


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1               This is the main topic of this chapter.
2 n under the 'Disorders of the Immune system' chapter.
3 eive the invitation to write this prefactory chapter.
4 , the Jak-STAT pathway, is the focus of this chapter.
5  blood cell pathology are summarized in this chapter.
6 tality results of MRFIT are included in this chapter.
7  other trial data are also described in this chapter.
8 r extreme events remaining a crucial missing chapter.
9 additional test questions (test 2) into each chapter.
10 w Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders chapter.
11     This part will be the main focus of this chapter.
12 or of stylopized hosts are discussed in this chapter.
13 vances like those presented in the following chapters.
14 peer-reviewed articles, 2 books, and 11 book chapters.
15 ROP during a pretest, posttest, and training chapters.
16 urgence during one of this century's saddest chapters.
17 references cited in review articles and book chapters.
18 s of eminent scientists who had written such chapters.
19 tribution made by other authors of prefatory chapters.
20 ict adherence to United States Pharmacopoeia Chapter 797 requirements when compounding a single vial
21 ict adherence to United States Pharmacopoeia Chapter 797 requirements.
22                                           In chapter 9 of the Origin, entitled 'On the imperfection o
23                                      In this chapter, a review of recent literature focusing on rates
24                                         This chapter addresses the psychological effects of social st
25                                         This chapter addresses whether a fat-modified diet as impleme
26                                         This chapter aims to summarize the state-of-the-art in vaccin
27                                         This chapter also describes how these insights are being util
28 , rated, and compared by textbook specialty, chapter, and domain for the presence of helpful informat
29                         Bibliographies, book chapters, and meeting abstracts were reviewed for additi
30 tion (pretest, ROP tutorial, ROP educational chapters, and posttest), and 29 of 58 trainees (50%) wer
31 w of original studies, review articles, book chapters, and recommendations from leading patient safet
32 ew of additional articles, reports, and book chapters; and input from experts in the field.
33                             The goals of the chapter are to help the hematology consultant work throu
34                Since WormBook is online, its chapters are able to contain movies and complex images t
35                                         This chapter argues that knowing only the strength of genetic
36 cancer patient is provided at the end of the chapter as a frame of reference for clinical decisions.
37 es (20 pretest, 20 posttest, and 25 training chapter-based) developed from a repository of over 2500
38                                         This chapter begins with a summary of a model, developed half
39 leased at being invited to write a Prefatory Chapter, but as the delivery deadline draws closer one b
40                              We conclude the chapter by discussing the future of neuroimaging researc
41                                We begin this chapter by reviewing studies that describe the similarit
42                                 Overall, the chapter characterizes a vigorous area of clinical resear
43 se epidemiology, today scattered in textbook chapters, come together as an integrated and coherent me
44                             Accordingly, the chapter concludes by examining some of the psychological
45                                          The chapter concludes with 12 recommendations regarding futu
46                                    Next, the chapter considers cognitive approaches to intelligence,
47                     In social influence, the chapter considers how attitudes are embedded in social r
48                                         This chapter considers the most common inherited disorder in
49                                          The chapter considers the relevant methodological and theore
50                       Additionally, WormBook chapters contain links to other relevant topics in WormB
51 ish language journal articles, books or book chapters, containing quantitative empirical data on simp
52 "Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders" chapter contains a series of conditions thought to be et
53 5 with 12 chapters, it has grown to over 100 chapters, covering nearly every aspect of C.elegans rese
54                                         This chapter critically examines research on the impact of ps
55                                      In this chapter, current knowledge regarding the role of the JAK
56                 Much of the remainder of the chapter deals with the processes of effect size estimati
57                                     The last chapter deals with the understanding of the population-b
58                                          The chapter describes a series of theoretical models of how
59                                         This chapter describes central events of budding yeast cell s
60                                         This chapter describes dietary composition according to cigar
61                                         This chapter describes how interactions by investigators from
62 n addition to reviewing the literature, this chapter describes our lymphatic mapping experience at th
63                                 Finally, the chapter describes recent advances in the treatment of bi
64                                         This chapter describes the main accounts of deductive compete
65                                         Many chapters discussed at length certain topics that are cle
66                                         This chapter discusses current knowledge on the molecular bio
67                                         This chapter discusses physical activity determinants in two
68                                         This chapter discusses progress in the psychology of religion
69                                         This chapter discusses recent developments that provide new i
70                                         This chapter discusses the pathophysiologic background of the
71 literature reviews, review articles and book chapters, evaluated the evidence and drafted recommendat
72        Four sites were selected in which NMA chapters existed and ECOG main institutions with less th
73                                         This chapter explores relations between reported intake of di
74                                         This chapter explores two psychological orientations that sup
75                                          The chapter first describes the new setting for research in
76                                         This chapter focuses on one of the first steps in comprehendi
77                                         This chapter focuses on recent developments in our understand
78                                         This chapter focuses on selective topics under two general ar
79                                         This chapter focuses on the development and utilization of a
80                                         This chapter focuses on the epidemiology of these malignancie
81                                         This chapter focuses on the meaning representations that are
82                                         This chapter focuses on the mechanisms underlying these activ
83                                         This chapter focuses on viral RNA elements that interact acro
84 the genome have the potential to begin a new chapter for gene therapy where effective treatment of PI
85 surprised to be invited to write a prefatory chapter for the Annual Review of Microbiology.
86 o receive an invitation to write a prefatory chapter for the Annual Review of Microbiology.
87 orders, and moving gambling disorders to the chapter formerly reserved for substance-related disorder
88 ticles, review articles, correspondence, and chapters from selected textbooks.
89                                         This chapter gives a personal account of a small part of this
90                        Most disease-oriented chapters had no or minimal end-of-life care content.
91                          The writing of this chapter has certainly convinced me that my particular ba
92 The field even allows us to venture where no chapters have yet been written.
93                               Could the next chapter herald formal manufacturing-capacity sharing amo
94                                         This chapter highlights some current issues and discusses fou
95                                      In this chapter I review and discuss some of the advances made t
96                                      In this chapter I review the recent research and identify the em
97 reds of research articles, reviews, and book chapters, I find it awkward to pen an autobiography.
98                                         This chapter identifies "context minimization error" as the t
99                                         This chapter identifies the most robust conclusions and ideas
100 d as borane analogues, thereby opening a new chapter in aluminum hydride chemistry.
101                            In a little known chapter in American medical history, Joseph Lister toure
102                        The study opens a new chapter in the aqueous chemistry of hafnium, exemplifyin
103               During the past 2 years, a new chapter in the channelopathy story has been opened with
104 en more complicated fashion has opened a new chapter in the colloid research field.
105 0s, might serve as well as we begin this new chapter in the control of the HIV epidemic.
106 omycin-resistant MRSA is a new disconcerting chapter in the evolution of these strains.
107           These recent advances herald a new chapter in the exploration of susceptibility to breast c
108 BiS2 layers have the potential to open a new chapter in the field of superconductivity.
109  reaching this milestone, we can write a new chapter in the history of global health, demonstrating t
110 ease," based on this discovery, opened a new chapter in the history of medicine.
111  of DNA for material purposes presents a new chapter in the history of the molecule.
112  in 1959 marked the beginning of an exciting chapter in the history of visual neuroscience.
113                                        A new chapter in the long and distinguished history of perovsk
114                           This signals a new chapter in the long and unusual story of GO, which was t
115                                    The final chapter in the long-standing mystery of the gamma-ray bu
116 ethod presented here potentially opens a new chapter in the metabolomics of blood.
117 s of drug action, which represent the latest chapter in the saga that Al Gilman's work helped launch.
118             We are entering an important new chapter in the story of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infectio
119 nergetic materials design and commence a new chapter in this field.
120 ng capacity has moved through three discrete chapters in its 25-year history.
121 The most important subjects reviewed in this chapter include new advances in development of gene ther
122                  The topics reviewed in this chapter include the pathophysiological roles of ACAT, th
123                                          The Chapters included in the current Oncogene Review issues
124                                          The chapter includes a brief overview of diversity issues, w
125                                          The chapter includes personal reminiscences and reflections
126 wide variety of topics are addressed in this chapter, including fertility, gonadal failure, erectile
127                       The authors divide the chapter into four major sections: theories focused on ex
128                                         This chapter is not intended to provide a comprehensive revie
129 nking in everyday life, our emphasis in this chapter is on the cognitive dynamics of categorical soci
130                          The purpose of this chapter is to discuss that evolution, the common techniq
131                             The goal of this chapter is to document recent advances in hypovirus mole
132                          The purpose of this chapter is to examine representative advances in the psy
133                          The purpose of this chapter is to review recent findings in this area, placi
134                          The purpose of this chapter is to review recent studies conducted in our lab
135                          The purpose of this chapter is to summarize and place into perspective the p
136                             The goal of this chapter is to summarize research findings on the central
137                      A suite of Supplemental Chapters is also provided.
138 e WormBook was launched in June 2005 with 12 chapters, it has grown to over 100 chapters, covering ne
139 the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) General Chapter &lt;797> (USP <797>), "Pharmaceutical Compounding-S
140                      U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) chapter &lt;797> calls for tryptic soy agar with polysorbat
141 ractice is almost palpable after reading the chapters making up this supplement, and the proposed cur
142  concepts, such as that of a "variable," the Chapters methodically advance the reader to the point of
143                                          The chapter next addresses mechanisms that regulate regional
144       This is followed by more comprehensive chapters: NMR - focusing on the work of R.
145 ells make and maintain tissues, nearly every chapter of a cell biology textbook is of interest.
146                       In a little remembered chapter of American surgical medical history, postgradua
147 he definition and taxonomy of this important chapter of cardiovascular disease.
148 ry progress in the past few years, and a new chapter of human genetics, "mitochondrial genetics," has
149  out of the mental and behavioural disorders chapter of ICD-11.
150  volunteers identified by the Cleveland Area Chapter of the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders
151                                 The Hamilton Chapter of the Canadian Intensive Care Foundation and th
152 appear in the 'Feeding and Eating Disorders' chapter of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Ment
153 nal Classification of Diseases 10th revision chapter of the primary diagnosis at admission.
154 leeping champagne bottles awoke to tell us a chapter of the story of winemaking and to reveal their e
155 e to extend the impact of CZTS into the next chapter of thin-film solar cells.
156     In 1950, G. Ledyard Stebbins devoted two chapters of his book Variation and Evolution in Plants (
157       Three main themes were identified; the chapters of life, the need to know, and childbearing bei
158 selected reviews, letters to the editor, and chapters of selected textbooks were extracted.
159 t communications, letters to the editor, and chapters of selected textbooks were extracted.
160 ividuals with FASD, spanning across 18 of 22 chapters of the ICD-10.
161 tance may lead to a complete revision of the chapter on the natural history of chronic HBV infection
162 tiate a SLE-like immune response opens a new chapter on the potential antigenic stimuli that might tr
163                                              Chapters on diseases commonly causing death and those de
164 erapy, and relapse prevention, with optional chapters on sleep and pain.
165 online collection of original, peer-reviewed chapters on the biology of Caenorhabditis elegans and re
166 r the anesthesiologist reading an article or chapter or attending an oral presentation by a conflicte
167 e specific revisions in diagnostic criteria, chapter organization, text structure, and classification
168                                          The chapter outlines a longitudinal intergroup contact theor
169                                         This chapter outlines an emerging scientific agenda for under
170                                         This chapter presents a framework for thinking about attentio
171                                         This chapter presents a review of applications of structural
172                                         This chapter presents changes in dietary intake reported by m
173                                         This chapter presents findings on adherence to the Multiple R
174             In the area of epidemiology, the chapter presents new information on the prevalence of va
175                                         This chapter presents recent research on judgment and decisio
176                                          The chapter proposes four processes: learning about the outg
177                                         This chapter provides a brief overview of current progress in
178                                         This chapter provides a brief review of the most important hi
179                                         This chapter provides an overview of (a) studies using deuter
180                                         This chapter provides an overview of active and latent tuberc
181                                         This chapter provides an overview of the published literature
182               This report is a synopsis of a chapter published in the Rome III book.
183             This paper draws on articles and chapters published mainly in 2006 and 2007 to identify i
184                                         This chapter reflects our approach to these issues with an em
185                                    The final chapters regarding the effect of HDL-targeted therapeuti
186                                         This chapter represents a travelog of my life and career and
187                                         This chapter reviews current research findings regarding the
188                                         This chapter reviews current theory and research on moral emo
189                                         This chapter reviews current tools available for the care of
190                                         This chapter reviews empirical and theoretical developments i
191                                         This chapter reviews empirical findings on the importance of
192                                         This chapter reviews existing regulatory approved methods des
193                                         This chapter reviews four case studies of trials, with two en
194                                         This chapter reviews interdisciplinary advances linking cultu
195                                         This chapter reviews known long-term complications of HL ther
196                                         This chapter reviews literature from approximately mid-1993 t
197                                         This chapter reviews organizational behavior research reflect
198                                         This chapter reviews personnel selection research from 1995 t
199                                         This chapter reviews psychological theories of leadership and
200                                         This chapter reviews recent (2000-2005) personality disorder
201                                         This chapter reviews recent developments in the analysis of c
202                                         This chapter reviews recent insights into the mechanisms cont
203                                         This chapter reviews recent literature, primarily from the 19
204                                         This chapter reviews research on consumer psychology with emp
205                                         This chapter reviews selected findings in research on reasoni
206                                         This chapter reviews selected research on the education of lo
207                                         This chapter reviews several examples of phenotype extraction
208                                         This chapter reviews some of the critical substrates of these
209                                         This chapter reviews some of the many recent advances in the
210                                         This chapter reviews studies published in American Psychologi
211                                         This chapter reviews the anatomic and cellular changes that c
212                                         This chapter reviews the basic criteria to be considered befo
213                                         This chapter reviews the biology of gastroesophageal reflux d
214                                         This chapter reviews the creativity research, first looking t
215                                         This chapter reviews the dynamics within each of the areas an
216                                         This chapter reviews the empirical work since 1995 in four ar
217                                         This chapter reviews the epidemiology, clinical spectrum, dia
218                                          The chapter reviews the evidence for these roles (and briefl
219                                         This chapter reviews the experimental literature on the effec
220                                         This chapter reviews the extensive literature on bias in favo
221                                          The chapter reviews the historical development and interacti
222                                         This chapter reviews the inhibition of tumorigenesis by pheno
223                                         This chapter reviews the nature of the receptors that mediate
224                                         This chapter reviews the recent literature on hormonal and ne
225                                         This chapter reviews the recent research on motivation, belie
226                             In addition, the chapter reviews the relatively unique aspects of each li
227                                         This chapter reviews the research on suppression, which spans
228                                         This chapter reviews the techniques of peripheral blood proge
229                                         This chapter reviews the training research literature reporte
230                                         This chapter reviews the vocational experiences of women as t
231                                         This chapter reviews theory and research on intraindividual p
232                                         This chapter reviews theory and research on the development o
233                                          The chapter reviews theory-based empirical research during t
234                                  The current chapter reviews these areas of research and provides an
235                                         This chapter selectively reviews behavioral and physiological
236                                         This chapter selectively reviews the evidence that particular
237                                         This chapter serves as a review and update on the prevention
238     In the first Annual Review of Psychology chapter since 1977 devoted exclusively to work motivatio
239                                      In this chapter, some of the mechanisms involved in abiotic stre
240                                         This chapter suggests that some assumptions of organizational
241                                         This chapter summarizes some of the conceptual changes in dev
242                                         This chapter summarizes some of the steps leading up to the m
243                                         This chapter summarizes the research that provides a proof of
244                                         This chapter summarizes weight and body mass index findings o
245                                      In this chapter, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that cont
246                In the online version of this chapter, the hyperlinks in the Literature Cited section
247                                          The chapter then concludes with some guesses about the futur
248   In this issue, Marion et al. provide a new chapter to the AT2 receptor story.
249 , in November 2006, added an outstanding new chapter to the landmark AACR Frontiers program for advan
250                       Our findings add a new chapter to the understanding of the complex molecular me
251 esults presented in this study open up a new chapter, to our knowledge, in the diversity of electron-
252                                          The chapter traces complementarities across theories for the
253                                         This chapter traces the evolution of statistical graphics sta
254                                         This chapter uses an achievement goal framework to examine th
255 tatistical Manual of Mental Disorders and of chapter V of the International Classification of Disease
256                                      In this chapter we discuss the mechanisms that regulate receptor
257                                      In this chapter we discuss the merits of bone marrow-derived mes
258                                      In this chapter we discuss three infections that are caused by b
259                                      In this chapter we review many of the system identification algo
260                                      In this chapter we review the past 15 years of neuroimaging rese
261                                      In this chapter we review theoretical and empirical advances in
262                                      In this chapter we review theoretical conceptual and empirical a
263                               Throughout the chapter, we consider how integrative models of cognitive
264                                      In this chapter, we describe both previously unreported (or rare
265                                      In this chapter, we describe the orientation that the neuroscien
266                                      In this chapter, we discuss the mechanics and spatial control of
267                                      In this chapter, we discuss theoretical and conceptual models th
268                                      In this chapter, we first review the current knowledge of retino
269                                      In this chapter, we focus on the initial steps of O2 sensing in
270                                      In this chapter, we have catalogued genes for resistance to plan
271                                      In this chapter, we outline the rationale for why accurately pre
272                                      In this chapter, we review ophthalmic applications of nanotechno
273                                      In this chapter, we review recent clinical research from laborat
274                                      In this chapter, we review the current LESS and NOTES technology
275                                      In this chapter, we review the current understanding of the path
276 ith safety, efficiency, and efficacy.In this chapter, we review the evolution of minimally invasive c
277                                      In this chapter, we review the evolving data and role of JAK inh
278                                      In this chapter, we review the insects and mites that induce all
279                                      In this chapter, we review the molecular complexes assembled by
280                                      In this chapter, we review the most recent trends on the develop
281                                      In this chapter, we review the use of recombinant adenoviral vec
282                                      In this chapter, we review the various types of economic analyse
283                                      In this chapter, we will describe the computational approaches t
284                                      In this chapter, we will discuss methods to perform enrichment a
285                                      In this chapter, we will discuss several widely used computation
286                                      In this chapter, we will review the basic theoretical frameworks
287                                      In this chapter, we will review the process of DNA methylation a
288                                     Textbook chapters were also read and extracted.
289 d bibliographies of review articles and book chapters were searched for relevant articles.
290                                         This chapter will first discuss the historical origins of mic
291                                         This chapter will focus on defining the abnormalities and cli
292                                         This chapter will focus on the role of echocardiography in th
293                            We hope that this chapter will give readers an appreciation for the wealth
294                                         This chapter will review the current knowledge of the heredit
295 my work, and I hope that those who read this chapter will sense how exciting and rewarding they have
296                                We start this chapter with a description of the general characteristic
297                          The authors end the chapter with a discussion of how to integrate theories o
298  of novel natural products has entered a new chapter with the enormous wealth of genetic data that is
299 uman disease has finally come of age, as the chapters within this volume testify.
300                     I have read several such chapters written by outstanding researchers, many of who

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