


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ent, continuity) and flammability (moisture, chemical composition).
2 , all could be modeled from the wine initial chemical composition.
3 easonal shifts in organic matter quality and chemical composition.
4 ributes were generally in agreement with the chemical composition.
5 n minerality scores, sensory descriptors and chemical composition.
6 ar vs non-polar molecules that have the same chemical composition.
7  sometimes even in the samples with the same chemical composition.
8 n despite substantial differences in initial chemical composition.
9 features that reveal information about their chemical composition.
10 heless are suitable proxies for Earth's bulk chemical composition.
11 ula: see text] can be tuned, for example, by chemical composition.
12  cathelicidin AMP, and micelles of different chemical composition.
13 properties, characteristics related to their chemical composition.
14 ino acid environment, depended on the fibres chemical composition.
15 zeolites, independent of their structure and chemical composition.
16 ibunda fruit was studied to characterize its chemical composition.
17 rmined uniform size and elemental as well as chemical composition.
18  as a preliminary step to assigning peaks to chemical compositions.
19 rface area and pore sizes as well as altered chemical compositions.
20 h different crystal structures and different chemical compositions.
21 d to C) covering a variety of structures and chemical compositions.
22 e manganite thin films with nominallyuniform chemical composition across the interfaces.
23 o apparent differences in the proportions of chemical compositions (alkyl, O-alkyl, aromatic, and car
24 pp., cacao, bicolor and grandiflorum through chemical composition analysis and protein profiling of f
25                                          The chemical composition analysis was compared to hygroscopi
26 e polysaccharides were then determined using chemical composition analysis, Fourier transform infrare
27         This study focuses on the changes in chemical composition and 43 aroma compounds released by
28 burning OA, which appeared to have different chemical composition and absorptivity.
29 ils (EVOO) based on quality characteristics, chemical composition and antioxidant activity according
30 he effect of successive harvesting on yield, chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Cichori
31  germination period and acid pretreatment on chemical composition and antioxidant activity of rice be
32 e effect of fruit size on nutritional value, chemical composition and antioxidant properties of Medit
33 ffect of different nitrogen (N) rates on the chemical composition and antioxidant properties of stevi
34 te the 4D nanostructure - including both the chemical composition and architectural complexity - of b
35 of 2D TiSe2 by tracking the evolution of the chemical composition and atomic structure with various m
36                              We compared the chemical composition and attractiveness to Anopheles col
37 under saline conditions in order to evaluate chemical composition and bioactive compounds content of
38 arlic genotypes mostly due to differences in chemical composition and bioactive compounds content.
39 fertilization provides an improvement in the chemical composition and bioactive potential of stevia l
40 acterized regarding their nutritional value, chemical composition and bioactive properties.
41                        In the present study, chemical composition and bioactivity of Cichorium spinos
42 t how the post-harvest operations affect the chemical composition and bioactivity of UC.
43  aminoglycosides examined suggest that their chemical composition and distinct modes of interaction w
44 ew summarises the updated information on the chemical composition and diverse biological activities o
45 inged geometric structures regardless of the chemical composition and electronic structure of a mater
46 jective of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and emulsifying properties of lecit
47                        Thus, elucidating the chemical composition and function of specialized metabol
48 ysates, explaining their production process, chemical composition and functional and bioactive proper
49       The impact of extrusion cooking on the chemical composition and functional properties of bean p
50                                          The chemical composition and in vivo glycemic potential of p
51                                    Proximate chemical composition and iron, zinc and dietary fiber we
52 djacent to the ore body, we investigated the chemical composition and isotope ratios of groundwater s
53 y (ATOFMS), the particle size (0.3-1.5 mum), chemical composition and mixing state of Fe-containing p
54                                              Chemical composition and nutritional evaluation as well
55 ruit size has a genotype dependent impact on chemical composition and nutritional value of okra pods
56                                          The chemical composition and optical properties of BrC chrom
57 d a significant degree of variability in the chemical composition and organization of peptidoglycan i
58 ribution in a solid-state film, a material's chemical composition and physical properties can be reve
59 LDHs) with their highly flexible and tunable chemical composition and physical properties have attrac
60  functions of partial pressure, temperature, chemical composition and physical state of AMF.
61 eybees with carbohydrate supplements and the chemical composition and properties of the honey.
62  examine all the aspects related with garlic chemical composition and quality, focusing on its bioact
63               Objective: To characterize the chemical composition and quantify the ultrafine particle
64 to be suitable for tofu making, as judged by chemical composition and sensory quality of pressed tofu
65                            Analyses of their chemical composition and solid-state structures demonstr
66 composite materials are dictated by both the chemical composition and spatial configuration of each c
67                                 However, the chemical composition and speciation of these fluids, whi
68                                              Chemical composition and structural features of FG extra
69       Herein, a novel glycan with an unusual chemical composition and structure in the oral spirochet
70    The IEP depends on the crystal structure, chemical composition and surface hydration.
71 ailed description of a system, including its chemical composition and the interactions among its comp
72 city zones (ULVZs) places constraints on the chemical composition and thermal structure of deep Earth
73 y region have important implications for the chemical composition and thermal structure of our planet
74  compounds in e-cigarette liquids affect the chemical composition and toxicity of e-cigarette vapors
75 l of suberin deposition, we investigated the chemical composition and transcriptomes of suberized Sol
76 from a planet contains information about the chemical composition and vertical temperature profile of
77 age conditions and processing treatments) on chemical composition and, consequently, bioactive potenc
78                                          The chemical compositions and antioxidant capacities of seve
79 he synthesis of Janus particles with diverse chemical compositions and shapes are highly desirable.
80   Hence, this study aimed to investigate the chemical compositions and the underlying mechanisms of t
81 scovery of new 2DMs is driven by the diverse chemical compositions and tuneable characteristics offer
82  not received considerable attention for oil chemical compositions and uses.
83             The results indicated equivalent chemical compositions and variable protein profiles with
84                                   Structure, chemical composition, and properties of the surface depe
85 nd particulate matter (PM) by size fraction, chemical composition, and sources.
86  remain challenging to control such as size, chemical composition, and spatial distribution.
87 in images with well preserved structural and chemical composition, and sufficient stability against r
88  which are potentially very similar in their chemical composition, and they can use this ability to i
89  air-saturated red wine as a function of its chemical composition, and to describe the chemical chang
90 aviors, which reflect the diversity in their chemical compositions, and many are expected to undergo
91  processing, this study aimed to analyze the chemical composition, antioxidant activity, and sensoria
92  while in the 2nd growing period the overall chemical composition, antioxidant properties and phenoli
93                                SOA yield and chemical composition are revisited using 15 years of Uni
94                The interfacial structure and chemical composition are shown to be atomically sharp an
95                 The surface morphologies and chemical compositions are investigated.
96 ls the pore structure is as important as the chemical composition as a determinant of performance.
97 rovide insights into how backbone charge and chemical composition assist in the binding and internali
98  while conserving (or re-establishing) their chemical composition at adjustable levels for concentrat
99  were calculated to characterize the exhaust chemical composition at different engine operation modes
100                                      Exhaust chemical composition at idle was also affected by engine
101 nformation regarding the heterogeneity of OM chemical composition at the nanoscale has been lacking.
102 ine vehicle, and dust sources was similar in chemical composition between cities, but PM2.5 from coal
103 roperties are attributed to the variation of chemical composition between sap and sap permeate syrups
104  Earth exhibits a dichotomy in elevation and chemical composition between the continents and ocean fl
105 e Mediterranean diet, while the diversity in chemical composition between the studied samples should
106                     For sources with similar chemical compositions between cities, we applied Poisson
107                                          The chemical composition, bioactive compounds, antioxidant a
108 tropes"-nanoporous materials having the same chemical composition but differing in their nanoscale ar
109 ornene-based synthetic mimics with identical chemical compositions but different hydrophobic/hydrophi
110 study of cells and their components based on chemical composition; but slow acquisition rates, poor r
111 and noninvasive quantitative analyses of the chemical composition by particle-induced X-ray emission-
112 ol hygroscopic properties were linked to its chemical composition by using complementary online mass
113 ysis by the chemical industry, because their chemical compositions can be tailored to a specific subs
114 c PM2.5 is not directly measured, and source chemical compositions can vary between cities.
115                                          The chemical composition cannot be reconciled with a nova or
116 could be a suitable for growing almonds with chemical compositions competitive with standard cultivar
117  to probe the intrinsic mechanisms from leaf chemical composition, construction cost (CC), and paybac
118                                The design of chemical compositions containing potent nuclei for the e
119 However, limited information exists on their chemical composition, contribution to the diet, and heal
120 io sheet-like solids come in a wide array of chemical compositions, crystal phases, and physical form
121           Through the systematic analysis of chemical composition, crystalline structure and defect c
122 catalytic activity among M1 samples of equal chemical composition depend primarily on the morphology
123               Our study investigated whether chemical composition differed between milk produced by t
124 ruit had a higher nutritional value, whereas chemical composition differed in a genotype dependent ma
125 ons in a copolymer, alongside the inevitable chemical composition distribution (CCD), with mass spect
126 nt losses of carboxyl moieties and shifts in chemical composition during photodegradation indicated t
127                                      Surface chemical composition, electronic structure, and bonding
128                    Samples were analyzed for chemical composition, elemental, inorganic, and DOM-boun
129 e lyophilization of cardoon flowers on their chemical composition, enzymatic activities of extracts,
130                                          The chemical compositions, fatty acids profile, total color
131 fied that isoliquiritigenin (ISL), as one of chemical compositions from the total flavonoids glycyrrh
132                   Various factors affect the chemical composition, function retention during processi
133 quantum phase transition tuned by the actual chemical composition has been reported.
134 d enables the simultaneous quantification of chemical composition, hydration states, structure, and m
135 en avidity of wines according to their basic chemical composition (i.e. the content of ethanol, titra
136 ron microscopy (SPEM), in particular for the chemical composition identification and element-resolved
137 tios and substrate temperature (Tsub) on the chemical composition in NWs and NW density revealed the
138 regards to morphology, size, molar mass, and chemical composition in one experiment.
139 ing the environment, despite having a useful chemical composition in various industrial sectors.
140                        Botanical origins and chemical compositions including sugars were evaluated us
141 te and cost effective assays to obtain tuber chemical composition information.
142 ar-surface vertical profiling of atmospheric chemical composition is currently limited by the availab
143 th the same crystal structures but different chemical compositions is possible in many materials clas
144 versal superconductivity, independent of the chemical composition, is highly unusual.
145       Its consumption is associated with its chemical composition: it influences its sensory and nutr
146                             The geometry and chemical composition (lack of mercury, copper) of the go
147 a clear correlation between particle design, chemical composition, macrophage depletion, tumor pathop
148 tor setup allows high-resolution imaging and chemical composition mapping even of light elements pres
149 tted from natural and anthropogenic sources, chemical composition measurements of aerosols, etc.
150 , vary in material characteristics including chemical composition, mechanical properties, and the abi
151 d over seawater as a feed source in terms of chemical composition, microorganism content, silt densit
152 ted from rice and oat husks were analyzed by chemical composition, morphology, functional groups, cry
153              Understanding the links between chemical composition, nano-structure and the dynamic pro
154 materials is presented here, with a focus on chemical composition, nano-structure, and architecture.
155  using pressurized ethanol, and compares the chemical composition obtained (in terms of fatty acids)
156 ics approach was implemented to examine leaf chemical composition of 9 Coffea species grown in the sa
157 e during post-metallization annealing on the chemical composition of a HfO2/Al2O3 gate stack on a HCl
158 aman spectroscopy can be used to measure the chemical composition of a sample, which can in turn be u
159                                    Thus, the chemical composition of a substantial fraction of submic
160   We synthesized and determined the size and chemical composition of a three-part nanoconjugate consi
161             This study aimed to identify the chemical composition of ABF using different analytical t
162                                 However, the chemical composition of AMC and molecular mechanism of A
163 surface morphology, biological function, and chemical composition of Arabidopsis roots.
164 n of the tested elicitor also influenced the chemical composition of basil essential oils - 100muM JA
165                                          The chemical composition of bioavailable DOM was different a
166                              Determining the chemical composition of biological materials is paramoun
167 ion, the results of this study indicate that chemical composition of C. spinosum is highly depended o
168 d dissolution near equilibrium can alter the chemical composition of calcite deeper than one monolaye
169               There is no information on the chemical composition of camelina seed lecithin; therefor
170          In the present work, we studied the chemical composition of Chinese artichoke (S. affinis tu
171 utions at a 44% moisture level, although the chemical composition of coarse/ground bran and PE bran d
172  was applied to understand the variations in chemical composition of coconut water under different pr
173 ctive examination of both the amount and the chemical composition of cokes formed over acid zeolite c
174 ssive amounts of detailed information on the chemical composition of crude extracts can be generated.
175 ll as optical measurements revealed that the chemical composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) l
176 TR-MS for the first time to characterise the chemical composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM).
177 tudied the effect of redox conditions on the chemical composition of DOC in a drinking water reservoi
178     Thawing permafrost soils will change the chemical composition of DOM exported to arctic surface w
179 to-oxidation and investigated changes in the chemical composition of each DOM source following sunlig
180 e three Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), and chemical composition of each molecule within a given vol
181                                          The chemical composition of Earth's lower mantle can be cons
182  in a chamber study, gained insight into the chemical composition of emitted aerosols using Raman spe
183 iochemical reactions helps us understand the chemical composition of enzymatic reactions.
184  were found, reflecting the variation in the chemical composition of EOs from wild oregano population
185 e the extraction efficiency and modulate the chemical composition of extra virgin olive oil.
186  of the present study was to investigate the chemical composition of extracts from aerial parts of co
187                                          The chemical composition of garlic essential oils (GEOs) ext
188 tigate the emission factors and the detailed chemical composition of gas phase emissions from a broad
189 measurement technologies and identifying the chemical composition of GOM.
190                                          The chemical composition of high-[WSON] aerosols also indica
191 data revealed distinctive differences in the chemical composition of individual honey sac contents wi
192 stions about the effect of nanofiller on the chemical composition of LCPM still persist.
193  order to obtain a seasonal variation in the chemical composition of leaf employing HPLC-DAD.
194 In addition, we show that differences in the chemical composition of lipid droplets in living oocytes
195 f harvest time and malaxation temperature on chemical composition of olive oils produced from economi
196 ments have documented large variation in the chemical composition of OM during petroleum generation.
197                               We studied the chemical composition of oven and freeze dried guava powd
198  after 7.3 Ma, while an abrupt change in the chemical composition of paleolake water (e.g. Mg/Ca rati
199                           In this study, the chemical composition of pigmented wheats (yellow, purple
200                        We determined how the chemical composition of primary ambient PM2.5 sources va
201             We studied the concentration and chemical composition of rainwater and aerosol organic N
202                                          The chemical composition of root exudates strongly impacts t
203            There are only few reports on the chemical composition of S.hispanica.
204             Infrared spectroscopy access the chemical composition of samples; and in combination with
205                                    While the chemical composition of semiconducting metal halide pero
206 ntation in southern China and found that the chemical composition of SOC did not differ significantly
207 ent methods employed for the analysis of the chemical composition of solid matrices (such as plant, a
208                                 However, the chemical composition of sugar may contain numerous compo
209 view summarises the current knowledge of the chemical composition of Tartary buckwheat, and their bio
210   The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of the aqueous extract from O. odor
211 n scattering properties without altering the chemical composition of the cells.
212 al methods have been developed to relate the chemical composition of the coffee grain to the beverage
213 t of a wider project aiming to correlate the chemical composition of the coffee volatile fraction to
214 topic composition of shales to constrain the chemical composition of the continental crust exposed to
215      We present a study of the structure and chemical composition of the Cr-doped 3D topological insu
216 ic thin films is achieved by controlling the chemical composition of the film through field-driven io
217                                          The chemical composition of the freeze-dried fruit was 1.89g
218 tic properties and absence of studies on the chemical composition of the fruit this article aimed to
219 s conducted to: evaluate the nutritional and chemical composition of the fruiting bodies; optimize th
220                                          The chemical composition of the fuel is shown to impact mass
221          The morphology, microstructure, and chemical composition of the gate dielectric and CuPc fil
222                            The structure and chemical composition of the growing nanowire is typicall
223 ioned lipid bilayer that closely matched the chemical composition of the human endoplasmic reticulum
224 physiological function into context with the chemical composition of the intracuticular and epicuticu
225  X-ray spectroscopy was used to identify the chemical composition of the iron composite.
226 erties are due to the surface morphology and chemical composition of the LIG.
227                     By directly changing the chemical composition of the material, coupled electrical
228         Factors such as colloid size and the chemical composition of the OM may also impact the behav
229                           Differences in the chemical composition of the particles suggest that their
230  for which the potential is applied, and the chemical composition of the polymer.
231                                          The chemical composition of the polymeric ionic liquid (PIL)
232                                          The chemical composition of the precipitates enables a subst
233 rocessed LC-MS data demonstrated the varying chemical composition of the samples.
234          We provide the evidence of specific chemical composition of the SEI on the anode surface und
235 ractionation is dominantly controlled by the chemical composition of the solution (pH, ionic strength
236 rs form downstream of the substrate, and the chemical composition of the solution at the substrate re
237 r example, differences in the mechanical and chemical composition of the underlying substrata elicit
238 ce nitrogen modification does not change the chemical composition of the underlying transition metals
239        The effect of the spray drying on the chemical composition of the volatile oil fraction of N.
240                                          The chemical composition of the WEOM was determined by ultra
241         Cold soak had no effect on the basic chemical composition of the wines.
242    The objective was to investigate both the chemical composition of these fractions, as well as thei
243 e after 6 days of regeneration, the original chemical composition of these regenerated structures is
244 ed in several countries, knowledge about the chemical composition of these seeds is scarce.
245                             Knowledge of the chemical composition of this nitrogen pool is crucial fo
246             There is a wide variation in the chemical composition of triticale, which suggests the po
247                    The nutritional value and chemical composition of various artichoke genotypes cult
248 to color modifications due to changes in the chemical composition of wine, there may be some influenc
249  kinetics of oxygen consumption based on the chemical composition of wines have been published.
250                            No studies on the chemical composition of young shoots of A. dioicus have
251             Our results demonstrate that the chemical compositions of emissions scenarios, not just t
252                                          The chemical compositions of foraminifer shells and benthic
253 ram-positive bacterial PLFAs, but not to the chemical compositions of leaf litter.
254                           However, intrinsic chemical compositions of NPs caused inconsistent biodist
255  We introduced an approach for comparing the chemical compositions of PM2.5 sources across cities and
256                        However, the detailed chemical compositions of these emissions are poorly char
257 ve been produced, the lattice structures and chemical compositions of which can be accurately enginee
258 alysis methods normalizing aerosol yield and chemical composition on an aromatic ring basis are devel
259 ncy, oligonucleotide length, flexibility and chemical composition on ASGR binding, we tested and vali
260 our, very little detail is known about their chemical composition or how this relates to pathology.
261                             We show that the chemical composition, organic volume fraction, and ice n
262           Along with characterization of the chemical composition, our approach allows extraction of
263 ied genotypes for both nutritional value and chemical composition parameters.
264 ombined to provide complementary analysis of chemical composition, particularly for the small metabol
265 ion acts as a chromophore, is related to its chemical composition (PbCr1-xSxO4, with 0 </= x </= 0.8)
266 n most of the analysed parameters (including chemical composition, physical as well as organoleptic p
267         Our observations proved that the NPs chemical composition played a critical role in their in
268                                         Many chemical compositions produce layered solids consisting
269 een fitted parameters of digestion profiles, chemical composition (protein, non-fibre carbohydrates,
270                 Their small mass and complex chemical composition represent significant challenges fo
271 and temperature (eT) (+4 degrees C) affected chemical composition (silicon, phenolics, carbon and nit
272 ce manufacturing streams and evaluated their chemical composition similarity based on high-dimensiona
273 ning micrometer to centimeter morphology and chemical composition simultaneously can be generated for
274          Understanding the interplay between chemical composition, structural morphology on multiple
275 he use of AM approaches to program the local chemical composition, structure and properties of biolog
276                          Great variations in chemical composition, swelling power, water soluble inde
277 he relationship between framework structure, chemical composition, synthesis conditions and the confo
278                                    Regarding chemical composition, the highest content of tocopherols
279                             Beyond the glass chemical composition, the TM redox is also a key factor
280 nt food in the human diet due to its physico-chemical composition; therefore, it is necessary to moni
281 lly viewed as requiring the discovery of new chemical compositions through synthesis.
282 ulting mixture, "dilbit", differs greatly in chemical composition to conventional crude oil.
283 nal constraints on IVOC emission factors and chemical composition to facilitate their inclusion into
284 etabolism, resulting in a strong coupling of chemical composition traits to metabolic rates in field-
285 ereafter on mixed secretions, we showed that chemical composition varied by sex and was more similar
286                                          The chemical composition was determined according to AOAC an
287                                        Their chemical composition was determined spotwise, by ablatin
288 extra-virgin olive oils (EVOOs) of different chemical composition was studied as a function of storag
289  seeds of four plant species with dissimilar chemical compositions) was successfully demonstrated, le
290                The modifications in the wine chemical composition were also sensorially corroborated.
291          Five co-products differing in their chemical composition were collected and analysed.
292       Effects of amines on SOA formation and chemical composition were examined.
293 ntial hazard is complicated by the fact that chemical composition, which affects the temperature at w
294 table to its sensory profiles and underlying chemical composition, which are determined by viticultur
295 orice properties are directly related to its chemical composition, which determines the commercial va
296 lasticity over broad ranges without changing chemical composition, which opens new opportunities in s
297 accurate, sensitive, analysis of the complex chemical composition while still in its packaging.
298     This technique allows precise studies of chemical composition with sub-100-nm lateral and nanomet
299  that can reconstruct the 3D distribution of chemical compositions with optical spatial resolution at
300 io of aqueous Cr(III)/Fe(III) controlled the chemical composition (x) of (Fex, Cr1-x)(OH)3 precipitat

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