


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r of the serine peptidases, chymotrypsin and cathepsin G.
2 ain pericellular proteolysis by inactivating cathepsin G.
3 sites that are susceptible to proteolysis by cathepsin G.
4 adation by the endolysosomal serine protease cathepsin G.
5 the regiospecific proteolysis of peptides by cathepsin G.
6 es, specifically elastase, chymotrypsin, and cathepsin G.
7 ies were confirmed with purified chymase and cathepsin G.
8 n introduced proteolytic cleavage sites into cathepsin G.
9 to inhibit and clear neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G.
10 nhibits chymotrypsin, trypsin, elastase, and cathepsin G.
11 motrypsin-like enzymes mast cell chymase and cathepsin G.
12 NEI, whereas EIB was only able to do so with cathepsin G.
13 in, chymotrypsin and the neutrophil protease cathepsin G.
14 cathepsin G, had effects similar to purified cathepsin G.
15 ction had no effect on platelet responses to cathepsin G.
16 reate a loss-of-function mutation for murine cathepsin G.
17  neutrophil elastase (NE), proteinase 3, and cathepsin G.
18 ases, including neutrophil elastase (NE) and cathepsin G.
19 cine pancreatic elastase or human neutrophil cathepsin G.
20 ophil extracellular traps, which bind NE and cathepsin G.
21  the P1 position, inhibited chymotrypsin and cathepsin G.
22 the protein revealed this to be identical to cathepsin G.
23 LPI is inhibition of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G.
24 roteins, such as elastase, glucuronidase and cathepsin G.
25 one inhibited cleavage of the dipeptide from cathepsin G.
26 honuclear leukocytes along with elastase and cathepsin G.
27 ing of proteinase 3 is distinct from that of cathepsin G.
28 ue to serine protease cleavage, primarily by cathepsin G.
29 trix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), MMP-9, and cathepsin G.
30  with PMN elastase and proteinase-3, but not cathepsin G.
31 sins B, K, V, and S with no activity against cathepsin G.
32 crystal structures of 1 complexed with human cathepsin G (1.85 A) and human chymase (1.90 A) reveal t
33                              The addition of cathepsin G (425 nm) or convulxin (10 nm) to PRP dramati
34 to 8.6 +/- 2.3 (+/-SD) x 10(-18) mol of free cathepsin G (5.2 +/- 1.4 x 10(6) molecules)/cell; and 3)
35                    In contrast, we find that cathepsin G, a granule enzyme found in NB4 cells, cleave
36 t SPI-1 forms a stable complex in vitro with cathepsin G, a member of the chymotrypsin family of seri
37                            They also secrete cathepsin G, a serine protease implicated in cytokine re
38                               We report that cathepsin G, a serine protease, plays a vital role in th
39 en to examine further the gene expression of cathepsin G, acid phosphatase, and alpha 1-PI in keratoc
40                 Ala(226)Glu mutants of mouse cathepsin G acquire tryptic activity and human ability t
41 activated receptor-4 (PAR4), indicating that cathepsin G activates platelets through PAR4.
42 tive in reducing the neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G activities in an in vivo model of lung infla
43             Together, our data indicate that cathepsin G activity at the tumor-bone interface plays a
44     We found that activated neutrophils lost cathepsin G activity by a pathway requiring myeloperoxid
45 ted than in uninfected B cells, induction of cathepsin G activity by EBV led to total degradation of
46  generated by myeloperoxidase might regulate cathepsin G activity in vivo.
47 and its effectiveness against membrane-bound cathepsin G activity.
48  biosensor to detect the presence of HNE and Cathepsin-G activity in situ.
49                                              Cathepsin G addition to corn trypsin inhibitor-treated P
50                     Furthermore, 50 nM human cathepsin G and 50 nM trypsin also activated the recepto
51 lease of neutrophil granule proteins such as cathepsin G and azurocidin/CAP37.
52                                              Cathepsin G and bactericidal-permeability-increasing pro
53 he fungistatic activities of combinations of cathepsin G and BPI were additive, as were those of comb
54 and 1 occupies the S(1) and S(2) subsites of cathepsin G and chymase similarly, with the 2-naphthyl i
55 onstrate that it is possible to inhibit both cathepsin G and chymase with a single molecule and sugge
56 red with other chymotryptic enzymes, such as cathepsin G and chymotrypsin, it is much more slowly inh
57 0- and 1,300-fold selective for chymase over cathepsin G and chymotrypsin, respectively.
58 imal cleavage by the chymotryptic peptidases cathepsin G and chymotrypsin.
59 demonstrate that neutrophil serine proteases cathepsin G and elastase can cleave full-length human IL
60                   Human neutrophil proteases cathepsin G and elastase can directly alter platelet fun
61 ated previously that monocyte-bound forms of cathepsin G and elastase cleave and activate factor V, s
62   Murine IL-33 is also cleaved by neutrophil cathepsin G and elastase, and both full-length and cleav
63 eukocytes release several mediators, such as cathepsin G and elastase, which can activate both the co
64 ties of the neutrophil degranulation markers cathepsin G and elastase.
65 ition was observed for both human neutrophil cathepsin G and human mast cell chymase.
66 hibit enzymatic activity of human neutrophil cathepsin G and human neutrophil elastase, but not a ran
67  s-1 and approximately 3 x 10(4) M-1 s-1 for cathepsin G and mast cell chymase, respectively.
68 S-VWF73 at the V(1607)-T(1608) peptide bond; cathepsin G and matrix metalloprotease 9 cleave VWF subs
69 eutrophils deficient in the serine proteases cathepsin G and neutrophil elastase (CG/NE neutrophils)
70      The neutrophil-derived serine proteases cathepsin G and neutrophil elastase are implicated in th
71                         Mast cell/neutrophil cathepsin G and neutrophil elastase generate similar fra
72  similar neutrophil serine proteases (NSPs), cathepsin G and proteinase 3, coexist with NE in humans
73 ivity of the neutrophil proteases: elastase, cathepsin G and proteinase-3.
74 how that PAR4 mediates platelet responses to cathepsin G and support the hypothesis that cathepsin G
75  inhibitor that was >100-fold selective over cathepsin G and that mitigated a number of liabilities a
76 t from other chymotryptic enzymes, including cathepsin G and the stratum corneum chymotryptic enzyme.
77  a uniform tryptase(+), chymase(+), CPA3(+), cathepsin G(+), and granzyme B(+) phenotype.
78 ownstream proteases (neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G) and serum levels of IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-12p4
79                             Thus, defensins, cathepsin G, and BPI are the major anti-H. capsulatum ef
80  the human serine proteinases, chymotrypsin, cathepsin G, and elastase, showed that jellypin inhibite
81 atrix metalloproteinase-12, cathepsin K, and cathepsin G, and enhanced proliferation and migration of
82 ers such as PRTN3, MPO, Neutrophil elastase, Cathepsin G, and Eosinophil peroxidase in Cited2-/- feta
83 hat inhibits plasmin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, cathepsin G, and plasma kallikrein but not urokinase-typ
84                                        Thus, cathepsin G, and possibly other neutrophil-derived serin
85 excluded ADAM10, ADAM8, neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase 3 from contributing to circu
86                 Whereas neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase 3 have been known as granule
87 three serine proteases (neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase 3), which require cathepsin
88 luding the major serine proteases, elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase 3, were absent.
89 ible inhibitors of human leukocyte elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase 3.
90 major neutrophil serine proteases: elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase 3.
91 ne proteases, including neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase 3.
92 Neutrophil serine proteases (NSPs; elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase-3) directly kill invading mi
93  inhibitor of the serine proteases elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase-3, increasingly recognized a
94 elastase, those with aromatic side chains of cathepsin G, and those with a basic side chain of bovine
95              Here, we show that IC-activated cathepsin G- and neutrophil elastase-deficient (CG/NE) P
96 tochalasin B inhibited the ADP/epinephrine-, cathepsin G-, and TRAP-induced decrease in platelet surf
97                      Neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G are abundant intracellular neutrophil protei
98                               The actions of cathepsin G are reported to be mediated by protease-acti
99 eases, including elastase, proteinase 3, and cathepsin G, are closely related enzymes stored in simil
100                          These data identify cathepsin G as a critical component sustaining neutrophi
101 ignaling in osteoclast precursors as well as cathepsin G at the tumor-bone interface has the potentia
102                          The major source of cathepsin G at the tumor-bone interface seems to be oste
103 icidin antimicrobial peptide (hCAP18/LL-37), cathepsin G, bactericidal/permeability-increasing protei
104 and in the Golgi complex in untreated cells, cathepsin G becomes diffusely distributed during apoptos
105          In addition, a peptide inhibitor of cathepsin G blocks hbrm cleavage during apoptosis but do
106 cleavage site blocked platelet activation by cathepsin G but not other agonists.
107 ased controls, the labeling was enhanced for cathepsin G but was diminished for alpha 1-PI in the epi
108                                              Cathepsin G (but not proteinase-3) also enters tumor end
109 nzymatic conversion of the protease studied (cathepsin G), but its presence decreased the observed ra
110          Mucins caused leukocytes to release cathepsin G, but only if platelets were present.
111 llows the control of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G by their natural inhibitors.
112 d proinflammatory neutrophil granule protein cathepsin G (CaG) has been reported as a chemoattractant
113                  The chemotactic activity of cathepsin G can also be completely blocked by alpha1 ant
114 ophil elastase (NE), proteinase 3 (PR3), and cathepsin G (Cat G).
115       The neutrophil-derived serine protease cathepsin G (Cat.G) has been shown to induce neonatal ra
116                                              Cathepsin G (Cat.G), a neutrophil-derived serine proteas
117      The neutrophil-derived serine protease, cathepsin G (Cat.G), has been shown to induce myocyte de
118      Here we establish the importance of the cathepsin G (CatG) in the context of arterial myeloid ce
119                                              Cathepsin G (CatG) is a serine protease found in the azu
120 ancer-induced bone metastases, we identified cathepsin G, cathepsin K, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)
121 duction by human mast cells with chymase and cathepsin G cells may be grossly underestimated.
122              The neutrophil serine proteases cathepsin G (CG) and neutrophil elastase (NE) are involv
123         Neutrophil serine proteases, such as cathepsin G (CG) and neutrophil elastase (NE), have been
124           Human leukocyte elastase (HLE) and cathepsin G (CG) are expressed at high levels on the sur
125 ates with elevated neutrophil elastase (NE), cathepsin G (CG), and MMP-9 levels within marrow and is
126  serine proteases, neutrophil elastase (NE), cathepsin G (CG), and proteinase 3 (PR3) have been ident
127 proteinases, human neutrophil elastase (NE), cathepsin G (CG), and proteinase-3 (P3) have in vitro co
128                                Purified NSPs cathepsin G (CG), neutrophil elastase (NE), and proteina
129 e (CG 117-136) derived from human neutrophil cathepsin G (CG).
130 erine proteases neutrophil elastase (NE) and cathepsin G (CG).
131         Neutrophil-derived serine proteases (cathepsin G [CG], neutrophil elastase [NE], and proteina
132 Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-CH(2)Cl), but not mice given cathepsin G/chymase inhibitors (alpha1-antichymotrypsin
133 with neutral proteases (neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, chymotrypsin, trypsin) generated fragments
134 ino-terminal sequence analyses revealed that cathepsin G cleaves factor V at several sites (Phe1031,
135 s lost in the absence of NE, and NE (but not Cathepsin G) deficient animals were protected from APL d
136           In contrast, ischemic kidneys from cathepsin G-deficient mice had a 70% decrease in tubular
137 ce within 4 days of reperfusion, whereas all cathepsin G-deficient mice survived.
138    Mucins failed to generate microthrombi in cathepsin G-deficient mice.
139 were decreased more than 50% in kidneys from cathepsin G-deficient versus wild-type mice.
140 SPs): neutrophil elastase, proteinase-3, and cathepsin G degrade SP-D.
141                The G:C --> A:T transition at cathepsin G dinucleotides commonly reported in p53 mutat
142                          The serine protease cathepsin G (EC; Cat G), which is stored in th
143 ntibodies directed against antigens, such as cathepsin G, elastase, and anticardiolipin, may also be
144  by the neutrophil-derived serine proteases: cathepsin G, elastase, and proteinase 3.
145     The inhibition of plasmin, subtilisin A, cathepsin G, elastase, and trypsin by rLEKTI occurred th
146 activation inhibition studies indicated that cathepsin G enhances fibrin deposition under flow condit
147      These data indicate that membrane-bound cathepsin G expressed on neutrophils is an inducible and
148      Purified syndecan-1 ectodomain protects cathepsin G from inhibition by alpha1-antichymotrypsin a
149 chymotrypsin-like proteases were also rapid: cathepsin G from neutrophils (>10(6) M(-1) s(-1)), mast
150 nic granule proteins, including elastase and cathepsin G, from the anionic sulphated proteoglycan mat
151 rgeted mutation of the promyelocyte-specific cathepsin G gene (which lies just 3' to the granzyme gen
152  promyelocytic leukemia (APL) by using human cathepsin G gene regulatory elements to direct the expre
153  to the 5' untranslated region of the murine cathepsin G gene, using homologous recombination in embr
154 anzyme is located between the granzyme B and cathepsin G genes on human chromosome 14q11.2.
155 G also lie between the murine granzyme B and cathepsin G genes on murine chromosome 14; murine granzy
156 ntified by mass spectroscopy, five proteins, cathepsin G, glutaredoxin-1, thioredoxin, GP1b, and fibr
157  expression of chymase, carboxypeptidase A3, cathepsin G, granzyme B, and the tryptases derived from
158                                              Cathepsin G had a small effect at 4 h.
159 ants from neutrophil cultures, which contain cathepsin G, had effects similar to purified cathepsin G
160                                     Although cathepsin G has previously shown to have broad spectrum
161 te-specific targeting sequences of the human cathepsin G (hCG) gene to direct the expression of a PML
162 ne is expressed under the control of a human Cathepsin G (hCG) minigene.
163 sgenic mice under the direction of the human cathepsin G (hCG) promoter.
164  mast cell chymase (HC) and human neutrophil cathepsin G (hCG) show relatively similar cleavage speci
165 sis are, we crossed PML(-/-) mice with human cathepsin G (hCG)-PMLRARalpha or mammary tumor virus (MM
166 racerebral injection of neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, heparatinase and plasmin.
167 he serine proteinases plasmin, subtilisin A, cathepsin G, human neutrophil elastase, and trypsin, but
168 teoclastogenesis is reduced by inhibition of cathepsin G in a coculture model and that in vivo inhibi
169 e that PAR-1 does not mediate the actions of cathepsin G in cardiomyocytes, and neither PAR-1 nor PAR
170 ther PAR-1 nor PAR-4 mediates the actions of cathepsin G in fibroblasts.
171 s injury remains poorly defined, the role of cathepsin G in renal ischemia/reperfusion injury was tes
172 ecific and quantitative detection of HNE and Cathepsin-G in solution and in spiked saliva samples wit
173 he role of neutrophil products, particularly cathepsin G, in HIV infection.
174 ial proteins, elastase, myeloperoxidase, and cathepsin G, in response to these species was measured u
175  Thus, oxidation of Met110 may contribute to cathepsin G inactivation by at least two distinct mechan
176                                              Cathepsin G induced chemotaxis and production of proinfl
177                           Our data show that cathepsin G-induced chemotaxis of monocytes is mediated
178                                              Cathepsin G-induced monocyte chemotaxis is partially per
179               The application of the related cathepsin G inhibitor (CGI), benzyloxycarbonyl-glycine-l
180 ypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1) produced a potent cathepsin G inhibitor (Ki = 0.89 nM).
181 eutrophil protease inhibitors Sivelestat and cathepsin G inhibitor I or by intraperitoneal injection
182  the most selective (>/=360-fold) engineered cathepsin G inhibitor reported to date.
183  a promising lead for further development of cathepsin G inhibitors targeting chronic inflammatory di
184 motactic activity, subcutaneous injection of cathepsin G into BALB/c mice led to infiltration of both
185                                              Cathepsin G is a major secreted serine peptidase of neut
186                                              Cathepsin G is a neutral serine protease that is highly
187                                              Cathepsin G is a neutrophil-derived serine protease that
188 ry tumor-induced osteolysis and suggest that cathepsin G is a potentially novel therapeutic target in
189                                 In addition, cathepsin G is also a potent chemoattractant for neutrop
190                        Enzymatic activity of cathepsin G is associated with its monocyte chemotactic
191                     Moreover, we showed that cathepsin G is capable of shedding the extracellular dom
192                                              Cathepsin G is chemotactic rather than chemokinetic for
193            We now report that this action of cathepsin G is mediated by PAR4.
194  have no obvious defects in function; either cathepsin G is not required for any of these normal neut
195             The neutrophil granule protease, cathepsin G, is known to cause platelet secretion and ag
196 a novel, potent dual inhibitor of neutrophil cathepsin G (K(i) = 38 nm) and mast cell chymase (K(i) =
197 reover, purified syndecan-1 ectodomain binds cathepsin G (Kd = 56 nM) and elastase (Kd = 35 nM) tight
198 ffinity for angiotensin I compared with free cathepsin G (Km = 5.9 x 10(-4) and 4.6 x 10(-4) M; k(cat
199 g PML (promyelocytic leukemia)-RARA from the cathepsin G locus (mCG-PR).
200  transgene might be located elsewhere in the cathepsin G locus and that a knock-in model might yield
201  6 kb of regulatory sequences from the human cathepsin G locus, we hypothesized that sequences requir
202 ing PML-RARalpha under control of the murine cathepsin G locus.
203                                              Cathepsin G markedly activates phospholipase C and p38 M
204                            Pretreatment with cathepsin G markedly increased susceptibility of macroph
205 suggest that proteolytic cleavage of PLTP by cathepsin G may enhance the injurious inflammatory respo
206 is toxin prior to cathepsin G treatment, the cathepsin G-mediated effect was almost abrogated, sugges
207    Attenuation of PAR-1 activation abrogates cathepsin G-mediated induction of monocyte chemotaxis.
208                In marked contrast to soluble cathepsin G, membrane-bound enzyme was substantially res
209                     Neutrophils derived from cathepsin G-/- mice have normal morphology and azurophil
210                             Hematopoiesis in cathepsin G-/- mice is normal, and the mice have no over
211  cathepsin G and support the hypothesis that cathepsin G might mediate neutrophil-platelet interactio
212 ng evidence of the collateral involvement of cathepsin G, NE, and proteinase 3 in cigarette smoke-ind
213 vation of neutrophil serine proteases (NSPs) cathepsin G, neutrophil elastase, and proteinase 3, whic
214                                      In sum, cathepsin G-/- neutrophils have no obvious defects in fu
215 tic activity, since DFP- or PMSF-inactivated cathepsin G no longer induced monocyte migration.
216    By using protease inhibitors, chymase and cathepsin G, not tryptase, were identified in the mast c
217                               Membrane-bound cathepsin G on activated neutrophils 1) converts both hu
218        Herein, we report that membrane-bound cathepsin G on intact neutrophils has potent angiotensin
219 hils express inducible, catalytically active cathepsin G on their cell surface.
220 ses (proteinase 3, elastase, azurocidin, and cathepsin G) on granulopoiesis in vitro.
221 the sequestration of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G onto surfaces.
222 n sections using a tritium-labeled probe for cathepsin G or alpha 1-PI.
223 e additive, as were those of combinations of cathepsin G or BPI with HNP-1, HNP-2, and HNP-3.
224  peptides MOG35-55 and MOG1-20 Inhibition of cathepsin G or citrullination of the arginine residue wi
225             Incubation of FVaIIa with either cathepsin G or elastase resulted in cleavage within the
226                                Inhibitors of cathepsin G or elastase significantly delayed the burst
227 ctivate platelets in blood from mice lacking cathepsin G or protease-activated receptor-4 (PAR4), ind
228 sis, treatment of neutrophils with elastase, cathepsin G, or plasmin increased their plasminogen bind
229                      APL cells from a murine cathepsin G-PML-RARalpha knockin mouse were genetically
230 ates with individual proteases revealed that cathepsin G preferentially cleaved at Phe24-Ile25 and Ty
231  but not selective inhibition of elastase or cathepsin G, prevented the fall in TER induced by PMN co
232          Expression of PML/RARalpha from the cathepsin G promoter in transgenic mice causes a nonfata
233   Similar elements occur in the elastase and cathepsin G promoters.
234  This study provides the first evidence that cathepsin G promotes inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate accumu
235 mozygous for this mutation had no detectable cathepsin G protein or activity, indicating that no othe
236 ranules along with other serine proteinases (cathepsin G, proteinase 3 and azurocidin) at concentrati
237  including neutrophil elastase, lactoferrin, cathepsin G, proteinase 3, and myeloperoxidase.
238 es with pancreatic and neutrophil elastases, cathepsin G, proteinase-3, and chymotrypsin, as previous
239 rophage proteases: neutrophil elastase (NE), cathepsin G, proteinase-3, and MMPs-2, -8, -9, and -12.
240                                              Cathepsin G proteolysed platelet surface GPIb alpha, but
241                       Using the elastase and cathepsin G PU.1 and CG-like elements as probes results
242                          The serine protease cathepsin G recapitulated the effects of MET-1 on DRG ne
243 culture model and that in vivo inhibition of cathepsin G reduces mammary tumor-induced osteolysis.
244      We also show that in vivo inhibition of cathepsin G reduces the number of CD11b(+) osteoclast pr
245 n early myeloid cells under control of human cathepsin G regulatory sequences all develop a myeloprol
246 ng antibodies, we found that mucin-triggered cathepsin G release requires L-selectin and PSGL-1 on ne
247 tion and fibrinolytic cascades, elastase and cathepsin G released from activated neutrophil granules
248                                  Cleavage by cathepsin G removes a 20-kDa fragment containing a bromo
249 ing that enhancement of HIV-1 replication by cathepsin G requires Gi protein-mediated signal transduc
250  tested against 1 nM membrane-bound and free cathepsin G, respectively).
251 n limit of 1 pg/mL and 100 fg/mL for HNE and Cathepsin-G, respectively.
252                                 Because some cathepsin G responses mimic cardiomyocyte activation by
253 l serine proteinases neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G resulted in loss of the biological activity
254 s to release the Ser proteases, elastase and cathepsin G, resulting in the proteolytic destruction of
255  prolonged incubation of cardiomyocytes with cathepsin G results in the activation of caspase-3, clea
256 ndem mass spectrometric analysis of oxidized cathepsin G revealed that loss of a peptide containing A
257                                              Cathepsin G's P2' preference was determined by screening
258  levels of the platelet aggregation agonist, cathepsin G stored in the azurophilic granules of promye
259                               High levels of cathepsin G subsequently may increase the risk of VTE.
260                       Substituting preferred cathepsin G substrate sequences into sunflower trypsin i
261 teases (neutrophil and pancreatic elastases, cathepsin G, subtilisin, and trypsin) with a stoichiomet
262       Studies in Ctsg-null mice suggest that cathepsin G supports antimicrobial defenses but can inju
263               Although prolonged exposure to cathepsin G suppressed HIV infection of macrophages, ser
264 ing, and specific inhibitors of elastase and cathepsin G suppressed the up-regulation that occurred d
265 ggest that methionine oxidation could render cathepsin G susceptible to autolytic cleavage.
266 se studies describe novel cardiac actions of cathepsin G that do not require PARs and are predicted t
267                                           In cathepsin G, this group occupies the hydrophobic S(3)/S(
268 tase proteolyse GPV, we show that neutrophil cathepsin G, thrombin receptor activating peptide (TRAP)
269 rate constants that ranged from 2.7 x 10(4) (cathepsin G) to 7.1 x 10(5) m(-1)s(-1) (subtilisin).
270 n of myeloperoxidase activity or increase in cathepsin G transcripts were detected.
271   First, flow cytometric studies showed that cathepsin G, TRAP, and ADP/epinephrine decreased the pla
272                                   Third, the cathepsin G-, TRAP-, and ADP/epinephrine-induced decreas
273 tin polymerization, completely inhibited the cathepsin G-, TRAP-, and ADP/epinephrine-induced decreas
274  50 min, massive fibrin could be observed on cathepsin G-treated platelets even at 35 min.
275 ges were exposed to pertussis toxin prior to cathepsin G treatment, the cathepsin G-mediated effect w
276                                              Cathepsin G triggered calcium mobilization in PAR4-trans
277 ded substrate specificity (P4-P1) of the NSP cathepsin G using a peptide substrate library.
278 e osteoclasts that up-regulate production of cathepsin G via interaction with tumor cells.
279                     In flow assays, purified cathepsin G was a far more potent activator of platelet-
280               To test this hypothesis, human cathepsin G was compared with mouse wild-type and humani
281 onic peptide (CG 117-136) of human lysosomal cathepsin G was determined by using a single amino acid
282   The monocyte chemotactic activity of human cathepsin G was dose dependent with optimal concentratio
283                                     Isolated cathepsin G was inactivated by HOCl but not by hydrogen
284 activation by tissue kallikrein, trypsin, or cathepsin G was not affected.
285 markers, Human Neutrophil Elastase (HNE) and Cathepsin-G, was constructed as proof of concept to pote
286 ally deficient in neutrophil elastase and/or cathepsin G were impaired in their ability to degrade SP
287          Additionally, purified elastase and cathepsin G were sufficient to kill S. pneumoniae in a s
288 ctor receptor alpha chain, proteinase 3, and cathepsin G, were identified.
289                                              Cathepsin G, which disables thrombin receptors, had no e
290 y is not an attribute of ancestral mammalian cathepsin G, which was primarily chymotryptic, and that
291  is not able to inhibit trypsin, plasmin, or cathepsin G with or without heparin as a cofactor.
292 e of this peptide was blocked by pretreating cathepsin G with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, strongly
293 city is markedly narrower than that of human cathepsin G, with much greater Tyr activity and selectiv

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