostasin are viable, unlike pros
243  dependent on the J-domain of DNAJB6, as the catalytically inactive protein, which carries the H31Q m
244 F) was substituted for Tyr72, which led to a catalytically inactive protein.
245  challenged by new evidence revealing that a catalytically inactive Rab GAP promotes rather than term
246 eficient adult mice and embryos expressing a catalytically inactive RASA1R780Q mutation.
247                     However, mice expressing catalytically inactive RIPK1 are viable, and an ill-defi
248  (HEPN) domains, mutations of which generate catalytically inactive RNA-binding proteins.
249 hain can adopt and prevents the formation of catalytically inactive species upon metal ion binding.
250 substrates and is ordinarily maintained in a catalytically inactive state in the intestine and other
251 6*G2583 wobble pair that was attributed to a catalytically inactive state of the PTC.
252 ws how AcrIIC1 traps Cas9 in a DNA-bound but catalytically inactive state.
253 stored upon WT-TAK1 expression, but not with catalytically inactive TAK1-K63W, suggesting that TAK1 e
254              Using mixtures of wild-type and catalytically inactive transposases, we show that all th
255         Previously, it has been shown that a catalytically inactive TruB variant has no phenotype whe
256 evels of uH2AK119, whereas overexpression of catalytically inactive UbE2E1_C131A or UbE2E1 knockdown
257 its these processes allosterically because a catalytically inactive Usp14 mutant also inhibited them.
258                                   However, a catalytically inactive variant of TIGAR did not induce t
259 ce that express full-length Pol iota that is catalytically inactive.
260  MTase (sMTase) with one fragment fused to a catalytically-inactive Cas9 (dCas9) that directs the fun
261  not seen in muscles expressing dNedd4S or a catalytically-inactive dNedd4Lo(C-->A).
262               Notably, ectopic expression of catalytically-inactive RICE1 not only significantly redu
263  species (ROS), e.g. H2O2, which oxidize the catalytically indispensable active-site cysteine.
264 tal structure in a complex with sulfate as a catalytically inert analogue of phosphate.
265          In this study, we show that Smk1 is catalytically inert unless it is bound by Ssp2.
266           The plastid-encoded subunit may be catalytically inert.
267 activation, the fragmented ligands transform catalytically into closed-ring hexahydrotriazine product
268 the strand transfer complex (STC) containing catalytically joined vDNA and tDNA.
269 entation on thousands of loci, generation of catalytically mutant MLL2/COMPASS demonstrated that H3K4
270 bisco, suggesting that the alpha-helices are catalytically neutral.
271 ng monomers but also, for the first time, to catalytically polymerize extended Michael systems, like
272                  This perspective focuses on catalytically powered motile systems, outlining major ad
273 opted inward conformations consistent with a catalytically primed state and delineated a substrate ac
274 e phosphatase (AP), which is one of the most catalytically proficient enzymes known.
275                             Both enzymes are catalytically promiscuous, and we generated 10 different
276                                            A catalytically relevant catalyst-substrate adduct has bee
277 y, based on stoichiometric experiments under catalytically relevant conditions, a detailed mechanism
278 e 100-fold larger than the bulk values under catalytically relevant conditions.
279 age of this sequence upon deformation into a catalytically relevant geometry.
280 ion (PHIP) transfer NMR studies to elucidate catalytically relevant intermediates, as well as to esta
281 art NHC ligands by focusing attention on the catalytically relevant ligand-based reactivity.
282 n used to image the basal {001} plane of the catalytically relevant M1 phase in MoVTeNb complex oxide
283  series of [Cu4(mu4-S)] model complexes with catalytically relevant oxidation states for the first ti
284 sting state, showing that CuZ degrees is the catalytically relevant oxidized form of N2OR.
285 nds the active site, yet the exact nature of catalytically relevant protein motions remains largely u
286 itant generation of cross-coupled product at catalytically relevant rates, indicating the ability of
287 tris OleA (Cys(143)) enabled trapping of two catalytically relevant species in crystals.
288 ormational change is required to arrive at a catalytically relevant state.
289                Here, using a ReactorSTM, the catalytically relevant structures are identified as two
290  how ubiquinone/ubiquinol exchange occurs on catalytically relevant timescales, and whether binding/d
291                           Here, we present a catalytically relevant, closed conformation of taxadiene
292 idazolate framework (ZIF-8) as MOF template, catalytically remarkably efficient ligand-free first-row
293      This platform unlocks an opportunity to catalytically repurpose three abundant, orthogonal feeds
294 as H3K27Me3 was thought to be stable and not catalytically reversible, the discovery of the Utx and J
295 h compounds proved to be ca. 10- to 100-fold catalytically superior to the diaryl selenides and their
296 lculations confirm that the Nb2O5 support is catalytically unique compared with other traditional oxi
297 tch can be isomerized to the more stable one catalytically upon reduction, permitting the optimizatio
298 probably a photo-oxidoreductase that employs catalytically useful Chl a molecules, tyrosine YZ, and p
299 8 , 1054 - 1060 ) was reported to produce H2 catalytically via EECC mechanism through a Ni-centered h
300 enerating system, both electron carriers act catalytically with apparent Km = 0.26 mum ferredoxin or

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