


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1 ds to regulate TLR2-L-induced NF-kB/AP-1 activation in THP1 cells were analyzed.
2  as in most other nanoscopy studies, only cultivated single cells were analyzed.
3 ing, more than 600,000 AAV-5 integration junctions in human cells were analyzed.
4 G2a and cytokine secretion from mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells were analyzed.
5 ere silenced using specific siRNAs and the viability of the cells were analyzed 72 hours after silencing.
6 arcoidosis and healthy control peripheral blood mononuclear cells were analyzed at baseline and follow-up.
7                          The mechanical properties of these cells were analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and magn
8 grative approach, bacterial cells, human plasma, and cancer cells were analyzed by combined RPLC/HILIC separation coupled
9                                                             Cells were analyzed by confocal immunofluorescence, immunohis
10                                              Human tonsil B cells were analyzed by flow cytometry (FACS) and cultured wit
11                                                             Cells were analyzed by flow cytometry and sorted from species
12          Infection, phenotype, and cytokine production by T cells were analyzed by flow cytometry or enzyme-linked immuno
13                                      Resting and stimulated cells were analyzed by flow cytometry, real-time PCR, and by
14 arkers (CD3, CD4, CD8) and intracellular Foxp3; and labeled cells were analyzed by flow cytometry.
15 r tissues were collected; hepatocytes and liver mononuclear cells were analyzed by histology, immunoblots, and confocal m
16                                                 Tissues and cells were analyzed by histology, immunohistochemistry, quant
17 s DTT, IFN, and adherent-invasive E coli or control agents; cells were analyzed by immunoblots and quantitative polymeras
18                                                             Cells were analyzed by immunofluorescence, quantitative polym
19     Interactions between monocytes and cerebral endothelial cells were analyzed by intravital microscopy.
20                                                    Isogenic cells were analyzed by microarray, Western blot, flow cytomet
21 ng mechanisms, media from incubations of HDL with CHO-SR-B1 cells were analyzed by non-denaturing PAGE, size-exclusion ch
22                                                             Cells were analyzed by real-time quantitative reverse transcr
23                                            TH2 and TH2/TH17 cells were analyzed by using multicolor flow cytometry and co
24            MHC class I tetramers were assembled and binding cells were analyzed directly ex vivo by flow cytometry and in
25 perties of tdTomato(-) and tdTomato(+) cardiac myocyte-like cells were analyzed ex vivo.
26                                                             Cells were analyzed for markers of the epithelial to mesenchy
27                                                             Cells were analyzed for Myrcludex B binding, taurocholate upt
28 CD4(+)CD25(hi) regulatory T cells (Tregs) and CD4(+)CD25- T cells were analyzed for p70S6K phosphorylation.
29                                                       These cells were analyzed for PFKFB3 and inflammatory markers.
30                Following stimulation, gated CD3(+) CD4(+) T cells were analyzed for production of the Th2 cytokines IL-4,
31                                                             Cells were analyzed for progastrin binding, proliferation, ch
32                                                             Cells were analyzed for proliferation and in invasion assays,
33          During the treatment, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were analyzed for regulatory T cells and immunologic re
34                                            The resulting Ts cells were analyzed for suppressor activity, expression of su
35                                          SEA-activated Treg cells were analyzed for the expression of the TH2-polarizing
36 rect effects of ILC2s on regulatory T (Treg) cells and mast cells were analyzed in coculture experiments.
37                                                         ALL cells were analyzed in coculture with human glioma cells and
38 Markers of related glial proteins, myelin, and inflammatory cells were analyzed in parallel.
39 ked down with small hairpin RNAs or CRISPR/Cas9 strategies; cells were analyzed in proliferation and gene expression assa
40 type, and activation status of Treg and natural killer (NK) cells were analyzed in the circulation and tumor microenviron
41                                     With this aim, adherent cells were analyzed in the SECM feedback mode in three differ
42  pancreatic acinar and ductal cells as well as inflammatory cells were analyzed in vitro.
43                           After 24 hours, whole bone marrow cells were analyzed in vitro: 1) colony-forming unit-fibrobla
44                                 Highly purified, single MEP cells were analyzed using index fluorescence-activated cell s
45  immune mechanisms, graft infiltrating and peripheral blood cells were analyzed using multiple ex vivo assays in intestin
46                                                          LP cells were analyzed using quantitative PCR and multicolor flo
47                         Extracts from single alpha and beta cells were analyzed with CE-ESI-MS to obtain qualitative info
48  phenotype and functionality of antigen-specific effector T cells were analyzed with flow cytometry after polyclonal and
49                                                 The trapped cells were analyzed with flow cytometry to detect apoptosis a
50                            RNA samples from HCT116 and MCF7 cells were analyzed with the Affy Exon Array platform, allowi

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