


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 one-rich, high aglycone food ingredient from celery.
2 ny dishes, where it has now been replaced by celery.
3  found to be 0.001% white mustard and 0.005% celery.
4  found to be 0.005% white mustard and 0.005% celery.
5 ation detection, a novel nuclease CEL I from celery.
6 ), celery stalks (A. g. var. dulce) and leaf celery (A. g. var. secalinum).
7  a flavonoid found in high concentrations in celery and green pepper, has been shown to reduce produc
8 ismatch endonucleases recently discovered in celery and other plants.
9     Lactating mothers drank vegetable, beet, celery, and carrot juices for 1 mo beginning at 0.5, 1.5
10 tomatoes, oranges and orange juice, carrots, celery, and greens.
11 ples differed significantly in their citrus, celery, and spice characteristics.
12 is a major primary photosynthetic product in celery (Apium graveolens L. cv Giant Pascal).
13 s the first enzyme in mannitol catabolism in celery (Apium graveolens L. var dulce [Mill] Pers. cv Fl
14 ted and characterized from the phloem sap of celery (Apium graveolens L.) and the extrafloral nectar
15 alization of mannitol dehydrogenase (MTD) in celery (Apium graveolens L.) suspension cells and plants
16 that is involved in mannitol biosynthesis in celery (Apium graveolens L.).
17  greenhouse-grown radish (Raphanus sativus), celery (Apium graveolens var. dulce), tomato (Lycopersic
18 s both a metabolite and an osmoprotectant in celery (Apium graveolens) are well documented.
19                                              Celery (Apium graveolens) collenchyma is a useful model
20 e Middle Ages when it was replaced by common celery (Apium graveolens).
21  an apparent mass of 45 kD was purified from celery (Apium graveolens).
22 cated sandwiches (3 reports), butter, precut celery, Camembert cheese, sausage, and tuna salad (1 rep
23                           Contaminated diced celery caused a baffling, lengthy outbreak of hospital-a
24 e found that purified nucleases derived from celery (CEL I), mung bean sprouts and Aspergillus (S1) w
25 described changes in Mtd RNA accumulation in celery cells mirrored changes in Mtd transcription in Ar
26 agnetic resonance spectroscopy, we show that celery collenchyma microfibrils were 2.9 to 3.0 nm in me
27  mature regions of soybean hypocotyls and of celery epidermis and collenchyma strands.
28 vailable food ingredients (peanut, hazelnut, celery, fish, and shrimp) blinded into common matrices.
29 is very similar to that of Bet v 1, Api g 1 (celery), Gly m 4 (soy), and Pru av 1 (cherry).
30 from seeds of Apium graveolens Linn (Chinese celery), has been demonstrated to have neuroprotective e
31 k/brown mustard and 50 ppm white mustard and celery in raw and brewed sausages with a probability 95%
32 ieties (celery roots, celery stalks and leaf celery) in foodstuffs.
33 as isolated from chicken salad and its diced celery ingredient at hospital A, and in 19 of >200 swabs
34 lusatrum, better known as Alexanders or wild celery, is a biennal herb used in cuisine for many centu
35                         CEL I, isolated from celery, is the first eukaryotic nuclease known that clea
36 lanced integration of mannitol metabolism in celery, its study is crucial in clarifying the physiolog
37 others liked the tastes of carrot, beet, and celery juices more, but no changes in dietary intake of
38              Api g 1, the Bet v 1 homolog in celery, lacks the ability to sensitize and is devoid of
39             Apigenin 7-O-apiosylglucoside in celery leaves was resistant to conversion by beta-glucos
40  NADPH required for mannitol biosynthesis in celery leaves.
41 ns of the deduced amino acid sequence with a celery M6PR tryptic digestion product.
42 cs indistinguishable from those of authentic celery M6PR.
43 c tobacco plants constitutively expressing a celery Mtd cDNA were produced and evaluated for potentia
44 evious work has shown that expression of the celery Mtd gene is regulated by many factors, such as he
45 cal analyses presented here demonstrate that celery MTD is localized in the cytosol and nuclei.
46                          K(m) values for the celery nr-G3PDH were low (6.8 microM for NADP(+) and 29
47       Smyrnium olusatrum, well known as wild celery or Alexanders, is a biennial herb belonging to th
48 m vascular and nonvascular tissues of mature celery petioles showed a strong anti-MTD sera cross-reac
49 , AC5061 causes more extensive maceration of celery petioles.
50       The distribution pattern of MTD within celery plants and in cell cultures that were grown on di
51  may regulate the distribution of MTD within celery plants.
52 bs of multiple surfaces and in 8 of 11 diced celery products at the processing plant.
53 ndent of PFAA chain length, while radish and celery RCFs showed a slight decrease with increasing cha
54            MTD was found in the meristems of celery root apices, in young expanding leaves, in the va
55  allergenic white mustard (Sinapis alba) and celery roots (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum), celery st
56 d brown mustard) and three celery varieties (celery roots, celery stalks and leaf celery) in foodstuf
57 model sausages spiked with white mustard and celery roots, the LOD was found to be 0.001% white musta
58 -MS total ion current (TIC) chromatograms of celery seed extracts.
59 root, perfluorobutanoate (PFBA; 232 ng/g) in celery shoot, and PFBA (150 ng/g) in pea fruit.
60 aining defined concentrations of mustard and celery showed that the triplex assay is applicable to bo
61 jor constituent of the essential oil of wild celery (Smyrnium olusatrum L., Apiaceae).
62  in cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, celery, spinach, and mustard.
63 lery roots (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum), celery stalks (A. g. var. dulce) and leaf celery (A. g.
64 d) and three celery varieties (celery roots, celery stalks and leaf celery) in foodstuffs.
65                                           In celery the direct analysis of untreated phloem sap by ma
66                       Flavones isolated from celery varied in their stability and susceptibility to d
67 s (white, black and brown mustard) and three celery varieties (celery roots, celery stalks and leaf c
68                                Chamomile and celery were used to test the effects of glycosidase-rich
69 10.1 mg of protein for hazelnut, peanut, and celery with overlapping 95% CIs.

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