


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  with more recently evolved functions (e.g., cell-cell communication).
2 crine mechanisms, distant cells benefit from cell-cell communication.
3 lular processes like motility, invasion, and cell-cell communication.
4 ed to development, cell differentiation, and cell-cell communication.
5 ivalis and S. cristatus is necessary for the cell-cell communication.
6 cteria use chemicals called autoinducers for cell-cell communication.
7 f patients with vascular disease and mediate cell-cell communication.
8 ironment may play a key role in facilitating cell-cell communication.
9 nt, differentiation, and homeostasis through cell-cell communication.
10 environment, termed the niche, through local cell-cell communication.
11 NA cargoes that have emerged as mediators of cell-cell communication.
12 amyloid of Alzheimer's disease for mediating cell-cell communication.
13  signal transduction, cellular dynamics, and cell-cell communication.
14 tides that function as neurotransmitters for cell-cell communication.
15 f neural migrations, which require extensive cell-cell communication.
16 hereby expanding the lexicon and language of cell-cell communication.
17  also extend outside of the cell and mediate cell-cell communication.
18  receptor family regulates cell fate through cell-cell communication.
19 icles for release of bioactive molecules for cell-cell communication.
20 ineering of population-level behaviors using cell-cell communication.
21 al basis for direct electrical and metabolic cell-cell communication.
22 n knowledge in a model of pulmonary alveolar cell-cell communication.
23 , highly specialized cells dedicated to fast cell-cell communication.
24 lin 2 (PKP2) cause arrhythmia due to loss of cell-cell communication.
25 t, growth and biochemical activities through cell-cell communication.
26 unctions as a ligand for receptors vital for cell-cell communication.
27 cellular connection, as well as for studying cell-cell communication.
28 essment of the mechanisms that control plant cell-cell communication.
29 a discovered ligand receptors that influence cell-cell communication.
30 ause they seem to constitute a new system of cell-cell communication.
31 ce receptors under an environment closest to cell-cell communication.
32 eir antimicrobial effects and involvement in cell-cell communication.
33 derstanding and manipulating cancers through cell-cell communication.
34 direct pathways for electrical and metabolic cell-cell communication.
35 t living organisms for energy metabolism and cell-to-cell communication.
36  ASC specks and a previously unknown form of cell-to-cell communication.
37 onas aeruginosa employs alkyl quinolones for cell-to-cell communication.
38 ng key fibrogenic cytokines and by promoting cell-to-cell communication.
39 ction of these circulating miRNAs in distant cell-to-cell communication.
40 ously shown its crucial role as mediators of cell-to-cell communication.
41 on, viral infection, antiviral response, and cell-to-cell communication.
42 nd are important for neuron excitability and cell-to-cell communication.
43 nown boundaries of Trx and suggest a role in cell-to-cell communication.
44 ent studies have defined its unusual mode of cell-to-cell communication.
45 al arrays, termed plaques, to provide direct cell-to-cell communication.
46 lants coordinate physiological responses via cell-to-cell communication.
47 re now recognized to play a critical role in cell-to-cell communication.
48 nd organism-wide impacts of ex-sRNA-mediated cell-to-cell communication.
49 nal new aspects of ECM function in mediating cell-to-cell communications.
50           EVs are known to play key roles in cell-cell communication, acting proximally as well as sy
51 f cell surface receptors and ligands mediate cell-cell communication, adhesion, and initiation of sig
52 tal rearrangements, adhesion, and mechanical cell-cell communication, all controlled by GTPases of th
53                          Notably, preventing cell-to-cell communication also substantially reduces va
54  our data uncover the existence of homotypic cell-to-cell communication among mobile innate lymphocyt
55  in the adaptability of CNTN4 to maintaining cell-cell communication and adhesion properties under di
56 gulate plant growth, development, mechanics, cell-cell communication and adhesion, and defense.
57 croorganisms may play a role in facilitating cell-cell communication and cell-plant cell wall-substra
58      Mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated cell-cell communication and chondrocyte phenotype-depend
59 ur receptors on neighboring cells to mediate cell-cell communication and control cell fate, prolifera
60 r aliphatic side chain specifically disrupts cell-cell communication and fusion in the fungus Neurosp
61                             Abnormalities in cell-cell communication and growth factor signaling path
62 etter understand the mechanism of long-range cell-cell communication and hence aggregation, we analyz
63                                              Cell-cell communication and interaction is critical duri
64 in the human genome, with important roles in cell-cell communication and migration.
65 Changes in EphA2 signaling can affect cancer cell-cell communication and motility through effects on
66 ir cell source, will be useful in studies of cell-cell communication and potentially for discovery of
67               In prokaryotes and eukaryotes, cell-cell communication and recognition of self are crit
68 iphatic side chain disrupts this coordinated cell-cell communication and suppresses cell fusion.
69 ermed nanotubes, which appear to function in cell-cell communication and the exchange of molecules.
70  are small vesicles released by cells to aid cell-cell communication and tissue homeostasis.
71 o cancer where they play an integral role in cell-cell communication and transfer pro-oncogenic molec
72     Functionally, they are shown to regulate cell-cell communication and transmission of pathogens.
73 surface, exosomes are known to specialize in cell-cell communications and provide an exclusive approa
74  Additionally, exosomes may mediate specific cell-to-cell communication and activate signaling pathwa
75 e involved in synaptic processes that govern cell-to-cell communication and could both contribute in
76 tes a crucial part of coordinated control of cell-to-cell communication and defense signaling.
77 llular vesicles (EVs) play a pivotal role in cell-to-cell communication and have been shown to take p
78  and osteoclast activities both directly via cell-to-cell communication and indirectly via secreted f
79 al effector molecules that can play roles in cell-to-cell communication and remodeling of the extrace
80 e describe recent findings in miRNA-mediated cell-to-cell communication and the functions of circulat
81 ssociated GJs are required for the efficient cell-to-cell communication and viral spread.
82 n/differentiation processes, disturbances in cell-cell communication, and an unbalanced ratio between
83 ological processes, including cell adhesion, cell-cell communication, and host-pathogen interactions.
84  fate, induce or prevent mutations, initiate cell-cell communication, and modulate cell structure in
85 lular signals responsible for cell survival, cell-to-cell communication, and differentiation, all fun
86 ave shown that exosomes play a vital role in cell-to-cell communication, and pathogenesis of many age
87 e nature of the signals and pathways used in cell-cell communication are well characterized, we lack,
88                      While chemical forms of cell-to-cell communication are well recognized to coordi
89       The recognition of social behavior and cell-cell communication as a ubiquitous property of bact
90             Recent advances have underscored cell-to-cell communication as an important component of
91 cannabinoid CB(1) receptors in an artificial cell-cell communication assay that was developed.
92 the SMCs became motile and displayed dynamic cell-cell communication behaviours.
93 (EVs) have also been shown to be involved in cell-cell communication between cancer cells and the sur
94 Cre) causes microglossia due to a failure of cell-cell communication between cranial mesoderm and CNC
95 tly, semaphorins have been implicated in the cell-cell communication between osteoclasts and osteobla
96 erial quorum sensing (QS) molecules used for cell-to-cell communication between bacteria.
97 g of a nutrient sensing network to allow for cell-to-cell communication between mitochondria in respo
98 d alphavbeta3 integrin mediate bidirectional cell-to-cell communication between neurons and astrocyte
99 ngual slices with apyrase reversibly blocked cell-to-cell communication between receptor cells and pr
100 he role of inflammation-induced E-EVs in the cell-to-cell communication between vascular endothelial
101 ng the microenvironment inside live tissues, cell-cell communication, biomarker discovery, and drug d
102 ch as miRNAs, likely play important roles in cell-to-cell communication both locally and systemically
103 plays an important role in cell function and cell-cell communication, but its biocomplexity and dynam
104              Secreted Wnt morphogens mediate cell-cell communication, but the mechanism of Wnt transf
105                         We further implicate cell-cell communication by coculturing the fibroblasts w
106  encoded by Pdr1 target genes act to promote cell-cell communication by exporting quorum sensing mole
107 membrane, but this may allow a novel form of cell-cell communication by providing a multivalent ligan
108  form one or more complexes that may mediate cell-cell communication by transporting small solutes.
109         Here we reveal that SRC functions in cell-to-cell communication by controlling the biogenesis
110 wn that extracellular vesicles (EVs) mediate cell-to-cell communication by exporting encapsulated mat
111 produce oxalic acid in response to bacterial cell to cell communication, called quorum sensing.
112                     Here we explored whether cell-cell communication can enhance the ability of cell
113 y cells and have been attributed to roles in cell-cell communication, cancer metastasis, and early di
114 (MVs), recognized as important components of cell-cell communication, contain mRNAs, miRNAs, proteins
115 signaling pathway and plasmodesmata-mediated cell-to-cell communication converge under an intricate r
116                                              Cell-to-cell communication coordinates the behavior of i
117  signal encapsulated cells using immobilized cell-cell communication cues, with a focus on enhancing
118 n of bacterial motility and population based cell-to-cell communication demonstrates the versatility
119 ot only elucidate how signaling pathways and cell-cell communications direct the cellular response of
120 h impaired aggregation, we found the longest cell-cell communication distance in wild-type cells, sug
121 cells in vivo and their biological effect in cell to cell communication during the adaptive immune re
122     We also focus on the importance of NO in cell-cell communication during developmental processes a
123 feration events illustrate the importance of cell-cell communication during growth and development.
124 h receptor tyrosine kinases are critical for cell-cell communication during normal and oncogenic tiss
125 are well characterized channels that mediate cell-to-cell communication during neurotransmission in a
126 served throughout plant evolution to mediate cell-to-cell communication during sexual reproduction.
127 gnaling molecule, plays an important role in cell-to-cell communication during tissue development.
128 doplasmic reticulum stress and hypoxia), and cell-cell communication (e.g. Notch and Ephrin signaling
129                                              Cell-cell communication, either in direct proximity or a
130 t bulk-phase concentrations, are crucial for cell-to-cell communication, emphasizing the need for spa
131                                              Cell-cell communication enables bacteria to coordinate t
132 ering plants, fertilization requires complex cell-to-cell communication events between the pollen tub
133  found that a large fraction of them involve cell-to-cell communication, extracellular matrix and tra
134 uropeptides and catecholamines which mediate cell-cell communication for physiological functions.
135 igand receptor-based signaling is a means of cell-to-cell communication for coordinating developmenta
136                       In this way, localized cell-cell communication gives rise to tissue-level homeo
137  signaling molecules and show that bacterial cell-cell communication goes far beyond AHL signaling in
138 orks sit at a point in parameter space where cell-cell communication has a significant effect on the
139                                              Cell-cell communication has proven to be even more compl
140 s, the use of physical signals for microbial cell-cell communication has received only limited attent
141 ting a wide range of compounds necessary for cell-cell communication, host colonization and virulence
142  repeats) region, plays an important role in cell-cell communication; however, we show here that it a
143  mammalian cells that is consistent with the cell-cell communication hypothesis.
144                    The 4th ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria was held in Miami, F
145                                              Cell-cell communication in Gram-positive bacteria often
146  did not form gap junction plaques or induce cell-cell communication in HeLa cells, whereas the addit
147  highlighting the importance of pathological cell-cell communication in neurodegenerative disease.
148 cessing to generate active neuropeptides for cell-cell communication in neuroendocrine systems.
149              Neuropeptides are essential for cell-cell communication in neurological and endocrine ph
150 as in wild-type tissues, suggesting impaired cell-cell communication in the BT-IgSF-KO mice.
151  study the putative role of exosome-mediated cell-cell communication in the cancer-immunity interplay
152  junction components, contributing to proper cell-cell communication in the heart.
153                                              Cell-cell communication in the islet of Langerhans is im
154     We conclude there is a redundancy in how cell-cell communication in the islet suppresses insulin
155 g plant cells and provide a unique route for cell-cell communication in the plant lineage.
156 ed from solid tumour cells, participating in cell-cell communication in the tumour microenvironment.
157 stem function and will aid future studies on cell-cell communication in this important opportunistic
158 fornica, and D-Asp appears to be involved in cell-cell communication in this system.
159  and suggest indirect mechanical channels of cell-cell communications in 3D fibrous matrices.The stru
160 These findings present a platform to improve cell-to-cell communication in 3D and to achieve uniforml
161       Our study highlights the importance of cell-to-cell communication in controlling cellular heter
162 en recently reported as crucial mediators in cell-to-cell communication in development and disease.
163 nal role of extracellular regulatory RNAs in cell-to-cell communication in different cellular context
164 osomes, have emerged as important players in cell-to-cell communication in normal physiology and path
165 otic bodies) are emerging as a novel mean of cell-to-cell communication in physiology and pathology b
166                                              Cell-to-cell communication in plants includes the select
167 s channels that serve as a major conduit for cell-to-cell communication in plants.
168 erged as an important class of regulators in cell-to-cell communication in plants.
169 exin gap junction channels, had no effect of cell-to-cell communication in taste buds.
170                                         Fast cell-to-cell communication in the brain is achieved by a
171 arbon receptor, the data suggest a disturbed cell-to-cell communication in this disease.
172                               Other means of cell-to-cell communication include extracellular microRN
173 ge in multiple molecular pathways, including cell-to-cell communication, innate/adaptive immunity, an
174                They act as key components of cell-to-cell communication, interfere with signaling and
175 putational operation, but when combined with cell-cell communication, intricate patterns emerge.
176                           Cell migration and cell-cell communication involve the protrusion of actin-
177                                   Glomerular cell-cell communication is critical for the development
178 nvironmental conditions under which QS-based cell-cell communication is effective and that findings f
179                                              Cell-cell communication is essential for coordinating ph
180                                              Cell-cell communication is essential for multicellular d
181 ibutions of each cell type in the context of cell-cell communication is important for effectively des
182                                              Cell-cell communication is mediated by exosomes.
183                                    Bacterial cell-cell communication is mediated by small signaling m
184 l walls, a tightly controlled short distance cell-cell communication is required.
185                                              Cell-to-cell communication is essen for the development
186   The ability to explore cell signalling and cell-to-cell communication is essential for understandin
187 Ca2+-dependent inhibition of lens epithelial cell-to-cell communication is mediated in part by the di
188 fic signaling pathways integrate PD-mediated cell-to-cell communication is not well understood.
189                                              Cell-to-cell communication is primarily mediated by sign
190            Thus, Cx37, a protein involved in cell-cell communication, is one of only a few proteins i
191 egulatory proteins are key to the process of cell-cell communication known as quorum sensing: the Lux
192 uenching (QQ) is the disruption of bacterial cell-to-cell communication (known as quorum sensing), wh
193            The loss of gap junction-mediated cell-to-cell communication leads to compromised developm
194 ecification between e11.5 and e13.5 and that cell-cell communication likely plays an important role i
195                        This stabilization of cell-cell communication may be an important early adapta
196  (sof(b123)) mutants, suggesting that direct cell-cell communication may regulate joint location.
197 QS) system has emerged as a widely conserved cell-cell communication mechanism in Gram-negative bacte
198       Notch-Delta signaling is a fundamental cell-cell communication mechanism that governs the diffe
199 e peptidergic signaling system is an ancient cell-cell communication mechanism that is involved in nu
200 ruiting body development, cell behaviors and cell-cell communication mechanisms that mediate aggregat
201 fore potentially allow the identification of cell-to-cell communication mechanisms and biomarkers.
202                      Bacteria have developed cell-to-cell communication mechanisms, termed quorum sen
203                                              Cell-cell communication mediated by secreted peptides, r
204 ed from other bacteria in combination with a cell-cell communication module.
205    Here we discuss the dynamic properties of cell-cell communication modules, how they can be enginee
206 ate diverse surface receptors, important for cell-cell communication, molecular self-recognition in n
207 characterization of cis-2-decenoic acid as a cell-to-cell communication molecule that regulates biofi
208             The Notch signaling pathway is a cell-cell communication network giving rise to cell diff
209  individual cells, we constructed a map of a cell-cell communication network that indicates what sign
210  the potential for a unique vesicle-mediated cell-to-cell communication network within the ovarian fo
211 ics experiments, high-resolution analyses of cell-cell communication networks and epigenetic modifica
212 n molecules, which allow them to function in cell-cell communication, neuronal migration, neurite out
213 s and sequential logic supporting autonomous cell-cell communication of DNA encoding distinct logic-g
214                                    Bacterial cell-cell communication or "quorum sensing" (QS) is medi
215 ed mechanism of regulation may contribute to cell-cell communication or proton signaling by Na(+)/H(+
216                Bacteria employ sophisticated cell-to-cell communication or 'quorum sensing' (QS) syst
217 olism is discussed in the context of various cell-cell communication paradigms.
218        Notch signaling is a highly conserved cell-cell communication pathway regulating normal develo
219       The Flower protein family is part of a cell-cell communication pathway that regulates cell comp
220        These data illustrate a bidirectional cell-cell communication pathway with implication for tis
221  of Ephrin/Eph signaling, a well-known local cell-to-cell communication pathway, in cell division.
222 termine the roles of gap-junctions and other cell-cell communication pathways in the suppression of i
223     In many cases, it is thought that direct cell-cell communication plays a critical role in the tra
224        These transitions are controlled by a cell-cell communication process called quorum sensing, i
225                          Quorum sensing is a cell-cell communication process in which bacteria use th
226                          Quorum sensing is a cell-cell communication process that bacteria use to tra
227 cretion is controlled by quorum sensing, the cell-cell communication process that enables bacteria to
228 cterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 uses the cell-cell communication process, called quorum sensing,
229                  Quorum sensing, a bacterial cell-cell communication process, controls biofilm format
230                               Notch-mediated cell-cell communication regulates numerous developmental
231           There is a growing interest in the cell-cell communication roles in cancer mediated by secr
232 ling nanotubes (TNTs), a recently discovered cell-cell communication route.
233            From the engineering perspective, cell-cell communication serves as a versatile regulatory
234 nonuclear cell (PBMC) signaling dynamics and cell-to-cell communication, signaling variability betwee
235 hydrogels presented here can provide crucial cell-cell communication signals for dispersed beta-cells
236 ormal phenotype of cancer which captures the cell-cell communication structure - it may open new oppo
237 e active forms that have profound effects on cell-cell communication, such as RANKL, a crucial mediat
238      Our study uncovers a function of SRC in cell-cell communication, supported by syntenin exosomes,
239  related Xanthomonas species, employs an Rpf cell-cell communication system consisting of a diffusibl
240 ng by the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway, a prominent cell-cell communication system in development.
241                    Here, we describe a novel cell-cell communication system in the insect and human p
242 istic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses a cell-cell communication system termed "quorum sensing" t
243                     Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell-cell communication system that controls gene expres
244                           A newly discovered cell-to-cell communication system involves small, membra
245 ce its discovery 22 years ago, the bacterial cell-to-cell communication system, termed quorum sensing
246                    Bacteria have developed a cell-to-cell communication system, termed quorum sensing
247                              We describe the cell-cell communication systems that control the develop
248 e human respiratory track, where it utilizes cell-cell communication systems to coordinate population
249 as generated new parts for genetic circuits, cell-cell communication systems, and non-natural metabol
250 udies of host immune responses and bacterial cell-cell communication systems.
251 as retained more ancestral genes involved in cell-cell communication than Drosophila, some being expr
252 les that are emerging as potent mediators of cell-cell communication that are of particular importanc
253             Quorum sensing is a mechanism of cell-cell communication that bacteria use to control col
254               Quorum sensing is a process of cell-cell communication that bacteria use to regulate co
255     Quorum sensing is a process of bacterial cell-cell communication that enables populations of cell
256 uorum sensing (QS) is a process of bacterial cell-cell communication that relies on the production, d
257     Quorum sensing is a process of bacterial cell-cell communication that relies on the production, r
258     Here we report experimental evidence for cell-cell communication that significantly enhances the
259             Quorum sensing is a mechanism of cell-to-cell communication that allows bacteria to coord
260 xists on quorum sensing, a type of bacterial cell-to-cell communication that depends upon exchanges o
261          Quorum sensing (QS) is a process of cell-to-cell communication that enables bacteria to tran
262 nificant changes of electrical and metabolic cell-cell communication through gap junction (GJ) channe
263                  Prevailing dogma holds that cell-cell communication through Notch ligands and recept
264                                       Proper cell-cell communication through physical contact is cruc
265 latin-induced cell death can be triggered by cell-to-cell communication through gap junctions.
266 rus also utilizes exosomes as a mechanism of cell-to-cell communication through the transfer of signa
267 a variety of critical functions ranging from cell-cell communication to cell motility.
268 employed by Gram-negative bacteria for their cell-cell communication to control expression of special
269 at secreted peptide signals are important in cell-cell communication to coordinate and integrate cell
270  are divergent, both organisms use iterative cell-cell communication to establish left-right neuronal
271            Multicellular organisms depend on cell-to-cell communication to coordinate both developmen
272 ormation from both environmental signals and cell-to-cell communication to influence PqsR levels.
273 the microbiota and chemical signaling during cell-to-cell communication to regulate several cellular
274  and abiotic stress through well-coordinated cell-to-cell communication to survive as sedentary organ
275 nalytical method for specifically addressing cell-to-cell communication, using primary brain cells, a
276  However, biochar inhibition of AHL-mediated cell-cell communication varied, with the biochar prepare
277                     Microparticles (MPs) are cell-cell communication vesicles derived from the cell s
278 d extracellular vesicles (EVs), mediators of cell-cell communication via delivery of proteins and mic
279 ow that this alignment depends on epithelial cell-cell communication via semaphorin-plexin signaling.
280       This review focuses on how endothelial cell-cell communication via the Notch pathway contribute
281 les (MVs), are presumed to play key roles in cell-cell communication via transfer of biomolecules bet
282                                              Cell-to-cell communication via the Notch pathway is medi
283 homeostasis, we hypothesized that increasing cell-to-cell communication, via genetically engineering
284 ur results demonstrate that intraganglionic, cell-to-cell communication, via transfer of large molecu
285 curs in higher eukaryotes and is involved in cell-cell communication, viral entry and adhesion.
286                           A new mechanism of cell-cell communication was recently proposed after the
287            In support of this notion, direct cell-to-cell communication was recently found to play a
288  to measure >600 plasma proteins involved in cell-to-cell communication, was used to measure plasma p
289 ids and propose the involvement of miRNAs in cell-cell communication, we will also highlight findings
290                               The effects on cell-cell communication were quantified using impedance
291  and division; while migration, adhesion and cell-to-cell communication, were downregulated.
292 nts but also support a model of ROS-mediated cell-to-cell communication, where a self-propagating mut
293 ors: octonal and carbenoxolone, to interrupt cell to cell communication will provide neuroprotection
294 esis and deposition of extracellular matrix, cell-cell communication with myocytes, cell-cell signali
295   Cytokines represent essential mediators of cell-cell communication with particularly important role
296  restriction; virus-induced fluid secretion; cell-cell communication within the epithelium; and the e
297                            The disruption of cell-cell communication within the leukemic niche may of
298  lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids conduct cell-cell communications within the microenvironment of
299 presents a novel physiological mechanism for cell-to-cell communication within the kidney.
300 bout neutrophil chemotaxis in the context of cell-to-cell communications, yielding both fundamental a

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