


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  line drawn along the anterior aspect of the cerebral peduncle).
2 le, posterior thalamic radiation, and middle cerebral peduncle.
3 pic axon projections to the hypothalamus and cerebral peduncle.
4 riable loss of oligodendroglial cells in the cerebral peduncle.
5 ical projections and ascending fibers of the cerebral peduncle.
6 a and migrates to a position adjacent to the cerebral peduncle.
7 halamus and migrates to a position above the cerebral peduncle.
8  branch initiation and elongation within the cerebral peduncle.
9 diation, internal and external capsules, and cerebral peduncles.
10 partially into the SN and partially into the cerebral peduncles.
11 ata sets, we tracked connections between the cerebral peduncle and left hemispheric masks of the supe
12 s-in the pyramids, the internal capsule, the cerebral peduncle and the hand area.
13    Cortico-pontine fibers travel through the cerebral peduncles and reach the cerebellum by way of a
14 P specimens showed higher iron burden in the cerebral peduncles and substantia nigra than did control
15 he PLIC, the external capsule, the RLIC, the cerebral peduncle, and the superior corona radiata than
16 ess orexin, whereas those located around the cerebral peduncle are more likely to express MCH.
17 iber organization in the crus cerebri of the cerebral peduncle (ccCP) in the rhesus monkey.
18 nternal capsule (IC) and crus cerebri of the cerebral peduncle (ccCP).
19 the Fz3(-/-) brain: the anterior commissure, cerebral peduncle (corticospinal tract), corpus callosum
20 were evoked by electrical stimulation of the cerebral peduncle in the presence of the glutamate recep
21 e examined the region of the axon tract, the cerebral peduncle, overlying the basilar pons for cellul
22 t inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, left cerebral peduncle, posterior thalamic radiation, and mid
23                      Compared with controls, cerebral peduncles showed increased T2 (38%; P = .026) a
24 al anisotropy (FA) in ten brain regions: the cerebral peduncle, the anterior and posterior limbs of t
25 ior limb of the internal capsule, and in the cerebral peduncle; the thalamus; the region of the red n
26 ally identified neurons that project via the cerebral peduncle to distant targets.
27 ent in axons in the pyramidal tract from the cerebral peduncle to the caudal spinal cord.
28 h major component of the motor system to the cerebral peduncle using diffusion-weighted imaging and p
29 n the left M1 leg area, while changes in the cerebral peduncle were predicted by reduced cord area.
30 ior limb) and traverse the midsection of the cerebral peduncle, where SMA fibers are medial, and face
31 0081; left Z score 4.12, p=0.0004) and right cerebral peduncle (Z score 3.89, p=0.0302) and of grey m
32 l capsule (Z score 4.27, p=0.0278), and left cerebral peduncle (Z score 4.05, p=0.0316).

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