


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                   Emphasis was placed on the cephalic and anterior pedal regions that are commonly th
2 ynergistically to disrupt differentiation of cephalic and axial mesendoderm, show a delay in otic dev
3      To explore neural mechanisms underlying cephalic and extracephalic allodynia.
4                                              Cephalic and genital involvement was frequent.
5 hat gives rise to parasympathetic outflow to cephalic and ocular/nasal structures.
6 tive neuromasts located within five pairs of cephalic and one pair of trunk canals, as well as superf
7 as informed by the segmental affinity of the cephalic appendages [1, 4-6].
8 dictive of elastic recoil (P < .001), as was cephalic arch stenosis in fistulas (P = .047) and autoge
9 de a neural mechanism by which extracerebral cephalic blood flow couples to brain events; this mechan
10 tic arch arteries, cardiac outflow tract and cephalic blood vessels.
11 eadache selectively elicit relief of ongoing cephalic, but not postsurgical, noncephalic pain.
12                         Excluded larvae bear cephalic caps of immune complexes that may physically bl
13 at vessel structures, which are derived from cephalic (cardiac) neural crest.
14 eparated by 0.50 mm, was implanted through a cephalic chamber targeting the STN.
15 nine infants with microcephaly (defined by a cephalic circumference of </=32 cm) with a presumed diag
16 embryonic development and exhibit incomplete cephalic closure similar to that observed in a subset of
17 ry neuron type K (ASK) and the male-specific cephalic companion neuron (CEM), are required for male a
18 producing a more extensive reorganisation of cephalic crest than has been previously described.
19                             There are severe cephalic defects in slp1 mutants, including the complete
20 ternal outer labial dendrite (OL1); a second cephalic dendrite in the female (CEP2/CEM); an accessory
21                                              Cephalic depolarization was sufficient for coordination.
22 ied at embryonic day (E) 10.5 with defective cephalic development.
23 were more often seen in infants with smaller cephalic diameter at birth and in infants whose mothers
24 en normal, showed lower ADC values than more cephalic disks.
25 n all patients but was not as predictable as cephalic displacement.
26 e generated mouse lines lacking Pbx genes in cephalic ectoderm and demonstrated that they exhibit ful
27  positioned cross-talk between the embryonic cephalic epithelia and mesenchyme.
28 tive and responsive interactions between the cephalic epithelia and the cranial neural crest (CNC) an
29 d its associated sensory nerves develop from cephalic epithelial thickenings called neurogenic placod
30 ed in tissues (olfactory epithelium, ventral cephalic epithelium) that are believed to derive from th
31                                              Cephalic explants isolated from Chrd;Nog double mutant e
32     Ectopic application of BMP2 to wild-type cephalic explants results in decreased FGF8 and SHH expr
33 osition, ventral to the hypothalamus, as the cephalic flexure occurs and the jaws and mouth form.
34                                          The cephalic furrow (CF), one of the first morphological man
35 the embryo that ultimately gives rise to the cephalic furrow and may account for the effect of paired
36 lows, the model requires the presence of the cephalic furrow, a fold located anteriorly of the extend
37  concentrations in cells at positions of the cephalic furrow, an early morphological marker, differ b
38 e absence of proper connectivity between the cephalic ganglia and the ventral nerve cords, neurally d
39 rranea, hedgehog (hh) is expressed in medial cephalic ganglia neurons, suggesting a possible role in
40 wn compounds to be followed as a function of cephalic ganglia regeneration.
41  mediterraneaat different time points during cephalic ganglia regeneration.
42 ng, our results suggest that even though the cephalic ganglia structure is visible after 6 days of re
43 n CNS regeneration, including failure of the cephalic ganglia to properly pattern and a loss of expre
44 ed tissues at the midline; these include the cephalic ganglia, ventral nerve cords, photoreceptors, a
45  bilaterally paired neuron descends from the cephalic ganglion and projects uninterrupted through the
46 are dependent on signals descending from the cephalic ganglion.
47  Our study is the first demonstration that a cephalic gap gene is directly regulated by Bcd.
48 at a small regulatory region upstream of the cephalic gap gene orthodenticle (otd) is sufficient to r
49                      Here, we focused on the cephalic gap gene orthodenticle (otd), which establishes
50 otd acts in a combinatorial fashion with the cephalic gap genes empty spiracles (ems) and buttonhead
51                                          The cephalic gap genes specify anterior head development in
52 een proposed that Bcd directly activates the cephalic gap genes, which are the first zygotic genes to
53 s idea directly, although recent analyses of cephalic gene expression patterns in insects suggest a s
54  to females if cantharidin is added to their cephalic gland.
55 ngest cantharidin secrete cantharidin from a cephalic gland.
56                                  These are a cephalic horn resulting from an extreme modification of
57 roduction of ectopic, dorsal outgrowths with cephalic identity.
58                    Consecutive patients with cephalic locally advanced pancreatic cancer who underwen
59 lator of both IFT dynamics and length in the cephalic male (CEM) cilia of Caenorhabditis elegans.
60                              In EV-releasing cephalic male (CEM) cilia, TTLL-11 and the deglutamylase
61 rom nine ciliary A-B doublet microtubules in cephalic male (CEM) neurons.
62 dimorphic survival of the male-specific CEM (cephalic male) sensory neurons; the homologous cells of
63                The greatest displacement was cephalic (mean, 1.5 cm; range, 0.5-2.4 cm).
64 s effect is mediated, at least in part, by a cephalic mechanism that involves recruitment of the vagu
65  the tunicate Ciona intestinalis possesses a cephalic melanocyte lineage (a9.49) similar to neural cr
66  its expression in the primitive heart tube, cephalic mesenchyme, and yolk sac vasculature.
67 formations, and marked cell death within the cephalic mesenchyme.
68                      These data suggest that cephalic mesendoderm, including prechordal mesendoderm a
69         Several embryonic tissues, including cephalic mesendoderm, notochord, and hindbrain, have bee
70 ulation in the prechordal plate and paraxial cephalic mesendoderm, tissues that either pass beneath o
71                 Cranial dermis develops from cephalic mesoderm and neural crest cells, but what signa
72  experiments and mutant analysis reveal that cephalic mesoderm is the source of Fgf signals.
73 t population of macrophages that arises from cephalic mesoderm.
74 , but instead expresses molecular markers of cephalic mesoderm.
75 helia and the cranial neural crest (CNC) and cephalic mesodermal mesenchyme.
76 er jaw-like structures, suggesting that some cephalic NCCs alter their "identity" in the absence of E
77 omous role in the development of cardiac and cephalic NCCs and provides a model for the study of aber
78                      An outgroup analysis of cephalic neural characters among extant metazoans also i
79  their fossil record, the variation in their cephalic neural characters, and the development of these
80       The lower jaw skeleton is derived from cephalic neural crest (CNC) cells that reside in the man
81 blasts and adipocytes originate in part from cephalic neural crest (CNC) precursors.
82 djacent mesenchyme that is derived from both cephalic neural crest and paraxial mesoderm.
83 ing further analysis of the role of dHAND in cephalic neural crest cell development.
84                                  Cardiac and cephalic neural crest cells (NCCs) are essential compone
85  pathway for inductive communication between cephalic neural crest cells and their environmental coun
86   Intriguingly, Otx is also expressed in the cephalic neural crest cells as well as mesenchymal and e
87 t our transgene is not globally expressed in cephalic neural crest cells within the pharyngeal arches
88 at dHAND is first expressed in postmigratory cephalic neural crest cells within the pharyngeal arches
89 e in the craniofacial region is derived from cephalic neural crest cells, which undergo three primary
90 sage of treacle is essential for survival of cephalic neural crest cells.
91 lopmental defects in structures derived from cephalic neural crest cells.
92 tissue of the craniofacial region arise from cephalic neural crest cells.
93 ular nature of the cell-cell interactions in cephalic neural crest development.
94 rom salamander embryos prior to the onset of cephalic neural crest migration, taste buds developed in
95 ilencing in the anterior head of frog or the cephalic neural crest of chick embryos show that Cubn is
96 keletal defects, in tissues derived from the cephalic neural crest.
97 occur, including the developing limb and the cephalic neural crest.
98 s expressed in dorsal neural tube, eyes, and cephalic neural crest.
99 oderm, prechordal plate, and the prospective cephalic neural plate, and at later stages of developmen
100 y activated in the overlying ectoderm of the cephalic neural plate, suggesting that inductive contact
101 ior visceral and definitive endoderm and the cephalic neural plate.
102 iffuse nerve nets and possibly, ganglionated cephalic neural systems existed in Ediacaran organisms.
103 nd (deutocerebral) and third (tritocerebral) cephalic neuromeres have been recently resolved on the b
104                                              Cephalic pain was unmasked in rats by assessment of moti
105 rat dura mater to elicit a presumed state of cephalic pain.
106 ogenitors originate from hedgehog-responsive cephalic paraxial mesoderm (Mes) cells, which migrate ra
107     Since cells that originate from both the cephalic paraxial mesoderm and the neural crest populate
108                              The median (SD) cephalic perimeter at birth was 31 (3) cm, a value lower
109 th and without ocular findings regarding the cephalic perimeter: mean (SD) of 28.8 (1.7) and 30.3 (1.
110 etion and motor activity associated with the cephalic phase of feeding.
111 ) and allows new comparisons with the dorsal cephalic plate of radiodontans, large nektonic predators
112 t flow velocities were identified within the cephalic portion of the inferior vena cava.
113 93 women, who had term, singleton, liveborn, cephalic pregnancies requiring operative delivery in the
114 win pregnancy and with the first twin in the cephalic presentation to planned cesarean section or pla
115 ays of gestation, with the first twin in the cephalic presentation, planned cesarean delivery did not
116  gestational age in which the fetus was in a cephalic presentation.
117  such as congenital candidiasis and neonatal cephalic pustulosis to potentially fatal infections with
118 own disrupts nervous system structure during cephalic regeneration: the newly regenerated brain and v
119 sion and abnormal remodeling occurred in the cephalic region concomitant with marked mesenchymal cell
120  is dynamically expressed in the prospective cephalic region of the embryo during gastrulation.
121  found that the calcification process in the cephalic region was not limited to mystacial vibrissae b
122 ession in the most dorsoanterior part of the cephalic region, and (iii) vnd/NK-2 protein is required,
123 ern in the nerve cord but not in part of the cephalic region.
124 ype mice and localized the expression to the cephalic regions of the developing neural tube.
125 , with the deficits particularly apparent in cephalic regions.
126  MSF were prolonged beyond the period of the cephalic response and these may be relevant for longer-t
127                        In male-specific CEM (cephalic sensilla, male) cilia, ccpp-1 also controls the
128 expression of GFP in the sheath cells of the cephalic sensilla.
129 a single male-specific class of neurons, the cephalic sensory neurons (CEMs).
130        In at least one case, that of the CEM cephalic sensory neurons, cilium architecture is disrupt
131 sive accumulation of EVs in the lumen of the cephalic sensory organ, and failure to release PKD-2::GF
132 r development and function of the C. elegans cephalic sheath (CEPsh) glia.
133  anterior field formed by the oral plate and cephalic shield) of the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae aft
134 rospective cohort study of 18,880 full-term, cephalic singletons born in San Francisco, California, d
135 les of the blastoderm embryo and in a single cephalic stripe.
136 romote the differentiation of pharyngeal and cephalic structures.
137 phores (>4,000/mm2), and TSCs in the tips of cephalic tentacles (100/mm2).
138 evels in the nerve ring, the osphradium, the cephalic tentacles, the buccal tissues, and the foot, wh
139                                              Cephalic tetanus was initially suspected but laboratory
140 contaminated head wound can be confused with cephalic tetanus.
141 a body plan is composed of a linear array of cephalic, thoracic, and abdominal segments along the ant
142  tested (luminal acid, prostaglandin E2, and cephalic-vagal stimulation) in patients with duodenal ul
143              The results indicate that while cephalic vascular tone is controlled by endogenous nitri
144 8.0, and by E8.5 there is a complete lack of cephalic vascularization, a reduction in the number of s
145 ogenous nitrite acts as a vasodilator in the cephalic vasculature of the intact, near term fetal shee
146                                              Cephalic vein grafts were interposed bilaterally in the
147 ies in which FUra was administered through a cephalic vein.
148                         Mean peak diastolic (cephalic) velocities were 3.9 and 3.4 cm/sec in the IS a

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