


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1  promoter of the transcription factor MYBL1, which was also characterized by the presence of H3K27me3.
2  from three genus of Tunisian brown algae were isolated and characterized by size exclusion chromatography and Solid-stat
3 hermal amplification (LAMP) is a DNA amplification approach characterized by high sensitivity and specificity.
4                            Muscarinic receptor agonists are characterized by apparently strict restraints on their tertia
5 Electrons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides are characterized by valley and spin quantum degrees of freedom,
6                                            Both methods are characterized by a periodic inversion of the active spin duri
7 lectron waves that carry orbital angular momentum (OAM) are characterized by a quantized and unbounded magnetic dipole mo
8 t of diverse neurological and psychiatric diseases that are characterized by altered or inappropriate neural function and
9 ective aryl/alkyl imido/iminyl pairs (3, 2; 5, 6) have been characterized by EPR, zero-field (57)Fe Mossbauer, magnetomet
10                                               The SF bread, characterized by highest level of alcohols, received the high
11                          Cantu syndrome (CS) is a condition characterized by a range of anatomical defects, including car
12                Short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a rare condition characterized by abnormally 'short' QT intervals on the ECG a
13                          Asthma is a chronic airway disease characterized by inflammation, mucus hypersecretion and abnor
14                 Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease characterized by T-cell infiltration in the skin that leads t
15  DC-LMP1/CD40 chimeras developed inflammatory bowel disease characterized by massive transmural influx of leukocytes and
16             Dental caries is a costly and prevalent disease characterized by the demineralization of the tooth's enamel.
17 xplain a breakdown of the DMN in many neurological diseases characterized by declined cognitive flexibility.SIGNIFICANCE
18 ial dysplasia (CCD) is an autosomal dominant human disorder characterized by abnormal bone development that is mainly due
19          Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by an accumulation of immune cells in the duode
20                       Therefore, the focus in this new era, characterized by the confluence of understanding LSCs and the
21 , and 2 MDS/MPN) and 3 patients (1.1%) developed BM failure characterized by cytopenia and BM aplasia.
22 ibility Complex (MHC) region contains several gene families characterized by highly polymorphic loci with extensive nucle
23 ntered approaches provides a foundation for a phenolics GRN characterized by interlaced feed-forward loops that link deve
24  optimization of caloric loading in B6 mice subject to HFS, characterized by increased meal size and duration, is not obs
25     Lastly, we present a preliminary mechanistic hypothesis characterized by intramolecular hydrogen atom transfer, radic
26 s, and devastating monogenic disorders (interferonopathies) characterized by expression of type I interferon in the brain
27 enetic disorder with a birth incidence of 1:2,000-3,000, is characterized by a highly variable clinical presentation.
28 by deletion of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele and is characterized by developmental delay, intellectual disability
29 esponse to injury is a key step in hepatic fibrosis, and is characterized by trans-differentiation of quiescent HSCs to H
30                                           This condition is characterized by fungal and bacterial infections caused by im
31             Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by reduced lung function and is the third leadi
32  that the behavioral phenotype of the ClockDelta19 mouse is characterized by hyperactivity, decreased anxiety-like behavi
33 dicals with toluene, which indicate that the HAT process is characterized by a significant degree of charge transfer perm
34                  Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is characterized by severely impaired T-cell development and is
35 avirus (SARS-CoV) causes lethal disease in humans, which is characterized by exacerbated inflammatory response and extens
36 ReS2 represents a different class of 2D materials, which is characterized by low symmetry having 1D metallic chains withi
37 TR) retrotransposons and organize into large loci (>50 kbp) characterized by high LTR density.
38 t observed in dsDNA viruses of the PRD1-adenovirus lineage, characterized by a major capsid protein bearing two beta-barr
39 istalsis syndrome (MMIHS) is a congenital visceral myopathy characterized by severe dilation of the urinary bladder and d
40        Cytochrome c (cyt c) is a small soluble heme protein characterized by a relatively flexible structure, particularl
41 ice behaviour and may offer insights into psychopathologies characterized by dysfunctional decision-making, such as addic
42 region of uniform magnetization followed by a larger region characterized by rotation from in- to out-of-plane.
43  responses, whereas high-dose immunization primes responses characterized by regulatory T (Treg) cells and immunosuppress
44 stent egg allergy exhibit a unique innate immune signature, characterized by increased numbers of circulating monocytes a
45                              Optic gliomas are brain tumors characterized by slow growth, progressive loss of vision, and
46              In summary, Chinese FFI patients are typically characterized by organic sleep related symptoms, rapidly prog
47 new class of site-specifically metal-modified DNA films was characterized by UV, circular dichroism (CD), and X-ray photo
48                                       The nanocomposite was characterized by TEM, XRD, FTIR, XPS, TGA, BET, and CV using
49                                            Transmission was characterized by a strong genetic bottleneck.
50                        The synthesized nano-composites were characterized by high resolution transmission electron micros

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