


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 led DNA molecules that are either knotted or catenated.
2 by X-ray crystallography of both the Co(III) catenate and the metal-free catenand.
3               The recombination products are catenated and knotted molecules, consistent with recombi
4              Importantly, cohesin holds both catenated and uncatenated DNAs together in this manner.
5              These threads are thought to be catenated centromeric DNA.
6 connected by narrow tube-like connectors and catenate chains of various lengths characteristic of L.
7          Human topoisomerase IIalpha unlinks catenated chromosomes and preferentially relaxes positiv
8 to convert sister chromatid intertwines into catenated circles.
9 brucei, is a network containing thousands of catenated circles.
10 chromosome with hairpin telomeres produces a catenated circular dimer that is subsequently resolved i
11 actively reduce the fractions of knotted and catenated circular DNA below thermodynamic equilibrium v
12 on of res site-containing plasmid DNA to two catenated circular DNA products.
13                   Recombination at psi gives catenated circular resolution products.
14  the feed ratio of the macrocycle and the [2]catenate comonomers, we prepared metalated pseudorotaxan
15  potent DNA strand passage activity that can catenate covalently closed DNA.
16 ently solved by crystallography, revealing a catenated cross-linked topology.
17 marily resolve the precatenanes and untangle catenated daughter chromosomes.
18 I) relax negatively supercoiled DNA and also catenate/decatenate DNA molecules containing single-stra
19 A substrate: FtsK stimulated decatenation of catenated DNA and relaxation of positively supercoiled [
20 e, resulting in polypurine strand-nicked and catenated DNA conformations.
21                                              Catenated DNA is the predominant product under condition
22 efficient of randomly fluctuating knotted or catenated DNA molecules in solution shows approximately
23      The steady-state fraction of knotted or catenated DNA molecules produced by prokaryotic and euka
24 re we directly assessed the structure of the catenated DNA species formed by RecQ helicase and Topo I
25                      The images show complex catenated DNA species involving crossovers between multi
26 ve scDNA, but not from either (+)ve scDNA or catenated DNA where the enzyme acts processively.
27 by gp45 can be followed by footprinting; the catenated DNA-tracking state of gp45 is short-lived, but
28 topoIIalpha, and resulted in accumulation of catenated DNA.
29 . coli topoisomerase III (Topo III) to fully catenate dsDNA molecules.
30 ceptor units are assembled within a confined catenated geometry.
31  the Co(III) template led to the isomeric [2]catenate in 69% yield.
32 ase III has no effect on the accumulation of catenated intermediates of DNA replication, even when to
33          As a result, adjacent protein rings catenate into a network similar to chainmail armor.
34 rs, group 13 elements are rarely observed to catenate into linear chains.
35 ands of minicircles and 20 to 30 maxicircles catenated into a single large network and exists in the
36  six isoreticular MOFs (IRMOFs) studied, the catenated materials exhibit the largest capacities on a
37 mine; n=2, 3, corresponding to the number of catenated methylene units between imino nitrogen atoms).
38 ia, is a network containing several thousand catenated minicircles that is condensed into a disk-shap
39 e loss of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), the cell's catenated mitochondrial DNA network.
40                           In bacteria, these catenated molecules become supercoiled by DNA gyrase bef
41 his ability of Topo IV to selectively unlink catenated molecules mirrors its key role in decatenation
42 racterized by (1)H NMR spectroscopy, and the catenated nature of the small rings was confirmed using
43 nique mitochondrial DNA of trypanosomes is a catenated network of minicircles and maxicircles called
44 ion is found to be substantially stronger in catenated PCN-6 than in noncatenated PCN-6', leading to
45 r, when positive supercoiling takes place in catenated plasmid, topoisomerase II activity is directed
46 he interwound portions and in the knotted or catenated portions of the studied molecules.
47 gyrase has the primary role in unlinking the catenated products of site-specific recombination.
48  circular DNA yields a variety of knotted or catenated products.
49  intermediate that is resolved by EcoXerD to catenated products.
50 n in all domains of life is the formation of catenated progeny chromosomes, which arise during replic
51  genomes generates physically interlinked or catenated sister DNAs.
52      DNA replication results in interlinked (catenated) sister duplex molecules as a consequence of t
53 on (in which sister chromatids are linked by catenated strands of DNA) and a G2/M-phase block charact
54 ield and now allow access to a wide range of catenated structures based on elements across the p bloc
55 r equilibrium stability versus competing non-catenated structures.
56 ibits activity on negatively supercoiled and catenated substrates, as well as a distinct region that
57 ngstroms diameter icosahedral structure with catenated subunit rings.
58 range of sulfide oxidation products with 2-6 catenated sulfur atoms with or without oxygen insertion,
59 version of H2S to thiosulfate and iron-bound catenated sulfur products is provided by EPR and resonan
60 nability to convert kinetoplast DNA from the catenated to the decatenated form.
61 e same conditions that the wild type protein catenates two circles.

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