


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ntained within the region until importations cease.
2 excretion ceasing a few weeks after symptoms cease.
3 dominate and endocytosis slows, but does not cease.
4 lations to increase with time and ultimately cease.
5 as they define when conservation efforts may cease.
6 ibrium potential and SR Ca(2+) release would cease.
7 fest itself until long after head collisions cease.
8  recovery did not begin until CAMP eruptions ceased.
9 gically apparent only when sweep gas flow is ceased.
10 ved changes did not persist once feeding had ceased.
11 er volume gain by East Antarctic ice shelves ceased.
12 rganize colony structure, and stress rapidly ceased.
13 n the reproductive tract after treatment had ceased.
14 nd rapidly expand if raloxifene treatment is ceased.
15 -lower permeability interface after delivery ceased.
16 ADE1L recovered after bulk proliferation had ceased.
17 trol levels 20 years after nitrogen addition ceased.
18 eeded WT levels from P30 when cell death had ceased.
19 arrays or sequencing collected after BFB has ceased.
20  social and anxiety behavior after treatment ceased.
21 es during the year after the CO(2) treatment ceased.
22 intensification and natural habitat loss has ceased.
23  hours after the emission of fresh particles ceased.
24 reasing [A+Z] separated when V deepoxidation ceased.
25 d biologically active long after its use has ceased.
26 onal decline increased when the intervention ceased.
27 mbryonic period of mitotic proliferation has ceased.
28  up-regulated after the environmental stress ceased.
29 wn regulated 30 minutes after the heat shock ceased.
30  proteins and sugars, long after cooking has ceased.
31 etland") system] in 2000 when cattle grazing ceased.
32 rved WB BMC occurred after linear growth had ceased.
33 ss drug administration (MDA) activities have ceased.
34 echanism after RET-driven ROS production has ceased.
35  weaning when direct maternal investment has ceased.
36 nd degrade ecosystems even after fishing has ceased.
37 1850) after major anthropogenic disturbances ceased.
38 rotein loss persists after red cell loss has ceased.
39 for example, Pb), even after deformation has ceased.
40 changes persist long after viral replication ceases.
41   Shortly after birth, myocyte cell division ceases.
42 he appearance of MFEECL after magnetic field ceases.
43  glucose levels lower and the insulin demand ceases.
44 se where Pt-oxide forms and all ORR activity ceases.
45 t leads to reduced emissions after treatment ceases.
46  oxyferrous form after peroxygenase activity ceases.
47 to a considerable degree before reproduction ceases.
48 perature, which is attained when evaporation ceases.
49      In response to stress, RpoS degradation ceases.
50  overwhelmed, and H2O2 degradation stalls or ceases.
51 ing to normal within 50 ms after stimulation ceases.
52 ion breaks down when embryonic cell division ceases.
53 y community where P. falciparum transmission ceased 5 y prior to this study.
54 rom the vent, despite detectable lava supply ceasing 6-8 months earlier.
55  self-limiting, with Campylobacter excretion ceasing a few weeks after symptoms cease.
56                             When stimulation ceases abruptly, bradykinesia returns gradually.
57 g sites, whereas the older XR chromosome has ceased acquisition and appears to have fine-tuned the bi
58 ng via the kinases PI(3)Kgamma, Akt and mTOR ceased, activation of the kinase PKA increased, autoindu
59            RNA synthesis and DNA replication cease after DNA damage.
60 ion to antheraxanthin (A) and zeaxanthin (Z) ceased after 1 h.
61                       Dioxane mineralization ceased after 7 days and was resumed by adding acetate (0
62 significantly affected, and somite formation ceased after the production of about 15-20 somites.
63 in both monolayer MoS2 and MoSe2 FET devices ceases after moderate exposure, with final value of the
64 ced theirs, in response to which the females ceased alarm calling.
65 ree assumptions: (1) harvest regulation will cease all illegal activities, (2) defined sustainable qu
66 table at weeks 8 to 20) were rerandomized to cease all treatment at week 24 or continue PegIFN/RBV up
67 tectable at weeks 8-20) were rerandomized to cease all treatment at week 24 or continue receiving Peg
68                                13 responders ceased all therapy; among these all 11 minimal residual
69                  Over time, this interaction ceases, allowing for a 2-fold induction in STAR activity
70                        Nuclear DNA synthesis ceased almost immediately following VACV infection, foll
71 induced by cytokines after TCR signaling has ceased, although this remains controversial and unproven
72  than 200 y, even if anthropogenic emissions cease altogether, despite the 10-y atmospheric lifetime
73                 We propose that decisions to cease and resume work are triggered by a cost evidence a
74 lular quiescence during which cell divisions cease and TAGs accumulate.
75 Committee recommended that blinded follow-up cease and the results be released.
76             After excision of the tumor, WDS ceased and gastric acid secretion returned.
77  at the time of cue presentation temporarily ceased and optogenetic activation of VMS D2-MSNs facilit
78            At low elongation rates, gelation ceases and a solution of rigid bundles is formed.
79      In each mutant, the nascent degradation ceases and DNA synthesis initially resumes in a timely m
80 sted for weeks after 'junk-food' consumption ceased, and preceded the development of obesity.
81                              If malaria care ceased as a result of the Ebola epidemic, untreated case
82                                         This ceased as seafloor spreading propagated northwards, open
83 form when both cell movement and cell growth cease at low nutrient levels.
84                              Dose escalation ceased at 160 mg per day given lack of MTD and endoxifen
85 Planned enrollment was 356 patients; accrual ceased at 272 because of high relapse incidence with RIC
86 e also induced by UV-inactivated KSHV, which ceased at later times of infection.
87 ver, endothelial expression of the Etv2 gene ceases at midgestation; therefore, vascular development
88 aradoxical because transcription effectively ceases at these low temperatures.
89 ed with increasing amplitude of stimulation, ceasing at approximately 6-12 pN stimuli.
90 ompleted their breeding cycle, with exposure ceasing at the end of incubation (82 days).
91   If nutrients become limited, proliferation ceases, because growth factor and/or PI3-kinase activity
92 III) for 1 h, although the Cr(III) oxidation ceased before 1 h of reaction at most employed experimen
93                Among subjects whose seizures ceased before arrival in the emergency department, the m
94  rodents, where this expansion phase largely ceases before neurogenesis begins.
95 rned cue-reward associations even after they ceased being valid.
96 ated that the Cr(III) oxidation reaction had ceased between 30 min and 1 h under most experimental co
97  during the SIE although none of the mothers ceased breastfeeding completely.
98 rsisted after the phasic dopamine signal had ceased, but gradually reversed when odor-like bursts con
99 unseled to either breastfeed exclusively and cease by 6 mo postpartum or formula feed exclusively.
100 anopy water supply declines with drought and ceases by hydraulic failure.
101 for up to 50 min after ketamine infusion had ceased, by which time perceptual distortions were absent
102 n contaminated long after active smoking has ceased (called 'thirdhand' smoke).
103 eep levels of unconsciousness where movement ceases, coherent thalamocortical delta oscillations (1-5
104 wever, typically decreases with pH and often ceases completely in slightly acidic wastewaters.
105 nel density increases, nonclustered channels cease conducting.
106 Arabidopsis counterparts reported earlier to cease cycling altogether upon cold treatment.
107  affect NSC and sugar, starch concentrations ceased declining and increased earlier with higher tempe
108 tate of diapause during which their activity ceases, development is arrested, metabolic rate is suppr
109 ous kidney function and enabling patients to cease dialysis.
110 reated animals obtained >5 d after treatment ceased displayed strongly reduced microgliosis and astro
111 nt membrane, the C. elegans anchor cell must cease dividing before differentiating and expressing pro
112 rmatogonial differentiation, and temporarily cease dividing.
113                         Thus, CD8(+) T cells ceased division within days after the infection was reso
114 f glaucoma subjects and 6.9% of suspects had ceased driving (p = 0.01).
115 s between age 60 and 80 reported if they had ceased driving, limited their driving in various ways, o
116                                    Breathing ceased during most seizures without recovery, whereas ca
117 rowth of Neapolis' water distribution system ceased during the collapse of the fifth century AD, alth
118 ggesting that cell wall protein biosynthesis ceased during the night.
119 st cells in preimplantation blastocysts, and ceasing during human embryonic stem cell derivation from
120  collected until each circuit clotted or was ceased electively for nonclotting reasons.
121 ressive and fatal, but those who survive and cease exposure generally demonstrate complete resolution
122    Cowpea bruchid (Callosobruchus maculatus) ceases feeding and growth when exposed to 2% oxygen.
123                        At the time divisions cease, female clones comprise five cysts on average that
124 d herein highlight that rebound events after ceasing fingolimod treatment may happen even with short
125 r cases of severe disease reactivation after ceasing fingolimod treatment using search terms fingolim
126 ed as new severe neurological symptoms after ceasing fingolimod treatment, with the development of mu
127                  Occurrence of rebound after ceasing fingolimod treatment.
128 ere identified who experienced rebound after ceasing fingolimod treatment.
129 perienced severe relapse 4 to 16 weeks after ceasing fingolimod treatment.
130  be granted in areas of conflict--eg, during cease-fire periods.
131  cortical neurons abruptly and synchronously cease firing, the neuronal basis of the slow wave, remai
132 ikeliness of the microcircuit to transiently cease firing.
133                                        Cases ceased following facility-wide chemoprophylaxis in July
134 broad spectrum bactericidal antibiotics, but ceased following treatment with metronidazole.
135                       Oral hygiene practices ceased for 21 days to induce gingivitis (induction), aft
136 thstand infection when ethanol treatment was ceased for two weeks, indicating that alcohol's deleteri
137 dissociate from chromatin, and transcription ceases globally.
138 t frosts in autumn or early winter tended to cease growth earlier in the autumn, potentially as an ad
139 tion dates because these populations already cease growth relatively late.
140 , led to reduced vegetation productivity and ceased growth in land evapotranspiration (ET).
141  for the ferredoxin-5 gene (FDX5) completely ceased growth in the dark, with both photosynthetic and
142 taglpQ or DeltaphoD mutants retained WTA and ceased growth upon phosphate limitation.
143                  Mtb responded to nitrite by ceasing growth; elevating levels of ATP through reduced
144 notypes that persist long after exposure has ceased.High or multiple doses of macrolide antibiotics,
145 s they were allocated to but BMD assessments ceased if patients deviated from protocol.
146 nd in which alcohol consumption decreases or ceases immediately following surgery, but often increase
147 ased prophylactic antimicrobials, and 5 have ceased immunoglobulin replacement.
148 fluoroalkyl sulfonates (PFSAs) following the cease in C6-8 PFSA precursor production in 2001 indicate
149                      Although such treatment ceased in 1985, iatrogenic CJD (iCJD) continues to emerg
150 r disposal is still evident, although inputs ceased in 1995, as indicated by anoxia extending at leas
151  had markedly risen since vaccine production ceased in 1999.
152 evelopment of the package by its originators ceased in 2001.
153        Although transmission appears to have ceased in 2016, the West Africa Ebola epidemic has profo
154  before seizures in all but 1 case (93%) and ceased in all 12 cases (80%) in which seizures were cont
155 r VIII use for participant-reported bleeding ceased in all the participants in this cohort by week 22
156     During 2008-2012, circulation apparently ceased in the 3 AFR countries with reestablished WPV tra
157 at intercontinental dispersal of Bolitogyrus ceased in the early Eocene, consistent with the terminat
158 ed as a flame retardant until its production ceased in the mid-1980s.
159 argins when the mitotic activity had already ceased in wild-type leaves.
160           In Drosophila melanogaster, growth ceases in response to a peak of the molting hormone ecdy
161                                  This period ceases in the second postnatal week with the maturation
162 ist long after the viral gene expression has ceased, indicating that this is a true irreversible cell
163       After cell killing, amoebae detach and cease ingestion.
164 65, 0.77) for non-cyclists and for those who ceased, initiated, or continued cycling between baseline
165 prised active PWID; group 2, individuals who ceased injecting drugs 1-2 months before recruitment; gr
166 before recruitment; group 3, individuals who ceased injecting drugs 3-4 months before recruitment; an
167 bound in syphilis prevalence after screening ceased is predicted to be slight, but it could be large
168 ed spine long after synaptic stimulation has ceased is unclear.
169 indicate that even if fertilizer application ceased, it may take years to see desired decreases in ph
170 ne cells that express PD-1 to bind PD-L1 and cease killing the tumor.
171 dy shows that before PCB discharges into NBH ceased (late 1970s), tern eggs had very high but variabl
172 omalies in the atmosphere was likely to have ceased long before their ultimate disappearance from the
173 notonic profile in the abnormal MFEECL after ceasing magnetic field.
174           Four years after sulfate additions ceased, MeHg concentrations and %MeHg had declined signi
175 ogen receptor-positive breast cancer who had ceased menstruating with adjuvant cyclophosphamide-based
176 op signal" that induces colliding tissues to cease migrating and heal remains an open question.
177         In both sexes, lep-2 mutants fail to cease molting or produce an adult cuticle.
178 e bulk of the human MSY, gene loss evidently ceased more than 25 million years ago.
179                   In contrast, mature plants cease movement with their flower heads facing east.
180 e spawning run (i.e. when most movements had ceased), movers only lived 10-60% longer.
181 nce exchange between homeologous chromosomes ceased much earlier than in rice.
182 metabolic state of life characterized by the ceasing of all metabolic processes, allowing survival of
183 ons Convention where all countries agreed to cease offensive biological weapons research.
184 verall tendency of triplet repeats to expand ceased on differentiation into differentiated embryoid b
185             It is debated how star formation ceased, on which time scales, and how this "quenching" r
186                           Granite generation ceased once enriched partial melts could no longer form
187  occurred <10 h after dawn, but accumulation ceased or loss of starch occurred if the same decrease i
188 review of benefits and risks for patients in ceasing or switching to other medicines.
189 ompromised when developers graduate, funding ceases, or investigators turn to other projects.
190  was conservative in all cases comprising of ceasing oral intake and anticoagulation.
191 ntly in individuals whose exposure to trauma ceased over the course of the study.
192                  Why females of some species cease ovulation prior to the end of their natural lifesp
193                                           By ceasing peristalsis-like motions while maintaining lumin
194 ong-term impact of such a switch compared to ceasing pneumococcal conjugate vaccination altogether.
195 ost of the scenarios considered suggest that ceasing pneumococcal conjugate vaccine use would cause a
196 ients achieved complete symptom control, 82% ceased PPI therapy, 100% healed esophagitis and 45% norm
197 The issue of the aging physician and when to cease practice has been controversial for many years.
198 trol group participants in blinded trials to cease practicing traditional water treatment practices i
199 nd Federal wildlife managers want grazing to cease, presumably leading to demise of the cattle.
200 lls in the marginal zone and red pulp, which ceases prior to the final KLRG1(Hi) CXCR3(Lo) stage.
201 ith AB-I allotransplantation in infants, who cease producing only donor-specific antibodies.
202 r, the duration of these stable interactions ceased progressively with lowering peptide major histoco
203 ype 1 (HTLV-1)-infected HeLa and SupT1 cells cease proliferation and become senescent immediately aft
204 sors only induce SPARC expression after they cease proliferation and migration, and transform into ma
205 ence (G0) allows cycling cells to reversibly cease proliferation.
206 n of 49 months (range, 22-80 months), 8 have ceased prophylactic antimicrobials, and 5 have ceased im
207 d 1.63 years, respectively, with 12 patients ceasing protocol therapy to proceed to transplantation.
208 wly even after greenhouse gas emissions have ceased, raising the question of how much sea-level commi
209                      After quarry operations ceased, relatively minor outcrops of similar fossils at
210 emble representations of a familiar space to cease resembling pre-PCP representations despite preserv
211 esponse during endotoxemia, aged neutrophils cease returning to the bone marrow and instead rapidly m
212 expression restricts overall root growth and ceases root regeneration upon damage of the stem cells,
213 ed across cancer sites, the ages at which to cease screening were consistent across models and cancer
214 es pombe, cytoplasmic microtubule nucleation ceases simultaneously with intranuclear mitotic spindle
215 portance of encouraging patients to avoid or cease smoking.
216 osis who have been exposed to arsenic should cease smoking.
217 th accepting their assigned intervention and ceasing smoking for 6 months.
218  cyclin B degradation, ipMT depolymerization ceases so the sliding ipMTs can push the poles apart.
219 irect indications that the first galaxies to cease star formation must have gone through major change
220             Some of the microplate fragments ceased subducting before the spreading center reached th
221 , both systems are attenuated and the animal ceases the recursive behavior.
222 ver, germ cell differentiation resumed after ceasing the ablation protocol, enabling complete regener
223 naptic dysfunctions that occur from suddenly ceasing the use of alcohol after chronic ingestion.
224 es that, once genetic developmental programs cease, the remaining morphogenetic processes may depend
225                     Once throwing activities ceased, the cortical bone mass, area, and thickness bene
226  lipolysis in adipocytes, but once lipolysis ceases, the cell must regain its basal morphology.
227 tic pressure at which the microvascular flow ceases, the reservoir pressure related to arterial compl
228  which the flow through the microcirculation ceases, the reservoir pressure related to arterial compl
229 ed stable deep molecular response can safely cease their therapy without relapsing (treatment free re
230                                   These eels ceased their DVM while they negotiated the Gibraltar Str
231 review, 50% or more of patients with IBD who cease therapy have a disease relapse.
232 foundering will continue after arc magmatism ceases, this process ultimately results in the formation
233 as channels and transporters, the CLCs never cease to amaze biophysicists, biochemists and physiologi
234 r these factors, African American race would cease to be a predictor of organ donation.
235 ion insurance for preventive eye care should cease to be a separate insurance benefit and should be m
236 under high task-switching costs, individuals cease to be able to perform tasks in isolation, instead
237 operties of over 400 CMEs, we show that CMEs cease to be coherent magnetohydrodynamic structures with
238  elderly seasonal vaccination programme will cease to be cost-effective with a mean incremental cost-
239 trategy under specific task assumptions, and cease to be optimal once we start relaxing these assumpt
240                          At this time, waves cease to be random and begin to show repetitive trajecto
241  opportunistic infections, CD4 counts should cease to be required for ART initiation.
242     Our study also suggests that bonobos may cease to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar in
243  between disciplines diminish and eventually cease to exist.
244 ing differentiation, epidermal keratinocytes cease to express integrins, but ERI complexes persist.
245                  Once in the OB, neuroblasts cease to express S1P1, which results in cell detachment
246 ese cells exhibit both instability (they can cease to express their signature cytokine, IL-17A) and p
247 nto depolarization block, a state where they cease to fire action potentials.
248 temperature (temperature above which fibrils cease to form) is a measure of fibril stability and that
249             This wound seal has borders that cease to grow in kinetic concert with late recruitment o
250 take is a complex behavior that can occur or cease to occur for a multitude of reasons.
251                 Interestingly, the membranes cease to refold when spheroplasts lost viability, implyi
252    The regulatory potential of RNA has never ceased to amaze: from RNA catalysis, to RNA-mediated spl
253 eases in Bet v 1-specific T(H)2 cell numbers ceased to appear after the first year of SIT without dev
254 vident without biomarker calibration, and it ceased to be apparent following control for body mass in
255                             After poliovirus ceased to be detected in human cases, ES documented the
256                      Surprisingly, mentoring ceased to correlate positively with obtaining external g
257 ection against chronic infection but largely ceased to detect virus within 72 hours of challenge, dem
258                 Under these conditions cells ceased to divide, became heat shock and zymolyase resist
259 fic information after image offset, but most ceased to encode previously presented images after a sub
260 c decreased with cooling rate and completely ceased to exist at cooling rates greater than [Formula:
261 , the house lay in ruins and the Society had ceased to exist.
262 o 10% (p < 0.001), at which point the lobule ceased to expand further and was counterbalanced with a
263  differentiating trophoblast cells that have ceased to express other TSC genes such as Cdx2 and Eomes
264 lly isolated from an abandoned uranium mine, ceased to grow, and concomitantly exhibited heightened l
265 ; and (3) a final stage in which performance ceased to improve with duration over approximately 1 s,
266 nalysis of LOC and the other areas' activity ceased to predict the location of context.
267                      As plants matured, they ceased to produce methylketones.
268 ided specifically at the leading tumor edge, ceased to proliferate, underwent epithelial-mesenchymal
269 erating at the landscape's carrying capacity-ceased to provide adequate food, fuel, and drinking wate
270  leads to such high flight costs that flying ceases to be an option in larger wing-propelled diving s
271 in the mesenchyme and early nephron lineage, ceases to express in mature kidney epithelia.
272 ogen that tolerates many antibiotics once it ceases to replicate.
273 ow that the average water reorientation time ceases to scale linearly with salt concentration due to
274  Swe1p activity inhibits the CDK, which then ceases to target Swe1p for degradation.
275 ns from hydropower can be largely avoided by ceasing to build hydropower plants with high land use pe
276 t the conventional wisdom picture of a glass ceasing to flow at finite temperature could be wrong.
277 ouse embryonic fibroblasts with TAF7 deleted cease transcription globally and stop proliferating.
278 rrest (GPA) during which all maternal growth ceases upon the production of a given number of seeds.
279 bal polio eradication initiative prepares to cease use of oral polio vaccine (OPV) in 2020, there is
280 eemed that all countries must simultaneously cease use of the type 2 oral polio vaccine and recommend
281 V in 2015 had successfully withdrawn OPV2 by ceasing use of tOPV in their national immunization progr
282 sting spider (Deinopis spinosa), where males cease visually-mediated foraging upon maturation.
283 bound in syphilis prevalence after screening ceased was explored.
284 ned transmission (the hazard ratio for cases ceasing was 0.74, 95% CI 0.13-0.92 per log-unit increase
285 e DHSs remained stable long after activation ceased, were preserved following replication, and were m
286  DNA synthesis by any one fork is thought to cease when it meets another travelling in the opposite d
287 -fire model, which allows the firing rate to cease when the stimulus falls below a given threshold.
288 reased, pH decreased, and methane production ceased when immediately fed this concentration.
289 ucose-replete medium; however, proliferation ceased when only mitochondrial substrate was provided.
290                           The sexual pathway ceases when a diploid aposporous initial (AI) cell diffe
291 attention are intertwined: binocular rivalry ceases when attention is diverted away from the rivalry
292 when mitochondria are well polarized, and it ceases when permeability transition pores (PTP) open dur
293 a2 underneath CB2 R* occurred, with rotation ceasing when Pro-139 (IC-2 loop) anchors in a hydrophobi
294 hin seconds of surface contact, these cycles ceased, which coincided with synthesis of the adhesive h
295         Nutrients are released after drought ceases, which might promote faster recovery but the temp
296  peptide bond and found that cAMP production ceased while receptor binding was not affected.
297 isplay coordinated intracolony movement that ceases with the onset of differentiation.
298 pheric generation of the isotopic signal has ceased, with dynamic and measurable signals probably sur
299                Large near-field displacement ceased within 6-8 seconds of the origin time, implying t
300 rs, 8 in the Pelagos Sanctuary (although two ceased within two days) and 5 in the Strait of Sicily, t

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