


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y continuing on weekly cetuximab (continuous cetuximab).
2 ab and two EGFR binding antibodies including Cetuximab.
3 ermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), such as cetuximab.
4 g fragment of a therapeutic antibody such as cetuximab.
5 ng the variable regions of the EGFR antibody cetuximab.
6 54.3% (95% CI, 42.0 to 66.2) for FOLFOX plus cetuximab.
7 ation carboplatin/paclitaxel with or without cetuximab.
8     No responses were seen with single-agent cetuximab.
9 treated with adjuvant FOLFOX with or without cetuximab.
10 e exon 2 KRAS G13D mutation may benefit from cetuximab.
11 , and 110 to high-dose chemoradiotherapy and cetuximab.
12 aluate localization of fluorescently labeled cetuximab.
13 ion of a therapeutic dose of 500 mg.m(-2) of cetuximab.
14 2-PI3K and ERBB-RAS pathways and response to cetuximab.
15 lorectal cancer who received vemurafenib and cetuximab.
16 tion-specific therapeutic antibodies such as cetuximab.
17 h dose), 60 Gy plus cetuximab, or 74 Gy plus cetuximab.
18 lorectal cancer who received vemurafenib and cetuximab.
19  of the therapeutic EGFR monoclonal antibody cetuximab.
20  we performed basophil activation tests with cetuximab.
21 nd cisplatin without (arm A) or with (arm B) cetuximab.
22 iven panitumumab and 48 (10%) patients given cetuximab.
23 cles of FOLFOX4 twice a week with or without cetuximab.
24 e event: a lung infection in a patient given cetuximab.
25 ization by the EGFR inhibitors erlotinib and cetuximab.
26 mittent cetuximab and 91 (54%) to continuous cetuximab.
27 t: 499 received panitumumab and 500 received cetuximab.
28 predicting sensitivity to the EGFR inhibitor cetuximab.
29 ) plus eight once-weekly doses of concurrent cetuximab.
30 olorectal cancer patients that progressed on cetuximab.
31 6 status for PFS in patients treated without cetuximab.
32 us cell carcinoma refractory to platinum and cetuximab.
33 elumetinib (AZD6244/ARRY-142886, MEK1/2i) or cetuximab.
34        Patients were treated by single-agent cetuximab.
35 noms contained lower alpha-gal contents than cetuximab.
36 overall survival (OS), and safety profile of cetuximab.
37 rcinoma previously treated with platinum and cetuximab.
38 cycles of IC with cisplatin, paclitaxel, and cetuximab.
39 fied that together improved the affinity for cetuximab 10-fold to 15 nm Importantly, the increased af
40 surface area), docetaxel (30-40 mg/m(2)), or cetuximab (250 mg/m(2) after a loading dose of 400 mg/m(
41 zumab (15 mg/kg; every 21 days), either with cetuximab (250 mg/m(2) weekly after loading dose; cetuxi
42 irinotecan therapy were randomly assigned to cetuximab 400 mg/m(2) loading dose and then 250 mg/m(2)
43 4 Gy/1.8 Gy fractions with or without weekly cetuximab (400 mg/m2 on day 1 then 250 mg/m2 weekly).
44             For patients assigned to receive cetuximab, 400 mg/m(2) cetuximab was given on day 1 foll
45 as 60.9% (95% CI, 47.9 to 72.8) for ECF plus cetuximab, 45.0% (95% CI, 33.0 to 57.0) for IC plus cetu
46 intravenous bevacizumab-800CW (anti-VEGF-A), cetuximab-800CW (anti-EGFR), control tracer IgG-800CW, o
47 be delineated for both bevacizumab-800CW and cetuximab-800CW tracers.
48 ity of single-targeted ErbB agents including cetuximab (a ligand-blocking anti-EGFR mAb), transtuzuma
49 cal situation occurred after introduction of cetuximab, a chimeric mouse-human antibody, for cancer t
50 l superiority is platinum, fluorouracil, and cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody directed against the ep
51 to investigate the efficacy and tolerance of cetuximab according to these mutations.
52                 Antivenoms, pork kidney, and cetuximab activated basophils from patients with IgE to
53                                 Importantly, cetuximab-activated NK cells selectively eliminated intr
54                   To evaluate the benefit of cetuximab added to concurrent chemoradiation therapy for
55 y, thereby allowing the further tailoring of cetuximab administration to maximize patient benefit.
56                                              Cetuximab affinity for EGFR-K521 was reduced slightly, b
57  receive 6 months of FOLFOX4 or FOLFOX4 plus cetuximab after surgical resection for stage III colon c
58 with either single-dose irradiation (10 Gy), cetuximab alone, or cetuximab-plus-irradiation combined
59     We observe marked synergy of EAI045 with cetuximab, an antibody therapeutic that blocks EGFR dime
60 hylaxis during first exposure to intravenous cetuximab and (2) delayed-onset anaphylaxis 3 to 6 hours
61 rted here, 78 (46%) assigned to intermittent cetuximab and 91 (54%) to continuous cetuximab.
62 s, and KRAS-WT and KRAS-mutant CRC, combined cetuximab and anti-CD137 mAb administration was synergis
63  significantly different, 59.6% vs 55.2% for cetuximab and bevacizumab, respectively (difference, 4.4
64 espond poorly to the EGFR inhibitors (EGFRI) cetuximab and erlotinib, despite tumor expression of EGF
65 comes were observed between the FOLFIRI plus cetuximab and FOLFIRI plus bevacizumab arms of FIRE-3.
66 eatment modifications compared with ECF plus cetuximab and IC plus cetuximab (P = .013), and fewer pa
67 e responses observed with the combination of cetuximab and irinotecan may reflect true drug synergy o
68 ution data of immuno-PET imaging with (64)Cu-cetuximab and of small-animal SPECT/CT imaging with (177
69 % CI, 0.64-9.65; and HR for KRAS-variant, no cetuximab and p16 negative, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.23-1.59; P =
70 .22; 95% CI, 0.03-1.66; HR for KRAS-variant, cetuximab and p16 negative, 1.43; 95% CI, 0.48-4.26; HR
71  and treatment for OS (HR, for KRAS-variant, cetuximab and p16 positive, 0.22; 95% CI, 0.03-1.66; HR
72 ; 95% CI, 0.48-4.26; HR for KRAS-variant, no cetuximab and p16 positive, 2.48; 95% CI, 0.64-9.65; and
73 eted therapies are the monoclonal antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab, which prevent epidermal growt
74 itopes via immunoblot and in comparison with cetuximab and pork kidney by IgE reactivity assays.
75 therapeutic efficacy with the combination of cetuximab and radioimmunotherapy in CRC, which could pot
76                                        Using Cetuximab and Trastuzumab, proximity of EGFR and HER2 wa
77 s plus eight once-weekly doses of concurrent cetuximab and two cycles of cisplatin and fluorouracil.
78 , 147 to standard-dose chemoradiotherapy and cetuximab, and 110 to high-dose chemoradiotherapy and ce
79 ab, 45.0% (95% CI, 33.0 to 57.0) for IC plus cetuximab, and 54.3% (95% CI, 42.0 to 66.2) for FOLFOX p
80 f carboplatin and paclitaxel with or without cetuximab, and 60- versus 74-Gy radiation doses.
81 e was associated with allergies to red meat, cetuximab, and gelatin.
82 ribed a regimen of irinotecan hydrochloride, cetuximab, and ramucirumab for metastatic rectal cancer
83  in patients with advanced cSCC treated with cetuximab; and to investigate the efficacy and tolerance
84 i-EGFR monoclonal antibodies panitumumab and cetuximab are effective in patients with chemotherapy-re
85 e therapy, in the FIRE-3 trial (FOLFIRI plus cetuximab [arm A] or bevacizumab [arm B]) for patients w
86 of EREG methylation in patients who received cetuximab as part of a phase II study were associated wi
87 lectra, Herceptin/Trastuzumab B, and Erbitux/Cetuximab B) using a middle-up approach.
88 atio to receive chemotherapy with or without cetuximab before and after liver resection.
89 allowed the analysis of the specific PEI-PEG-cetuximab binding to EGFR and the determination of bindi
90 -glycan analysis of the therapeutic antibody cetuximab by LC-MS/MS analyses tightly integrated with (
91 ve parental cells were rendered resistant to cetuximab by stable overexpression of AXL or stimulation
92 affinity of a recently reported meditope for cetuximab can be substantially enhanced using a combinat
93 ts indicate that the combination of NTP with cetuximab can decrease invasiveness in cetuximab-resista
94  activation of T cells bearing high-affinity cetuximab-CAR was not affected by the density of EGFR.
95                                       Either cetuximab (cet) or trastuzumab (tra) conjugated with IR7
96 trategy was validated with the separation of Cetuximab charge variant by the middle-up approach.
97 ression-free survival was 10.5 months in the cetuximab-chemotherapy group and 10.6 months in the beva
98 dian overall survival was 30.0 months in the cetuximab-chemotherapy group and 29.0 months in the beva
99                      First-line FOLFIRI plus cetuximab clearly benefitted patients with left-sided tu
100 nrolled in a novel neoadjuvant, single-agent cetuximab clinical trial.
101  Furthermore, monocyte-mediated ADCC against cetuximab-coated tumor targets was enhanced by TLR8 agon
102 d irinotecan (FOLFIRI) plus cetuximab in the Cetuximab Combined With Irinotecan in First-line Therapy
103 d irinotecan (FOLFIRI) plus cetuximab in the Cetuximab Combined With Irinotecan in First-line Therapy
104                     Median follow-up for the cetuximab comparison was 21.3 months (IQR 23.5-29.8).
105 therapy comparison: eight vs three patients; cetuximab comparison: ten vs five patients).
106  planned maintenance by continuing on weekly cetuximab (continuous cetuximab).
107 d with EGFR expression in cells resistant to cetuximab (Ctx(R) cells).
108 IgE-reactive monoclonal therapeutic antibody cetuximab (CTX) and is associated with delayed anaphylax
109 comitant cisplatin (CDDP) versus concomitant cetuximab (CTX) as first-line treatment of locally advan
110 onstrated that, irrespective of KRAS status, cetuximab did not induce an antitumor response in a majo
111 , erlotinib) or monoclonal antibodies (i.e., cetuximab) does not provide long-term therapeutic benefi
112                          In combination with cetuximab, ECF and FOLFOX had similar efficacy, but FOLF
113 RAS, BRAF, and EGFR genes and association of cetuximab efficacy with these mutations was investigated
114 y, suggesting a structural basis for reduced cetuximab efficacy.
115 ting EGFRt with the IgG1 monoclonal antibody cetuximab eliminates CD19 CAR T cells both early and lat
116                                      Because cetuximab enhances the effect of radiation therapy in hu
117                                      Because cetuximab enhances the effect of radiation therapy in hu
118 ll carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines resistant to cetuximab (Erbitux).
119                     The ICECREAM (Irinotecan Cetuximab Evaluation and Cetuximab Response Evaluation A
120                                              Cetuximab expanded CTLA-4(+)FOXP3(+) Treg in vitro, in p
121         Intratumoral distribution of (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')(2) as determined by autoradiography cor
122  a significant increase in uptake of (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')(2) in the SCCNij202 tumors after irradi
123 accessibility can be visualized with (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')(2).
124 185, were imaged with SPECT/CT using (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')2 (5 mug, 28 +/- 6.1 MBq, 24 h after inj
125                                      (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')2 predicted and monitored the effects of
126    Thus, the additional value of the (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')2 tracer is emphasized and the tracer ca
127 terized by a significantly increased (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')2 tumor uptake; tumor-to-liver ratio was
128                                      (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')2 uptake (tumor-to-liver ratio, scan 2 -
129 ng systemically accessible EGFR with (111)In-cetuximab-F(ab')2 while simultaneously evaluating tumor
130      In several EGFR-mediated cancer models, cetuximab failed to inhibit downstream signaling or to k
131 ts in both groups received FOLFOX and weekly cetuximab for 12 weeks, then either had a planned interr
132 uvant FOLFOX4 alone or FOLFOX4 combined with cetuximab for 6 months.
133 NT-mAb (3)] or without [SmCl3@SWCNT-NH2 (2)] Cetuximab functionalization were tested.
134 in the intention-to-treat population) or the cetuximab group (n=656; 283 with bevacizumab and 373 wit
135 e were three deaths in the chemotherapy plus cetuximab group (one interstitial lung disease and pulmo
136 reatment occurred in 32 (6%) patients in the cetuximab group and 13 (2%) patients in the control grou
137  194 progression-free survival events in the cetuximab group and 198 in the control group in the EGFR
138                      59 (9%) patients in the cetuximab group and 31 (5%) patients in the control grou
139                      After 570 deaths in the cetuximab group and 593 in the control group, overall su
140 gnificantly shorter in the chemotherapy plus cetuximab group than in the chemotherapy alone group (14
141 all survival was significantly longer in the cetuximab group than in the control group (HR 0.58, 95%
142 decreased neutrophil count (210 [37%] in the cetuximab group vs 158 [25%] in the control group), decr
143 imab (250 mg/m(2) weekly after loading dose; cetuximab group) or without (control group), stratified
144  months (12.2-28.7) in the chemotherapy plus cetuximab group.
145 eaths in the high-dose chemoradiotherapy and cetuximab groups (radiotherapy comparison: eight vs thre
146 tients with the KRAS-variant treated without cetuximab had worse PFS than patients without the KRAS-v
147                    Recently, the addition of cetuximab has shown promise as a way to improve outcomes
148 Overall, for patients with the KRAS-variant, cetuximab improved both progression-free survival (PFS)
149 yonic antigen antibody ((131)I-huA5B7), with cetuximab in colorectal cancer (CRC).
150 xicity (eg, trastuzumab in breast cancer and cetuximab in colorectal cancer).
151 d biomarkers of response to radiotherapy and cetuximab in locally advanced head and neck squamous cel
152 sufficient to mediate acquired resistance to cetuximab in models of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC
153 potential of treatment that combines NTP and cetuximab in OSCC.
154 er investigation of the role of FOLFOX4 plus cetuximab in specific patient subgroups is warranted.
155 l, leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) plus cetuximab in the Cetuximab Combined With Irinotecan in F
156 l, leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) plus cetuximab in the Cetuximab Combined With Irinotecan in F
157 This trial cannot conclude on the benefit of cetuximab in the studied population, but the heterogenei
158  efficacy and toxicity of panitumumab versus cetuximab in these patients.
159 raction are needed but at present the use of cetuximab in this setting cannot be recommended.
160 tuximab-sensitive colorectal cancer cells to cetuximab in three-dimensional culture.
161 ased the antitumor activity of erlotinib and cetuximab in vivo.
162 f small-animal SPECT/CT imaging with (177)Lu-cetuximab, including blood and TE-8 tumor.
163 actor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor therapy with cetuximab, indicating the need for patient selection.
164                          Both antivenoms and cetuximab induced positive skin prick test results in pa
165  panitumumab (6 mg/kg once every 2 weeks) or cetuximab (initial dose 400 mg/m(2); 250 mg/m(2) once a
166 ial evaluating the safety and specificity of cetuximab-IRDye800.
167  fluorescently labeled therapeutic antibody, cetuximab-IRDye800CW (2.5 mg/m(2), 25 mg/m(2), and 62.5
168                                              Cetuximab is a murine-human chimeric IgG1 mAb directed a
169                           This suggests that cetuximab is certainly warranted in the treatment of adv
170 t, we demonstrate that primary resistance to cetuximab is dependent upon both KRAS mutational status
171                   The EGFR-targeted antibody cetuximab is effective against head and neck cancer (HNS
172                   EAI045 in combination with cetuximab is effective in mouse models of lung cancer dr
173 esponders, reduced-dose IMRT with concurrent cetuximab is worthy of further study in favorable-risk p
174     Here we show that the EGFR blocking with cetuximab leads to varied autophagic responses, which mo
175 first time that combining NTP treatment with cetuximab led to inhibition of migration and invasion in
176 patients with the KRAS-variant suggests that cetuximab may help these patients by overcoming TGF-beta
177                         Although addition of cetuximab may result in less LRF, the 20% recurrence and
178                        These Treg suppressed cetuximab-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic
179 ed susceptibility of cells undergoing EMT to cetuximab-mediated CDC.
180  patients, and the variability and extent of cetuximab-mediated cellular immunity is not fully unders
181  increased affinity translated into enhanced cetuximab-mediated recruitment to EGF receptor-overexpre
182                           We aimed to assess cetuximab monotherapy and cetuximab plus irinotecan in p
183 t in disease control at 6 months with either cetuximab monotherapy or cetuximab plus irinotecan.
184 herapy and were randomized to receive either cetuximab (n = 578) or bevacizumab (n = 559).
185 nd oxaliplatin) chemotherapy with or without cetuximab (North Central Cancer Treatment Group N0147 tr
186  cisplatin plus radiotherapy with or without cetuximab (NRG Oncology RTOG 0522) were included in this
187 etained 105.7% (81.9-129.5) of the effect of cetuximab on overall survival seen in this study.
188              All treatment programs included cetuximab once per week.
189 actions was lower with panitumumab than with cetuximab (one [<0.5%] patient vs nine [2%] patients), a
190           On RECIST progression, FOLFOX plus cetuximab or FOLFOX was recommenced for 12 weeks followe
191 originally assigned to arm B received either cetuximab or panitumumab.
192 PF-00299804 but not with anti-EGFR antibody (Cetuximab) or etoposide, triggers a burst in emission of
193 nned interruption (those taking intermittent cetuximab) or planned maintenance by continuing on weekl
194 tandard dose), 74 Gy (high dose), 60 Gy plus cetuximab, or 74 Gy plus cetuximab.
195 compared with ECF plus cetuximab and IC plus cetuximab (P = .013), and fewer patients were removed fr
196 free survival upon palliative treatment with cetuximab plus chemotherapy or radiation.
197                                              Cetuximab plus cisplatin-radiation, versus cisplatin-rad
198 We aimed to assess cetuximab monotherapy and cetuximab plus irinotecan in patients with molecularly s
199 cetuximab versus 23% (95% CI, 9% to 40%) for cetuximab plus irinotecan with a hazard ratio of 0.74 (9
200  months with either cetuximab monotherapy or cetuximab plus irinotecan.
201                                              Cetuximab plus platinum regimens also increase OS in met
202 ose irradiation (10 Gy), cetuximab alone, or cetuximab-plus-irradiation combined or on untreated cont
203 biting resistance to the EGFR-targeting drug cetuximab poses a challenge to their effective clinical
204 h 1 receptor antibody, in this platinum- and cetuximab-pretreated population with poor prognosis.
205                         Responses of PDXs to cetuximab recapitulate also clinical data in patients, w
206  samples, and inhibiting CSN6 stability with cetuximab reduced colon cancer growth.
207                                  FOLFOX plus cetuximab required fewer treatment modifications compare
208 this 3D system, we have identified a mode of cetuximab resistance and a potential prognostic marker i
209 ce enhances growth factor ligand binding and cetuximab resistance through induction and stabilization
210 t EGFR-K521 expression as a key mechanism of cetuximab resistance to evaluate prospectively as a pred
211 a clinically actionable, epigenetic cause of cetuximab resistance.
212 he absence of known genetic events linked to cetuximab resistance.
213 creased Wnt signaling, and Wnt inhibition in cetuximab-resistant cells restored cetuximab responsiven
214                                  To generate cetuximab-resistant cells, we exposed cetuximab-sensitiv
215 miR-125b overexpression was also observed in cetuximab-resistant colorectal cancer and head and neck
216 d to inhibition of migration and invasion in cetuximab-resistant OSCC cells, which could be a promisi
217  with cetuximab can decrease invasiveness in cetuximab-resistant OSCCs through a novel mechanism invo
218 ulted in antitumor efficacy in a majority of cetuximab-resistant tumors.
219 lowed by further interruption or maintenance cetuximab, respectively.
220 ns showed a partial and complete response to cetuximab, respectively.
221 ivity of 3.70/12.95 MBq, for (64)Cu-/(177)Lu-cetuximab, respectively.
222 g site in KRAS, is a predictive biomarker of cetuximab response and altered immunity in the setting o
223  The correlation of KRAS-variant status with cetuximab response and outcome, p16 status, and plasma T
224 CECREAM (Irinotecan Cetuximab Evaluation and Cetuximab Response Evaluation Among Patients with a G13D
225 bition in cetuximab-resistant cells restored cetuximab responsiveness.
226  glycosylation targeting the same epitope as cetuximab, restored HNSCC sensitivity in a manner associ
227                  Both the radiation-dose and cetuximab results crossed protocol-specified futility bo
228 ugh differences were nonsignificant, IC plus cetuximab seemed to be the least effective and most toxi
229 nerate cetuximab-resistant cells, we exposed cetuximab-sensitive colorectal cancer cells to cetuximab
230                                              Cetuximab-sensitive parental cells were rendered resista
231 osine kinase inhibitor, crizotinib, restored cetuximab sensitivity in SC.
232 fts provide remarkable resolution to measure Cetuximab sensitivity.
233 eutic anti-epidermal growth factor antibody (cetuximab) showed significant signal in the skin after t
234 rmal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor cetuximab shows an improved response in a subgroup of pa
235  with RAS wt left-sided tumors, FOLFIRI plus cetuximab significantly improved OS relative to the resp
236 bitor (TKI)) and surface functionalized with cetuximab-siRNA conjugate has been synthesized.
237 , the EGFR-neutralizing monoclonal antibody, cetuximab, strongly inhibited growth of CC, whereas SC w
238 e variants detected in the CZE separation of Cetuximab subunits.
239 nation regimen suggests that the addition of cetuximab suppressed DNA repair.
240 equent in patients treated with FOLFOX4 plus cetuximab than in those patients who received FOLFOX4 al
241 r enhancing the secondary immune response to cetuximab that involves sequential targeting with an ago
242 anion diagnostic/therapeutic (64)Cu-/(177)Lu-cetuximab that may be considered as a step for determini
243 u-/(177)Lu-labeled antibody ((64)Cu-/(177)Lu-cetuximab), that acts as anti-epidermal growth factor re
244                        In patients receiving cetuximab, the level of CD137 on circulating and intratu
245 TM1/p62, is associated with poor response to cetuximab therapy.
246 d radiation therapy (IMRT) 54 Gy with weekly cetuximab; those with less than cCR to IC at the primary
247          Conclusion Although the addition of cetuximab to chemoradiation for SCCAC was associated wit
248                                  Addition of cetuximab to concurrent chemoradiation and consolidation
249                              The addition of cetuximab to concurrent chemoradiation did not improve O
250  concurrent chemotherapy and the addition of cetuximab to concurrent chemoradiation for patients with
251 opharyngeal SCC, we hypothesized that adding cetuximab to CRT would reduce LRF in SCCAC.
252  cell carcinoma, we hypothesized that adding cetuximab to CRT would reduce LRF in SCCAC.
253  CRYSTAL study demonstrated that addition of cetuximab to fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan (F
254  benefits were observed upon the addition of cetuximab to FOLFIRI in CRYSTAL, and comparable outcomes
255 d points was associated with the addition of cetuximab to FOLFIRI.
256 d a significant benefit from the addition of cetuximab to FOLFIRI; patients with RAS tumor mutations
257 ivery of postoperative chemoradiotherapy and cetuximab to patients with SCCHN is feasible and tolerat
258                                       Adding cetuximab to radiation-cisplatin did not improve outcome
259 C significantly benefit from the addition of cetuximab to radiotherapy and cisplatin, and there is a
260                              The addition of cetuximab to these chemotherapy regimens results in an o
261 e primary site or nodes received 69.3 Gy and cetuximab to those regions.
262 ding targeted agents, namely bevacizumab and cetuximab, to standard chemotherapies in stage III disea
263 and clinical impact on antitumor immunity in cetuximab-treated individuals.
264 he circulation and tumor microenvironment of cetuximab-treated patients with HNSCC enrolled in a nove
265 d 1.4 +/- 0.4 to 2.0 +/- 0.3, P < 0.05, for (cetuximab-treated) SCCNij185, respectively.
266 sponded to combined treatment (P < 0.01) and cetuximab treatment alone (P < 0.05) but not to irradiat
267  0.05) and irradiation (P < 0.05) but not to cetuximab treatment alone (P = 0.34).
268 rrelated with a higher recurrence rate after cetuximab treatment and reduced overall survival.
269     Moreover, these tumors were resistant to cetuximab treatment despite augmented EGFR signaling, at
270                                     Notably, cetuximab treatment increased the frequency of CD4(+)FOX
271 of NFkappaB/RelA acetylation by IFRD1 shRNA, cetuximab treatment or the HDAC1/3 inhibitor entinostat
272                  All patients could continue cetuximab treatment without dose reduction.
273 ssion contribute to the clinical response to cetuximab treatment, suggesting its improvement by addin
274 ulating EGFR functionality and resistance to cetuximab treatment.
275  progression within 6 months of platinum and cetuximab treatment.
276 urvival rate was 10% (95% CI, 2% to 26%) for cetuximab versus 23% (95% CI, 9% to 40%) for cetuximab p
277 ctal Cancer (CRYSTAL) trial and FOLFIRI Plus Cetuximab Versus FOLFIRI Plus Bevacizumab as First-Line
278 ctal Cancer (CRYSTAL) trial and FOLFIRI Plus Cetuximab Versus FOLFIRI Plus Bevacizumab as First-Line
279                                              Cetuximab vs bevacizumab combined with either mFOLFOX6 o
280  in overall survival between the addition of cetuximab vs bevacizumab to chemotherapy as initial biol
281              To determine if the addition of cetuximab vs bevacizumab to the combination of leucovori
282 an overall survival in patients who received cetuximab was 25.0 months (95% CI 20.2-30.5) compared wi
283                                              Cetuximab was added to each treatment arm based on promi
284                      By contrast, the use of cetuximab was associated with a higher rate of grade 3 o
285 esistance following prolonged treatment with cetuximab was associated with AXL hyperactivation and EG
286 Even in elderly patients with advanced cSCC, cetuximab was efficacious and well-tolerated.
287                                              Cetuximab was given as an intravenous dose of 500 mg/m(2
288 s assigned to receive cetuximab, 400 mg/m(2) cetuximab was given on day 1 followed by weekly doses of
289                                              Cetuximab was recently proposed for advanced cutaneous s
290                                              Cetuximab was safely incorporated in two first-line inte
291 -1,3-galactose, located on the Fab region of cetuximab, was identified as the target responsible for
292 possibility to perform skin prick tests with cetuximab, which carries the alpha-gal epitope.
293  be transcytosed better than the G1m3,-1 mAb cetuximab, which explains why infliximab is a better com
294 rapy and we aimed to explore the activity of cetuximab with chemotherapy in patients with advanced NS
295 -site cCR to IC and 51 patients continued to cetuximab with IMRT 54 Gy.
296         Compared with monotherapy, combining cetuximab with radioimmunotherapy significantly and syne
297  PET/CT-based radiation dosimetry for (89)Zr-cetuximab, with special emphasis on determining RM-absor
298 l cancer received 36.9 +/- 0.8 MBq of (89)Zr-cetuximab within 2 h after administration of a therapeut
299 h (131)I-huA5B7 alone or in combination with cetuximab without observable toxicity.
300 ll survival, panitumumab was non-inferior to cetuximab (Z score -3.19; p=0.0007).

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