


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  was highest in senescing rosette leaves and cauline leaves.
2  and inflorescence stems than in rosette and cauline leaves.
3 ssion C24 conferred reduced branching in the cauline leaves.
4 her levels of expression in roots, stems and cauline leaves.
5 es with extreme apical dominance and twisted cauline leaves.
6  DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA) is induced in cauline leaf abscission zones when the leaves become wil
7 corporated into phenotypically normal stems, cauline leaves and flowers.
8 -cells outside phloem bundles in rosette and cauline leaves and in flower stalks were visualised usin
9 tion to the effect on fruit development, ful cauline leaves are broader than those of wild type and s
10 hereas euFUL genes control phase transition, cauline leaf growth and fruit development.
11 he plants show upward curling of rosette and cauline leaves, in addition to early flowering.
12  tissues examined, including rosette leaves, cauline leaves, inflorescence stems, flowers, and siliqu
13 cumulation in mature plants was localized in cauline leaves, pollen, stigmata, and floral primordia,
14 hether the meristem develops on a rosette or cauline leaf, respectively.
15     FFO1 and FFO3 have specific functions in cauline leaf/stem separation and in first- and third-who
16                    Subtilases in rosette and cauline leaves, stems, flowers, and siliques could be di
17 eins were detectable in cotyledons, while in cauline leaves the transcript encoding the chloroplastic
18 trichome reduction on the adaxial surface of cauline leaves, thereby illuminating the significance of
19  and the partial conversion of later-arising cauline leaves to petals.
20 on, van inflorescence stems have clusters of cauline leaves; typically three are produced at each nod
21  Pc-G activity show a remarkable increase of cauline leaves under noninductive conditions and floral

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