


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ange increased the probability of a hit from chance to 67.3-73.5% in V1-V4 (the highest increase was
2 rom a qualitative judgment about the role of chance to a quantitative estimation of the biologic meas
3 eferring choices that had previously led, by chance, to a real reward in the last trial.
4             Factors associated with a higher chance to achieve clinical remission were nonidiopathic
5  cancer cell apoptosis (before they have the chance to adapt and evolve into CRPC) and thus, improve
6 bers to stay in the group and wait for their chances to advance.
7  therapy at these early stages have a higher chance to be effective.
8            Private interactions have a lower chance to be observed and only occasionally affect reput
9              Public interactions have a high chance to be observed by others and always affect reputa
10 any other newly identified sites have a high chance to be real binding sites based on a high positive
11 n of single point mutations with the highest chance to be responsible of resistance to a particular t
12  data, and recruit patients who have truly a chance to benefit from adjunct cardioprotection.
13             Whole-genome sequencing offers a chance to better understand and perhaps undermine the pa
14 n from the T cells before the T cells have a chance to bind to L-selectin ligands on endothelial cell
15 ary political leadership, are still our best chance to change the unacceptable status quo of the tube
16  administration, which further increases the chance to compromise immunity.
17 ntly formed memories that have not yet had a chance to consolidate are vulnerable to the interfering
18  basis of the interactions and thus offers a chance to control the overall process.
19              The number of episodes when the chance to de-escalate may have been missed was small (4
20 isruption of the resistome gives us the best chance to define it, and the most spectacular advances i
21 ranslational modifications, may increase the chance to detect biomarker signatures of relevance for i
22 arkers in withered grapes, thus creating the chance to develop case-sensitive prevention strategies t
23           Eyes with focal VMA have a greater chance to develop PVD than eyes with a broad area of VMA
24 lder reactions on presentation have a better chance to develop tolerance to peanuts than the patients
25  only after distancing mechanisms have had a chance to do their work.
26 ersions of such models, the system can go by chance to either state from identical initial conditions
27                                          The chance to eradicate an infection by T cell mediated lysi
28               These results suggest that the chance to eradicate an infection by T-cell-mediated lysi
29 ls sensitively capture tumor cells with slim chance to escape.
30 ually strengthens tumor growth and increases chances to escape therapy.
31 elevant model they likely will have a better chance to evoke clinical efficacy.
32            WHIMS-Y provided an unprecedented chance to examine the hypothesis that HT may have protec
33 important allelic interactions do not have a chance to express and thus fail to be detected.
34 esulting optoelectronic devices represents a chance to extend the impact of CZTS into the next chapte
35 , we must search the whole genome for a good chance to find these genes.
36 w food types in their diet because of higher chances to find new food resources in their environment,
37 oring early-firing ARS305 before they have a chance to fire on their own.
38 d system wherein nascent polypeptides have a chance to fold before becoming accessible to ubiquitinat
39  is introduced as an element to increase the chance to generate true hits.
40                                          Our chances to halt epidemic outbreaks rely on how accuratel
41 ctors, it is extraordinarily unlikely (0.95% chance) to have a CT angiogram positive for PE.
42            When potential punishers have the chance to help, they are less likely to punish, and puni
43 of Saccharomyces deletion mutants provides a chance to identify all the yeast genes involved in DNA r
44  on a single ZBG significantly decreases our chance to identify effective inhibitors.
45 sly using modern recording technologies, the chance to identify sub-networks involved in coordinated
46    Temporal lobe seizures have a significant chance to induce impairment of normal brain functions.
47 lable to the virus at its location, it has a chance to interact with other cells, a process that can
48 -of-function" proteopathies, but also offers chances to intervene pharmacologically to promote bypass
49                            Radiology has the chance to leverage AI to become a center of intelligentl
50 prioritizing patients who have had the least chance to live through life's stages.
51 -negative homeless individuals have the best chance to markedly decrease TB morbidity and mortality.
52 y providing integrin molecules with a better chance to meet the ligands.
53 esign may provide the investigators a second chance to modify or redesign the trial while the study i
54 uggests not only that DCM compounds have the chance to occasionally provide valuable hits associated
55 piles before significant decomposition has a chance to occur.
56 ve and rewarding career path that offers the chance to participate in large projects, contribute dire
57  convert rapidly to the folded state and 50% chance to rapidly unfold, constitutes the basis of the m
58 pparent that patients with ERA have the best chance to reach optimal outcomes, thus normalizing funct
59 illed with new candidates that have the best chance to reach the clinic.
60 a surgical training program, offers the best chance to reduce failure-to-rescue rates.
61  normalize the glucose level offers the best chance to reduce the higher risk for cardiovascular dise
62 orld Kidney Day on March 8, 2012, provides a chance to reflect on the success of kidney transplantati
63 ditions that will offer patients the highest chance to remain free from 2G-TKI therapy.
64 tans at baseline had a significantly greater chance to remain healthy (survive) compared to the A. ac
65 combination of these two methods, there is a chance to replace culture-based methods in the future fo
66 le variants associated with BMI offers a new chance to resolve the true causal effect of BMI on type
67 ed cells in such patients may increase their chances to respond to clinical interventions aiming at i
68 in which a GMPCPP-cap was formed by allowing chance to result in the accumulation of multiple contigu
69 and network structure study provides a great chance to solve the problem.
70 ntation of collaborative models could have a chance to succeed in the United States, where new servic
71 o detect female sounds, enhancing the male's chance to successfully pursue a passing female.
72 ociated with septicemia and could impair the chances to survive sepsis.
73  average reproductive output had also higher chances to survive.
74  had higher survival, larger males had lower chances to survive.
75 veral different household types opens up the chance to tell other stories.
76 served in limb perfusion and could provide a chance to translate its successful combination with chem
77  our results and prior reports may be due to chance, to true population differences, or to other fact
78 co and cannabis experiences (i.e., the first chance to try and the first actual use) but not so for a
79 n associated reduced occurrence of the first chance to try tobacco (odds ratio = 0.76, 95% confidence
80 ors studied recent-onset occurrence of first chances to try a drug and first actual drug use, express
81  horridus) were less likely than expected by chance to use areas that also contained eastern diamond-
82 s chose between cues that provided different chances to view information about upcoming rewards.
83 he Ultimatum Game, two players are offered a chance to win a certain sum of money.
84  alcohol-negative samples earned draws for a chance to win prizes; the number of draws earned increas
85 inence-based incentive condition also earned chances to win prizes for submitting substance-free urin
86 s, it seems, is to give elderly scientists a chance to write about the "good old days," when everyone

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