


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 neously with fearful defensive treading more caudally).
2 blayers, rostrally, and the medial division, caudally.
3 hippocampal projections primarily originated caudally.
4  in Parkinson's disease the loss was greater caudally.
5 d rostrally, and inferior fields are located caudally.
6 were observed in the epiglottis, tailing off caudally.
7 espread and less dense, and are focused more caudally.
8  contralateral DAO in two columns that fused caudally.
9 y but appeared greater in the central region caudally.
10 cles were much more prominent rostrally than caudally.
11 tinct expression of Otp rostrally and Nkx2.2 caudally.
12 on, with paracentral vision represented more caudally.
13 eveloping tectum, with highest amounts found caudally.
14     Axonal processes travelled ventrally and caudally.
15 imarily rostrally and motor projections more caudally.
16 ly to contain CGRP than afferents projecting caudally.
17  fearful as the same microinjection is moved caudally.
18  behaviors as microinjection sites move more caudally.
19 roup 2, which were located more medially and caudally.
20 al cortex rostrally to the medulla oblongata caudally.
21 ells with all the cell orientations directed caudally.
22 rally and general viscerosensory information caudally.
23 rd, but these collaterals became sparse more caudally.
24 inal cord, rather than turning rostrally and caudally.
25 y of the ventral striatum both rostrally and caudally.
26 neal afferents contain both CGRP and VGluT2, caudally (1%) and rostrally (2%).
27 ofiles as well as their differences from the caudally adjacent ventral parts of the premotor cortex a
28                             In contrast, the caudally adjoining temporal intermediate region (Ti) has
29           ALS patients had rostral onset and caudally advancing disease and abundant residual motor n
30  two classes of CINs: those whose axons turn caudally after crossing the midline (dCINs) and those wh
31 ese cells begin to enter the gut and migrate caudally along its length.
32 ypothalamic area and periaqueductal gray and caudally along the brachium of the superior colliculus t
33 bindin-poor wedge that was found to continue caudally along the dorsolateral edge of the pulvinar to
34 dbody lateral line primordium as it migrates caudally along the inner side of the epidermis.
35 acent ventral roots and project rostrally or caudally along the sympathetic trunk to innervate sympat
36 edially into the periaqueductal gray, moving caudally and arborizing extensively throughout the DRN.
37 in the mutant embryos appears to be extended caudally and displays abnormalities in anterior/posterio
38 ojecting axons in Gli2(-/-) embryos extended caudally and others rostrally at the ventral midline, in
39 rior lateral line primordium (PLLp) migrates caudally and periodically deposits neuromasts.
40 vate muscles in the vertebrate head, migrate caudally and radially within the brainstem to form a mot
41 ntrobasal (VB) nuclei, causing them to shift caudally and target the visual cortex.
42                  All labeled axons projected caudally and travelled in the ventrolateral medulla, eit
43                      These two plexuses meet caudally and ventrally, at the border between the CNIC a
44  neurons one axonal branch could be followed caudally, and another rostrally, into the striatum.
45  Main axonal branches projected rostrally or caudally, and in some neurons one axonal branch could be
46 1 were located rostrally, those from face M1 caudally, and those from arm M1 at intermediate levels.
47 se located in caudal spinal segments project caudally, and those in midthoracic segments project eith
48 und increasing NAA and decreasing Cho moving caudally, and with postmortem anatomical studies which f
49 separate dorsal horns (S1 to rostral S2) and caudally as a broad band that spanned the entire mediola
50  the outflow joins the pharynx does not move caudally as it normally should, the aortic sac is smalle
51 is then separated from the jaw and displaced caudally as the neocortex grows for another 9 weeks.
52 rs in the later pathway can be traced as far caudally as the nucleus of the solitary tract.
53 ppocampal and anterior commissures, and more caudally at the medial preoptic area.
54                                         More caudally, at levels corresponding to L5 through S1, sign
55                                              Caudally, both regions project to brainstem centers and
56 nts reveal that neural crest cells migrating caudally, but not rostrally, from r5 and caudally from r
57  optic chiasm and the alar hypothalamus, and caudally by the diencephalic prosomere p3.
58 ts for most of the excitation, and decreases caudally; (c) cholinergic and electrotonic components ar
59 ductors acting on the digits, hand and wrist caudally (C8-T1).
60  the posteromedial and posterolateral nuclei caudally contained a moderate concentration of 5-HT fibe
61   To establish that RWA is distinct from the caudally contiguous CWA, we determined sources of thalam
62 f the commissural nucleus of Cajal, which is caudally contiguous with the vagal lobe.
63 of unlabeled cells extended rostrally and/or caudally depending on the position of the HVC microlesio
64 rior lateral line primordium (pLLp) migrates caudally, depositing neuromasts to establish the posteri
65                        Second, rostrally and caudally derived motor axons differ in sensitivity to ou
66                                              Caudally derived neurites almost never exhibited such ro
67 te into anterior cells, then those displaced caudally differentiate into mammillary cells.
68 The effect of ACEA-1021 was also examined on caudally directed biting and scratching (CDBS) behaviors
69 cted fibers arose mainly in layer V, whereas caudally directed fibers originated mainly in layer III.
70 th trilobite (tri)/strabismus to mediate the caudally directed migration of cranial motor neurons and
71                                          The caudally directed projection is typically more extensive
72  projections to precentral medial cortex and caudally directed projections to retrosplenial cortex.
73 ssural (BLC) axons branch into rostrally and caudally directed projections.
74                Multipolar neurons were found caudally, dorsal and ventral to the oculomotor nucleus.
75 re otic-like vesicles in both orthotopic and caudally ectopic locations were also observed.
76                                              Caudally, FG-filled cells occurred in the lateral, ventr
77 nk and appetitive-generating zones to expand caudally, filling approximately 90% of the shell.
78 and, by E16.5, transgene-positive PCs formed caudally four sagittal bands symmetric to the medial emb
79 ing caudally, but not rostrally, from r5 and caudally from r6 express Hoxa3 in normal embryo.
80 p/Lp) embryos, FBM neurons failed to migrate caudally from rhombomere (r) 4 into r6.
81 n, extending 300 mum rostrally, and 1100 mum caudally from the caudal pole of VIIn (VIIc), in the in
82 olumn of cells extending ventrolaterally and caudally from the dorsal thalamus.
83  level of origin, travels both rostrally and caudally from the injection site for as much as 80% of t
84        Projections extend both rostrally and caudally from the injection site for as much as three-fo
85 ject from all posterior vertebrae, extending caudally from the last thoracic vertebrae to beyond the
86 Only the thinnest axons (<1 microm) extended caudally from the nucleus, indicating that some extracel
87 e medial longitudinal fasciculus), projected caudally from the prosencephalon into the rhombencephalo
88 in each abdominal ganglion in its projection caudally from the thorax.
89 firing were context dependent: cells located caudally generally were most persistent following saccad
90 .1 +/- 3.8 mum in diameter) and located more caudally (&gt;12.8 mm caudal to Bregma) than reelin pre-Bot
91 n at levels predicted to shift rostral areas caudally has very little effect.
92  only, and Hox genes normally expressed more caudally (Hoxa3, Hoxd4) were induced in this region.
93 mal small intestine and spread cranially and caudally in a subset of postmitotic enteric neurons.
94  a few clearly defined sensory areas located caudally in cortex.
95 e presence of an ongoing delay task and more caudally in its absence.
96                Foot projections are heaviest caudally in laterally placed, curved lamellae.
97 ies-one rostrally in lobule VI and the other caudally in lobule IX-that delineate cytoarchitectonic t
98 horacic segments project either rostrally or caudally in segmentally graded proportions.
99 o the lateral entorhinal cortex extends more caudally in the BF than to the medial entorhinal cortex.
100 rgic projection neurons are distributed more caudally in the caudal globus pallidus than noncholinerg
101 ing to the postrhinal cortex shifts slightly caudally in the caudal globus pallidus.
102 in may do so earlier than those that project caudally in the chain.
103          These features were most pronounced caudally in the cortex assigned to auditory area I, only
104 creases when the stimulation is applied more caudally in the dSC.
105 ing revealed that CST axons extended farther caudally in the group that received AAVshPTEN and salmon
106 that found in reward sites activated further caudally in the medial forebrain bundle.
107     Furthermore, FBM neurons fail to migrate caudally in the mouse Gli2 mutant that lacks the floor p
108 he other generating inspiration located more caudally in the preBotzinger Complex.
109                  The endodermal cells extend caudally in the ventral midline from the prechordal plat
110                                         More caudally in the VRC, many fewer neurons expressed Phox2b
111 ts of embryonic thalamic axons to misproject caudally in the VTe.
112 scle it innervates and the cut end implanted caudally into the lumbar gray matter where motor bridge
113 maintenance, and Pax6 expression is expanded caudally into the midbrain in the absence of EN function
114 nigra, and some efferent cells extended more caudally into the nucleus raphes superior.
115  later, those that populate progressing more caudally lobes until labeling of all granule cell precur
116                                  Persistent, caudally located (ie, thoracic) cord lesions in AQP4-Ab-
117 trally positioned hypothalamus, and the more caudally located diencephalon [from rostral to caudal: t
118             Connections of RFA, CFA, and the caudally located hindlimb area (CHA), which is a part of
119                          We hypothesize that caudally located neuromasts may be preferentially connec
120 h acquires more caudal molecular properties, caudally located neurons ectopically project axons into
121 asses the pre-Botzinger complex and the more caudally located ventral respiratory group.
122                                 They develop caudally, mirroring glial maturation.
123  the midline and joined the ligamentum teres caudally near or at the umbilicus.
124  the external granule cell layer, while more caudally, Netrin orchestrates the migration of hindbrain
125 the level of the trochlear nucleus and abuts caudally on a second parvalbumin-positive (PV2) nucleus.
126            Two main neuron types (projecting caudally or rostrally) were distinguished.
127     Both projections were arranged in rostro-caudally oriented axonal layers that converged in the ve
128 the cerebral hemispheres expand, they extend caudally, passing beneath the neural crest-mesodermal in
129    Coherence between LFPs recorded from more caudally placed contacts and the sensorimotor cortex or
130                                        These caudally placed contacts demonstrated the highest sensor
131 roduce intense increases in eating, but more caudally placed disruptions produce increasingly fearful
132 tions of labeled fibers were more typical of caudally placed injection sites.
133                                              Caudally positioned abdominal and thoracic air sacs are
134  of the axonal trajectories of rostrally and caudally projecting cells reveals that preganglionic axo
135                                The number of caudally projecting neurons does not change in either ca
136 hes, and shorter total dendritic length than caudally projecting neurons.
137 indicate that the sizes of the rostrally and caudally projecting populations may be independently reg
138                      Moreover, rostrally and caudally projecting preganglionic neurons are skewed tow
139                          These data reveal a caudally propagating traveling wave pattern in the morph
140  direction as the outflow tract translocates caudally relative to the pharyngeal arches.
141 r areas, CMAr and CMAc located rostrally and caudally, respectively.
142 with graded Sema3A expression, VB axons were caudally shifted in CHL1- embryos and in Npn1(Sema-/-) m
143               Caudal injections gave rise to caudally skewed distributions, dominated by ascending pr
144         They began intrarenally and extended caudally surrounding the ureter in the retroperitoneum.
145 der is considerably broader and extends more caudally than expected.
146                      A greater percentage of caudally than rostrally projecting cephalad neurons resp
147 ontogenic potential extends not only further caudally than the axial level fated to produce teeth, bu
148                                         More caudally the lLMC and dorsal-projecting axons were missi
149                                         More caudally, the NeuN-IR cells are largely, but not exclusi
150  the dorsal gray matter growing rostrally or caudally, their collateral axons grew in random directio
151                              ENCCs migrating caudally through either the ileum, or caudal colon, are
152                   These VMH efferents travel caudally through the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and then
153 e majority of projections from the AVPV pass caudally through the periventricular zone of the hypotha
154               Some of these fibers projected caudally through the tegmentum and cerebellar peduncle t
155             Seven of these neurons projected caudally through the ventral nerve cord.
156 f the anterior intestinal portal which rolls caudally to form the foregut pocket.
157        Upon reaching the midline they turned caudally to innervate the opposite CN.
158 divided into two main branches: one extended caudally to terminate in the commissural nucleus of Caja
159 ally to the principal trigeminal nucleus and caudally to the cervical spinal cord.
160 ygdalohippocampal area, and then, projecting caudally to the hypothalamus and brainstem.
161 h actively transported dextrans and examined caudally to the lesion 12 weeks after mouse spinal cord
162 m the level of the anterior cingulate cortex caudally to the level of the posterior cingulate and lat
163 ory neurons into the spinal cord and migrate caudally to the lower thoracic and upper lumbar regions.
164 ys had spread rostrally to the brainstem and caudally to the sacral spinal cord.
165 r body-part representations progressing more caudally toward the auditory cortex.
166 midline both rostrally into the midbrain and caudally towards the caudal hindbrain.
167                                   Proceeding caudally towards the midbrain, there was a marked decrea
168 losure defects and malformed somites and are caudally truncated.
169 he lesion center and extending rostrally and caudally was demonstrated by MRI.
170  from the S1 and M1 extended bilaterally and caudally well beyond terminal territories in normal anim
171 rsoventral extent of the dendrites decreases caudally, whereas the central axon length increases.
172 ripherally in the VNLL, mainly laterally and caudally, whereas those projecting to ventromedial (high
173 mainly rostrally, and the dorsal compartment caudally, whose motoneurons control the caudal intrinsic
174 d 9 terminated widely in TRN and colocalized caudally with projections from temporal auditory, visual
175                             S2 and PV merged caudally with the cortex responsive to auditory stimuli,
176 nd limits dorsally with the preoptic region, caudally with the prethalamic eminence and the prethalam
177 n the first 3 cm and decreased progressively caudally, with only meager innervation after 6 cm.
178 el of the facial nucleus (VIIn), and 500 mum caudally, within the pre-Botzinger complex (preBotC).
179 and ventral tegmental commissures) or turned caudally without crossing the midline.
180 d neurons of the olfactory region and spread caudally without infection of ependymal cells.

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