


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to improve the grain yield of rice and other cereal crops.
2 ide avenues for enhanced grain production in cereal crops.
3 al legumes and nonlegume dicots, but not for cereal crops.
4  expand the nitrogen-fixing ability to major cereal crops.
5 nt pathogen that causes head blight of major cereal crops.
6 s is the first report of robust BNF in major cereal crops.
7  E content in seeds of maize and other major cereal crops.
8 sponse pathway and other important traits in cereal crops.
9 s that shape grain-bearing inflorescences of cereal crops.
10 rought tolerance of maize and possibly other cereal crops.
11 e and could also have applications for other cereal crops.
12 r normal grain development in rice and other cereal crops.
13 rought tolerance of maize and possibly other cereal crops.
14 argely depend on rate of yield gain of major cereal crops.
15 eading to a loss of chemical weed control in cereal crops.
16 inol and aggressively colonizes the roots of cereal crops.
17  has a profound effect on gene expression in cereal crops.
18 athways--not only in maize but also in other cereal crops.
19 eering of isoprenoid pathways, especially in cereal crops.
20 factors influencing agronomic performance of cereal crops.
21 tion about the genetics and biology of these cereal crops.
22 ith a particular emphasis on methodology for cereal crops.
23 to nongreen plastids in embryogenic cells of cereal crops.
24 nservation for gene isolation from the major cereal crops.
25                                     Although cereal crops all belong to the grass family (Poacea), mo
26 improvement of photosynthetic performance of cereal crops and increasing the efficiency with which so
27  tolerance have been well studied in certain cereal crops, and Al tolerance genes have been identifie
28 relevant to Fabaceae, Solanaceae, additional cereal crops, and poplar (Populus spp.).
29 tistical research appropriate for mapping in cereal crops are discussed.
30 ong reductions in attainable yields of major cereal crops are found across a large fraction of curren
31 concerns that substantial yield increases in cereal crops are required to feed the world's booming po
32 the causal agents of yellow dwarf disease in cereal crops, are each transmitted most efficiently by d
33  elicit different developmental responses in cereal crops at different latitudes or times of year, du
34 oundation for exploiting alternative uses of cereal crops both in industrialized and developing count
35 o engineer biological nitrogen fixation into cereal crops by direct nif gene transfer.
36                               The lodging of cereal crops due to high wind and rain is of considerabl
37  has been associated with red grain color in cereal crops for a century.
38 crop and a critical alternative to the major cereal crops for feeding the world's population.
39 Hexaploid wheat is one of the most important cereal crops for human nutrition.
40 virus may be examined as targets in breeding cereal crops for new modes of virus resistance that disr
41 ndings open new opportunities to breed major cereal crops for surface features that impact yield and
42 the development of new strategies to protect cereal crops from pathogen infection.
43 ents in carotenoid content or composition in cereal crops have led to unexpected results.
44  (Alopecurus myosuroides), a problem weed of cereal crops in Northern Europe.
45 rts of yield stagnation in the world's major cereal crops, including maize, rice and wheat.
46                          Grain produced from cereal crops is a primary source of human food and anima
47  of zinc (Zn) uptake and transport in staple cereal crops is critical for improving both Zn content a
48 opment to maximize seed production, which in cereal crops is directly related to yield.
49 g characteristic of grasses, including major cereal crops, is the way in which flowers are arranged o
50 as not predicted given that, like most major cereal crops, maize grain is nonphotosynthetic.
51                                      In many cereal crops, meiotic crossovers predominantly occur tow
52 f crop plants, through the introduction into cereal crops of either the nitrogen fixing bacteria or t
53                                              Cereal crops, particularly wheat, are a major dietary so
54                                   High-yield cereal crops pyramided with improved (micro)nutrient con
55 a medically important antibody in the staple cereal crops rice and wheat.
56 he grasses, includes agronomically important cereal crops such as rice, maize, sorghum, and wheat.
57                             Domestication of cereal crops, such as maize, wheat and rice, had a profo
58 obacco and Arabidopsis, to widely cultivated cereal crops, such as rice and wheat, for expression of
59  system for bridging research into temperate cereal crops, such as wheat and barley, and for promotin
60 cold (vernalization) to trigger flowering of cereal crops, such as wheat and barley.
61      Global methylation dynamics in seeds of cereal crops that provide the bulk of human nutrition re
62 ere we present a bioinformatics resource for cereal crops, the Cereal Small RNA Database (CSRDB), con
63                                           In cereal crops, the majority of the mature root system is
64 as greatly increased the yield of commercial cereal crops, they often lack nutrients essential for hu
65 licon-based system for genome engineering of cereal crops using a deconstructed version of the wheat
66 ce to identify candidate genes for traits in cereal crops using a map-based approach.
67 s phylogenetic proximity to the large-genome cereal crops wheat and barley, it is proving to be usefu
68 ed crop improvement and translation to other cereal crops with comparable inflorescence architectures
69 ost economically important virus diseases of cereal crops worldwide and are transmitted by aphid vect
70 phid species and causes a serious disease of cereal crops worldwide.
71 rium graminearum is a devastating disease of cereal crops worldwide.
72  and F. culmorum cause ear blight disease on cereal crops worldwide.

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