


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tivities of hominoids and Old World monkeys (catarrhines).
2 rived feature linking the species with crown catarrhines.
3  or the relationship of early stem and crown catarrhines.
4 fered to account for the loss of alphaGal in catarrhines.
5 al-positive catarrhines by alphaGal-negative catarrhines.
6 aving become a pseudogene in the stem of the catarrhines.
7 ence of positive selection during descent of catarrhines.
8  class I are highly diverged, but within the catarrhines, a stepwise co-evolution of MHC class I and
9 lci of the frontal lobe not seen in the stem catarrhine Aegyptopithecus, as well as a distinctive cer
10 thmofrontal sinus in an early Oligocene stem catarrhine, Aegyptopithecus zeuxis.
11 enetic elements were found in primates: CAS (catarrhine ancestor of snaR), limited to Old World Monke
12 ger anthropoid primates-notably the earliest catarrhine ancestors of Old World monkeys and apes.
13 taining propliopithecines and Miocene-Recent catarrhines and are not most closely related to Proteopi
14 ssible link between diversification of crown catarrhines and changes in the African landscape brought
15 e time of the divergence of platyrrhines and catarrhines and established itself as a repeat family in
16 ies of GH gene duplications that occurred in catarrhines and platyrrhines (i.e., the roles played by
17 G arose in an early ancestor of anthropoids (catarrhines and platyrrhines), and GGTA1 itself became a
18 more derived than previously described small catarrhines and Proconsul.
19  were evident in the early evolution of both catarrhines and, to a lesser extent, platyrrhines.
20 o that of anthropoids (New World monkeys and catarrhines) and that of catarrhines (Old World monkeys
21 e seen only in some highly dimorphic Miocene catarrhines), and the crania of female Aegyptopithecus l
22 ion evolved independently in platyrrhine and catarrhine anthropoids, and the relative brain size of t
23 uch as the placement of proconsulids as stem catarrhines are considered more likely.
24 ase activity had to first evolve in the stem catarrhines before GGTA1 inactivation could occur.
25  leading to functional gamma genes of extant catarrhines (both gamma1 and gamma2) and platyrrhines (m
26 n platyrrhines, i.e., New World monkeys, and catarrhines but not in prosimians.
27  fetal in the other major simian branch, the catarrhines, but embryonic in prosimian primates and non
28 lerated the replacement of alphaGal-positive catarrhines by alphaGal-negative catarrhines.
29   The evolutionary rate of coding DNA in the catarrhine clade (Old World monkey and ape, including hu
30 sis shows that Saadanius is an advanced stem catarrhine close to the base of the hominoid-cercopithec
31 urred at least 35-45 million years ago, when Catarrhines diverged from Platyrrhines (New World monkey
32 e (55 million years ago) and the platyrrhine-catarrhine divergence (35 million years ago).
33                           Next, we estimated catarrhine divergence dates on the basis of platyrrhine
34 ses about the ancestral morphotype for crown catarrhines, early catarrhine phylogeny and the age of h
35 acial features evolved multiple times during catarrhine evolution.
36  characterized advanced stem and basal crown catarrhines, expression of various allegedly "discrete"
37                Postcranial anatomy of extant catarrhines falls into two distinct groups, particularly
38  MRCA less than 21 Ma is concordant with the catarrhine fossil record.
39                         The absence of crown catarrhine fossils older than approximately 20 million y
40 nd may date back to before the divergence of Catarrhines from Platyrrhines, 35 mya.
41                                              Catarrhine gamma(1) and gamma(2) acquired longer distanc
42 n the two groups of anthropoid primates, the catarrhines (hominoids, cercopithecoids) and platyrrhine
43  divergence between the two groups of extant catarrhines-hominoids (apes and humans) and Old World mo
44                                              Catarrhine (humans, apes, and Old World monkeys) and pla
45 ints within the last 25 million years of the catarrhine (i.e., hominoid and Old World monkey) evoluti
46 o reevaluate the role played by small-bodied catarrhines in ape evolution and provides key insight in
47 ese factors in producing facial diversity in catarrhines is not known.
48 election was especially pronounced along the catarrhine lineage to hominoids in which the nonsynonymo
49 t because derived features that define crown catarrhines need not be present in early members of thes
50 tyrrhines (New World monkeys) and another in catarrhines (Old World monkeys and apes).
51  in platyrrhines (New World monkeys) than in catarrhines (Old World monkeys and apes, including human
52 w World monkeys and catarrhines) and that of catarrhines (Old World monkeys and apes, including human
53 to both platyrrhines (New World monkeys) and catarrhines (Old World monkeys and hominoids).
54 ight well have contributed in a major way to catarrhine origins.
55 t have been previously reported in mouse and Catarrhines (OWMs, chimpanzee, and humans) and found tha
56 tral morphotype for crown catarrhines, early catarrhine phylogeny and the age of hominoid-cercopithec
57 f anthropoid primates (New World monkeys and catarrhines), possibly setting the stage for loss of the
58 enetic regulatory changes in human and other catarrhine primate brains.
59 t mammals, alphaGal is not normally found in catarrhine primates (Old World monkeys and apes, includi
60 consistent scenario for the evolution of the catarrhine primates - the hominoids and Old World monkey
61 ts and their close relatives from most other catarrhine primates, in whom karyotype is highly conserv
62  chimpanzees, and orangutans is ancestral in catarrhine primates.
63 graphic and ecological pressures across four catarrhine radiations.
64 f a new medium-sized (about 15-20 kg) fossil catarrhine, Saadanius hijazensis, dated to 29-28 Myr ago
65 rly Oligocene ( approximately 29-30 Ma) stem catarrhine species Aegyptopithecus zeuxis, was recovered
66 ave been intraspecifically variable in early catarrhine species due to high levels of dimorphism and
67 became an unprocessed pseudogene in the late catarrhine stem lineage.
68 e been accorded phylogenetic significance in catarrhine systematics (e.g., a well developed rostrum,
69                              Platyrrhine and catarrhine systems of KIR and MHC class I are highly div
70 mate clades, but its expression is absent in catarrhines, that is, in Old World monkeys and hominids
71                                           In catarrhines, the GH cluster has a pituitary-expressed ge
72 ere very infrequent, in striking contrast to catarrhines which have large, uninterrupted stretches of

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