


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  induced EEG silence during transient global cerebral hypoperfusion.
2 chieving EEG silence during transient global cerebral hypoperfusion.
3 ative low cardiac output are associated with cerebral hypoperfusion.
4 hat oestradiol augments the PGHS response to cerebral hypoperfusion.
5 ment or otherwise modify the Fos response to cerebral hypoperfusion.
6 us and that it modulates the Fos response to cerebral hypoperfusion.
7 ithout evidence of occlusive vasculopathy or cerebral hypoperfusion.
8 is lost and regained in the setting of acute cerebral hypoperfusion.
9 resulting from intracranial hypertension and cerebral hypoperfusion.
10 oxygen in face of hypocapnia (34% to 53%) or cerebral hypoperfusion (34% to 57%) to compensate for re
11  cells, a rarefaction of brain microvessels, cerebral hypoperfusion, a disrupted blood-brain barrier
12            We hypothesized that estrogen and cerebral hypoperfusion alone would augment Fos abundance
13                     Recent data suggest that cerebral hypoperfusion and activation of cerebral ion tr
14 n duration-dependent increase in severity of cerebral hypoperfusion and extension of ischaemic pathol
15 eatment--consistent with possible effects of cerebral hypoperfusion and reperfusion injury.
16 or for dementia since it may lead to chronic cerebral hypoperfusion and stroke.
17                                      Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion and VaD was induced by bilateral
18 egative neurological consequences of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion and VaD.
19 itive function in an animal model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion and vascular dementia (VaD).
20 n the present study, we tested the effect of cerebral hypoperfusion and/or estradiol on the expressio
21 anial pressure monitoring alone in detecting cerebral hypoperfusion at the bedside in patients with s
22 demonstrate that CE in DKA is accompanied by cerebral hypoperfusion before treatment and suggest that
23 ts of the posterior cerebral circulation and cerebral hypoperfusion could partially explain the patho
24 ng of intracranial pressure and treatment of cerebral hypoperfusion decrease secondary injury.
25 curacy of intracranial monitoring to predict cerebral hypoperfusion (defined as an oligemic regional
26                                  In summary, cerebral hypoperfusion either at rest or induced by hypo
27     Our study indicates that a single, mild, cerebral hypoperfusion event produces profound and long
28 mine the independent impact of hypocapnia or cerebral hypoperfusion (following INDO) on cerebral oxyg
29                                              Cerebral hypoperfusion has previously been associated wi
30 position of alpha-synuclein, (2) OH-mediated cerebral hypoperfusion impairs cognition and (3) the two
31 ell type specific dynamics following chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in mice.
32  question, we developed an oligemic model of cerebral hypoperfusion in the 3xTg-AD mouse model of AD.
33                                     Although cerebral hypoperfusion in the aged rats was not associat
34 otension (OH) is a common cause of transient cerebral hypoperfusion in the population.
35 ork in this laboratory has demonstrated that cerebral hypoperfusion increases the expression of prost
36 uggested mechanisms for the disorder include cerebral hypoperfusion, inflammation, gene polymorphisms
37                                      Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion is a major cause of age-related v
38                                              Cerebral hypoperfusion is among the mechanisms that may
39                                              Cerebral hypoperfusion is associated with accelerated co
40                                              Cerebral hypoperfusion is widely implicated in cognitive
41 of the PGHS-2 gene expression in response to cerebral hypoperfusion/ischemia in neurons, we used a ce
42 ucible isoform of this enzyme, is induced by cerebral hypoperfusion/ischemia.
43 ables were significant only in AHF (signs of cerebral hypoperfusion, low serum sodium, chronic obstru
44 the posterior circulation and the associated cerebral hypoperfusion may be a factor in triggering hyp
45 nsible, but recent data instead suggest that cerebral hypoperfusion may be involved and that activati
46 preliminary findings suggest that a relative cerebral hypoperfusion may underlie depression in elderl
47 ted a pilot investigation of whether chronic cerebral hypoperfusion might affect genomic distribution
48 previous studies, demonstrating an effect of cerebral hypoperfusion on the expression of both isoform
49 ar fibrillation, especially with symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion, should then be considered to be
50         We have previously demonstrated that cerebral hypoperfusion stimulates several physiological
51        Mice that were subjected to prolonged cerebral hypoperfusion stress developed white matter dem
52 implications for pathologies associated with cerebral hypoperfusion such as stroke, dementia and hype
53       All animals acted as controls, and had cerebral hypoperfusion under baseline propofol anesthesi
54                             Transient global cerebral hypoperfusion was achieved with bilateral inter
55 perventilatory-induced hypocapnia (and hence cerebral hypoperfusion) was prevented; and (2) that phar
56     Significant increases in the severity of cerebral hypoperfusion were observed after 60 min compar

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