


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e used fumonisin B1, a specific inhibitor of ceramide synthase.
2  pathway by coordinate activation of SPT and ceramide synthase.
3 onisin B1, an inhibitor of the CoA-dependent ceramide synthase.
4 ovo synthesis coordinated through the enzyme ceramide synthase.
5 enerates the C-terminal peptide-epitope of a ceramide synthase.
6 onisin B1, an in vitro inhibitor of (dihydro)ceramide synthase.
7                                              Ceramide synthase 1 (CerS1) catalyzes the synthesis of C
8 ration of C18-ceramide via the expression of ceramide synthase 1 (CerS1), and not C16-ceramide by Cer
9                          Inositol-phosphoryl ceramide synthase 1 (Ipc1) is a fungus-specific enzyme,
10  the sphingolipid enzyme inositol-phosphoryl ceramide synthase 1 (Ipc1) regulates melanin production
11 onymous mutation in CERS1, the gene encoding ceramide synthase 1, in 4 siblings affected by a progres
12 novo-generated C(18)- and C(16)-ceramides by ceramide synthases 1 and 6 (CerS1 and CerS6) play opposi
13  high expression of their synthetic enzymes, ceramide synthase 2 (CerS2) and CerS5, respectively.
14               ACBP increases the activity of ceramide synthase 2 (CerS2) by more than 2-fold and CerS
15                      We recently generated a ceramide synthase 2 (CerS2) null mouse that cannot synth
16 chain length in insulin signaling by using a ceramide synthase 2 (CerS2) null mouse, which is unable
17 chain (C22-C24) ceramides are synthesized by ceramide synthase 2 (CerS2).
18 ed that FTY720 is a competitive inhibitor of ceramide synthase 2 toward dihydrosphingosine with an ap
19  SNP and eQTL for CERS2 encoding the protein ceramide synthase 2.
20 chanistically, Bcl2L13 binds to proapoptotic ceramide synthases 2 (CerS2) and 6 (CerS6) via a unique
21 ased levels of maternal transcripts encoding ceramide synthase 2b (Cers2b), and loss of Cers2b in sph
22 these ultra long-chain ceramides (ELOVLs and ceramide synthase 3).
23 , 1-deoxysphinganine selectively upregulated ceramide synthase 5 expression and was converted to 1-de
24  and demonstrated a requirement for (dihydro)ceramide synthase 5 in cardiomyocyte autophagy and myris
25 phingosine kinase-2, neutral ceramidase, and ceramide synthase-5.
26 specimens and cell lines and determined that ceramide synthase 6 (CERS6) is markedly overexpressed co
27 16-ceramide and a transient up-regulation of ceramide synthase 6 (CerS6) mRNA and protein.
28                                              Ceramide synthase 6 (CerS6) preferentially generates C14
29            Our previous study suggested that ceramide synthase 6 (CerS6), an enzyme in sphingolipid b
30 istant SW620 cells expressed lower levels of ceramide synthase 6 (CerS6, also known as longevity assu
31 use line harboring an enzymatically inactive ceramide synthase 6 (CerS6KO) gene and lacz reporter cDN
32 k of CD95 activation and lower expression of ceramide synthase 6 (LASS6).
33                             A novel role for ceramide synthase 6 in mouse and human alcoholic steatos
34 hagy that was dependent on the expression of ceramide synthase 6.
35 umonisin B1, a specific natural inhibitor of ceramide synthase, abrogated both ceramide production an
36 fferentially regulates functionally distinct ceramide synthase activities as part of a broader sphing
37 sulted in a rapid increase (within 5 min) in ceramide synthase activity (as measured by incorporation
38 tamin C, attributable, in part, to increased ceramide synthase activity (over 2-fold, p = 0.01); both
39 es, in contrast, displayed increased class I ceramide synthase activity but reduced class II ceramide
40 led as excellent probes for the profiling of ceramide synthase activity in intact cells.
41  accumulation of ceramide via stimulation of ceramide synthase activity in mitochondria, and that JNK
42                                         This ceramide synthase activity is CoA-independent and is res
43 TNFalpha-induced cell death, suggesting that ceramide synthase activity is crucial for the progressio
44                                 The (dihydro)ceramide synthase activity of the mutants was tested usi
45          However, TPA induced an increase in ceramide synthase activity that persisted for at least 1
46                  The latter imparts (dihydro)ceramide synthase activity to yeast cells.
47  increase (215% above control; 10 microM) in ceramide synthase activity.
48 amide synthase activity but reduced class II ceramide synthase activity.
49 d (addition of fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase) also reduced [3H]PDBu binding; theref
50 de generation by activation of mitochondrial ceramide synthase and de novo synthesis of ceramide.
51 ly, fumonisin B1, which selectively inhibits ceramide synthase and decreases de novo formation of cer
52 m cells was obliterated upon inactivation of ceramide synthase and restored upon microinjection of lo
53 de was dependent upon the activities of both ceramide synthase and serine palmitoyltransferase.
54 nerate ceramide via activation of the enzyme ceramide synthase and signal apoptosis.
55  first time the ability of FTY720 to inhibit ceramide synthases and modulate the intracellular balanc
56 IR triggers SIRT3-dependent deacetylation of ceramide synthases and the elevation of ceramide, which
57 ve useful to study the role of the different ceramide synthases and the resulting N-acyl (dihydro)cer
58              Fumonisin B(1), an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, and glutathione, an inhibitor of neut
59           Both fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, and ISP-1, myriocin an inhibitor of s
60 nd that de novo ceramide synthesis involving ceramide synthase appears to be responsible for heat-ind
61         Finally, enzymatic assays identified ceramide synthase as the mechanism by which BAK regulate
62 crom), a specific inhibitor of CoA-dependent ceramide synthase, blocked 80% of the ceramide generated
63 inhibited by fumonisin B(1), an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, but not by ISP-1, an inhibitor of ser
64 ely blocked by fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, but only partially reduced by myrioci
65 at of fumonisin B1, a classical inhibitor of ceramide synthases, but differed in the efficiency to in
66                First, inhibition of glucosyl ceramide synthase by a new specific inhibitor of d-l-thr
67 oid bases are also produced by inhibition of ceramide synthase by fumonisins, mycotoxins produced by
68                Fumonicin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, can only prevent mitochondrial cerami
69                                              Ceramide synthases catalyze an N-acyltransferase reactio
70 l ceramide biosynthesis via deacetylation of ceramide synthase (CerS) 1, 2, and 6.
71 sed by a transiently increased expression of ceramide synthase (CerS) 6 in monocytes/macrophages and
72 SPTLC3 catalytic subunit, as well as reduced ceramide synthase (CerS) activity related to reduced exp
73 n of ceramides is determined by six (dihydro)ceramide synthase (CerS) isoforms.
74 ted cell death, suggesting the presence of a ceramide synthase (CerS)-dependent, sphingosine-derived
75 ne by a multicomponent enzyme complex termed ceramide synthase (CerS).
76                                  The subtype ceramide synthase (CerS)6 was specifically up-regulated
77 in B(1) (FB(1)) is a mycotoxin that inhibits ceramide synthases (CerS) and causes kidney and liver to
78 Ceramides are synthesized by a family of six ceramide synthases (CerS) in mammals, which produce cera
79 sphingolipid metabolism, is generated by six ceramide synthases (CerS) that differ in substrate speci
80 sphingolipids, is synthesized by a family of ceramide synthases (CerS) that each use acyl-CoAs of def
81 ceramides are synthesized by a family of six ceramide synthases (CerS), transmembrane proteins locate
82 s determined by the specificity of different ceramide synthases (CerS).
83 s inhibited by fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthases (CerS).
84                                              Ceramide synthases (CerS1-CerS6), which catalyze the N-a
85 ch pinpointed both catalytic subunits of the ceramide synthase complex.
86 ynthesis by post-translational activation of ceramide synthase (CS) and apoptosis.
87 tosis, mediated via activation of the enzyme ceramide synthase (CS) and de novo synthesis of the sphi
88 alternate cell death mechanism, mediated via ceramide synthase (CS)-stimulated de novo synthesis of t
89 thase rather than sphingomyelinases and that ceramide synthase-dependent ceramide generation plays a
90  role of CerS6 in mitochondria revealed that ceramide synthase down-regulation is associated with dra
91 istent with these findings, mutations in the ceramide-synthase-encoding genes barA and lagA also caus
92                   Functional analysis of the ceramide synthase family in Arabidopsis thaliana demonst
93 synthesis by treatment with the inhibitor of ceramide synthase, fumonisin B(1).
94                    The specific inhibitor of ceramide synthase, fumonisin B1 (50 microM), was able to
95 as abrogated by the competitive inhibitor of ceramide synthase, fumonisin B1.
96      We report that inactivation of glucosyl ceramide synthase (GCS), either by RNAi or with the smal
97 dria, thereby implicating CerS6 as a primary ceramide synthase generating C(16:0)-ceramide.
98 als, and mutants lacking one of these, HYL-1/ceramide synthase, have defects in synaptic transmission
99 could be attributed to increased activity of ceramide synthase (i.e., 1.7-fold increase 8 h after ult
100                      Knockdown of individual ceramide synthases identified CerS6 and its product C16-
101                         However, the role of ceramide synthase in enhanced ceramide generation in res
102 ll mice, and SIRT3 directly deacetylates the ceramide synthases in a NAD(+)-dependent manner that inc
103                                Inhibition of ceramide synthases in hepatocytes increased cellular S1P
104 sis demonstrated that these modifications of ceramide synthase increased its specific activity and st
105  showed that SIRT3-mediated deacetylation of ceramide synthases increased enzyme activity and ceramid
106  was independent of de novo synthesis, since ceramide synthase inhibition (with fumonisin B1) had no
107 or cells with FAS siRNA in the presence of a ceramide synthase inhibitor abrogated the up-regulation
108                                          The ceramide synthase inhibitor fumonisin B1 did not affect
109 icles from virus producer cells treated with ceramide synthase inhibitor fumonisin B1 or glucosylcera
110 PP2A inhibitors fostriecin and okadaic acid, ceramide synthase inhibitor fumonisin B1, and ROS scaven
111 eath in 30% of cells) in the presence of the ceramide synthase inhibitor fumonisin B1, which inhibite
112 wever, addition of fumonisin B1, a selective ceramide synthase inhibitor, attenuated TNF-alpha/CHX-in
113  of this hypothesis, we find that the potent ceramide synthase inhibitor, australifungin, completely
114             The inclusion of fumonisin B1, a ceramide synthase inhibitor, blocked PSC 833-induced cer
115 s was partially decreased by Fumonisin B1, a ceramide synthase inhibitor.
116  the N-acyl-sphinganine dehydrogenase (e.g., ceramide synthase) inhibitor significantly attenuated ca
117 ate for both serine palmitoyltransferase and ceramide synthase, into C16-ceramide, whereas SphK1 decr
118 ate for both serine palmitoyltransferase and ceramide synthase, into C16-ceramide.
119 tion of dihydrosphingosine or sphingosine by ceramide synthase is inhibited by the fungal toxin fumon
120  with wild-type plants, indicating that LOH1 ceramide synthase is most strongly inhibited by FB1.
121  novo ceramide generation through the enzyme ceramide synthase is required.
122 ed CerS6 and its product C16-ceramide as the ceramide synthase isoform essential for the regulation o
123 asia-mutated (ATM) kinase normally represses ceramide synthase, its derepression in Atm(-/-) mice inc
124  generate ceramide precursors, activation of ceramide synthase itself, or both.
125  to the actions of acid sphingomyelinase and ceramide synthase LASS 5, demonstrating the action of th
126 nses, are generated by a family of (dihydro) ceramide synthases (Lass1-6/CerS1-6).
127 ecognized crypt stem cell target, activating ceramide synthase-mediated apoptosis to initiate intesti
128 ssor p53)-mediated accumulation of EGL-1 and ceramide synthase-mediated generation of ceramide throug
129 h phenocopied the Atm(-/-) mouse, reordering ceramide synthase-mediated stem cell death to become the
130 pted IPT1, the mannosyl-diinositolphosphoryl-ceramide synthase of S. cerevisiae.
131     Decreasing ceramide levels by inhibiting ceramide synthase or neutral sphingomyelinase 2 leads to
132 induced via IsoGb4, which indicated that the ceramide synthase pathway is likely to be involved in ap
133                Fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, prevented S1P-induced elevation of al
134 rst evidence that H(2)O(2) is a regulator of ceramide synthase rather than sphingomyelinases and that
135        In cells, pharmacologic inhibition of ceramide synthase reduced lipid accumulation by reducing
136 ulator of bioactive sphingolipid metabolism, ceramide synthase, required for the production of functi
137 y artery endothelial cells, FTY720 inhibited ceramide synthases, resulting in decreased cellular leve
138 monstrate that overexpression of Arabidopsis ceramide synthases results in strongly divergent physiol
139 se (SPT), or fumonisin B(1), an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, retarded ceramide formation in respon
140 f SPT as well as fumonisin inhibition of the ceramide synthases, suggesting that increased expression
141 eover, A. nidulans possesses a second likely ceramide synthase that is essential and also regulates h
142 how that BarA, a putative acyl-CoA-dependent ceramide synthase that is unique to filamentous fungi me
143 ound to have reduced activity of the class I ceramide synthase that uses C16 fatty acid acyl-coenzyme
144 ubstrates but increased activity of class II ceramide synthases that use very-long-chain fatty acyl-c
145 H1; At3g25540)- and LOH3 (At1g19260)-encoded ceramide synthases use very-long-chain fatty acyl-CoA an
146 LCB substrates, and LOH2 (At3g19260)-encoded ceramide synthase uses palmitoyl-CoA and dihydroxy LCB s
147 ndria because of activation of mitochondrial ceramide synthase via post-translational mechanisms.
148                          fam57ba, encoding a ceramide synthase, was identified as interacting with th
149 nce of acylation of increased sphingosine by ceramide synthase, we used fumonisin B1, a specific inhi
150 equired for apoptosis, because inhibition of ceramide synthase with fumonisin B1 decreased apoptosis
151                                Inhibition of ceramide synthase with fumonisin B1 prevented p53 reacti
152                              A family of six ceramide synthases with distinct but overlapping substra
153 psis thaliana) contains three genes encoding ceramide synthases with distinct substrate specificities

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