


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 etized, and selected arteries and veins were catheterized.
2 y stenoses were found in 54% of the patients catheterized.
3 h femoral arteries and veins were surgically catheterized 1 or 5 days before treatment with the vasoc
4                               Male rats were catheterized 13 d after BDL or sham surgery and studied
5       The carotid arteries were successfully catheterized 24 times, on average within 5 minutes after
6 pproximately 3.0 mmol/l) clamps were done in catheterized, 5-h-fasted mice to assess insulin action a
7 c clamps in awake, non-stressed, chronically catheterized adult mice homozygous for a deletion in the
8 hand vein and renal vein (under fluoroscopy) catheterized after an overnight fast.
9 (artery) and renal veins (under fluoroscopy) catheterized after an overnight fast.
10 underwent assessment of L-FMC and FMD in the catheterized and contralateral radial artery before, and
11 of time-dated pregnant ewes were chronically catheterized and fitted with an extravascular balloon oc
12 rty Sprague-Dawley rats were intravascularly catheterized and hemorrhagic shock induced to a mean art
13 es showed important cardiac uptake in 7 of 8 catheterized and infected animals and in 3 of 6 catheter
14 ed dose in the heart was 0.20 (SD = 0.13) in catheterized and infected animals, 0.12 (SD = 0.10) in c
15 nd eight right-handed) aged 19-54 years were catheterized and the bladder filled retrogradely per ure
16 er magnetic resonance imaging, the rats were catheterized, and left ventricular pressures were record
17 e brachial artery of the nondominant arm was catheterized, and vasoactive drugs were administered: me
18 nced operators and two experienced operators catheterized anteroposterior (celiac, superior mesenteri
19  attenuated 1 day postcatheterization in the catheterized arm (-2.07+/-0.84 to 0.35+/-0.83), but unch
20 he training study, both FMD and L-FMC of the catheterized arm were preserved in the exercise group 7
21 oglycemic glucose clamp study in chronically catheterized awake male Sprague-Dawley rats that receive
22 amp) in 3-, 9-, and 20-month-old chronically catheterized, awake, Sprague Dawley (SD) rats (n = 78).
23                           Awake, chronically catheterized BB rats were studied after 2 weeks of insul
24                           Urine samples from catheterized burn patients were collected hourly for up
25                                              Catheterized but uninfected animals showed alterations c
26 ed and infected animals, 0.12 (SD = 0.10) in catheterized but uninfected animals, 0.10 (SD = 0.04) in
27 heterized and infected animals and in 3 of 6 catheterized but uninfected animals.
28                 Control animals consisted of catheterized but uninfected, infected but uncatheterized
29                                    Rats were catheterized by surgically passing a polyethylene cathet
30 plenic and renal arteries were consecutively catheterized by using a susceptibility artifact-based ca
31                   In this study, chronically catheterized conscious rats were made hyperinsulinemic f
32 o-ventricular (ICV) catheters to chronically catheterized, conscious rats (n=15), 2 h after initiatio
33 ese techniques were performed in chronically-catheterized, conscious, and un-stressed 5h-fasted G4Tg
34                            Using a conscious catheterized dog model, we found that hypoglycemia incre
35 ated net hepatic glucose uptake, chronically catheterized dogs were exercised on a treadmill or reste
36 raction of glucose by the liver, chronically catheterized dogs were submitted to 150 min of treadmill
37 d 24 hrs into the study, using a permanently catheterized femoral artery.
38 hodology, the metabolic rates of chronically catheterized fetal foals (n = 24) were measured at diffe
39 ypoxia was induced for 30 min in chronically catheterized fetal sheep (125 +/- 3 days), with or witho
40                 The left atrium was directly catheterized for left atrial pressure measurements.
41 were anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine and catheterized for tail vein injection of (11)C-raclopride
42       Comparison of ACE I/D genotypes in the catheterized group revealed a threefold higher frequency
43                                    Among the catheterized group, the overall sensitivity, specificity
44 al procedures that lead to mucosal bleeding, catheterized individuals whose ASB persists for more tha
45 rd and silver-coated NCs were collected from catheterized intensive care unit patients to characteriz
46 ional experiments, anesthetized animals with catheterized left femoral arteries and veins were admini
47                            Ultrasound of the catheterized leg at 48 hrs revealed a small nonocclusive
48                               At 72 hrs, the catheterized leg had clinical and ultrasonographic evide
49                       Conscious, chronically catheterized male Sprague-Dawley rats (total n=104).
50 ve mutant successfully colonized bladders of catheterized mice but did not cause urolithiasis and was
51 e bacterial burden to undetectable levels in catheterized mice but did not inhibit rebound of the inf
52                                     Overall, catheterized mice were significantly more susceptible th
53                          Using a chronically catheterized mouse model (carotid artery and jugular vei
54 (GLUT4(-/-)HK(Tg)) mice were studied using a catheterized mouse model that allows blood sampling and
55 ther linoleic acid or glucose in chronically catheterized, non-anesthetized rats, leading to activati
56 and phloridzin infusion in awake chronically catheterized nondiabetic rats.
57  during a prospective study of infections in catheterized nursing home patients revealed that a singl
58  of the indications and outcomes of patients catheterized on ECMO from a single, large pediatric tert
59 e of complicated urinary tract infections in catheterized patients or those with functional or anatom
60                                        Among catheterized patients, Acute Physiology and Chronic Heal
61 ently complicate the management of long-term-catheterized patients.
62 ciated with urinary tract infection (UTI) in catheterized patients.
63 fections acquired by humans, particularly in catheterized patients.
64 titutions allow its use in the management of catheterized patients.
65                                          Six catheterized pigs and 15 human subjects were tested in a
66  and alpha-tocopherol-d3 were obtained for a catheterized pregnant ewe and her fetus who were simulta
67 HODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Ten chronically catheterized pregnant monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) at 118
68             After inoculating 10 chronically catheterized pregnant monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) with e
69 t that in the normal, conscious, chronically catheterized rat in which the sympathetic nervous system
70            Maintaining good blood patency in catheterized rats is not difficult.
71 onclusion: Maintaining good blood patency in catheterized rats is not difficult.
72  vegetations present on the aortic valves of catheterized rats that were challenged with individual s
73 nsulin resistance in vivo, awake chronically catheterized rats underwent a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemi
74 roline and leucine was measured in long-term catheterized rats using a method of dual infusion of rad
75            Three groups of awake chronically catheterized rats were studied: 1) nondiabetic (with a m
76                                  Chronically catheterized rats were treated daily with saline, 50 mic
77                                  Chronically catheterized rats were treated with 6 microg/kg endotoxi
78                    We used awake chronically catheterized rats, in which local VMH glucose perfusion
79 rand factor (vWF) has been established using catheterized rats.
80 r systemic hypoglycemia in awake chronically catheterized rats.
81 ction was measured in twenty-six chronically catheterized sheep fetuses during normal fed conditions
82       Normal rats and those infected but not catheterized showed negative results by histology, autor
83 ach was used to recanalize occluded veins or catheterize small collateral veins in 24 patients in who
84 ure >140/90 mmHg and >or=1+ proteinuria on a catheterized specimen.
85                            Young chronically catheterized Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 28) were subjected
86 studies were performed in awake, chronically catheterized Sprague-Dawley rats that had been microinje
87 -hypoglycemic clamp in conscious chronically catheterized Sprague-Dawley rats.
88               An x-ray/MR system was used to catheterize the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary
89 resonance (MR) imaging guidance, the authors catheterized the carotid arteries in six domestic pigs b
90 g urinary control, 83 void spontaneously, 40 catheterize to empty, 4 have urinary diversion, 1 has a
91 unized and nonimmunized control animals were catheterized to induce heart valve damage and infected i
92 on of drugs, and a common carotid artery was catheterized to measure mean arterial pressure (MAP) and
93                            Seven chronically catheterized, unanesthetized newborn sheep (6 +/- 1 days
94      All study subjects had their renal vein catheterized under fluoroscopy, and net renal glucose ba
95              We have developed a chronically catheterized, unhandled, lean murine model to examine th
96 were conducted in the conscious, chronically catheterized, unstressed rat to investigate whether NO i
97 n was assessed by using a CBA mouse model of catheterized urinary tract infection.
98 s in conjunction with in vitro models of the catheterized urinary tract, we elucidate the mechanisms
99 tributed among other common pathogens of the catheterized urinary tract.
100                                     Baseline catheterized urine samples were plated using both standa
101 (n=7) with defects of the atrial septum were catheterized using venous and arterial access.
102 xperienced operators were more successful in catheterizing vessels with x-ray guidance (98% success w
103 edle, immobilized with a gastric anchor, and catheterized with a 10-14-F locking loop drain.
104                                    Mice were catheterized with a high fidelity micromanometer and hem
105 ) (n = 8) and IUGR (n = 13) fetal sheep were catheterized with aortic and femoral catheters and a flo
106 tain to continence, stenosis, and ability to catheterize, with more significant morbidity relating to

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