


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oups of genetically labeled cells within the caudal fin.
2 iated cells that cooperate to regenerate the caudal fin.
3 ineage classes that make the adult zebrafish caudal fin.
4 and the loss of touch response in the distal caudal fin.
5 e also possess the ability to regenerate the caudal fin.
6  bending, spiraling tail and twisting of the caudal fin.
7 ae-bearing tail continues to grow beyond the caudal fin.
8 estral scale-covered tails curved over their caudal fins.
9 gene expression among the regenerating adult caudal fin, adult heart, and larval fin.
10                       In wild-type zebrafish caudal fins, amputated blood vessels heal their ends by
11 owth trajectories; a lower median fin turned caudal fin, and an upper vertebrae-bearing tail, equival
12 profiles from regenerating zebrafish retina, caudal fin, and heart muscle revealed additional candida
13  Relative to standard length (SL; jaw tip to caudal fin base distance), the surface area of jaw-closi
14 positive cells occurring on the lobes of the caudal fin by stage 48 and on the remaining fins by stag
15 at of the Xenopus limb bud and the zebrafish caudal fin, despite the difference of anatomy.
16 ransition in growth control during zebrafish caudal fin development, wherein a switch from allometric
17                       The musculature of the caudal fin is composed of 12 muscles that are arranged i
18 phological abnormalities, including peculiar caudal fin malformations and hyperpigmentation in the ta
19                          Most cell bodies of caudal fin motoneurons are small and are located in a ve
20                                   Dorsal and caudal fin motoneurons have small cell bodies and ipsila
21               The organization of dorsal and caudal fin motoneurons is compared with the innervation
22                   The nerves that supply the caudal fin musculature arise from the last five caudal s
23 f the neuromuscular system of the dorsal and caudal fin of zebrafish, Danio rerio, was studied, inclu
24  metabolites along the proximodistal axis of caudal fins of uninjured and regenerating adult zebrafis
25 h reduced or absent expression in pelvic and caudal fin precursors.
26                                The zebrafish caudal fin provides a valuable model to study the mechan
27                                 In contrast, caudal fin regeneration and skin wound healing remained
28 hat an intact miRNA pathway is essential for caudal fin regeneration in zebrafish.
29                                              Caudal fin regeneration is characterized by a proliferat
30                          Using the zebrafish caudal fin regeneration model, we have examined the hypo
31 of AHR activation, we employed the zebrafish caudal fin regeneration model, where AHR activation bloc
32 ke other glucocorticoids, suppress zebrafish caudal fin regeneration, indicating that hair cell regen
33 ters of numerous genes involved in zebrafish caudal fin regeneration.
34 ences in the rate of growth during zebrafish caudal fin regeneration.
35 to identify temperature-sensitive mutants in caudal fin regeneration.
36 ted tail is eclipsed by the upward-expanding caudal fin, rendering a once ventral body margin as the
37                  Amputation of the zebrafish caudal fin stimulates regeneration of the dermal skeleto
38     Alopiids possess specialist pectoral and caudal fins that are likely to have evolved, at least in
39 nerate the complex structure of an amputated caudal fin to a degree that the original and replacement
40 ults indicated that during the first h after caudal fin transection, neutrophils migrate from the hem
41 bar, and the elongate segmented body bears a caudal fin with dorsal and ventral lobes.
42 day-old zebrafish regenerate their amputated caudal fins within 3 days.
43 adult fibroblast cell lines derived from the caudal fin (ZFL) and the liver epithelium (SJD).

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