


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t cell tryptase are all potent activators of chemerin.
2 tor chemR23, which binds the chemoattractant chemerin.
3  altered hepatic expression of lipocalin2 or chemerin.
4 , macrophage inflammatory protein 3alpha and chemerin.
5 ctivated endothelial cells specifically bind chemerin.
6 in was used as agonist and complete when the chemerin(149-157) nonapeptide was used as agonist.
7 zation and a much higher potency against the chemerin(149-157) nonapeptide-induced response.
8 tion of a ubiquitous plasma chemoattractant, chemerin, a ligand for the G-protein-coupled receptor CM
9                                 In addition, chemerin, a natural ligand for CMKLR1, was up-regulated
10 a major serum agonist activity for CMKLR1 as chemerin, a proteolytically activated attractant and the
11 pression datasets we found that the gene for chemerin, a widely expressed endogenous chemoattractant
12 ter analysis demonstrated that both RvE1 and chemerin activate the CD55 promoter.
13   To define the pathophysiologic triggers of chemerin activity, we evaluated the ability of serum- an
14                                              Chemerin acts as a chemoattractant for monocytes and mac
15                                              Chemerin also increased expression of the cytoskeletal p
16                    Intratumoral injection of chemerin also inhibited tumor growth, suggesting the pot
17                                              Chemerin, an inflammatory chemokine, with a known role i
18 edite the development of long acting, stable chemerin analogs as candidate therapeutics, we used memb
19 ke 2 (CCRL2) binds leukocyte chemoattractant chemerin and can regulate local levels of the attractant
20 time, tissue-specific expression patterns of Chemerin and ChemR23 in mouse tooth development.
21  The levels of other biochemical parameters, chemerin and IL-1beta, were significantly decreased comp
22                                          GCF chemerin and IL-6 levels decreased following therapy in
23                       Greater values for GCF chemerin and IL-6 levels were found in CP groups than in
24 nked immunosorbent assay was used to measure chemerin and IL-6 levels.
25 P = 0.02), and MMP-13 (r = 0.781, P = 0.01); chemerin and IL-8 (r = 0.913, P <0.01), MMP-8 (r = 0.770
26 raction of macrophages to inflamed tissue by chemerin and in the initiation of resolution of inflamma
27  (t2DM); 2) analyze the relationship between chemerin and interleukin (IL)-6 in periodontally healthy
28 augmenting the expression of IFN-alpha/beta, chemerin and its receptor ChemR23, p-cofilin, LIMK2 and
29  inflammation-associated proteases to cleave chemerin and stimulate CMKLR1-mediated chemotaxis.
30 hat is triggered by two ligands, the peptide chemerin and the eicosapentaenoic acid-derived lipid med
31 the bioactivity of leukocyte chemoattractant chemerin, and further extend the molecular link between
32        Here, we show that the C15 precursor, chemerin, and its receptor, ChemR23, are both upregulate
33 titis and t2DM induced aberrant secretion of chemerin, and non-surgical periodontal therapy influence
34 Recently, coagulation-activated osteopontin, chemerin, and protease-activated receptor signaling, as
35 eceptor 1), the chemoattractant receptor for chemerin, and was abrogated by NK cell depletion.
36 rin levels and its bioactivity, and enhances chemerin- and CMKLR1-dependent lymphocyte/EC adhesion in
37 ddition, administration of neutralizing anti-chemerin antibody before zymosan challenge resulted in a
38                       Plasma levels of total chemerin are elevated in CCRL2(-/-) mice and are signifi
39                          We further identify chemerin as a natural nonsignaling protein ligand for bo
40 ecific mechanism for the local enrichment of chemerin at inflammatory sites, regulating the recruitme
41 t" or professional chemokine interreceptors, chemerin binding does not trigger ligand internalization
42                                    In vitro, chemerin binding to CCRL2 on endothelial cells triggers
43 ed for cleavage at Lys(158) or regulation of chemerin bioactivity.
44 ctivation to a similar extent as proteolyzed chemerin, but exhibited reduced activity as a MPhi chemo
45                                Activation of chemerin by the serine protease cascades that trigger ra
46 ransmembrane domain receptor ligands such as chemerin can regulate pDC migration.
47 nerate the likely physiologic form of active chemerin, chem157S, and suggested a possible role in mal
48 of plasma, levels of the most potent form of chemerin, chem157S, as well as inactive chem155A, increa
49 er immune cells expressing its receptor, the chemerin chemokine receptor 1 (CMKLR1), to sites of tumo
50  domain-containing protein 2, rs3135500; and chemerin chemokine-like receptor 1, rs1878022) were geno
51 signaling, are phosphorylated in response to Chemerin/ChemR23 signaling in vitro and are expressed in
52 tein S6 (rS6) and Akt, downstream targets of Chemerin/ChemR23 signaling, are phosphorylated in respon
53 onstitute new tools to study the role of the chemerin/ChemR23 system in physiological and pathologica
54    Together, these results suggest roles for Chemerin/ChemR23-mediated DE-DM cell signaling during to
55                                              Chemerin circulates as an inactive precursor (chem163S),
56                                              Chemerin circulates as an inactive precursor in blood wh
57 duals, deregulation of a specific adipokine, chemerin, contributes to innate initiation of metaflamma
58 rane and promoted in a more efficient manner chemerin-dependent transmigration of dendritic cells.
59        Collectively, these results show that chemerin-derived peptides may represent a novel therapeu
60  Furthermore, because recent data shows that chemerin-derived peptides possess antiinflammatory prope
61 portant endogenous antiinflammatory role for chemerin-derived species.
62 merin, providing a unique mechanism by which chemerin enhances inflammation.
63  chemotaxis to several chemoattractants like chemerin, fMLF, and MCP-1; and doubled the phagocytic ac
64 d lymphatic murine endothelial cells produce chemerin following retinoic acid stimulation.
65  (FXIa) cleaved chem163S, generating a novel chemerin form, chem162R, as an intermediate product, and
66  can be further processed to the most active chemerin form, providing a molecular link between coagul
67 l proteolytic cleavages resulting in diverse chemerin forms with different levels of activity.
68  we established that a 9-amino acid-tethered chemerin fragment (amino acids 149-157) activates both m
69 including the resistin, angiotensinogen, and chemerin genes, in addition to induction of brown-specif
70 stoma (GBM), we examined the significance of chemerin in GBM biology.
71 sure to DEP plus HDM, elevated the levels of chemerin in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of WT mice.
72    The total level of cleaved and noncleaved chemerins in cerebrospinal fluids was approximately 10%
73  enhancement of efficacy as an antagonist of chemerin induced intracellular calcium mobilization and
74 nobody behaves as an efficient antagonist of chemerin-induced chemotaxis of human primary cells.
75  that the nanobodies were able to antagonize chemerin-induced intracellular calcium increase.
76 ansplantable mouse melanoma, tumor-expressed chemerin inhibited in vivo tumor growth without altering
77 ) was mimicked by 2 weeks of ICV infusion of chemerin into rats.
78                                              Chemerin is a chemoattractant and adipokine that circula
79                                              Chemerin is a chemoattractant involved in immunity that
80                                              Chemerin is a chemoattractant involved in innate and ada
81                                              Chemerin is a chemotactic protein that binds to the G pr
82 mine whether gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) chemerin is a novel predictive marker for patients with
83                                              Chemerin is a potent chemoattractant for cells expressin
84                                              Chemerin is a proinflammatory plasma protein that binds
85 le known ligand for CMKLR1, and we show that chemerin is activated during blood coagulation and attra
86                                 We show that Chemerin is expressed in cultured DE progenitor cells, w
87                           The bioactivity of chemerin is post-translationally regulated; the attracta
88                    Chem158K was the dominant chemerin isoform, and it was not generated by ex vivo pr
89 logy for production of different recombinant chemerin isoforms (chem163S, chem157S, and chem155A) whi
90         To identify and quantify the in vivo chemerin isoforms in biological specimens, we developed
91 eptides from the C terminus of the different chemerin isoforms.
92 ion-dependent fashion, regulates circulating chemerin levels and its bioactivity, and enhances chemer
93                               Elevated serum chemerin levels correlate with increased severity of pol
94 ontal therapy influenced the decrease of GCF chemerin levels in patients with CP with and without t2D
95                 Furthermore, it suggests GCF chemerin levels may be considered a potential proinflamm
96 t of non-surgical periodontal therapy on GCF chemerin levels.
97 e regulation, where the inflammatory signal, chemerin, links TH and RA signaling to hypothalamic remo
98 igenesis and suggest that down-regulation of chemerin may be an important mechanism of tumor immune e
99 eptides possess antiinflammatory properties, chemerin may be involved in both the initiation and reso
100       We conclude that CMKLR1 expression and chemerin-mediated chemotaxis distinguish circulating pDC
101                               Moreover, high chemerin messenger RNA expression in tumors correlated w
102                    In silico analysis showed chemerin mRNA was significantly increased in tissue from
103    By contrast, acute ICV bolus injection of chemerin on a 12 h:12 h photoperiod inhibited food intak
104 ingly, activated endothelial cells expressed chemerin on the plasma membrane and promoted in a more e
105 r, TAFIa) enhanced the bioactivity of 10-mer chemerin peptide NH(2)-YFPGQFAFSK-COOH by removing the c
106 ptor 1 (BLT1) antagonist U-75302, but not by chemerin peptide, a ligand specific for another RvE1 rec
107                      PMN exposure to RvE1 or chemerin (peptide agonist of ChemR23) reduced transepith
108                   We demonstrate that murine chemerin possesses potent antiinflammatory properties th
109                                    Visfatin, chemerin, progranulin, interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-8, MMP
110 addition, we discovered that platelets store chemerin protein and release it upon stimulation.
111 een identified as an additional receptor for chemerin, providing a unique mechanism by which chemerin
112                           Gene expression of chemerin (Rarres2) and its receptors were localised with
113    The goal of this study was to investigate Chemerin (Rarres2)/ChemR23(Cmklr1) signaling in DE-DM ce
114                                          The chemerin receptor (CMKLR1) is a G protein-coupled recept
115 sion and inflammation via the cell-signaling chemerin receptor CMKLR1.
116 U-87 MG cells, a human GBM line, express the chemerin receptors, chemokine-like receptor 1 and chemok
117  lipid and peptide agonists, resolvin E1 and chemerin, respectively.
118  only those identical to specific C-terminal chemerin sequences exerted antiinflammatory effects at p
119                       When tested in vivo, a chemerin SMAL decreased allergic airway inflammation and
120                                     Finally, chemerin stimulation of myeloid dendritic cells induced
121                                              Chemerin, the ChemR23 ligand, was detected by immunohist
122 mmon binding site that overlaps with that of chemerin, the natural ligand of ChemR23.
123 olayers through the endogenous production of chemerin, the upregulation of CCRL2, and the activation
124 d increase local concentrations of bioactive chemerin, thus providing a link between CCRL2 expression
125 nsignaling receptor able to bind and present chemerin to ChemR23(+) dendritic cells.
126 tudy provides the first direct evidence that chemerin undergoes extensive proteolytic processing in v
127              The inhibition was partial when chemerin was used as agonist and complete when the cheme
128   On the other hand, the fraction of cleaved chemerins was much higher in synovial fluid and cerebros
129 expressing M1 macrophages are chemotactic to chemerin, whereas M2 macrophages not expressing ChemR23
130                      These results show that chemerin, whether expressed by tumor cells or within the
131 stically significant positive correlation of chemerin with IL-6, glycated hemoglobin, sampled-site cl

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