


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 egatively charged protein and the negatively charged particle.
2 s a plasma wave (wakefield) that accelerates charged particles.
3 of energy between electromagnetic fields and charged particles.
4 dergo more rapid transport in CF sputum than charged particles.
5 electrostatic cohesion among the ensemble of charged particles.
6 is converted into heat and kinetic energy of charged particles.
7  distinct zones of trapped, highly energetic charged particles.
8 g of the stability of crystals of oppositely charged particles.
9 s that neutral particles diffuse faster than charged particles.
10 l trials compared treatments with or without charged particles.
11  barrier hindering transmembrane movement of charged particles.
12 is (GEMMA) separates nanometer-sized, single-charged particles according to their electrophoretic mob
13                                    Fluids of charged particles act as the supporting medium for chemi
14 g similarities with other curved crystals of charged particles and colloids.
15 used for coagulating and removing negatively charged particles and dissolved organic matter (DOM) fro
16                       Through measurement of charged particles and electromagnetic fields with NASA's
17                   Experimentally, the use of charged particles and low-ionic-strength solutions provi
18 ock to the planet, providing magnetic field, charged particle, and wave phenomena context for Juno's
19  action of ultraviolet light and high-energy charged particles, and compare rates, spectral propertie
20                     Ioxaglate is composed of charged particles, and data are reported separately.
21  facilitates the translocation of negatively charged particles, and the free energy barrier for trans
22 h Gram-negative bacteria than are negatively charged particles, and this interaction occurs primarily
23                     These results imply that charged particles are accelerated to very high energies
24      In the presence of magnetic fields, the charged particles are bound to their cyclotron orbits, w
25                                   Individual charged particles are dynamically confined into nanomete
26            In capture and release detection, charged particles are electrophoretically driven to the
27                 In subsequent tests, all the charged particles are electrostatically removed from the
28                                              Charged particles are increasingly used in cancer radiot
29 ions encircling the Earth in which energetic charged particles are trapped inside the Earth's magneti
30                              Cosmic rays are charged particles arriving at the Earth from space.
31              Nanometre- and micrometre-sized charged particles at aqueous interfaces are typically st
32 ce of area confinement, suggesting that like-charged particles at interfaces can also experience attr
33 electronic degrees of freedom are modeled by charged particles attached to the nuclei of their core a
34             By using the Columbia University charged particle beam in conjunction with a strip dish d
35 e laser pulse or an ultra-short relativistic charged particle beam.
36              High-efficiency acceleration of charged particle beams at high gradients of energy gain
37 n cells that are not directly traversed by a charged particle but are in close proximity to cells tha
38 l substorms is the acceleration of energetic charged particles, but no acceleration signatures were s
39 ance, a one-dimensional crystal of identical charged particles can accommodate an extra particle (int
40 act that the interaction of matter with fast charged particles can be described by its complete optic
41                       Radiation therapy with charged particles can potentially deliver maximum doses
42                                          The charged particle community is looking for techniques exp
43 nce in the biological effects of high-energy charged particles compared with X-rays or gamma-rays is
44              The simple structures formed by charged particles confined in a harmonic potential have
45  relied on the gas-phase interaction between charged particles created by electrospray ionization (ES
46                             We observed that charged particles damage tissue nonhomogenously, with si
47 particularly when comparing X-rays and heavy charged particles, due to the uncertainty in their Relat
48 le of the collisional breakup of a system of charged particles, e(-) + H --> H(+) + e(-) + e(-) (wher
49                                  We consider Charged-Particle Emission Tomography (CPET), which relie
50 rough over 80 years old, Cerenkov showed how charged particles emit shockwaves of light when moving f
51 ion-sensitive avalanche photodiode to detect charged particle-emitting probes within a microfluidic c
52 e particle detection efficiency (fraction of charged particles entering the inlet that are subsequent
53                                      Lack of charged-particle equilibrium at the luminal mucosa may c
54                   This model was extended to charged particle exposures by integrating Monte Carlo ca
55 particles and measuring the current from the charged particle flux.
56 nated using mass selection to isolate singly charged particles for a specified electrical mobility di
57 fusion reaction, the fusion products are all charged particles for which direct conversion is feasibl
58 overall significance relative to the loss of charged particles from Jupiter's magnetosphere---were un
59   Magnetic fields, solar wind, and energetic charged particles from low-latitude sources reach all la
60              Strong interactions between the charged particles give rise to surprising dynamics such
61                 The Aharonov-Bohm effects of charged particles have been experimentally demonstrated
62 Measurements of x-ray-driven implosions with charged particles have resulted in the quantitative char
63                 The cyclotron frequency of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field B is relate
64  emitted in the opposite direction of moving charged particles in a left-handed material.
65 g phenomena arise from the Lorentz force for charged particles in a magnetic field, such as the fract
66 atial distribution of DNA lesions induced by charged particles in a mouse model tissue.
67 ernative for the localization and control of charged particles in an aqueous environment.
68 fication of the spatial dose distribution of charged particles in biologically relevant material, and
69  in instruments dealing with ion packets and charged particles in gas phase such as the mass spectrom
70 standard way for gating or steering beams of charged particles in ion mobility spectrometry and time-
71                                              Charged particles in the aerosol are drawn through the a
72 cilitates efficient focusing and transfer of charged particles in the higher-pressure regions (e.g.,
73                      We demonstrate that the charged particles in this quantum tunnelling system are
74 d primary beam that can consist of X-rays or charged particles in two different analytical setups.
75 s every 2 months) to re-align the Low-Energy Charged Particle instrument on board Voyager 1 so that i
76 dendritic morphology observed after low dose charged particle irradiation by providing accurate descr
77                                              Charged-particle irradiation constitutes an alternative
78  coherent Cerenkov radiation due to a moving charged particle is associated with a velocity threshold
79           The mobility distribution of these charged particles is then measured in air in a different
80 nergy transfer (LET) IR (such as high energy charged particles) killing more cells at the same dose a
81 present study, using the Columbia University charged particle microbeam, we found that mitochondrial
82                            Using a precision charged particle microbeam, we show here that irradiatio
83                                            A charged-particle microbeam was used, allowing irradiatio
84 the effects of single alpha particles uses a charged-particle microbeam, which irradiates individual
85                                   As well as charged particle microbeams, X-ray microprobes have been
86 t describes electromagnetic radiation from a charged particle moving in a medium with a uniform veloc
87                    In the Cherenkov effect a charged particle moving with a velocity faster than the
88                            The impact of the charged particles on the surface produces gaseous ions o
89 ements of energetic (>40 kiloelectron volts) charged particles on Voyager 1 from the interface region
90 ve different surface charges, and positively charged particles only show nonspecific DNA adsorption.
91 gy transfer (LET) radiation from space heavy charged particles or a heavier ion radiotherapy machine
92 atmosphere is exposed to a flow of energetic charged particles or solar radiation.
93 n two facts: (1) The equilibrium height of a charged particle over a charged surface depends on the e
94         Global imaging of the magnetospheric charged particle population can be achieved by remote me
95                                              Charged particle radiation is emitted as a byproduct of
96 O3, produced by the action of ultraviolet or charged-particle radiation on O2, was also not predicted
97  the comparative effectiveness and safety of charged-particle radiation therapy in cancer is needed t
98                    In 243 eligible articles, charged-particle radiation therapy was used alone or in
99     Laboratory studies of the interaction of charged-particle radiation with water ice predicted the
100 he model presented has applications within a charged particle radiotherapy optimization framework as
101 occurs in a variety of situations, including charged particle radiotherapy, radiological accidents, a
102  such as thermotherapy, plaque radiotherapy, charged-particle radiotherapy, and local resection.
103 therapy offers 97% tumor control, similar to charged-particle radiotherapy.
104                                              Charged particles ranging from micro- to nanoscale are d
105 ation-sensitive catheter, optimized to sense charged particle rather than gamma or x-radiation, speci
106 e ionized gas composed of neutral particles, charged particles, reactive species, and electrons.
107 onsecutive poly(anion)/poly(cation) pairs of charged particles result in the formation of three-dimen
108 consists of a short one-dimensional chain of charged particles (rRNA antecedent) interacting with a p
109    Planetary aurorae are formed by energetic charged particles streaming along the planet's magnetic
110                                              Charged particles such as protons and carbon ions are an
111 field of a plasma wake excited by a bunch of charged particles (such as electrons) is used to acceler
112           Our scheme applies to any beams of charged particles, such as protons and ion beams.Vortex
113                                 Electrically charged particles, such as the electron, are ubiquitous.
114 s is found at saturation coverage due to the charged particle surface resulting in a repulsive intera
115       A key component for the description of charged particle systems is the screening of the Coulomb
116  high linear energy transfer radiation (e.g. charged particles) than by low linear energy transfer X-
117 e electromagnetic field fluctuations and the charged particles that comprise an undamped kinetic Alfv
118 the magnetosphere which accelerate energetic charged particles that hit the upper atmosphere.
119 s and identify a new stable configuration of charged particles that we call a quantum droplet.
120 he passage of an ultra-relativistic bunch of charged particles (the drive bunch) through a plasma.
121 is excited by an ultra-relativistic bunch of charged particles (the drive bunch).
122 iously unmeasured populations of neutral and charged particles, the homopause altitude at approximate
123 ompared event rates of combined outcomes for charged particle therapy and photon therapy using an int
124                Compared with photon therapy, charged particle therapy could be associated with better
125                     Median follow-up for the charged particle therapy group was 38 months (range 5-73
126                                              Charged particle therapy is generally regarded as cuttin
127 e-free survival was significantly higher for charged particle therapy than for photon therapy (1.93,
128 ival was significantly higher at 5 years for charged particle therapy than for photon therapy (relati
129 06, 0.68-1.67; p=0.79) but it was higher for charged particle therapy than for photon therapy at long
130 e clinical outcomes of patients treated with charged particle therapy with those of individuals recei
131                                     However, charged-particle therapy is limited by the availability
132 cles in asymmetric silicon pores, as well as charged particles through artificial pores and arrays of
133 logic effects consequent to the traversal of charged particles through mammalian cells are explored w
134 izing radiation from high-energy photons and charged particles through mechanisms including radiolumi
135 ol size analyzer allows the removal of small charged particles to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.
136 ors, capable of energizing a large number of charged particles to relativistic speeds.
137 elerators (LPAs) are capable of accelerating charged particles to very high energies in very compact
138                         Neutral-particle and charged-particle traps are widely used for studying both
139 aviolet and blue light that is produced by a charged particle traveling through a dielectric medium f
140                                              Charged particles traveling through matter at speeds lar
141 e (CL) arises from the interaction between a charged particle travelling faster than the phase veloci
142 r cells have been exposed to low fluences of charged particles, where only a few percent are exposed.
143 two-slit interference experiment with highly charged particles which argues that the consistency of e
144 s can lead to correlated motions of multiple charged particles, which can induce important many-body
145                                    Neutrally charged particles with a diameter <200 nm undergo more r
146  residue and other poorly focused neutral or charged particles with very high mass-to-charge ratios.
147 ortant challenge has been to explain how the charged particles within these belts are accelerated to

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