


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 chemosensory areas, including the insula and caudomedial and caudolateral OFC, suggesting that the re
2 opes and Pit1 lineage within the ventral and caudomedial anterior pituitary.
3 t auditory and somatosensory activity in the caudomedial area (CM) of the belt region.
4 tained more lightly for parvalbumin than the caudomedial area or the lateral belt.
5          Two regions of the caudal belt, the caudomedial area, and the mediolateral area, stained mor
6                          PT-responses in the caudomedial area, CM, were abolished in all animals but
7 tor and somatosensory) are expanded, whereas caudomedial areas (visual) are reduced in Emx2 mutants a
8 ought first to determine whether neurones in caudomedial aspects of commissural nucleus tractus solit
9 xtensive cutaneous and auditory responses in caudomedial auditory cortex, an area lying adjacent to A
10       We recorded multiunit responses in the caudomedial auditory forebrain of anesthetized zebra fin
11 ar and parallel and adopt a rostrolateral to caudomedial axis; in the 1 degrees map, this axis is rou
12 tical surface area from its rostrolateral to caudomedial border.
13 two medial belt areas (rostromedial [RM] and caudomedial [CM]).
14 two medial belt areas (rostromedial [RM] and caudomedial [CM]).
15 cortex is on the CGv, most of the surface of caudomedial cortex is areas 23a, 23b, and 31, and the re
16 cts locally to regulate the expansion of the caudomedial cortex, from which the hippocampus develops.
17 ng information is therefore intrinsic to the caudomedial cortical primordium at the time that the fir
18                      In mice lacking Wnt-3a, caudomedial cortical progenitor cells appear to be speci
19 imary visual cortex (V1) was delineated by a caudomedial cytochrome oxidase dark oval, and a more lat
20 ferents and are particularly abundant in the caudomedial division of the shell of the nucleus accumbe
21  in order to mark the cortical hem (the most caudomedial edge of the telencephalic neuroepithelium) a
22  the midline thalamic nuclei and the rostral caudomedial entorhinal cortex.
23 es its caudoventral extent, and abridges the caudomedial extent of area 23.
24                               Neurons in the caudomedial field are also better than primary auditory
25 eriments that have shown that neurons in the caudomedial field have better spatial tuning properties
26 neurons in both the CaBP-rich border and the caudomedial GP regions project to the CaBP-rich Str regi
27  CaBP-poor middle, CaBP-rich border, and the caudomedial GP regions.
28 genitor cells in a low rostrolateral to high caudomedial gradient across the embryonic neocortex, and
29  is expressed in a high rostrolateral to low caudomedial gradient.
30                                          The caudomedial gyral surface is composed of areas 23a and 2
31 in the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) and the caudomedial hyperstriatum ventrale (cmHV) compared with
32 rocessing, caudomedial neostriatum (Ncm) and caudomedial hyperstriatum ventrale (cmHV), have no docum
33 rea 30 does not appear on the surface of the caudomedial lobule, a terminal branch can form less that
34                     The isthmus contains the caudomedial lobule, which is a rostrally oriented bulge
35 e CGv, a terminal branch can extend onto the caudomedial lobule.
36 a rostrolateral pattern, largely leaving the caudomedial M1 unlabeled.
37 examined the role of Wnt-3a signaling at the caudomedial margin of the developing cerebral cortex, th
38                                          The caudomedial mesopallium (CMM), a secondary auditory regi
39 were not also distinguished the responses of caudomedial mesopallium and NCM.
40  of the cortical caudomedial nidopallium and caudomedial mesopallium in the song-control system, albe
41 on of the serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA in the caudomedial mesopallium of the auditory forebrain.
42 d by neuroestrogen delivery to either nearby caudomedial mesopallium or into HVC itself, indicating t
43 suggest that muscarinic ACh receptors in the caudomedial NAcc may play a role in mediating the behavi
44  identified centers for auditory processing, caudomedial neostriatum (Ncm) and caudomedial hyperstria
45 er of ZENK immunoreactive (-ir) cells in the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) and the caudomedial hypers
46 s have more aromatase-positive fibers in the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) and the preoptic area (POA
47 erns of the immediate-early gene ZENK in the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) of adult canaries.
48                    Neuronal responses in the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) of adult zebra finches (Ta
49 song activates robust gene expression in the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) of songbirds.
50                    Auditory responses in the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) of the zebra finch (Taenio
51 st input from auditory nuclei, including the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM), neostriatum intermedium p
52 dial regions of striatum, and regions of the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM).
53 tory telencephalon (specifically, within the caudomedial neostriatum [NCM]) during song acquisition.
54 evels in auditory brain areas, including the caudomedial neostriatum and hyperstriatum ventrale, fiel
55 ase was co-expressed with parvalbumin in the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) and HVC shelf (proper name
56 ly, neuroestrogens fluctuate in the auditory caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) during social interactions
57 by auditory stimulation with birdsong in the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) of the zebra finch (Taenio
58 dritic spines per unit length of dendrite in caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), a brain area activated by
59 on of spontaneous neuronal activation in the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), a secondary auditory brai
60 n, the caudodorsal nidopallial shelf and the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), the core or shell regions
61 e vertebrate brain, more specifically in the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), the songbird analog of th
62 vity indicated participation of the cortical caudomedial nidopallium and caudomedial mesopallium in t
63 male song had higher levels of 5-HIAA in the caudomedial nidopallium of the auditory forebrain than b
64            Thus, left-sided dominance in the caudomedial nidopallium was specific for the song-learni
65 y higher levels of HSD17B4 mRNA in auditory (caudomedial nidopallium) and visual (hyperpallium apical
66 ar song in a Wernicke-like brain region (the caudomedial nidopallium).
67 p to 2 mm dorsally into the intermediate and caudomedial nidopallium.
68 vant vocalizations in a specific part of the caudomedial nidopallium.
69  arcopallium and a minor projection from the caudomedial nidopallium.
70         These results suggest that an intact caudomedial NTS and/or DMV are necessary for increases i
71   When MK-801 was injected directly into the caudomedial NTS, intake was increased significantly by d
72 NMDA-type glutamate receptors located in the caudomedial NTS.
73 te receptor blocker MK-801 directly into the caudomedial nucleus of the solitary tract also abolished
74 colate as very pleasant [subcallosal region, caudomedial orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), insula/operculum
75 ary, these results strongly suggest that the caudomedial part of the cat riMLF is a premotor center t
76 s of dynorphinergic fibers especially in its caudomedial part.
77 primary visual area (V1), was located on the caudomedial pole of the neocortex; a large auditory cort
78 s that inferotemporal cortex connects to the caudomedial pole of this axis-reflecting an occipitotemp
79                                            A caudomedial portion of the cortical primordium, the site
80  retrogradely labeled neurons located in the caudomedial portion of the riMLF.
81 in a band that occupied the most lateral and caudomedial portions of the entorhinal cortex.
82 ives the heaviest ipsilateral input, and the caudomedial quadrant are targeted predominantly by the v
83 his study evaluates all areas on the CGv and caudomedial region with rigorous cytologic criteria in c
84 al projection patterns were found within the caudomedial region, in zones that stain darkly for VGLUT
85 d atlases show area 30 on the surface of the caudomedial region.
86 al MAN, NIf, and Uva and projects to Area X, caudomedial regions of striatum, and regions of the caud
87 e of PV-positive neurons than the border and caudomedial regions of the GP.
88 lated dextran amine (BDA) that included this caudomedial riMLF region anterogradely labeled axons tha
89  the protracted postnatal development of the caudomedial shell are vulnerable to destructive circumst
90              Few neurons projecting from the caudomedial shell of the accumbens to the ventral tegmen
91 ped by postnatal day 1, whereas those of the caudomedial shell of the nucleus accumbens only reached
92                                          The caudomedial shell of the nucleus accumbens, a supposed "
93 e of the nucleus accumbens, particularly the caudomedial shell, in neural processing related to rewar
94 that coincide with holes in the pia, and the caudomedial tectum exhibits prominent folds.
95 losely associated with auditory areas in the caudomedial telencephalon.
96  territory of the Str and the border and the caudomedial territories of the GP.
97 es, as well as somatotropes, lactotropes and caudomedial thyrotropes.
98 narrow region adjacent to the IVth ventricle caudomedial to locus coeruleus, designated here as the c
99      Bhlhb5 is initially expressed in a high caudomedial to low rostrolateral gradient that transform
100   Females that sang had higher pTH-ir in the caudomedial ventral tegmental area and the lateral septu
101 ponded to clicks, and the densely myelinated caudomedial visual area (V) contained neurons that were

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