


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 form nucleosomes after release into the host cell nucleus.
2 espond to changes in the redox levels of the cell nucleus.
3  VirE2 and host VIP1 proteins--into the host cell nucleus.
4 t cell and are subject to degradation in the cell nucleus.
5 licated in a variety of functions within the cell nucleus.
6  which traffics from the vacuole to the host cell nucleus.
7 sion of the gene and its position within the cell nucleus.
8 the functional chromatin organization of the cell nucleus.
9 pots could be simultaneously located in each cell nucleus.
10 nd posttranscriptional activities within the cell nucleus.
11 ent Binding Protein (STKR1) inside the plant cell nucleus.
12 toplasm and deposits the viral genome in the cell nucleus.
13    We report here that PKM2 localizes to the cell nucleus.
14 ignal that directs macromolecules out of the cell nucleus.
15 nsis have been shown to localize to the host cell nucleus.
16 tioning of specific DNA sequences within the cell nucleus.
17 162 capsomers, and assembled in the infected cell nucleus.
18 ng egress of nucleocapsids from the infected cell nucleus.
19 cells and would traffic to the infected host cell nucleus.
20 cently reported to be translocated into host-cell nucleus.
21  for DNA in releasing activated STAT1 in the cell nucleus.
22 al cells with one to three traversals of the cell nucleus.
23 orce that attracts mRNA molecules within the cell nucleus.
24 gulating protein function, especially in the cell nucleus.
25 rks mediate environmental information to the cell nucleus.
26 ear lamina, a structural scaffolding for the cell nucleus.
27 both modify important components of the host cell nucleus.
28 ed for the maturation of mRNA 3' ends in the cell nucleus.
29 vous system, often involve relocation of the cell nucleus.
30 lamellipodium from the cell periphery to the cell nucleus.
31 ed within the three-dimensional space of the cell nucleus.
32 is to provide structural scaffolding for the cell nucleus.
33 man genome into a roughly 10-micron-diameter cell nucleus.
34 mmetric segregation of Ash1p to the daughter cell nucleus.
35 malian genome is highly organized within the cell nucleus.
36  of microRNA (miRNA) precursors in the plant cell nucleus.
37 rastic reorganization of domains in the host cell nucleus.
38 re nonrandomly arranged within the mammalian cell nucleus.
39 tivity by controlling gene expression in the cell nucleus.
40 he non-heterochromatic subcompartment of the cell nucleus.
41 he spatial arrangement of genomes within the cell nucleus.
42 sids are able to deliver DNA to the infected cell nucleus.
43  introduce DSBs in a specified region of the cell nucleus.
44 , c-Jun amino-terminal kinase and p38 in the cell nucleus.
45 re similar in different locations around the cell nucleus.
46 r infectious genome and proteins to the host cell nucleus.
47 ibutes to the structural scaffolding for the cell nucleus.
48 led to phosphorylation of p68 at Y593 in the cell nucleus.
49 lar deformability, a property limited by the cell nucleus.
50 olar nuclei fuse to form the diploid central cell nucleus.
51 as been presumed to occur exclusively in the cell nucleus.
52 te to viscoelastic properties of the somatic cell nucleus.
53  initiate saltatory forward movements of the cell nucleus.
54 otein transport (T) complexes into the plant cell nucleus.
55 ajor architectural elements of the mammalian cell nucleus.
56 Syk acts as a transcription repressor in the cell nucleus.
57 lpha and 'piggy-backing' VirE2 into the host cell nucleus.
58 lly regulated following delivery to the host cell nucleus.
59 d by the viral RNA polymerase complex in the cell nucleus.
60 DNA replication and repair in the eukaryotic cell nucleus.
61 the trafficking of viral DNA to the infected cell nucleus.
62  after the viral genome has entered the host cell nucleus.
63 onse and regulatory activity within the host cell nucleus.
64  of preassembled polyGln aggregates into the cell nucleus.
65 irect the preintegration complex to the host-cell nucleus.
66 n, and encapsidation take place, in the host cell nucleus.
67 ous Jade-1 is localized predominantly in the cell nucleus.
68 re thought, or are known, to localise to the cell nucleus.
69 d into chromatin or being contained within a cell nucleus.
70 anscription is a local phenomenon within the cell nucleus.
71  replication of the viral genome in the host cell nucleus.
72 at HB-EGF is capable of translocating to the cell nucleus.
73 he cytoplasmic fragment translocating to the cell nucleus.
74 rom a cytoplasmic virus are expressed in the cell nucleus.
75 forms, and is predominantly localized in the cell nucleus.
76 egates are highly toxic when directed to the cell nucleus.
77 ncreased levels of phosphorylated ERK in the cell nucleus.
78 cribed for sequencing the transcriptome of a cell nucleus.
79  predominantly mitochondrial location to the cell nucleus.
80 eing induced in a differentiated adult human cell nucleus.
81 ion, mtDNA, are ultimately controlled by the cell nucleus.
82 ivity and increased p65 translocation to the cell nucleus.
83 nt Importins to import the histones into the cell nucleus.
84 s are chromatinized upon entry into the host cell nucleus.
85 ociated with HSV-1 genomes entering the host cell nucleus.
86 iated herpesvirus (KSHV) genomes in the host cell nucleus.
87 stributed both at nerve terminals and in the cell nucleus.
88 it transports viral nucleic acid to the host cell nucleus.
89 arranged non-randomly in the 3D space of the cell nucleus.
90 of BRAT1 leads to BRAT1 trafficking into the cell nucleus.
91  cytotoxicity and localizes primarily in the cell nucleus.
92 e states of chromatin folding in the diploid cell nucleus.
93 n the case of the highly organized mammalian cell nucleus.
94 e the viral genome is maintained in the host cell nucleus.
95  C-terminal fragment that accumulates in the cell nucleus.
96 ation of misfolded proteins in the mammalian cell nucleus.
97 ere shown to strongly co-localize within the cell nucleus.
98 on that organizes functional elements in the cell nucleus.
99 ial for the exit of nascent capsids from the cell nucleus.
100  of current views on the organization of the cell nucleus.
101 ajor architectural elements of the mammalian cell nucleus.
102  protein lost the ability to localize to the cell nucleus accurately.
103 these LRRs concentrated normally in the HeLa cell nucleus after delivery by Yersinia infection, showi
104 , a class IIa HDAC that is exported from the cell nucleus after TCR engagement.
105 distribute with the androgen receptor in the cell nucleus, also that both glycogen synthase kinase-3b
106 ed recombinant protein was able to enter the cell nucleus and activate HOXB4, a target gene of NF-Ya,
107 s expressing Pmk1 versions excluded from the cell nucleus and anchored to the plasma membrane in diff
108 containing disorder are often located in the cell nucleus and are involved in the regulation of trans
109 erpesviral capsids are assembled in the host cell nucleus and are subsequently translocated to the cy
110 it lacking the 627 domain accumulates in the cell nucleus and assembles into a heterotrimeric polymer
111     Subsequently, Nrf2 translocates into the cell nucleus and binds to a cis-acting enhancer called t
112 s and exhibited impaired polarization of the cell nucleus and contractile cytoskeleton when compared
113               Molecular exchange between the cell nucleus and cytoplasm is one of the most fundamenta
114 sphorylation-dependent shuttling between the cell nucleus and cytoplasm, and interacts with gene-regu
115 the presence of 7F3-positive product in both cell nucleus and cytoplasm.
116 upy differential radial positions within the cell nucleus and differentially associate with intranucl
117  preferred interactions with other CT in the cell nucleus and form preferred-albeit probabilistic-int
118 from being merely structural elements of the cell nucleus and has implicated them in novel cellular f
119  is organized in three dimensions inside the cell nucleus and how this affects the ways in which cell
120     We show that VirF localizes to the plant cell nucleus and interacts with VIP1, a nuclear protein.
121 likely occurs in close proximity to the host cell nucleus and involves the viral capsid.
122 ps one of the most regulated proteins in the cell nucleus and is acted upon by a variety of protein k
123 ERbeta2 immunoreactivity is localized in the cell nucleus and is expressed with a distribution simila
124  of p115, endogenous CTF translocated to the cell nucleus and its nuclear import was required to enha
125 n of substantial quantities of (64)Cu to the cell nucleus and mitochondria may contribute to cell kil
126 ignals with transcriptional responses in the cell nucleus and plays a critical role during T cell dev
127 e the mechanism of SKN-1 accumulation in the cell nucleus and provide a new mechanistic framework for
128 ion (STAT) factors, which translocate to the cell nucleus and regulate the expression of genes associ
129 ingle-stranded DNA and proteins--to the host cell nucleus and that a karyophilic protein carrier that
130 n IQD1-GFP fusion protein is targeted to the cell nucleus and that recombinant IQD1 binds to calmodul
131 ule organizing center (MTOC) relative to the cell nucleus and the body axes, as a marker of cell pola
132  expressed and known to function in both the cell nucleus and the cytoplasm.
133 de range of biological processes in both the cell nucleus and the cytoplasm.
134  (NPC) is the gate for transport between the cell nucleus and the cytoplasm.
135 ionally organized within the confines of the cell nucleus and the dynamic interplay between the genom
136               The global architecture of the cell nucleus and the spatial organization of chromatin p
137 NA) segments that are replicated in the host cell nucleus and transported to the plasma membrane for
138 proteins that are actively imported into the cell nucleus and visualization of their nuclear accumula
139 elomerase predominantly), accumulated in the cell nucleus, and caused DNA degradation.
140 tion of E2F3 and E2F4 with Trim28 within the cell nucleus, and co-immunoprecipitation assays demonstr
141 ization of the Forkhead factor FKHRL1 to the cell nucleus, and increased FKHRL1-dependent transcripti
142   The SRF.HDAC4 complex was localized to the cell nucleus, and the activated CaMK-IV disrupted HDAC4/
143 smission then continues down to the level of cell, nucleus, and molecule; moreover, to lesser or grea
144 echanical stability and deformability of the cell nucleus are crucial to many biological processes, i
145        High levels of oligonucleotide in the cell nucleus are not a requirement for gene silencing, c
146 rtments of DNA viruses that replicate in the cell nucleus are so commonly found in association with N
147 dicate that radiation doses delivered to the cell nucleus are sufficient to kill cells of several dif
148 ellular S values in concentric and eccentric cell-nucleus arrangements and by comparing their dose-po
149 GFP-Wdr68 and RFP-Dyrk1a co-localized to the cell nucleus as expected based on the known sub-cellular
150 , with 19.5 +/- 1.4% and 6.0 +/- 1.0% in the cell nucleus at 24 h, respectively.
151          Nucleocapsids were located near the cell nucleus at early times postinfection (2 h) but were
152  proportion of cystatin D locates within the cell nucleus at specific transcriptionally active chroma
153 at some of the viral RNAs transcribed in the cell nucleus be exported to the cytoplasm without being
154 he viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in the cell nucleus before being exported to the cytoplasm for
155 herpesvirus, the viral DNA is present in the cell nucleus, but it is not extensively replicated or tr
156 n a highly ordered yet dynamic manner in the cell nucleus, but the principles governing this organiza
157 calpains can reside in or translocate to the cell nucleus, but their functions in this compartment re
158 sed the intracellular milieu and entered the cell nucleus by a route that evaded pgp-mediated drug ex
159 teins, and the Gzms accumulate in the target cell nucleus by an unknown mechanism.
160 , Takifugu AID is actively exported from the cell nucleus by CRM1, and the Takifugu NES can substitut
161  Extracellular signals are transduced to the cell nucleus by effectors that bind to enhancer complexe
162 ger-electron-emitting radionuclides into the cell nucleus by means of nuclide-filled liposomes (Nucli
163 ricts unchromatinized DNA when it enters the cell nucleus by promoting the loading of nucleosomes and
164 enic induces the rapid reorganization of the cell nucleus by SUMO modification of nuclear body-associ
165  and mutated HMGN1 and HMGN2 proteins in the cell nucleus by using immunofluorescence studies, live c
166                 Our findings reveal that the cell nucleus can be viewed as a highly charged polymer g
167 odel illustrates how dTMP synthesized in the cell nucleus can compensate for loss of intramitochondri
168 of transcription factor action in the living cell nucleus can provide important insights into gene re
169             The mechanical properties of the cell nucleus change to allow cells to migrate, but how c
170 s in signal transduction and localize to the cell nucleus, consistent with a role for biotin in cell
171                                The mammalian cell nucleus contains structurally stable functional com
172                             We show that the cell nucleus contributes to the strength of the trap, wh
173 t an unanticipated role of cystatin D in the cell nucleus, controlling the transcription of specific
174 ray tomography reconstruction of an infected cell nucleus demonstrated that the peripheral, compacted
175 ed with VEGF, SETSIP was translocated to the cell nucleus, directly bound to the VE-cadherin promoter
176  the mRNA cap structure, is localized in the cell nucleus, does not induce the flat cellular phenotyp
177 te microtubules from multiple sites near the cell nucleus during interphase.
178 st and replicate as episomes inside the host cell nucleus during latent infection.
179 ranscripts that are exported from the mother-cell nucleus during mitotic anaphase, transported to the
180    We report that HDAC7 is exported from the cell nucleus during positive selection in mouse thymocyt
181 ear localization signals (NLSs) to enter the cell nucleus during ribosome assembly.
182 e we report that Rgf1p is relocalized to the cell nucleus during the stalled replication caused by hy
183  trafficking of papillomaviruses to the host cell nucleus during their natural infectious life cycle
184 pel-like factor 6 (KLF6) translocates to the cell nucleus during wound healing, concomitantly with an
185  essential for many crucial functions in the cell nucleus (e.g., DNA replication and mitotic spindle
186 nteracted with histone H3 and IKKbeta in the cell nucleus, enhancing histone H3 phosphorylation throu
187 internalization, though DF did not reach the cell nucleus even after 24 hours.
188                    Calcium transients in the cell nucleus evoked by synaptic activity in hippocampal
189      In conclusion, Dm-dNK expression in the cell nucleus expanded the total dNTP pools to levels req
190 herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-infected cell nucleus, foci enriched in the Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone
191 o deliver their RC DNA content into the host cell nucleus for conversion to the covalently closed cir
192    Retroviruses must gain access to the host cell nucleus for subsequent replication and viral propag
193 T) has been scored from energy deposits in a cell nucleus; for very low-energy ions, it has been defi
194  of histone demethylation enzymes within the cell nucleus, formaldehyde is produced endogenously, in
195                                   Inside the cell nucleus, genomes fold into organized structures tha
196                                In the living cell nucleus, genomic DNA is packaged into chromatin.
197  the physiological function of CD40 in the B-cell nucleus has not been examined.
198                 AIF translocates to the host cell nucleus, implying that it has a crucial role in Omp
199 med to assess self- and cross-doses for each cell nucleus in a population of 10(6) cells.
200 is highly conserved enzyme is located in the cell nucleus in all vertebrates investigated to date, bu
201 ted cells, chromosomes are packed inside the cell nucleus in an organised fashion.
202      Herpesvirus nucleocapsids exit the host cell nucleus in an unusual process known as nuclear egre
203 elocation of beta-catenin to the endothelial cell nucleus in CM.
204            Our findings reveal a role of the cell nucleus in harboring RNA molecules that are not imm
205 w that the calcium buffering capacity of the cell nucleus in mouse hippocampal neurons regulates neur
206 vation and limited fragmentation of the host cell nucleus in response to agonists that induce apoptos
207 iquitinated proteins occurs primarily in the cell nucleus in transfected cells and requires intact UI
208 tagged IQD1 proteins to microtubules and the cell nucleus in transiently and stably transformed plant
209 ent architectural remodeling of the neuronal cell nucleus in vivo contributes to activity-dependent c
210 of discrete compartments within the infected-cell nucleus in which replication proteins are concentra
211 d that the BAFF-R protein was present in the cell nucleus, in addition to its integral presence in th
212 aspase that is present constitutively in the cell nucleus, in addition to other cellular compartments
213 (HSV-1) induces profound modification of the cell nucleus including formation of a viral replication
214 degradation, NF kappa B translocation to the cell nucleus, increased NF kappa B binding to its DNA co
215 at Rrp6 and Rrp47 are localized to the yeast cell nucleus independently of one another.
216 sults in retention of poly(A)(+) RNAs in the cell nucleus, indicating that NPM1 influences mRNA expor
217 ral replication compartments in the infected cell nucleus, indicating that these proteins may have a
218 roxyl radical and peroxynitrite close to the cell nucleus, inflicting DNA damage, but the source of r
219  signaling, beta-catenin translocates to the cell nucleus, interacting with Tcf/Lef factors to activa
220 ophilum, which is translocated into the host cell nucleus, interacts with gene regulatory regions of
221 d to the release of ssDNA fragments from the cell nucleus into the cytosol, engaging this innate immu
222 tial for successful reprogramming of somatic cell nucleus into the pluripotent state.
223            Many RNA-processing events in the cell nucleus involve the Trf4/Air2/Mtr4 polyadenylation
224                    Gene transcription in the cell nucleus is a complex and highly regulated process.
225                                The mammalian cell nucleus is a dynamic and highly organized structure
226                               The eukaryotic cell nucleus is a heterogeneous organelle.
227                                          The cell nucleus is a highly organized structure and plays a
228                  The packaging of DNA in the cell nucleus is a major obstacle, but also a crucial mea
229 c materials are trafficked in and out of the cell nucleus is a problem of great importance not only f
230                                The mammalian cell nucleus is compartmentalized into nonmembranous sub
231                                 In vivo, the cell nucleus is frequently subjected to deformation on a
232 nscriptional gene silencing in the mammalian cell nucleus is less understood.
233 idence that transcription in the presynaptic cell nucleus is not necessary for this form of plasticit
234 mponent of the T-complex and localize to the cell nucleus is sufficient for transient genetic transfo
235  that with successful targeting to the tumor-cell nucleus it is possible to obtain a therapeutic effe
236  AGT variant that fails to accumulate in the cell nucleus (K125L), suggesting that nuclear DNA damage
237 n asymmetric perinuclear region (outside the cell nucleus) known as the microtubule organizing center
238  (HSV) dramatically reorganizes the infected-cell nucleus, leading to the formation of prereplicative
239                                          The cell nucleus must continually resist and respond to inte
240  Immunoreactive APOBEC2 was localized to the cell nucleus of developing myocardium and skeletal myofi
241  which themselves reside within almost every cell nucleus of eukaryotic organisms.
242 n the cytosol but are also detectable in the cell nucleus of hippocampal neurons, suggesting that nuc
243 babilistic non-random arrangement within the cell nucleus of mammalian cells including radial positio
244 e Gbeta(5) mutant was also excluded from the cell nucleus of transfected PC12 cells analyzed by laser
245 e, we explore the effects of crowding in the cell nucleus on a model of gene transcription as a netwo
246 e three-dimensional (3D) architecture of the cell nucleus plays an important role in protein dynamics
247 hus indicating its function within the plant cell nucleus, possibly by binding naked T-strands and bl
248                                The mammalian cell nucleus provides a landscape where genes are regula
249 rs and/or chromatin-modifying enzymes in the cell nucleus, rather than their role in Golgi fission, w
250  to induce damage in a defined region in the cell nucleus, representing an innovative technology to e
251 most regions including the intermediolateral cell nucleus, sacral parasympathetic nucleus, dorsal gre
252                Up to 40% of spectra from the cell nucleus show Raman bands associated with nanopartic
253 n of spectra, classified as belonging to the cell nucleus, show Raman bands associated with nanoparti
254     However, CaBPs are also expressed in the cell nucleus, suggesting that they modulate nuclear calc
255 a seen by confocal microscopy in the RIIbeta cell nucleus supports the opposed genomic regulation dem
256 o self-assembly achieved for the oncotropic, cell nucleus-targeted MVM capsid may facilitate its deve
257 in has a complex spatial organization in the cell nucleus that serves vital functional purposes.
258               These data suggest that in the cell nucleus the presence of negatively charged DNA or R
259 pect to the total number of nucleosomes in a cell nucleus, the accessibility of the transcription fac
260 lating NF-kappaB translocation into the host cell nucleus, the data collectively suggest that a profo
261       However, after entry into the infected cell nucleus, the HSV genome begins to associate with nu
262 S can target a heterologous protein into the cell nucleus through interactions with Kap104p.
263 ssed during meiosis but retained in the germ cell nucleus throughout later stages of spermatogenesis.
264 nd in vitro, and its redistribution from the cell nucleus to a cytoplasmic compartment, N-CoR is refr
265             The transplantation of a somatic cell nucleus to an enucleated egg results in a major rep
266 predicts the shear-induced deflection of the cell nucleus to be 0.87 +/- 0.03 microm.
267  end causes the first gene to enter the host cell nucleus to be alpha4, a transcription factor requir
268 switching, is segregated within the daughter cell nucleus to establish asymmetry of HO expression.
269 lease RC DNA (i.e., uncoating) into the host cell nucleus to form the covalently closed circular (CCC
270  is unknown how BRAT1 is trafficked into the cell nucleus to maintain ATM phosphorylation.
271 rnatively, can deliver their DNA to the host cell nucleus to maintain the viral genome as nuclear epi
272 mobilization of activating proteins into the cell nucleus to repair damaged DNA.
273                      Export of mRNA from the cell nucleus to the cytoplasm is essential for protein s
274 paBalpha) promotes NF-kappaB export from the cell nucleus to the cytoplasm, but the physiological rol
275 dy linked to various cancers-moving from the cell nucleus to the cytoplasm.
276 s a severe displacement of the photoreceptor cell nucleus toward the synaptic terminus.
277  all three SRC-RIDs, measured throughout the cell nucleus, transitioned from structurally similar, hi
278                   It is now evident that the cell nucleus undergoes dramatic shape changes during imp
279 ly endosomes and appears additionally in the cell nucleus upon continuous EGF stimulation.
280 y nanotubes, the oligos can translocate into cell nucleus upon endosomal rupture triggered by NIR las
281 translocates from the plasma membrane to the cell nucleus using a microtubule-dependent shuttle that
282 trix metalloproteases and transferred to the cell nucleus via endosomes and the cytoplasm.
283 tes from protein-DNA interactions within the cell nucleus we have investigated the initial cellular r
284 acellular parasites and traffics to the host cell nucleus where it inhibits STAT1-dependent proinflam
285 clase resides, in part, inside the mammalian cell nucleus where it stimulates the activity of nuclear
286            Yet PTEN can also localize to the cell nucleus where its functions remain unclear.
287 ther show that this process is active in the cell nucleus, where another system for aggregate clearan
288 ctor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) translocates to the cell nucleus, where it binds to enhancer-like regions an
289 ded transferred DNA (T-strand) into the host cell nucleus, where it can be converted into double-stra
290 e cytoskeleton, actin is also present in the cell nucleus, where it has been linked to many processes
291 at, upon DNA damage, WWOX accumulates in the cell nucleus, where it interacts with ATM and enhances i
292 w that p68 is predominantly localized to the cell nucleus, where it partially colocalizes with the tr
293 nscription (TgIST), translocates to the host cell nucleus, where it recruits Mi-2/NuRD to STAT1-depen
294 ptor (AhR), causing it to translocate to the cell nucleus, where it transactivates target genes.
295 n without inhibiting forward movement of the cell nucleus, whereas local treatment posterior to the n
296  led to a build-up of HDAC4 and HDAC5 in the cell nucleus, which in the case of PV.NLS-mC can be reve
297         NE defines the shape and size of the cell nucleus, which increases during the cell cycle, acc
298 ), a poorer WWP1 substrate, was found in the cell nucleus, while WWP1 was not.
299 r final destinations by translocation of the cell nucleus within their leading process and immature b
300 s to a dynamical compartmentalization of the cell nucleus, yet the mechanisms by which interphase chr

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