コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 sure deficit (mean Deltaarea under the curve-cerebral perfusion pressure).
2 and vasopressor titration for maintenance of cerebral perfusion pressure.
3 /pyruvate ratio increased with reductions in cerebral perfusion pressure.
4 ely 90 mm Hg using norepinephrine to control cerebral perfusion pressure.
5 cranial pressure, mean arterial pressure, or cerebral perfusion pressure.
6 initial levels of intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure.
7 e in intracranial pressure and a decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure.
8 ysiology of hypertension and determinants of cerebral perfusion pressure.
9 was unchanged from baseline at any range of cerebral perfusion pressure.
10 animals which showed no changes at the same cerebral perfusion pressure.
11 e and intracranial pressure while decreasing cerebral perfusion pressure.
12 ng intracranial pressure, thereby decreasing cerebral perfusion pressure.
13 nial pressure, pressure reactivity index, or cerebral perfusion pressure.
14 cerebral perfusion pressure, termed optimal cerebral perfusion pressure.
15 inimum interpreted as the value of "optimal" cerebral perfusion pressure.
16 e with maintaining intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure.
17 and was performed without compromise in the cerebral perfusion pressure.
18 onship between pressure reactivity index and cerebral perfusion pressure.
19 cluded end-tidal CO2 as well as coronary and cerebral perfusion pressure.
20 on pressure (18 +/- 1 to 25 +/- 2; p = .04); cerebral perfusion pressure (16 +/- 3 to 18 +/- 3; p = .
21 epa Wash significantly reduced impairment of cerebral perfusion pressure (23+/-2 vs. 10+/-3 mmHg, p=0
23 s in flow velocity for each step increase in cerebral perfusion pressure (57.5+/-19.9 cm x sec, 61.3+
24 sis lactate/pyruvate ratios were improved at cerebral perfusion pressure 70 compared to cerebral perf
26 ex (3.4 +/- 0.3 to 1.6 +/- 0.1 L/min/m2) and cerebral perfusion pressure (75.6 +/- 3.6 to 62.0 +/- 6.
27 P within the normal autoregulatory limits of cerebral perfusion pressure, 90 mins after onset, had no
28 ded by controlling intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure according to a local protoco
29 henylephrine is often used for management of cerebral perfusion pressure after traumatic brain injury
31 in intracranial pressure, an improvement in cerebral perfusion pressure and a decrease in cerebral e
33 intracranial hypertension and assessment of cerebral perfusion pressure and autoregulation is the fo
35 c and oxygenation monitoring, measurement of cerebral perfusion pressure and intracranial pressure, a
36 n the injured brain, despite improvements in cerebral perfusion pressure and intracranial pressure.
37 d gender to examine the relationship between cerebral perfusion pressure and low, high, or normal mea
39 tial confounders of the relationship between cerebral perfusion pressure and mean middle cerebral art
40 tial confounders of the relationship between cerebral perfusion pressure and mean middle cerebral art
41 focus on secondary brain ischemia, in which cerebral perfusion pressure and oxygen delivery have gai
43 01 at initial resuscitation rapidly restored cerebral perfusion pressure and stabilized hemodynamics
44 been recently shown to increase coronary and cerebral perfusion pressures and higher rates of return
45 on + an impedance threshold device increased cerebral perfusion pressures and lowered diastolic intra
46 Doppler-derived mean velocity index based on cerebral perfusion pressure, and autoregulation reactivi
47 activity index, mean velocity index based on cerebral perfusion pressure, and autoregulation reactivi
49 prevented reductions in cerebral blood flow, cerebral perfusion pressure, and autoregulatory index du
50 n pial artery diameter, cerebral blood flow, cerebral perfusion pressure, and elevated intracranial p
51 tid blood flow, coronary perfusion pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, and end-tidal CO2 were incr
52 tracranial pressure, mean arterial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, and fluid volume may be det
53 racranial pressure, arterial blood pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, and impaired cerebral autor
54 results of this study show that both ICP and cerebral perfusion pressure are increased during ETS.
55 sured by the traditional measures of ICP and cerebral perfusion pressure, as well as middle cerebral
57 ebral microdialysis to assess the effects of cerebral perfusion pressure augmentation on regional phy
63 and current guidelines recommend maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure between 40 mm Hg-60 mm Hg.
65 artery transcranial Doppler velocity, PaCO2, cerebral perfusion pressure between the different steps.
66 fe-threatening condition due to elevation of cerebral perfusion pressure beyond the limits of autoreg
67 s effective as phenylephrine for maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure, but intracranial pressure a
68 significantly with intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure, but not with pressure react
69 anisms may underlie the observed increase in cerebral perfusion pressure, carotid blood flow, and sur
70 ed digitally recorded intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, cerebrovascular pressure re
71 ins (n = 14), systolic arterial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure corrected immediately (both
73 n ICP during the infusion produced a fall in cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and a significant decr
74 ted curve-fitting method that determined the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) at which the pressure
75 We monitored intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) before and during OLT
76 data showing that aggressive maintenance of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) can worsen outcome due
77 s in pial artery diameter, cortical CBF, and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) concomitant with eleva
78 patients with poor outcome were managed at a cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) differing more from th
79 erial pressure, intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), and laser Doppler flo
80 dium concentrations, mean arterial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), central venous pressu
84 ology for the continuous updating of optimal cerebral perfusion pressure (CPPopt) for patients after
85 lity in time, its ability to give an optimal cerebral perfusion pressure (CPPopt) recommendation, and
87 relation between the absence of the optimal cerebral perfusion pressure curve and physiological vari
92 n consumption was unchanged from baseline as cerebral perfusion pressure decreased in either group.
93 e brain and body temperatures increased when cerebral perfusion pressure decreased to between 20 and
94 t thresholds showed no significant impact on cerebral perfusion pressure deficit (mean Deltaarea unde
96 ean arterial pressure greater than 70 mm Hg, cerebral perfusion pressure greater than 50 mm Hg, PaO2
97 group (38.2%) was significantly higher than cerebral perfusion pressure group (18.2%; relative risk
99 essure < lower limit of reactivity), above (%cerebral perfusion pressure > upper limit of reactivity)
100 ssure-targeted therapy (n = 55) (maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure >/= 60 mm Hg, using normal s
101 dle cerebral artery flow velocity occur with cerebral perfusion pressure >40 mm Hg in severe pediatri
105 rine or arginine vasopressin was titrated to cerebral perfusion pressure >70 mm Hg (randomized and bl
106 , and dextrose were administered to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure >70 mm Hg, filling pressure
108 of complications associated with targeting a cerebral perfusion pressure>70, we hypothesize that targ
109 nd after RBCT: Pbto2, intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, hemoglobin oxygen saturatio
110 ental arginine vasopressin rapidly corrected cerebral perfusion pressure, improved cerebrovascular co
111 ve quantified the response to an increase in cerebral perfusion pressure in a region of interest arou
112 d the relationship of cerebral blood flow to cerebral perfusion pressure in a swine model of pediatri
113 een middle cerebral artery flow velocity and cerebral perfusion pressure in pediatric traumatic brain
114 re observed in intraparenchymal pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure in the perihematoma region a
115 e use of catecholamine infusions to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure in the setting of a high-dos
119 This suggests that monitoring and optimizing cerebral perfusion pressure is critical to the managemen
121 d therapeutic interventions used to optimize cerebral perfusion pressure is unclear and requires furt
122 tracranial pressure, percentage of time with cerebral perfusion pressure less than lower limit of rea
124 arterial pressure levels of 70 and 80 mm Hg, cerebral perfusion pressure levels of 50, 60, and 70 mm
125 inuous estimation of the "lower" and "upper" cerebral perfusion pressure limits of cerebrovascular pr
126 enoted automatically the "lower" and "upper" cerebral perfusion pressure limits of reactivity, respec
127 ime with cerebral perfusion pressure below (%cerebral perfusion pressure < lower limit of reactivity)
128 ciated with unfavorable outcome (odds ratio %cerebral perfusion pressure < lower limit of reactivity,
129 mm Hg, mean arterial pressure <70 mm Hg, or cerebral perfusion pressure <60 mm Hg and fluid balance
130 ed by cerebral perfusion pressure threshold, cerebral perfusion pressure <60 mm Hg was not associated
135 ood pressure control for the optimization of cerebral perfusion pressure may constitute the most impo
136 lic; aortic minus right atrial pressure) and cerebral perfusion pressure (mean arterial minus mean in
138 t was to find a way of improving the optimal cerebral perfusion pressure methodology by introducing a
139 ion in addition to intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure monitoring leads to better o
140 ge Glasgow Outcome Scale: all operating room cerebral perfusion pressure more than 40 mm Hg (adjusted
141 tive risk, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.58-0.64), all ICU cerebral perfusion pressure more than 40 mm Hg (adjusted
142 he lactate/pyruvate ratio was not related to cerebral perfusion pressure, nor was the percent time-bu
144 val revealed that an inability to maintain a cerebral perfusion pressure of > or =50 mm Hg on the fir
148 MO, with cerebral blood flow decreasing at a cerebral perfusion pressure of < 25 mm Hg, compared with
152 ral perfusion pressure of 55 to 40 mm Hg; c) cerebral perfusion pressure of 39 to 25 mm Hg; and d) ce
153 crisis and cell injury volumes compared to a cerebral perfusion pressure of 40 mm Hg in an immature s
154 MO or completion of surgery in controls); b) cerebral perfusion pressure of 55 to 40 mm Hg; c) cerebr
155 e of the vasoactive drug was reduced until a cerebral perfusion pressure of 65 mm Hg was reached and
156 erebral perfusion pressure augmentation to a cerebral perfusion pressure of 70 mm Hg in pediatric tra
158 pressure>70, we hypothesize that targeting a cerebral perfusion pressure of 70 mm Hg with the use of
159 mL/100 g/min for 2.0 Hz and increased global cerebral perfusion pressure of 91 mm Hg for 0 Hz, 100.5
160 sured with positron emission tomography at a cerebral perfusion pressure of approximately 70 mm Hg an
163 ively constant level despite fluctuations of cerebral perfusion pressure or arterial blood pressure.
164 Hyperventilation resulted in increases in cerebral perfusion pressure (p <.0001) and reductions in
166 gow Coma Scale score, intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, PaCO2, total hemoglobin con
168 an arterial pressure range 80-97, mean 88.6; cerebral perfusion pressure range 62-88, mean 76.5).
169 ours after introduction of the hematoma, the cerebral perfusion pressure recorded in the perihematoma
170 reate a color-coded maps of autoregulation - cerebral perfusion pressure relationship evolution over
171 ral extraction of oxygen in conjunction with cerebral perfusion pressure result in better outcome tha
174 y-seven percent of respondents felt that the cerebral perfusion pressure should be maintained at >70
175 and adjusting for intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure, systemic glucose concentrat
177 d on identifying "one" autoregulation-guided cerebral perfusion pressure target-called "cerebral perf
179 Patients were randomized to receive either cerebral perfusion pressure-targeted therapy (n = 55) (m
181 ated individualized target for management of cerebral perfusion pressure, termed optimal cerebral per
182 of cerebral extraction of oxygen along with cerebral perfusion pressure, than in the control group o
183 concept of an individually targeted level of cerebral perfusion pressure that aims to restore impaire
184 no correlation with intracranial pressure or cerebral perfusion pressure; the correlation with pressu
185 ment may be a plausible alternative to fixed cerebral perfusion pressure threshold management in seve
190 h albumin dialysis was started after fall of cerebral perfusion pressure to 45 mmHg and continued for
191 ons of pressure reactivity index and optimal cerebral perfusion pressure using ICM+ software (Cambrid
193 e ratio values appear to be elevated despite cerebral perfusion pressure values customarily considere
194 ial pressure was >30 mm Hg (p < .001) or the cerebral perfusion pressure was <40 mm Hg (p < .001).
204 es 2, with arginine vasopressin vs. placebo, cerebral perfusion pressure was more rapidly corrected (
206 heart rate, intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure was recorded during the step
207 ion pressure were similar between groups but cerebral perfusion pressure was significantly higher in
210 agement of cerebral extraction of oxygen and cerebral perfusion pressure, while a control group of 17
212 l blood pressure, intracranial pressure, and cerebral perfusion pressure, with real-time calculations
213 tivity), or within these reactivity limits (%cerebral perfusion pressure within limits of reactivity)
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