


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 SNN), and is largely confined to the lateral caudoputamen.
2 y enhanced FosB-like immunoreactivity in the caudoputamen.
3  and blood volume fraction in the cortex and caudoputamen; 2) the effect of mannitol on brain tissue
4 ion and brain perfusion in the neocortex and caudoputamen; 2) the effect of recombinant human erythro
5 ed neuronal injury in the rostral and caudal caudoputamen (34 +/- 11% and 27 +/- 11%), in comparison
6 st became grossly visible in the ipsilateral caudoputamen and neocortex following 3 h of MCAo, was gr
7 nes that exhibit patterned expression in the caudoputamen and neocortex.
8 y with tetrodes chronically implanted in the caudoputamen and the CA1 field of the dorsal hippocampus
9 ues recovered completely in both the lateral caudoputamen and upper frontoparietal cortex in the 8-,
10 sum, hippocampus, thalamus, globus pallidus, caudoputamen and whole brain.
11 rior commissure, internal capsule, thalamus, caudoputamen, and cortex).
12 perfusion showed 80-100% brain damage in the caudoputamen, and in the hippocampal CA1, CA3, CA4 and d
13 8 min of ischemia in hippocampal structures, caudoputamen, and neocortex was similar between DSP-4-tr
14   Protection was observed in both cortex and caudoputamen, and neurologic scores were improved.
15 se expression in neocortex, piriform cortex, caudoputamen, and ventrobasal thalamus.
16 d significantly reduced infarct areas in the caudoputamen compared to saline treated rats (P < 0.05,
17 ignificantly attenuated water content in the caudoputamen complex and cortex compared with 0.9% salin
18 cond, it provides inputs to the ventromedial caudoputamen (CP) and anterior basolateral amygdalar nuc
19 re cerebral cortex to the dorsal striatum or caudoputamen (CP) in rodents.
20 Op), primary somatosensory cortex (SSp), and caudoputamen (CP) showed strong agreement in the ranked
21     However, when grafts are confined to the caudoputamen (CP), the NT2 cells differentiate into post
22                Rats with hippocampus, medial caudoputamen (CPU), lateral CPU, or control lesions were
23 rticularly in the nucleus accumbens and also caudoputamen (CPu).
24              Dual-labeling histochemistry in caudoputamen demonstrated that densely labeled striatal
25 e origin of innervation to striosomes in the caudoputamen disappears between P21 and adulthood.
26 rtially in the cortex, and not at all in the caudoputamen in the 60-minute group.
27 triatum, including the nucleus accumbens and caudoputamen, is an important substrate for these action
28 n showed an increasing density of SNN in the caudoputamen of normoglycemic animals.
29 ntification of injury in the hippocampus and caudoputamen on day 3.
30 mygdaloid nucleus, amygdalostriatal zone and caudoputamen, the hilus of the dentate gyrus, and stratu
31 usion and reduced brain damage to 30% in the caudoputamen, to close to zero in the CA3, CA4, and dent
32 with age (e.g. thalamus, cerebral cortex and caudoputamen); ventricles and white matter (corpus callo
33                The histology showed that the caudoputamen was either normal or had mild neuronal inju
34 ed neuronal death that is more severe in the caudoputamen where the initial ADCav decline was greater

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