


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 lted in a threefold increase in apoptosis after 5 days when cells were maintained in 1% serum.
2 from LPL-expressing and LPL-KO mice was similar whether the cells were maintained in 5 or 1 mM glucose, and was not augme
3 pha and constitutive p50/c-Rel activity in primary murine B cells were maintained in a manner different from B-cell-activ
4                                                  When W12-E cells were maintained in an undifferentiated state mimicking
5                                                         The cells were maintained in anchored three-dimensional collagen
6                                        These KRT15(hi) stem cells were maintained in bald scalp samples.
7                                        Freshly isolated RPE cells were maintained in continuous culture until the morphol
8                                              CMV-specific T cells were maintained in distinct distribution patterns, high
9                       Although numbers of "committed" pro-B cells were maintained in Ebf1(+/-)Runx1(+/-) (ER(het)) mice,
10                      Similar changes were observed when the cells were maintained in high- or low-glucose culture medium.
11             The levels of CAT were drastically reduced when cells were maintained in serum free medium (SFM).
12             Molecular properties of prions derived from SMB cells were maintained in the infected CRBL cells.
13  and also the lung, and importantly, long-term memory CD8 T cells were maintained in the lung over 1 year.
14  numbers in the suspension cultures initiated with Flt3high cells were maintained in the presence of Flt3 ligand (FL) alo
15                                                  When INS-1 cells were maintained in the presence of high glucose (25 mm)
16                           Interestingly, when hematopoietic cells were maintained in tissue culture in the presence of in
17 tion and purification of neurons using this technology, the cells were maintained in vitro for 2 weeks.
18                  For both culture protocols, the longer the cells were maintained in vitro, the more readily they support

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