


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Caveolin 1 (Cav1) is a required structural component of
2 e-like polygonal structures [7, 8] formed by caveolin 1 (Cav1) or Cav3 and one of the cavin proteins
3                         We hypothesized that caveolin 1 (CAV1), a well-known eNOS interactor, regulat
4 ding protein and main component of caveolae, caveolin 1 (cav1), which was present in each epicardial
5 d indirectly through another miR-204 target, Caveolin 1 (CAV1).
6 svascular pumping required the expression of caveolin 1 and annexin A1.
7                               The CAV1/CAV2 (caveolin 1 and caveolin 2) genomic region previously was
8 ive endocytosis with increased expression of caveolin 1 and caveolin 2.
9 YD1) and purified human Src kinase and human caveolin 1 or interactions between these proteins in nat
10 ydrophobic domain (FQRQVWLLF) interacts with caveolin 1 targeting Kv1.3 to caveolar rafts.
11 mbrane of microvascular endothelial cells in caveolin 1(-/-) mice is much more susceptible to acute r
12                These data support a role for caveolin 1, caveolin 2, or both in POAG and suggest that
13              Thus, overall, whereas a direct caveolin 1/Na,K-ATPase interaction is confirmed, the lac
14 beit with a low molar stoichiometry (1:15-30 caveolin 1/Na,K-ATPase).
15  by the binding of the scaffolding domain of caveolin-1 (amino acids 82-101) to the caveolin-binding
16 d overexpression of an MLR scaffold protein, caveolin-1 (Cav-1) (via a synapsin promoter, SynCav1), i
17                                              Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) ablation results in loss of caveolae
18 mily, is largely different from better known caveolin-1 (Cav-1) and thus might play distinct function
19                                              Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) gene inactivation interferes with cav
20      Hence, this study evaluated the role of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) in modulating P2Y2R subcellular distr
21  cells to assess the role of cholesterol and caveolin-1 (CAV-1) in the diffusion, expression, and fun
22 es this gap in knowledge by identifying that caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is a candidate mechanism-based biomar
23                                              Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is a key organizer of membrane specia
24                         We hypothesized that caveolin-1 (Cav-1) participates in IOP maintenance via m
25 ions in the caveolar structural protein gene Caveolin-1 (CAV-1) were identified in two patients with
26                                              Caveolin-1 (CAV-1), a structural protein of the cell mem
27                       One LD coat protein is caveolin-1 (Cav-1), an essential component for caveola a
28 lasma membrane in DM, which colocalized with caveolin-1 (Cav-1), the key structural protein of caveol
29 titioning into caveolae and association with caveolin-1 (Cav-1).
30 idomic and gene array analyses revealed that caveolin-1 (CAV1) deficiency results in altered cellular
31                                              Caveolin-1 (Cav1) drives the formation of flask-shaped m
32 ies have revealed significant association of caveolin-1 (Cav1) gene variants with increased risk of c
33 holesterol-binding integral membrane protein caveolin-1 (Cav1) into the membrane, however, the precis
34 erapeutic stress-resistant tumor clones, and caveolin-1 (CAV1) is a main regulator of numerous signal
35                                              Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is a multifunctional protein and a maj
36                                              Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is an essential component of caveolae
37                                              Caveolin-1 (Cav1) is an integral membrane, scaffolding p
38       The plasma membrane organizing protein caveolin-1 (Cav1) is increased in a variety of cancers,
39                                              Caveolin-1 (Cav1), a major Src kinase substrate phosphor
40 with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia), caveolin-1 (CAV1), and a gene (KCNK3) encoding a two-por
41                 The absence of PTEN leads to caveolin-1 (CAV1)-dependent beta-catenin transcriptional
42 o characterize the structure and dynamics of caveolin-1 (D82-S136; Cav182-136) in a DMPC bilayer usin
43             Complete backbone assignments of caveolin-1 (residues 62-178) were made, and it was deter
44 ncrease in Ca(2+) release in the presence of caveolin-1 activated protein kinase C, which accelerated
45                                              Caveolin-1 acts as a scaffolding protein to functionally
46 tor light responses, indicating that lack of caveolin-1 affects photoreceptor function in a non-cell-
47 aveolae, modulates the oncogenic function of caveolin-1 and cooperates with caveolin-1 to enhance pan
48 ial cells resulted in an increased amount of CAVEOLIN-1 and decreased cell proliferation.
49 this study, we show that KSR1 interacts with caveolin-1 and is responsible for MEK and ERK redistribu
50          In cell culture studies, membranous caveolin-1 and nuclear p53 expression was greater in rep
51                                              Caveolin-1 and p53 expression was decreased in bone in S
52  rat serum significantly down-regulated both caveolin-1 and p53 in senescent and nonsenescent cells.
53 sion molecule-1 and the transcytosis protein Caveolin-1 and promoting endothelial transcytosis.
54 further demonstrate that ShcA interacts with Caveolin-1 and the costameric protein plasma membrane Ca
55 aled the physical interaction of cavin-1 and caveolin-1 and their colocalization in pancreatic cancer
56    Correspondingly, significant increases of caveolin-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
57  of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase with ankyrin B and caveolin-1 are expected to result in changes in plasma m
58                                              Caveolin-1 associates with the endo/lysosomal machinery
59 ound in caveolae and directly phosphorylated caveolin-1 at Tyr14 in vitro and in vivo This modificati
60 vin-1/-2/-3/-4 and caveolin-1) in the cavins/caveolin-1 axis were screened by immunohistochemistry in
61 re and driver-gene mutations, and the cavins/caveolin-1 axis.
62 investigated the fatty acids in caveolae and caveolin-1 bound fatty acids.
63                               A heterozygous caveolin-1 c.474delA mutation has been identified in a f
64                               A heterozygous Caveolin-1 c.474delA mutation has been identified in a f
65  in the pathogenesis of PAH in patients with caveolin-1 c.474delA mutation.
66  in the pathogenesis of PAH in patients with caveolin-1 c.474delA mutation.
67 ischemic penumbra of rat brains, and whether caveolin-1 changes correlated with reduced brain injury
68 odification regulated the generation of TIE2/caveolin-1 complexes and was essential for TIE2/caveolin
69 on and confocal microscopy demonstrated TIE2/caveolin-1 complexes in the nucleus, and using inhibitor
70                       The central portion of caveolin-1 contains two helices (H1 and H2) connected by
71 ERK as a KSR1 mutant unable to interact with caveolin-1 does not efficiently mediate growth factor-in
72                                              Caveolin-1 exhibits a stage-dependent, functional fluctu
73                                We identified caveolin-1 expression as a crucial step in adipose cell
74                 In contrast, manipulation of caveolin-1 expression did not affect the actions of E2 o
75                We demonstrate that a lack of caveolin-1 expression inhibits oncogenic K-Ras (K-Ras(G1
76 at the mRNA and protein levels, and that low caveolin-1 expression is associated with poor survival.
77  human sample analysis in which we show that caveolin-1 expression is dramatically down-regulated in
78                           Cavin-1 stabilizes caveolin-1 expression or activity by inhibiting its inte
79 mature senescence through down-regulation of caveolin-1 expression to progress from premalignant lesi
80           Soy protein isolate down-regulates caveolin-1 expression to suppress osteoblastic cell sene
81  cancer was found to be largely dependent on caveolin-1 expression, which highlights the critical rol
82 e expansion response correlated with initial caveolin-1 expression.
83 emodeling of the microenvironment by stromal caveolin-1 favors tumor invasion and metastasis' by Goet
84 po-osmotic tension induced the dispersion of caveolin-1 from the caveolae, possibly through flattened
85     Here we studied how this mutation alters caveolin-1 function using patient-derived fibroblasts.
86     Here we studied how this mutation alters caveolin-1 function, using patient-derived fibroblasts.
87       Ligand 1 will permit targeted study of caveolin-1 function.
88  was to screen subjects for variation in the Caveolin-1 gene (Cav1), previously shown to correlate wi
89                            Like mice lacking caveolin-1 globally, (RPE)CAV1(-/-) mice developed a nor
90   Here, we show that the scaffolding protein caveolin-1 has a profound effect on receptor-driven Ca(2
91                                              Caveolin-1 has been primarily described as a major compo
92 roximately one-quarter of the density of the caveolin-1 in a flask-shaped caveola.
93                                          The caveolin-1 in a flattened caveola is assumed to have app
94 tion of Sirt1 expression or re-expression of caveolin-1 in caveolin-1 null MEFs restores reactive oxy
95                        Expression of mutated caveolin-1 in caveolin-1-null mouse fibroblasts failed t
96  extracellular domain and co-sedimented with caveolin-1 in lipid rafts.
97 critical role of the final 20 amino acids of caveolin-1 in modulating fibroblast proliferation by dam
98 critical role of the final 20 amino acids of caveolin-1 in modulating fibroblast proliferation throug
99 esults reveal a novel role for intracellular caveolin-1 in modulating phagolysosomal function.
100        Cavin-1 expression is associated with caveolin-1 in pancreatic cancer tissue samples and cell
101                            Overexpression of caveolin-1 in ST2 cells resulted in increased expression
102  and formed a continuous population with the caveolin-1 in the caveolae of cells under isotonic cultu
103 of this study was to investigate the role of caveolin-1 in treadmill-exercise-induced angiogenesis in
104  the EPA-induced lipid raft disorganization, caveolin-1 inactivation, and cellular cytotoxicity were
105        The proportion of one-quarter-density caveolin-1 increased after increasing the tension of the
106                            Overexpression of caveolin-1 increased receptor-phospholipase C coupling,
107               In addition, overexpression of caveolin-1 induces stress induced premature senescence i
108 bitor groups received an IP injection of the caveolin-1 inhibitor, daidzein (0.4 mg/kg), every 24 h f
109 demonstrate that the combination of TIE2 and caveolin-1 inhibitors resulted in significant radiosensi
110             Furthermore, abolishing the KSR1-caveolin-1 interaction increases growth factor demands t
111 nd suggests that the interruption of cavin-1/caveolin-1 interaction is a promising therapeutic strate
112 show that the lipid raft scaffolding protein caveolin-1 interacts with the STIM1-Orai1 complex to inc
113                      Our results reveal that caveolin-1 is a bimodal regulator of receptor-dependent
114                   These results suggest that caveolin-1 is a mediator of nonestrogenic SPI effects on
115                                              Caveolin-1 is a target for academic and pharmaceutical r
116                                              Caveolin-1 is an integral membrane protein that is the p
117             The interaction between KSR1 and caveolin-1 is essential for optimal activation of ERK as
118                                        While caveolin-1 is known to participate in a myriad of vital
119                         These data show that caveolin-1 is necessary for optimal KSR1-dependent ERK a
120                              In contrast, in caveolin-1 KD (Cav1-KD) cells, >87% of adiponectin-induc
121 tosis required dynamin but was unaffected by caveolin-1 knockdown or cholesterol depletion.
122                      After oxidative stress, caveolin-1 limits the movement of Nrf2 from caveolar mem
123              Therefore, by inhibiting Sirt1, caveolin-1 links free radicals to the activation of the
124 eolin-1 complexes and was essential for TIE2/caveolin-1 nuclear translocation.
125 expression or re-expression of caveolin-1 in caveolin-1 null MEFs restores reactive oxygen species-in
126 nd premature senescence in wild-type but not caveolin-1 null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs).
127 vital cellular processes, structural data on caveolin-1 of any kind is severely limited.
128 small, high-affinity, selective disrupter of caveolin-1 oligomers.
129                           Phosphorylation of caveolin-1 on tyrosine 14 promotes the sequestration of
130 ma membrane domains structurally composed of caveolin-1 or -3 along with other proteins.
131 r or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) against caveolin-1 or Tie2 inhibited their trafficking.
132                              Neuron-specific caveolin-1 overexpression improves motor function and pr
133                Our findings suggest that the caveolin-1 pathway is involved in the regulation of VEGF
134  and showed that combination of cavin-1 with caveolin-1 predicted worse survival in pancreatic cancer
135 olar deformation by measuring the density of caveolin-1 projected onto a two-dimensional (2D) plane.
136 oximately 2.5-fold) or decrease (by half) of caveolin-1 protein levels in RPE cells in culture was su
137                         We show that halving caveolin-1 protein levels significantly alkalinized lyso
138          This frameshift mutation leads to a caveolin-1 protein that contains all known functional do
139            This frameshift mutation leads to caveolin-1 protein that contains all known functional do
140      Each caveola contains approximately 150 caveolin-1 proteins.
141            Phosphorylation of tyrosine 14 on caveolin-1 regulates CRAC channel-evoked c-fos activatio
142  a subcutaneous xenograft model that stromal caveolin-1 remodels the intratumoral microenvironment, w
143 ression of wild-type caveolin-1 with mutated caveolin-1 restored the ability to form caveolae.
144 ression of wild type caveolin-1 with mutated caveolin-1 restored the ability to form caveolae.
145             Interestingly, overexpression of caveolin-1 restores cellular senescence in both A549 and
146                           Treatment with the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain peptide (CSP) reversed the
147 her, inhibition of Src kinase activity using caveolin-1 scaffolding domain peptide suppressed bleomyc
148 reveal that structurally distinct domains of caveolin-1 selectively regulate the ability of local cal
149 extent of caveolar formation and the role of caveolin-1 signalling were evaluated by immunohistochemi
150 ey show, for the first time, that organellar caveolin-1 significantly affects tissue functionality in
151                       Therefore, eliminating caveolin-1 specifically impairs phagolysosomal degradati
152                Here we explored mice lacking caveolin-1 specifically in the retinal pigment epitheliu
153                             A mutant form of caveolin-1 that fails to reach the cell surface augmente
154 c function of caveolin-1 and cooperates with caveolin-1 to enhance pancreatic cancer aggressiveness.
155 ession of p53 and p21, whereas, knockdown of caveolin-1 using shRNA led to increases in mdm2 and elim
156 cally to augmented interaction of BMPR2 with caveolin-1 via elafin-mediated stabilization of endothel
157                                   Endogenous caveolin-1 was recruited to maturing phagolysosomes in R
158                      The one-quarter-density caveolin-1 was soluble in detergent and formed a continu
159        The distinct, dispersed lower-density caveolin-1 was soluble in detergent and increased after
160 that K-Ras(G12V) promotes the interaction of caveolin-1 with MTH1, which results in inhibition of MTH
161           However, coexpression of wild-type caveolin-1 with mutated caveolin-1 restored the ability
162          However, co-expression of wild type caveolin-1 with mutated caveolin-1 restored the ability
163 ive critical molecules (cavin-1/-2/-3/-4 and caveolin-1) in the cavins/caveolin-1 axis were screened
164                                We found that caveolin-1, a structural protein component of caveolar m
165 ment of cavin-1 on the prognostic potency of caveolin-1, and showed that combination of cavin-1 with
166                                     Notably, caveolin-1, caveolin-2, and annexin A2, which are protei
167 ucture analysis of a functional construct of caveolin-1, containing the intact C-terminal domain, was
168 nt of endothelial nitric oxide synthase from caveolin-1, leading to an impairment of nitric oxide sig
169 2 cells exhibited a strong association among caveolin-1, p53, and mouse double minute 2 homologue (md
170  can be increased by blocking its binding to Caveolin-1, the main coat protein of caveolae, using a h
171 and-induced TIE2 trafficking is dependent on caveolin-1, the main component of caveolae.
172  membranes and the interaction of Sirt1 with caveolin-1, which lead to inhibition of Sirt1 activity.
173 lmonary arteries via elastase inhibition and caveolin-1-dependent amplification of BMPR2 signaling.
174 de-in integrin signaling stimulating phospho-caveolin-1-dependent RhoA activation, actin reorganizati
175  in-depth functional experiments showed that caveolin-1-enhanced aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer
176 echanism that involves recruitment of KIT to caveolin-1-enriched microdomains.
177 d TRPV5 activity by impairing dynamin-2- and caveolin-1-mediated endocytosis of TRPV5.
178 reted by senescent fibroblasts following the caveolin-1-mediated inhibition of Sirt1.
179                                          The caveolin-1-mediated secretion of IL-6 by senescent fibro
180                  Consistent with these data, caveolin-1-null mice overexpressing K-Ras(G12D) display
181  K-Ras(G12D)-induced premature senescence in caveolin-1-null mice results in the formation of more ab
182 r senescence in the lung of wildtype but not caveolin-1-null mice.
183          Expression of mutated caveolin-1 in caveolin-1-null mouse fibroblasts failed to induce forma
184 cancer cells, which could not be restored by caveolin-1-rescue construct.
185 esponsible for MEK and ERK redistribution to caveolin-1-rich fractions.
186 nd prevents the translocation of ICAM-1 into caveolin-1-rich membrane domains.
187 ion and induces translocation of ICAM-1 into caveolin-1-rich membrane domains.
188                 We also identified IL-6 as a caveolin-1-specific cytokine that is secreted by senesce
189 n impaired the antiproliferative function of caveolin-1.
190 detergent-resistant membranes (rafts) and to caveolin-1.
191 surface augmented degradation like wild-type caveolin-1.
192 colocalized with clathrin far more than with caveolin-1.
193 D1) cofactor during endolysosomal sorting of caveolin-1.
194 ins rich in the membrane raft marker protein caveolin-1.
195 ediated stabilization of endothelial surface caveolin-1.
196  impaired the anti-proliferative function of caveolin-1.
197 r the lipid raft markers ganglioside GM1 and Caveolin-1.
198 se to the Ca(2+) signal, was also reduced by caveolin-1.
199 uired a functional scaffolding domain within caveolin-1.
200  were associated with down-regulation of the caveolin-1/p53-mediated senescence pathway in bone.
201                                          The caveolin-1/VEGF signaling pathway may be a potential tar
202 e formation of lipid rafts and activation of caveolin-1; however, no such observations were made upon
203        In native renal membranes, a specific caveolin 14-5 oligomer (95 kDa) was found to be in direc
204 les is in a approximately 1:1 complex with a caveolin 14-5 oligomer.
205 tric inhibitory polypeptide receptor (GIPR), caveolin 2 (CAV2), and peptidase D (PEPD) (P-interaction
206                The CAV1/CAV2 (caveolin 1 and caveolin 2) genomic region previously was associated wit
207    These data support a role for caveolin 1, caveolin 2, or both in POAG and suggest that the caveoli
208  with increased expression of caveolin 1 and caveolin 2.
209                                              Caveolin-2 (Cav-2), a member of caveolin protein family,
210                         Notably, caveolin-1, caveolin-2, and annexin A2, which are proteins associate
211  Cav-1-F92A was measured by stabilization of caveolin-2, sucrose gradient, and electron microscopy.
212  with a reduction in the scaffolding protein caveolin-3 (Cav-3), altered Ca(2+) cycling, increased pr
213 calization of key muscle proteins, including caveolin-3 and Fer1L5, a related ferlin protein homologo
214 nges can be correlated with modifications in caveolin-3 and L-Type Ca(2+) channel distributions acros
215                    Coimmunoprecipitations of caveolin-3 and the voltage-gated potassium channel subun
216                                              Caveolin-3 co-localizes with and affects the expression
217                            Reintroduction of caveolin-3 in the failing myocytes is able to normalize
218 laments is associated with downregulation of caveolin-3 in the hypertrophic failing rabbit myocytes.
219                            Reintroduction of caveolin-3 is able to confine beta2 adrenergic receptor
220 in-1 or expression of a dystrophy-associated Caveolin-3 mutant both led to sarcolemmal damage but onl
221 MD1A (myotilin), LGMD1B (lamin A/C), LGMD1C (caveolin-3), LGMD1D (desmin), LGMD1E (DNAJB6), and more
222                    beta3-AR colocalized with caveolin-3, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and
223  levels of myosin heavy and light chains and caveolin-3.
224 of a previously described missense mutation, caveolin-3:p.T78M.
225                                     Purified caveolin 8S oligomers assumed disc-shaped arrangements o
226                   Functional interference of caveolin abrogated LCs superior ability to cross-present
227 cells that could be independent of clathrin, caveolin, actin, and lipid phase separation.
228 duced the internalization of IL-12Rbeta1 via caveolin and caused cancer cell death via the IL-12-IFN-
229                                              Caveolin and cavin proteins, as well as EHD2 and pacsin
230 perimentation reveal that complex effects of caveolin and cortical actin on Ras nanoclustering are si
231             The clustering and activation of caveolin and signaling proteins further stabilize raft s
232 ion of Rac1 is accelerated in the absence of caveolin and that, when caveolin is knocked down, polari
233                           In cells that lack caveolins and caveolae, cavin1 is cytosolic and rapidly
234  caveolae: integral membrane proteins termed caveolins and cytoplasmic coat proteins called cavins.
235               Oligomers of membrane-embedded caveolins and peripherally attached cavins form the cave
236 olae by a complex consisting of Na,K-ATPase, caveolin, and Src kinase.
237 discovered, HPV entry occurs by a clathrin-, caveolin-, and dynamin-independent endocytosis via tetra
238                                   We suggest caveolin as one such molecule that serves as a regulator
239 A sequestered TGF-beta receptor complexes to caveolin-associated membrane compartments, and reducing
240 RAI1 colocalizes with clathrin, but not with caveolin, at the apical membrane of PTECs, which determi
241                       Our results identify a caveolin-binding domain in Kv1 channels and highlight th
242                Kv1 channels share a putative caveolin-binding domain located at the intracellular N-t
243 in of caveolin-1 (amino acids 82-101) to the caveolin-binding domain of Sirt1 (amino acids 310-317).
244  region containing aromatic amino acids, the caveolin-binding motif.
245 ol binders by a single point mutation in the caveolin-binding motif.
246 vo demonstrate that membrane/lipid rafts and caveolin (Cav) organize progrowth receptors, and, when o
247 sduction and signaling, we hypothesized that caveolin (Cav) proteins might regulate integrins in the
248 lding and cholesterol binding proteins named caveolin (Cav).
249                                              Caveolin (Cav)1, a widely expressed transmembrane protei
250 nique membrane architecture generated by the caveolin-cavin system.
251 redict that, in the presence of fibronectin, caveolin defines regions of the cell that are resistant
252  extracellular matrix adhesion and increased caveolin-dependent EGFR endocytosis.
253 ll proliferation depended upon clathrin- and caveolin-dependent translocation of the IR to the nucleu
254 ation via activation of Rho/ROCK, CDC42, and caveolin endocytosis-dependent pathways, resulting in lo
255 xpressed DHHCs in the heart and localizes to caveolin-enriched cell surface microdomains.
256 ocalized GRP78 leads to GRP78 trafficking to caveolin-enriched microdomains (CEMs) on the cell surfac
257  cannot be reversed by endothelial rescue of caveolin expression in mice, indicating major importance
258 se pathway and toward a lipid raft-dependent caveolin-Fyn-Shc pathway.
259 g process, a function similar to that of the Caveolin genes (CAV1 and CAV2) which have previously bee
260 olae, specific lipid rafts which concentrate caveolins, harbor signaling molecules and their targets
261 s internalised via a clathrin-dependent, but caveolin-independent, route.
262 intramembrane domain and the CSD for defined caveolin-induced membrane deformation.
263 ineering applications, which is required for caveolin-induced vesicle formation in a bacterial system
264                                              Caveolin induces membrane curvature and drives the forma
265    We have identified the key steps in cavin/caveolin interplay regulating adipocyte caveolae dynamic
266 ed in the absence of caveolin and that, when caveolin is knocked down, polarization of active Rac1 is
267                                              Caveolin is traditionally thought of as a membrane-local
268                     Subsequently, clathrin-, caveolin-, lipid raft-, flotillin-, cholesterol-, and dy
269 ion and brush border fanning, which preceded caveolin-mediated bacterial internalization through chol
270 s EIPA, blebbistatin, and wortmannin and the caveolin-mediated endocytosis inhibitors nystatin and fi
271  In the absence of coronin-1C, the effect of caveolin-mediated endocytosis, which targets Rac1 for pr
272 y sensitive to perturbation of clathrin- and caveolin-mediated endocytosis.
273 onstitutive coronin-1C-mediated trafficking, caveolin-mediated Rac1 endocytosis is induced by engagem
274 t protein kinase type II) and development of caveolin-mediated signaling compartmentalization.
275 ntially reduced by nystatin, an inhibitor of caveolin-mediated virus entry.
276 tely we focus on two non-canonical roles for caveolin - membrane repair and regulation of mitochondri
277 ins, such as caveolae, and their constituent caveolins, modulate receptor signaling in astrocytes; ye
278 e without releasing a significant portion of caveolin molecules.
279 ant proteins, ABCA3, GM-CSF, podoplanin, and caveolin mRNA after 7 days, temporal induction of CCAAT/
280 olin 2, or both in POAG and suggest that the caveolins particularly may affect POAG pathogenesis in w
281 s involved in Na/K-ATPase signaling, such as caveolin, phospholipase C, Src, and the IP3 receptor.
282 lular senescence and ageing and propose that caveolin plays a distinct role in each of these processe
283 eolar functions from those supported by mere caveolin presence and also demonstrated that neither cav
284              Caveolin-2 (Cav-2), a member of caveolin protein family, is largely different from bette
285 patially resolved assemblies of clathrin and caveolin, Rab5a in early endosomes, and alpha-actinin, o
286 rent structural conformations can impair the caveolin recognition, thereby altering channel's spatial
287 How B lymphocytes, lacking any known form of caveolin, repair membrane injury is unknown.
288         We discover that both coronin-1C and caveolin retrieve Rac1 from similar locations at the rea
289 lated membranes are very well separated from caveolin-rich domains of the plasma membrane, the TGN an
290 es oncogenic motility by sequestering Src to caveolin-rich lipid rafts, thereby disengaging Src from
291 adhesion impacts receptor enrichment through Caveolin-rich membrane domains.
292 ation of AQP3 and phospholipase D2 (PLD2) in caveolin-rich membrane microdomains.
293     We have speculated that insertion of the caveolin scaffolding domain (CSD), a conserved amphipath
294 tains the highly conserved membrane-proximal caveolin scaffolding domain (CSD; amino acids 82-101).
295 ccessibility by extracellular matrix probes, caveolin structure in a bilayer remains elusive.
296                We have previously found that caveolin, the main structural component of caveolae, spe
297 teins cooperate with the scaffolding protein caveolin to form membrane invaginations known as caveola
298                     The loss of caveolae and caveolin was in accordance with the decrease in HCN chan
299 between purified human Na,K-ATPase and human caveolin was obtained, albeit with a low molar stoichiom
300 ion of endophilin B1 vesicles also contained caveolin, whereas clathrin was almost undetectable on th

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