


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  anesthesia in "Happy Memories of the Dental Chair".
2 y linked intermediate (flattened (2) H3 half-chair).
3 essons learned" on how to be an epidemiology chair.
4 ing inside the house, or transferring from a chair.
5 ment as invaluable to their effectiveness as chair.
6 on security officer, privacy officer, or IRB chair.
7 tion of imminent tooth pain once in a dental chair.
8 ersity with program directors and department chairs.
9 of current academic ophthalmology department chairs.
10 ntial online survey emailed to ophthalmology chairs.
11 rceived familiarity of faces, buildings, and chairs.
12 ncreasing demand for unnecessarily elaborate chairs.
13 scious monkeys restrained in custom-designed chairs.
14 dults viewed faces, houses, pseudowords, and chairs.
15 th and Medicine was formed and included 2 co-chairs, 13 members, and 3 additional members of a leader
16 ) showed signals for the twist-boat (1a) and chair (1b) conformations.
17 he pyranose ring of IdoA is present in (1)C4-chair, (2)SO-skew boat, and less frequently, in (4)C1-ch
18 %) were professors, 11 (15%) held a previous chair, 35 (49%) have advanced degrees, and 19 (26%) are
19 ng geometries from the low-energy equatorial chair ((4)C1) conformation.
20                Forty-one of 76 of department chairs (54%) self-reported having an established mentors
21                        A total of 101 of 142 chairs (71%) completed the survey.
22 when they did, 28 of 31 were reviewed by the chair (90%).
23 essors of ophthalmology (93%), and permanent chairs (96%).
24 al services in the United Kingdom, including chairing a report that directly led to their modernizati
25 as no effect of zygosity for pseudowords (or chairs, a control category).
26   To conduct a national survey of department chairs about the nature, extent, and consequences of ins
27 ectly or indirectly by the heritage of these Chairs' actions and those of their faculty.
28 arbon atoms and carbon-fluorine pairs in C2F chair alternate strictly over domain sizes of at least 1
29 s are flexible and undergo rapid exchange of chair and boat conformations in solution.
30 hod for distinguishing between graphene, C2F chair and fully fluorinated stoichiometric CF 2D phases.
31 als an intermediate conformation between the chair and the boat on the sub-Angstrom scale.
32 ow ring inversion and interconversion of the chair and twist-boat conformations, slow rotation of the
33 or-moving from laboratory head to department chair and, finally, to institute director.
34  of stress for many ophthalmology department chairs and many indicate financial preparation is their
35 torial fellows who responded, there are four chairs and six vice-chairs of their respective radiology
36 led that the presence of women as colloquium chairs (and potentially on colloquium committees) increa
37  between rooms, and standing from an armless chair) and activities of daily living (ADL) limitations
38 ale, (b) C5 epimerization leads to a (4)C(1)-chair, and (c) IdoA 2-O-sulfation (IdoA2S) stabilizes th
39 luded 233 (16%) sit on bed, 454 (31%) sit in chair, and 762 (53%) ambulate.
40  three activity events as sit on bed, sit in chair, and ambulate.
41 G-ring adopting the crown, twist-crown, boat-chair, and boat conformations.
42 activities: standing, walking, rising from a chair, and descending stairs.
43 m a chair, walking 10 feet, returning to the chair, and ends after the subject sits.
44 sis of walking speed, ability to rise from a chair, and standing balance.
45 rticipants viewed pictures of whole persons, chairs, and eight body parts (hands, arms, legs, feet, c
46 as held for all subgroup heads, co- and vice-chairs, and selected individuals.
47                           For L-sugars, both chair- and boatlike transition states could be considere
48 tio shows that the participation of both the chair- and the boat-like transition states is likely.
49                                         Most chairs anticipate retiring around age 70.
50                 Overall, academic department chairs are accomplished leaders in ophthalmology and pro
51  toilet floor (1.87 +/- 2.40 CFU/cm(2)), and chair arm (1.33 +/- 4.69 CFU/cm(2)).
52 rgy minimum (twist-boat) to a local minimum (chair), as the origin of this abnormal thermal shrinkage
53 hair of the writing committee, and the group chair assembled the complete statement.
54  for the female subject during rising from a chair at 11 months postoperative and 82.3 for the male s
55                                  On average, chairs authored 98 peer-reviewed articles, 2 books, and
56 ate of all compounds in solution is the boat-chair (BC) conformation.
57      Interconversion of carbon sites in boat-chair-boat (BCB) cyclodecane occurs by way of the twist-
58  pattern was in agreement with a chair-chair-chair-boat conformation of the (S)-2,3-oxidosqualene pre
59 sition states are in crown (chair-chair) and chair-boat conformations.
60 encies correlate inversely with the rates of chair-boat ring inversion of the ligand, since this dyna
61  spring constant of dextran at the moment of chair-boat transition are equal to 30-50mN/m.
62 taneous rotations around the C5-C6 bonds and chair-boat transitions of the pyranose rings.
63 s selected by the Awards Committee, which is chaired by Dr Bonnie Berger of the Massachusetts Institu
64 ncy on the medical service of Duke Hospital, chaired by Eugene Stead, I joined the group of Arthur Ko
65  The program for the meeting this past July, chaired by N. Almog and H. Enderling, included discussio
66  Italy, from June 27 to 29, 2006, and was co-chaired by Robert Weinberg and Enrico Mihich.
67  Italy, from June 14 to 16, 2007, and was co chaired by William G. Kaelin, Enrico Mihich, and Charles
68 orary attachment of a single atom to the arm-chair C-C bond in a triangular configuration, causing ex
69               The Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC), Leading Edge Endowment Fund (LEEF), Don R
70 mol(-1)) and the conformational equilibrium (chair-chair and chair-twist conformers) of the compound.
71    A methyl substituent at N3 stabilizes the chair-chair conformation, whereas ethylacetate or 2-pyri
72 a 2-pyridylmethyl substituent stabilizes the chair-chair isomer.
73 gidity of the bicycle, which adopts either a chair-chair or a boat-chair conformation depending on th
74 e low-energy transition states are in crown (chair-chair) and chair-boat conformations.
75                                   The crown (chair-chair) conformations of the transition state accou
76 ved labeling pattern was in agreement with a chair-chair-chair-boat conformation of the (S)-2,3-oxido
77  oriented exercises (such as standing from a chair, climbing a step) taught by a physical therapist a
78 ia, 'marked everything with its name: table, chair, clock, door, wall, bed, pan'.
79    A total of 459 of 688 eligible department chairs completed the survey, yielding an overall respons
80 1,3,5-triazinane (RDX) featuring a distorted chair confirmation, polynitro-functionalized dipyrazolo-
81 elds UDP-xylose adopting the relaxed (4)C(1) chair conformation (step 3).
82 For deuterium-labeled cyclohexanes held in a chair conformation at -80 degrees C or lower, all four p
83 nformational rigidity and ability to adopt a chair conformation correlate strongly with experimental
84  which adopts either a chair-chair or a boat-chair conformation depending on the substituents in the
85 and black phosphorus display the more common chair conformation for their six-rings.
86  demonstrate that this ring assumes the beta-chair conformation in all cases, and the 1alpha-hydroxyl
87 n reveals some distortion of the cyclohexane chair conformation in the solid state.
88 rocyclic ring system to stabilize the active chair conformation of the parent gamma-secretase inhibit
89 uatorial orientation, resulting in a perfect chair conformation of the protecting group.
90 from substrate inhibition by the most stable chair conformation of UDP-D-xylose.
91 tituents to occupy the axial position in the chair conformation of various heterocycles.
92 e comprised of Sn3As3 puckered hexagons in a chair conformation that share all edges.
93                The molecule adopts a classic chair conformation with alternate C-F bonds aligned tria
94 s a mixture of two conformers possessing the chair conformation with the equatorial NMe group and dif
95 d to pyranosyl ring flattening ((4)H(5) half-chair conformation) with little or no nucleophilic invol
96  chain might be in a boat rather than in the chair conformation, a result supported by molecular dyna
97        The pyranose rings retain their (4)C1 chair conformation, as shown by molecular modeling and N
98 nyl group at C4 carbon and presented a major chair conformation, which is prone to weaken the C4-O3 b
99 2.73 A) suggesting a tension stabilizing the chair conformation.
100 gen bonds force these molecules to adopt the chair conformation.
101 nked to Trp-276 in TSR1 has an unusual (1)C4 chair conformation.
102 uce a considerable stabilization of the boat-chair conformation.
103 ts a boat rather than the typically observed chair conformation.
104 gher than that of 4 constrained in the alpha-chair conformation.
105 w that the cyclohexasilane monomer prefers a chair conformation.
106 , in contrast to this earlier study, an "all-chair" conformation (3B) is found to be the most stable
107 g is forced to adopt a highly strained 'half-chair' conformation.
108 iling a Michaelis (ES) complex in a (1)C(4) (chair) conformation and a covalent glycosyl-enzyme inter
109 um perturbations of (13)C chemical shifts in chair conformationally locked cyclohexane derivatives re
110 confirmed that (a) IdoA (1)C(4)- and (4)C(1)-chair conformations exchange on the microsecond time sca
111 to explaining unusually large populations of chair conformations with axial substituents, noted previ
112    The nonplanar aliphatic ring exhibits two chair conformations with partial occupancies, each recap
113                   (R(p))-5 and (R(p))-6 have chair conformations with the nucleobase substituent equa
114 ,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane, both rings adopt chair conformations, and both oxygens are axially dispos
115 in free energy than their respective (4)C(1)-chair conformations.
116 )SO-skew boat, and less frequently, in (4)C1-chair conformations.
117 ibitor is consistent with tight binding of a chair-conformed charged species.
118                           Although the alpha-chair conformer is highly favored in solution for the A
119 ted IdoA residue is pushed towards the (1)C4-chair conformer when the neighboring residues are highly
120 vent treatment, and the twist-crown and boat-chair conformers were typically lowest in energy.
121  (CAGE), head-restrained passive locomotion (CHAIR), constrained locomotion in space (TREADMILL), and
122 diffraction structure reveals that 1 0 has a chair-cyclohexane-like core and a [6]radialene structure
123 ting tetracyclic structure composed of fused chair cyclohexanes.
124      The meeting program was developed by co-chairs David Piwnica-Worms (Washington University in St.
125    Dr. Rakesh Jain, along with conference co-chairs, Drs. Lee Ellis and Luisa Iruela-Arispe, assemble
126 e IdoA (4)C(1)-chair with respect to (1)C(4)-chair due to small force field inaccuracies that only ma
127 lue once the extra atom moves on and the arm-chair edge is returned.
128                                          The chairs endorsed a requirement for evidence of lifelong l
129                             Across missions, chairs endorsed an expectation for individual responsibi
130                                        While chairs endorsed an important role for the American Board
131     An NMR study of the diaxial/diequatorial chair equilibrium in a range of silylated derivatives of
132 es from different object categories (bottle, chair, face, house, shoe) while neural responses were me
133 e NHP was tilted back 35 degrees in a custom chair for optimal brain positioning, which required accl
134  prohibited from flipping to the alternative chair form (i.e., analogues 2 and 26) were synthesized.
135 form is found to be lower in energy than the chair form by 9.85 and 10.7 kcal/mol, respectively.
136          These results confirm that the beta-chair form of the vitamin D ring A is necessary for the
137 y group fixed in the axial orientation (beta-chair form) was synthesized.
138             It consists of stacked layers of chair-form hexagonal rings referred to as molecular hexa
139   Focal series of images of graphene and C2F chair formed by reaction with XeF2 were obtained at 80 k
140 1 against limiting JCH and JCC values in the chair forms were used to (a) determine the compatibility
141 tranded G-quadruplexes, called "basket" and "chair" forms, were proposed.
142                                              Chairs' general characteristics, training/former positio
143        Almost two-thirds (60%) of department chairs had some form of personal relationship with indus
144                          As Ethics Committee Chair, I am pleased to introduce the first in an ongoing
145 al therapy sessions, transferred from bed to chair in 33%, stood in 33%, and ambulated during 15% (n
146                          Shorenstein Endowed Chair in Cardiology at the University of California, San
147 rain Tumor Foundation, and the Garron Family Chair in Childhood Cancer Research.
148 Endowment Fund (LEEF), Don Rix BC Leadership Chair in Genetic Medicine, National Institute on Aging,
149  assumed the William and Sue Johnson Endowed Chair in Molecular Plant Pathology.
150                National survey of department chairs in the 125 accredited allopathic medical schools
151                              The majority of chairs indicated they decided to seek their position lat
152                                      Session chair information was also collected for the IHW and GRC
153 ation of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs initiated a survey in July 2015 to define princip
154 hese expert panel discussions include senior chairs' insights into successfully dealing with increasi
155 ies exit wave reconstruction (EWR), that C2F chair is a stable graphene derivative and demonstrates p
156                               Although being chair is demanding and sometimes difficult, it is a posi
157             A minority of Surgery Department Chairs is aware of the SUS Position Statement.
158 ect (EIE) for the interconversion of the two chair isotopomers of 1-trideutero-1,3,3-trimethylcyclohe
159 account for problems and discomfort were the chair, keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
160  the final station, which contrasts with the chair-like conformation at the initial station.
161 mposed of two domains that are arranged in a chair-like conformation with a novel fold forming the la
162  the tethered nucleophilic moiety to adopt a chair-like conformation with substituents in either axia
163                                NMR indicates chair-like conformations for solutions of the (E)-mannop
164  we show that the ground-state boat-like and chair-like equilibrium configurations are produced by th
165  is envisaged as taking place through either chair-like or twist-boat-like transition states with the
166                                The preferred chair-like structures of Si4R4 analogues with amido subs
167 hly diastereoselective, suggesting a closed, chair-like transition structure.
168 th the templating nucleotide dG and adopts a chair-like triphosphate conformation.
169 voked Mukaiyama "open" or Zimmerman-Traxler "chair-like" transition-state models.
170 rgetically preferred conformer with the boat-chair lying within 1.4 kcal/mol.
171 lysis from various products including sofas, chairs, mattresses, car seats and pillows.
172 ation of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs members.
173 key points raised at the Society of Surgical Chairs mentorship panel sessions held at the 2014 and 20
174 during the body-fixed task, despite the same chair movement profile and arm posture.
175  manage the change a new vision creates, the chair must attain buy-in and proceed with persistence.
176                                   Finally, a chair must continuously assess whether he or she is doin
177                              Eventually, the chair must know when to quit and how to quit well.
178                                              Chairs must promote the interests of the department to h
179  monkeys acclimated to procedures in the NHP chair necessary to perform awake PET imaging.
180       Prospective trials with the Neocontrol chair (Neotonus Inc, Marietta, Georgia, USA) also showed
181           Here, we report the first "rocking-chair" NH4 -ion battery of the full-cell configuration b
182 or role in public service where he served as chair of many important committees for the National Acad
183 ization of his inaugural lecture on becoming chair of psychiatry at the University of Tartu (known at
184 ion, Dr Skinner at the age of 36 assumed the chair of surgery at the University of Chicago.
185                         The author, a former chair of the ABIM, describes the challenges that the boa
186          In this interview, Renato Aguilera, Chair of the ASCB Minorities Affairs Committee, answers
187                                              Chair of the Cambridge Department of Physiology from 192
188  (Association of Molecular Pathology) and is Chair of the CLSI's Area Committee for Molecular Methods
189                                 He served as Chair of the department from 1983 to 1989 and in 1997 as
190 Vytenis Andriukaitis, MEP Sirpa Pietikainen, Chair of the European Parliament Interest Group on Aller
191 drafting individual sections selected by the chair of the writing committee, and the group chair asse
192                                    As former chairs of 3 of the largest departments of epidemiology i
193 , and Participants: A survey was sent to 155 chairs of departments of surgery in the United States in
194 y reviews the contributions of each of the 7 Chairs of the Department of Epidemiology from the Depart
195 esponded, there are four chairs and six vice-chairs of their respective radiology departments.
196                                 Total of 111 chairs of US academic ophthalmology departments.
197 se results show that the topography (boat or chair) of the Prins cyclization of the sulfur-stabilized
198 des the perspectives of pediatric department chairs on principles for lifelong learning and strategie
199 brid-type structures, but could arise from a chair or basket-type structure or from triplex intermedi
200 They try, for example, to sit in a dollhouse chair or to get into a small toy car.
201                                   Department chairs overseeing a clinical enterprise in academic medi
202 on (p = 0.022), and difficulty rising from a chair (p = 0.032) with neuron density in the dorsomedial
203 ause the nitrogen atom can be in the boat or chair parts of the BC structure.
204                      More than two-thirds of chairs perceived that having a relationship with industr
205 cal performance capacity (standing up from a chair, picking up a book from the floor, and turning aro
206                                          The chair preference of a seven-membered ring at the fluorin
207              The stereocontrol hinges on the chair preference of the substrate-enamine intermediate a
208  Research Council of Canada, Canada Research Chairs Program, US Department of Homeland Security, US N
209 ths was evaluated by quantitative polymerase chair reaction (qPCR) and immunohistochemistry.
210                                              Chairs regarded their experience as head of service as m
211                                              Chairs regarded their previous leadership roles within t
212                        Ninety-six department chairs responded to the survey (82% response rate).
213                  Results: Seventy-six of 155 chairs responded to the survey, resulting in a 49% respo
214                                   Fifty-five chair responses were received (96% male, mean age 57 yea
215 MI was associated with poorer performance on chair rise (N = 10,773), walking speed (N = 9,761) and s
216 e, supine to sit, floor sit, floor rise, and chair rise maneuvers.
217 pain and difficulty climbing stairs, but for chair rise speed they were fully accounted for by inflam
218  pain, difficulty climbing stairs and slower chair rise speed.
219 , hand grip strength, and performance on the chair rise test, and were randomly assigned (1:1) by a c
220 ad low performance on hand grip strength and chair rise tests, tested with the procedure described by
221 es (P = 0.01), ranging from 8% higher during chair rise to 39% higher during stair descent.
222 climbing time (four-step and 12-step tests), chair rise with arms, and fast gait speed improved signi
223 (95% confidence interval (CI): -12.8, -2.8); chair rise, 2.1% (95% CI: -0.1, 4.3)).
224                              For balance and chair-rise performance, associations with area deprivati
225  years: grip strength, standing balance, and chair-rise time.
226  grip strength, timed walk or get up and go, chair rises and standing balance.
227 standing balance, and time for five repeated chair rises into an ordinal score ranging from 0 to 12 (
228  test and the time required to complete five chair rises.
229 vely related to midlife standing balance and chair rising, independently of later life experiences.
230                                              Chair-rising performance in the FO groups was higher tha
231                      During some trials, the chair rotated so as to move the entire body passively be
232 oduces the response to MVS (and more natural chair rotations), including the gradual decrease in nyst
233  their professional activities, 72% viewed a chair's engaging in more than 1 industry-related activit
234                                              Chair salary support includes (from least to most) facul
235                    Linguistic labels (e.g., "chair") seem to activate visual properties of the object
236                    The two domains assume a "chair" shape with its back possessing independent GEF ac
237 C-C bond formation and proton transfer via a chair-shaped transition state dictate the exclusive endo
238 engineering from the laboratory bench to the chair side.
239                            The use of rapid, chair-side tests of MMP activity, in particular for MMP-
240                            This six-membered-chair skeleton adopts a (2)C(5) configuration (equivalen
241 erformance-based measures (20-meter walk and chair stand test).
242 osite strength: six-minute walk performance, chair stand test, Berg balance performance, sitting and
243 ctus abdominis: six-minute walk performance, chair stand test, sitting and rising test; lumbar multif
244 (-1.71 cm [95% CI -2.75, -0.66; P = 0.002]), chair stand time (-10.88 seconds [95% CI -15.91, -5.84;
245 re (Delta = 0.41 +/- 0.24 points; P = 0.03), chair stand times (Delta = -1.31 +/- 0.33 s; P < 0.0001)
246  every 3 years (1993-2012) via tandem stand, chair stand, and timed walking speed.
247 arm, and leg) and mobility (timed-up-and-go, chair stand, and walking speed).
248 ient and physician global assessments, timed chair stand, depression index, self-efficacy scale, and
249 n the following: maximal leg strength, timed chair stand, physical function battery, gait characteris
250 uartiles of walking pace, grip strength, and chair-stand speed; range, 0-9) were assessed at baseline
251 scale, overall knee pain, 50-feet walk time, chair-stand time, and use of medications for knee pain.
252 walk test distance (231 vs 338 m), 30-second chair stands (7 vs 10), isometric knee extension (86 vs
253  = 0.72, 95% confidence interval 0.62-0.84), chair stands (hazard ratio = 1.17, 95% confidence interv
254 improved training-specific strength by 119%, chair stands by 30%, knee extensor strength by 25%, arm
255 inute walk test (cardiopulmonary endurance), chair stands in 30 seconds (muscle endurance), isometric
256  symptom outcome (pain), 1 function outcome (chair stands), and 1 psychosocial outcome (self-efficacy
257 fness), 2 function outcomes (10-pound lifts, chair stands), and 1 psychosocial outcome (self-efficacy
258 ormance score were 2.1 for 4-m walk, 2.1 for chair stands, 1.9 for standing balance, and 1.7 for grip
259 -0.05 meters/second in gait, 0.03 seconds in chair stands, and -0.16 Short Physical Performance Batte
260 mpaired to 12 = robust), consisting of gait, chair stands, and balance tests.
261 l frailty index consisted of: grip strength, chair stands, and balance.
262 l Performance Battery (SPPB, timed 4-m walk, chair stands, standing balance) and grip strength.
263  performance measures, including 4-m walk, 5 chair stands, standing balance, and grip strength, each
264 n to group stimuli into categories, such as 'chair', 'table' and 'vehicle', which are critical for ra
265  cyclodecane occurs by way of the twist-boat-chair (TBC) conformation, which predicts that C-1 exchan
266 exible and should generally prefer one twist-chair (TC) conformation.
267 carboxylated C(4) keto species ((2)H(1) half-chair) that is then protonated from the Si face at C(5),
268 he Assistant Dean for Medical Education (who chaired the team), a curriculum coordinator, faculty rep
269 ons among members of the Society of Surgical Chairs; the existence and characteristics of SICs; and a
270 for distorted hands and absent for distorted chairs, therefore likely unrelated to visuospatial proce
271 and complications, and financial aspects and chair time, were also explored.
272 ccommodated by UXS features a marked (4)C(1) chair to B(O,3) boat distortion that facilitates catalys
273 ndergoes an Angstrom-scale transition from a chair to boat conformation under a stretching force.
274 wheelchair, and could not self-transfer from chair to examination table.
275  general framework outlined by the committee chair to produce a comprehensive literature review that
276 ns specific to the 9 domains outlined by the chair to support the development of these culturally tai
277 ermine the approaches and strategies used by chairs to assess knowledge and competence across the car
278 s and statistical center staff and committee chairs to discover the steps required to transit from co
279 roton transfers between nitrogen atoms, with chair-to-boat isomerizations as the rate-limiting steps.
280 on curve, and we find that the force-induced chair-to-boat transitions of glucopyranose rings are res
281 icity followed by extensions associated with chair-to-boat transitions specific to the type of polysa
282 h required acclimation of the animals to the chair, touch-screen tasks, intravenous catheter insertio
283 ns can be rationalized by a dipole-minimized chair transition-state model.
284  conformational equilibrium (chair-chair and chair-twist conformers) of the compound.
285 uplex whereas the presence of K+ favored the chair-type antiparallel quadruplex.
286                               In particular, chair use has replaced ambulation, so that obese individ
287             Subjects were tested in a dental chair using functional near-infrared spectroscopy to mea
288 These corrections mimicked those evoked when chair velocity was altered without any galvanic vestibul
289                                 The founding Chair, Wade Hampton Frost (1919-1938), was among the han
290 test starts with the subject standing from a chair, walking 10 feet, returning to the chair, and ends
291 r principal advice to aspiring ophthalmology chairs was to focus on developing skills as a clinician,
292                                          All Chairs were a product of their times, and their research
293                      Familiarity signals for chairs were present in both structures but shared little
294 i of similar geometric complexity, images of chairs were shown, half of them with distorted legs, hal
295 ypothesis, subjects were gently rotated in a chair while being asked to maintain their outstretched a
296 -human primates seated in a moveable primate chair with head fixed, and (c) epileptic patients subjec
297 estimated the population of the IdoA (4)C(1)-chair with respect to (1)C(4)-chair due to small force f
298  the energy difference between anti- and syn-chairs with primary amino acid catalysts and, consequent
299 it speed, and time to rise five times from a chair without arms, or with arms for participants unable
300 mation, and this process occurs via a closed-chair Zimmerman-Traxler-type transition structure (TS).

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