コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 s carried on the hind legs, farther from the center of mass.
2 ent, with the protein dimer located near the center of mass.
3 slocate; this "visceral pistoning" moves the center of mass.
4 d state but only to oscillate around the S-S center of mass.
5 nce of the surface residues to the protein's center of mass.
6 oss in body mass, and a cranial shift in the center of mass.
7 eter secondary revolving around their common center of mass.
8 s rather than the loss of mass or a shift in center of mass.
9 inertial axes calculated with respect to the center-of-mass.
10 zation microscopy, with ca. 9 nm between the centers of mass.
11 significantly, with the distance between the centers of mass.
12 , with attached C(beta) atoms and side-chain centers of mass.
14 s' swing phase, suggesting that the animal's center of mass advances forward during the midabdominal
15 een the bilayer and valproic acid respective centers-of-mass along the bilayer normal as reaction coo
17 red shift of the Neurop tryptophan emission center of mass and a reduced residual anisotropy but wit
19 each shape, the nucleus is positioned at the center of mass and is stretched by microtubules along an
21 i associated with survival deviated from the center of mass and were less likely to be hubs in the GR
22 n the growing and shrinking speeds, leads to center-of-mass and breathing oscillations in bioriented
24 he method to calculate the segmental masses, centers of mass, and moments of inertia for an adult Tyr
25 bscures potentially important changes in the center of mass as a result of internal tissue movements.
26 ethods to assess LAT: onset (B-LATOnset) and center of mass (B-LATCoM) of bipolar electrogram, and ma
27 oss a highly yielding surface could move the center of mass beyond the edges of the region of stabili
28 a significantly greater displacement of the center of mass by HD subjects than by control subjects (
30 ect sequential 8 nm steps in the microtubule center of mass, characteristic of a single kinesin molec
32 nges, the resulting changes in segment mass, center of mass (CM), and moments of inertia can be recom
34 n predict object properties [e.g., weight or center of mass (CM)], fingertip forces are appropriately
37 the retinal position of the training shape's center of mass (CoM) [11, 12] when heading toward the fe
40 In this study, we compared shifts in the center of mass (COM) of CA3 and CA1 place fields in a fa
41 an increasing number of laps on a track, the center of mass (COM) of the HDTC tended to shift backwar
42 ouble dissociation between the shifts in the center of mass (COM) of the place fields that were simul
43 lation reveals that the forward speed of the center of mass (CoM) oscillates about its average speed
44 minimize vertical displacement of the body's center of mass (CoM) with the objective to optimize ener
46 y was assessed (peak activation variability, center of mass [COM] variability, intraclass correlation
47 d by changes in electrical potential are the center of mass depth, the swivel/kink degrees of conform
48 spatially coincident regions with an average center-of-mass error of 2.68 +/- 1.0 mm between FMT and
49 thicknesses was accomplished with an average center-of-mass error of 4.1 +/- 2.1 mm between FMT and S
51 strate that achieving task-level constraints center of mass forces and moments while minimizing contr
53 nce of functional amino acids to the general center of mass (GCM) of the structure, relative solvent
55 , and the distance between the corresponding centers of mass in (18)F-FET PET and MRS imaging of Cho/
58 ipathicity of their N- and C-ends, and their centers of mass lie ~1.2-3.6 A below the plane defined b
59 ications of these methods toward cooling the center-of-mass motion of a bead in vacuum to the quantum
61 ontrolled interactions by cavity cooling the center-of-mass motion of an optically trapped submicron
63 e light scattering is caused by the coherent center-of-mass motion of the atoms in the condensate.
64 iversity of running animals, most run with a center-of-mass motion that is similar to a simple mass b
66 in all three cases, while the model captures center-of-mass motions and vertical force variations wel
67 moves processively on actin with an average center-of-mass movement of approximately 30 nm for each
68 ouncing on a sprung leg can approximate both center of mass movements and ground reaction forces duri
69 r that moves processively on actin, with the center of mass moving approximately 37 nanometers for ea
70 tructure is tiled with tetrahedra having the center of mass of one amino acid side-chain at each vert
71 y are particularly effective at shifting the center of mass of repeating fields, although it is also
72 FCS) combined with real-time tracking of the center of mass of single NPCs in live, unperturbed cells
74 and dermal armor that may have affected the center of mass of the animal, and differences in locomot
75 pneumatic picopump, producing a shift in the center of mass of the cell that was related to intensity
76 -Brownian electrokinetic trap to confine the center of mass of the DNA without perturbing its interna
77 The residual anisotropy, quantum yield, and center of mass of the emission spectrum are consistent w
78 d but likely ensue from the transposition of center of mass of the ion within its geometry frame affe
79 e gradient across the bilayer increased, the center of mass of the peptide shifted in a direction tow
80 istance curves were calculated by fixing the center of mass of the protein at several separation dist
82 peting rate-limiting process takes over: the center of mass of the remaining free chain has to drift
84 adius of revolution of the cluster about the center of mass of the spherical part of the nucleus, are
85 differential Stark shift generated when the center of mass of the tuned ions is slightly moved out o
91 the known ability of insects to compute the "center of mass" of large shapes: ants learn a desired he
93 cked by monitoring either the tail position (center of mass) or the position of one or both heads.
94 ctar is stored in the abdomen near the bee's center of mass, pollen is carried on the hind legs, fart
98 pid dynamics: the diffusion constant for the center-of-mass "rattling" motion was reduced by a factor
99 during locomotion is possible only when the center of mass remains within a theoretical region of st
103 s are placed at a distance xi0 between their centers of mass so that they are overlapped by a factor
104 esin is a processive motor that takes 8.3-nm center-of-mass steps along microtubules for each adenosi
106 the binding site residues are closer to the center of mass than the non-binding surface residues.
107 e protein's mass moves further away from the center of mass; this results in an even more asymmetric
108 a reduced ankle and knee angle and vertical center-of-mass velocity at contact with the lower level,
109 reduced ankle angular velocity and vertical center-of-mass velocity during initial landing (P < 0.03
110 sulting ballistic trajectory of the walker's center-of-mass will facilitate stepping on target footho
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