


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ure of arterial carbon dioxide (P aC O2) and cerebral vasoconstriction.
2 vates L-type Ca2+ channel current to promote cerebral vasoconstriction.
3 mportant role in the blood-induced prolonged cerebral vasoconstriction and altered vasoreactivity tha
4 um sulfate may prevent eclampsia by reducing cerebral vasoconstriction and ischemia.
5 T-1) has been implicated in hematoma-induced cerebral vasoconstriction and modification of cerebral m
6  However, the effect of diabetes mellitus on cerebral vasoconstriction and the modulatory influence o
7           Experimental data demonstrate both cerebral vasoconstriction and vasodilatation, depending
8 d/or decreases in vascular compliance during cerebral vasoconstriction contribute to the changes in g
9              The mechanism of oxygen-induced cerebral vasoconstriction has been sought for more than
10                              Cocaine-induced cerebral vasoconstriction in a dose-related fashion (P=.
11 ogenous application of Abeta peptides causes cerebral vasoconstriction in rodents and in transgenic m
12  the modulatory influence of nitric oxide on cerebral vasoconstriction is unclear.
13  who have evidence of reversible, segmental, cerebral vasoconstriction of circle of Willis arteries a
14  Cocaine administration induced dose-related cerebral vasoconstriction on magnetic resonance angiogra
15              We studied the effects of acute cerebral vasoconstriction on the transfer function betwe
16                                              Cerebral vasoconstriction reduces cerebral ammonia uptak
17                                   Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is a clinical-
18                                   Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is characteriz
19  with fibromuscular dysplasia and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome was described.
20 id assessment are thought to have reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.
21 ebral venous sinus thrombosis and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.
22                   The proposal of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes (RCVS) as a unifying
23                                   Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes (RCVS) comprise a gr
24                                   Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes are clinically impor
25                                   Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes represent an importa
26 f cerebral vascular reactivity and prolonged cerebral vasoconstriction that occur 4 days later.

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