コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 er without suffering from the 'superposition catastrophe'.
2 replication in a process known as the 'dimer catastrophe'.
3 hment and/or mitotic podocyte death (mitotic catastrophe).
4 it may lead to aberrant mitosis (ie, mitotic catastrophe).
5 tion stress and oncogene-induced replication catastrophe.
6 mitosis, resulting in cell death by mitotic catastrophe.
7 ng the possibility of a future public health catastrophe.
8 mediator of CDK2 inhibition-driven anaphase catastrophe.
9 antagonized CDK2 inhibitor-mediated anaphase catastrophe.
10 ic dissection remains the most common aortic catastrophe.
11 ic arrest then led to cell death via mitotic catastrophe.
12 itosis where they ultimately died by mitotic catastrophe.
13 d for cell cycle progression undergo mitotic catastrophe.
14 exhibit prolonged mitosis and die of mitotic catastrophe.
15 nthrax had the potential to cause a national catastrophe.
16 int, and potentially a regulation point, for catastrophe.
17 agrees with that needed to cancel the polar catastrophe.
18 DNA replication, ultimately causing mitotic catastrophe.
19 ath, both of which are indicative of mitotic catastrophe.
20 system, leading to hypermutability and error catastrophe.
21 rs of nuclear vesicles indicative of mitotic catastrophe.
22 ction occurring to counteract a polarization catastrophe.
23 leads to a dramatic increase in microtubule catastrophe.
24 ip and ultimately contributes to microtubule catastrophe.
25 osis induced in vivo in part through mitotic catastrophe.
26 iminates Ras-activated cells through mitotic catastrophe.
27 ls from centrosome reduplication and mitotic catastrophe.
28 al impact over North America caused a global catastrophe.
29 checkpoint activation and resultant mitotic catastrophe.
30 " at the growing MT plus end that suppresses catastrophe.
31 Website following the 2011 tsunami-initiated catastrophe.
32 wild-type tumors arrested, avoiding mitotic catastrophe.
33 h the activation of stathmin and microtubule catastrophe.
34 ore than two centrosomes and undergo mitotic catastrophe.
35 fratentorial consequence of a supratentorial catastrophe.
36 population structure for extinction or error catastrophe.
37 d the frequency of radiation-induced mitotic catastrophe.
38 tic endoreduplication checkpoint and mitotic catastrophe.
39 ed ROS levels, culminating in a bioenergetic catastrophe.
40 cal crosslinking and by reducing rates of MT catastrophe.
41 at nearly all occur during a single cellular catastrophe.
42 ty of MT plus end movement by suppressing MT catastrophe.
43 ading to premature mitotic entry and mitotic catastrophe.
44 Cells live on the edge of a proteostasis catastrophe.
45 transition and results in increased mitotic catastrophe.
46 MLH1 promotes interstrand cross-link repair catastrophe.
47 that ultimately drove cells into replication catastrophe.
48 cleation and anchoring rather than promoting catastrophe.
49 and heat shock-induced death, and in mitotic catastrophe.
50 f RBM3 downregulation, cells undergo mitotic catastrophe.
51 GTP cap and an increase in the frequency of catastrophe.
52 ckpoints, resulting in cell death by mitotic catastrophe.
53 d environmental problems following a nuclear catastrophe.
54 rminal GDP-bound subunits without undergoing catastrophe.
55 ing about the molecular events that initiate catastrophe.
56 l concentration, at the expense of increased catastrophe.
57 haviors deliver organisms away from imminent catastrophe.
58 dance of replication catastrophe and mitotic catastrophe.
59 thways to counter this looming public health catastrophe.
60 rough mitosis, marked aneuploidy and mitotic catastrophe.
61 exchangeable nucleotide led to less frequent catastrophe.
62 on leading to apoptosis, defined as anaphase catastrophe.
63 tubule growth and increases the frequency of catastrophe.
64 ends where they reinforce growth and inhibit catastrophe.
65 forced expression of KLF14 leads to mitotic catastrophe.
66 vate extinction risk and signal an impending catastrophe.
67 g microtubule ends and on the time course of catastrophes.
68 as by reducing the frequency of microtubule catastrophes.
69 A suppresses microtubule growth and inhibits catastrophes.
70 slowing growth and, consequently, promoting catastrophes.
71 ly, primarily by decreasing the frequency of catastrophes.
72 persistent microtubule growth by suppressing catastrophes.
73 y, but they polymerize slower and have fewer catastrophes.
74 een gods and good governments in the face of catastrophes.
75 rescue and pauses, as well as in suppressing catastrophes.
76 afflicted with this "... most formidable of catastrophes."
78 7 million) worldwide are driven to financial catastrophe-32.8 million (32.4-33.1 million) from the co
80 ac myocytes resulted in induction of mitotic catastrophe, a previously unreported event in cardiac my
81 t, dimerization is necessary for the EB anti-catastrophe activity in cells; this explains why the EB1
84 the haploid inducer, consistent with genomic catastrophes affecting a single, laggard chromosome comp
86 point function, leading to increased mitotic catastrophe and a modest increase in radiation sensitivi
88 omeric DNA end fusions, resulting in mitotic catastrophe and apoptosis; and 4) induction of chromosom
91 opy, the generally accepted notions of polar catastrophe and cation intermixing for the metallic inte
97 gation, multipolarity, misalignment, mitotic catastrophe and loss of spindle checkpoint, that are acc
99 own or overexpression coincided with mitotic catastrophe and multinucleation that are typically obser
100 pression, however, did not lead to metabolic catastrophe and rapid death of growth factor-deprived ce
106 Our findings have implications for both catastrophe and rescue of the dynamic microtubule end, a
107 fter they are incorporated into the lattice; catastrophe and rescue result from stochastic fluctuatio
108 bud neck is maintained by spatial control of catastrophe and rescue, which extends MT lifetime >25-fo
111 c KIF3CC as a unique promoter of microtubule catastrophe and substantiate its physiological role in c
112 rmalities lead to cell death through mitotic catastrophe and that cell death occurred also from inter
113 normal mitotic spindle formation and mitotic catastrophe and that deregulated FOXM1 and KIF20A expres
114 les, it is essential to prevent both meiotic catastrophe and the female sterility observed in mtrm/mt
117 s in these conditions could induce metabolic catastrophe and therefore prove an effective antitumor t
118 pathways simultaneously resulted in mitotic catastrophe and tumor apoptosis and markedly reduced the
120 d in nature, sometimes leading to unexpected catastrophes and disasters in seemingly normal condition
122 ocytes becoming binucleate (mitotic podocyte catastrophe) and subsequent wrinkling of glomerular capi
127 effects on microtubule dynamics: it induces catastrophes, and it increases growth velocity, as does
128 orphism-array profiling to show that genomic catastrophes are frequent in EAC, with almost a third (3
130 inst repeated doses, and introducing mitotic catastrophe (as opposed to arbitrary delayed cell-death)
131 expression results in G2 arrest and mitotic catastrophe associated with failure of premitotic cytopl
134 bition of Par3 and Trio restores microtubule catastrophe at the cell contact and rescues CIL and neur
136 ural crest migration by reducing microtubule catastrophe at the site of cell-cell contact and abrogat
139 paclitaxel and peloruside A, induce not only catastrophes but also rescues and can reverse the aging
141 llective goal, aimed at reducing the risk of catastrophe, but act as if they were blind to this risk.
143 injury, MDM2 drives podocyte loss by mitotic catastrophe, but the function of MDM2 in resting podocyt
144 ion by which animals can evacuate ecological catastrophes, but remain poorly studied in marine system
145 icrotubules are thought to be protected from catastrophe by a GTP-tubulin "cap": GTP-tubulin subunits
146 ns lead us to propose that stathmin promotes catastrophe by binding to and acting upon protofilaments
147 ur results suggest that stathmin can promote catastrophe by direct action on protofilament structure
148 ational modeling suggests that dynein delays catastrophe by exerting tension on individual protofilam
150 Eribulin amplifies a natural pathway toward catastrophe by promoting the arrest of protofilament elo
151 rophes, suggesting that in cells EBs prevent catastrophes by counteracting other microtubule regulato
152 -cycle checkpoints safeguard cells from such catastrophes by impeding cell-cycle progression when mis
158 ppraisal of the in situ pathology of mitotic catastrophe compared with other proposed types of podocy
159 sitions through phases of growth, pause, and catastrophe, continuously exploring and adapting to the
160 ut not in wild-type cells leading to mitotic catastrophe, defective cell division and apoptosis.
166 ame time, Kif15 motors cooperate to suppress catastrophe events at polymerizing microtubule plus-ends
167 icrotubule-associated proteins could promote catastrophe events in part by modifying microtubule tip
168 are two separate factors that contribute to catastrophe events in the 3D simulation: the GTP-tubulin
171 soluble tubulin and its ability to act as a catastrophe factor by directly binding to the microtubul
174 o the microtubule plus-end, acts as a potent catastrophe factor through an increase in microtubule ca
175 pse remodeling, and its function involves MT catastrophe factors including kinesin-13/KLP-7 and spast
176 strophe is different from the well-described catastrophe factors kinesin-13 MCAK and kinesin-8 Kip3/K
177 e propose that Prc1E and Kif4, together with catastrophe factors, promote "anti-parallel pruning" tha
179 llular ATP-inducing cell death by "metabolic catastrophe." Finally, xenograft analysis confirmed the
180 SLX4 complex is critical to prevent mitotic catastrophe following common fragile site expression.
181 otubules with these mutations have decreased catastrophe frequencies and increased average lifetimes
185 , microtubule growth rate distributions, and catastrophe frequencies, we found that all tested mutant
186 ch perturbs microtubule growth by increasing catastrophe frequency and inhibits axon extension during
187 bules in ark1-1 root hairs exhibited reduced catastrophe frequency and slower growth velocities, both
188 the absence of the kinesins, the microtubule catastrophe frequency depends on the age of the microtub
189 , and by increasing the switching frequency (catastrophe frequency) from growth to shortening at plus
190 he factor through an increase in microtubule catastrophe frequency, and does so by elimination of the
191 increases MT rescue frequency, decreases MT catastrophe frequency, and moderately decreases MT disas
192 on for its effects on microtubule growth and catastrophe frequency, which cause microtubules to be mo
202 disease, constitute an ongoing public health catastrophe in both the developed and, more recently, th
205 es show centrosome reduplication and mitotic catastrophe in osteosarcoma cells inducibly expressing a
208 lines, ATRi selectively induced replication catastrophe in those harboring high APOBEC3A and/or APOB
211 mplified models of dynamic microtubules, the catastrophes in this model arise owing to fluctuations i
212 ure according to the baseline probability of catastrophe, in agreement with theoretical predictions.
213 lowed by stochastic switching events termed "catastrophes," in which microtubules suddenly undergo ra
215 2 years of their rule in Germany resulted in catastrophes including World War II, the most destructiv
217 model is that stathmin promotes microtubule catastrophe indirectly, and does so by sequestering tubu
226 kinesin Kip2 is a microtubule polymerase and catastrophe inhibitor in vitro that uses its processive
227 n two centrosomes and, indicative of mitotic catastrophe, irregularly shaped nuclei or multiple micro
229 refore, the ATP-promoted KIF3CC mechanism of catastrophe is different from the well-described catastr
232 king protein (+TIP) SLAIN2, which suppresses catastrophes, is not required for 2D cell migration but
233 ese increasingly large fires are 'ecological catastrophes.' Landscape-scale severe burning was catast
234 or pushing a viral population over its error catastrophe limit, as observed before in cell culture st
237 y are hallmarks of radiation-induced mitotic catastrophe (MC), a common phenomenon occurring in tumor
238 g microtubule stability through a novel anti-catastrophe mechanism regulated by tissue-specific isofo
239 ansition can be explained through the "polar catastrophe" mechanism arising from the divergence of th
240 bridging, nuclear fragmentation, and mitotic catastrophe, mirroring the effects of HDACi on cancer ce
242 Here we have developed the original dimer catastrophe model by incorporating copy number variance
244 ith nocodazole were found to undergo mitotic catastrophe more readily when endogenous caspase-2 was r
246 ing metaphase, ultimately leading to mitotic catastrophe, multinucleation, and the loss of stemness.
247 million years ago one of the largest cosmic catastrophes occurred in our solar system since the accr
250 mediate chromosome congression by promoting catastrophe of long kinetochore microtubules (kMTs).
253 era, Indonesia, caused the greatest volcanic catastrophe of the last 100 kyr, climactically erupting
254 ers multipolar spindle formation and mitotic catastrophe, offering an attractive therapeutic approach
256 ends and are sufficient to either trigger a catastrophe or induce slow and erratic microtubule growt
258 eyond the threshold of viability, extinction catastrophe or lethal mutagenesis, was proposed over a d
265 Rac1 distribution and parameters such as the catastrophe-promoting constant and tubulin association r
267 We investigate both tubulin sequestering and catastrophe promotion as mechanisms for MT growth inhibi
268 a global decrease in stathmin levels, an MT catastrophe protein, in activated macrophages using both
271 -stathmin-MT pathway in which the growth and catastrophe rates of MTs are regulated by cytosolic stat
272 hese results have important consequences for catastrophe regulation in cells, as microtubule-associat
273 hanistic model for the phenomenon of mitotic catastrophe, relying on a combination of unregulated, mu
275 ted cells that then arrest or die by mitotic catastrophe, revealing a new role for Myc in the profici
276 e effect of surgical conditions on financial catastrophe should be quantified so that any financial r
279 s a priori for handling wastes from combined catastrophes such as those recently observed in Japan.
280 th that resembles a necrotic form of mitotic catastrophe suggesting that CD95 protects cancer cells f
281 ration, inhibition of apoptosis, and mitotic catastrophe, suggesting an important potential mechanism
282 ied tubulin, EBs promote rather than inhibit catastrophes, suggesting that in cells EBs prevent catas
283 ong decrease in the microtubule frequency of catastrophes, suggesting that KIF3C functions as a micro
284 gh their action on microtubule ends, because catastrophe suppression does not require the EB domains
285 step inhibition described by a mathematical catastrophe that results in growth hysteresis, character
288 question is how regulatory proteins modulate catastrophe, the conversion from growth to shortening.
290 ia the long-hypothesized mechanism of "error catastrophe." The findings also support a role for prion
292 y, instability mechanisms, chaos theory, and catastrophe theory, offer potent models that can be appl
293 tes mitotic transition and increases mitotic catastrophe, thereby inhibiting glioma development and p
297 d state, which displays hallmarks of mitotic catastrophe, was prevented by expression of either the E
298 the distribution of maximum lengths prior to catastrophe, whereas MCAK promotes rapid restructuring o
299 promoting microtubule growth and suppressing catastrophe, whereas, in contrast, EB2 does not play a d
300 falciparum malaria has been a global health catastrophe, yet much about the CQ resistance (CQR) mech
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