


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  that is interfered with by a cell-permeable chemical compound.
2 and significantly alters the reactivity of a chemical compound.
3 g/g ranged from 52% to 98%, depending on the chemical compound.
4 s, demonstrating a wide-range effect of this chemical compound.
5 ed as production hosts for a wide variety of chemical compounds.
6 ity to rapidly separate and characterize the chemical compounds.
7 n response to exposure to a small library of chemical compounds.
8 ary of molecular entities focused on 'small' chemical compounds.
9 ods to convert carbohydrates to a variety of chemical compounds.
10 ary of molecular entities focused on 'small' chemical compounds.
11  assessing the relative cell permeability of chemical compounds.
12 e mixtures of tens to hundreds of individual chemical compounds.
13 ansition in the presence of NCp7 and various chemical compounds.
14 ral odorants are complex mixtures of diverse chemical compounds.
15 velopment of insecticide resistance to these chemical compounds.
16  delivery devices require precise release of chemical compounds.
17 g targets and in deconvolving the effects of chemical compounds.
18 combination with specific growth factors and chemical compounds.
19 sitive tool for detecting proteins and other chemical compounds.
20 nding assay for high-throughput screening of chemical compounds.
21  Results: Analysis with GC-MS identified 377 chemical compounds.
22 ility to many current antimalarial drugs and chemical compounds.
23 and in silico tools that can be used to test chemical compounds.
24 , to capture the functional role of approved chemical compounds.
25 ded for locating biodegradative pathways for chemical compounds according to a given set of constrain
26  taste is stimulated when nutrients or other chemical compounds activate specialized receptor cells w
27  disruptive contaminants (metals and organic chemical compounds) affect plasma TH levels in free-rang
28 -cell patch clamping experiments than either chemical compound alone in HEK293 cells.
29 le half-reaction that can produce a valuable chemical compound and operate at a lower potential.
30                               There are >550 chemical compounds and >100 phytocannabinoids isolated f
31                  The spatial distribution of chemical compounds and concentration of reactive mercury
32 al interactions between reporter enzymes and chemical compounds and emphasize the importance of imple
33            MetaCyc also describes reactions, chemical compounds and genes.
34 e expansion of public databases dealing with chemical compounds and metabolic reactions facilitates t
35                                  A number of chemical compounds and mixtures were surveyed for the ab
36 t can analyse bonding arrangements, identify chemical compounds and probe many other important proper
37  access to patent data, including abstracts, chemical compounds and sequences.
38 also used this method to screen a library of chemical compounds and showed that it can be used to rap
39  technique is therefore widely used to apply chemical compounds and to study the properties of molecu
40  modelled as graphs in which nodes represent chemical compounds, and edges represent chemical reactio
41 calization and distribution of biomolecules, chemical compounds, and other molecules on different sur
42  (e.g. genes/proteins, diseases, enzymes and chemical compounds) appearing in the documents retrieved
43 ME) is a popular sampling technique in which chemical compounds are collected with a sorbent-coated f
44                            Naturally derived chemical compounds are the foundation of much of our pha
45             Together, our results identified chemical compounds as novel modulators of GR and reveale
46 odulating Hri-eIF2alphaP-Atf4 signaling with chemical compounds as pharmaceutical therapies for beta-
47  could be exploited for chiral resolution of chemical compounds as well as controlled assembly of chi
48 rmediates for the synthesis of a plethora of chemical compounds at industrial scale.
49 nt such a device with repeatable delivery of chemical compounds at multiple locations on a chip surfa
50  Bisphenol A (BPA), a high volume production chemical compound attracts growing attention as a health
51 er pressure, unexpected and counterintuitive chemical compounds become stable.
52                           Characterizing how chemical compounds bind to human serum albumin (HSA) is
53     Different interactions may be related to chemical compound, but this has not been systematically
54                            Identification of chemical compounds by gas chromatography-mass spectrosco
55       Similarity searching and clustering of chemical compounds by structural similarities are import
56 to predict the physicochemical properties of chemical compounds can be applied to predict the toxicit
57   We have previously shown that a variety of chemical compounds can inactivate the whole virus by att
58   We demonstrate here that several different chemical compounds can inhibit the metabolism of FICZ, t
59 oughput screens have demonstrated that small chemical compounds can selectively inhibit some enzymes
60             PubChem BioAssays and associated chemical compounds can then be queried and manipulated i
61          Odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are chemical compound carriers, involved in diverse physiolo
62               We had previously identified a chemical compound class termed Inhibitor of Wnt Producti
63 f methods that combine protein structure and chemical compound databases.
64                                  Curcumin, a chemical compound derived from the curry spice tumeric,
65  differentiation of these cells with various chemical compounds did not induce C1qRP expression.
66 energies, where XAFS signals of the involved chemical compounds differ significantly, can also be use
67 hat are present in cloud water because these chemical compounds drive the oxidant capacity of the clo
68 arvae require the use of either highly toxic chemical compounds (e.g. 1-phenyl-2-thiourea, PTU) or pi
69 of, and biodegradation pathways for, organic chemical compounds, especially those produced by man.
70 ental factors (e.g., UV), certain drugs, and chemical compounds, etc.
71 o cover whole-genome RNAi collections and/or chemical compound files, and often collect measurements
72 r cell lines (the NCI-60) to screen >100,000 chemical compounds for anticancer activity.
73 enotype was used to screen a library of 1040 chemical compounds for drugs that ameliorate the defect,
74             We screened a library of 309,989 chemical compounds for growth inhibition of Ewing sarcom
75 ments for testing the functionality of these chemical compounds for humans.
76 ccess this diversity of structurally complex chemical compounds for industrial and biomedical applica
77        Although initially a variety of known chemical compounds-for other purposes-proved disappointi
78 on among the elemental segregation, types of chemical compounds formed, and possible mechanisms of th
79 age in lung cancers and aristolochic acid, a chemical compound found in certain herbal medicines, in
80 ine, in combination with nontoxic doses of a chemical compound from the endoperoxide class that decom
81 reasing or decreasing the extraction of some chemical compounds from coffee grounds.
82  have a significant impact on the release of chemical compounds from complex sample matrices, the dif
83 igm of SERS sensing to detect trace level of chemical compounds from minimum volume of analyte using
84 y of the ion source by detecting organic and chemical compounds from pure reference standards, biolog
85             Moreover, the ramanomes upon six chemical compounds from three categories, including anti
86 olic pathways, enzymatic reactions, enzymes, chemical compounds, genes and review-level comments.
87 cell-derived cardiomyocytes and identified 4 chemical compound groups: inhibitors of glycogen synthas
88 stant elemental composition but with varying chemical compounds has been developed.
89 he chemosensitivity profiles of thousands of chemical compounds have been determined.
90                      A variety of unexpected chemical compounds have been identified, including NaCl,
91 he carbon-rich star IRC+10216, >50 different chemical compounds have been identified, including such
92             Studies on biological effects of chemical compounds have increased in scale and accessibi
93  can also be activated by a variety of small chemical compounds identified in a high throughput scree
94             Fungal secondary metabolites are chemical compounds important for development, environmen
95          A longstanding limitation for using chemical compounds in complex tissues has been the inabi
96  patent system treats DNA sequences as large chemical compounds in determining their patentability.
97                        The identification of chemical compounds in exhaled human breath is promising
98                Concern exists for the use of chemical compounds in gas wells due to the risk of groun
99  This approach was also used to detect trace chemical compounds in illicit drugs and explosives, in w
100 dicate that the composition and diversity of chemical compounds in litter are potentially important f
101 ed assay designed to evaluate the effects of chemical compounds in living small-animal models.
102 ng identification as well as localisation of chemical compounds in non-homogenous samples.
103          The detection and discrimination of chemical compounds in potential foods are essential sens
104                       A device that releases chemical compounds in small volumes and at multiple, wel
105   Rapid characterization of thermally stable chemical compounds in solid or liquid states is achieved
106 s oxidized mercury (GOM) and identifying the chemical compounds in the atmosphere are important for d
107 ative ions are produced from a wide range of chemical compounds in the pure stateand as mixtures in t
108 ored the possibility of the formation of new chemical compounds in the system Al-O.
109  pharmacologically significant quantities of chemical compounds in tobacco smoke.
110  dynamic processes, such as the diffusion of chemical compounds, in tissues.
111 oRNAs along with activity reports for 20,503 chemical compounds including 102 drugs approved by the U
112 luorescence quenching was observed for other chemical compounds including common nitro-aromatic explo
113 parameters (weight, colour, texture and pH), chemical compounds including nutrients (proteins, sugars
114 s present, we hypothesize that this class of chemical compounds inhibit DNMTs by interacting with the
115 ed from pharmaceutical chemistry - designing chemical compounds intended to disrupt a crucial pathway
116 n, and cell migration, suggesting that these chemical compounds interfere with the invasion step of t
117 he Hg and Se relationship should incorporate chemical compound into the evaluation.
118 or bioconversion into biofuels and commodity chemical compounds is limited primarily by the availabil
119              Pifithrin alpha (PFTalpha) is a chemical compound isolated for its ability to suppress p
120 , and the ability to reverse the arrest with chemical compounds known as methylxanthines.
121 , and inhibition of fascin function by small chemical compounds leads to a block of tumor metastasis.
122 ed processes and particularly the screens of chemical compound libraries for the identification of le
123 rate the utility of the assay by screening a chemical compound library, resulting in the identificati
124 ased virtual screening of a large commercial chemical compounds library identified 306 virtual best h
125 e to suggest that combinatorial screening of chemical compounds may uncover possible additive/synergi
126  first example to our knowledge of a defined chemical compound mediating efficient cell immortalizati
127 g to Hsp90 enabled identification of several chemical compounds modulating the effect of Aha1 on Hsp9
128                                      Several chemical compounds not known to interact with tumor necr
129                                          The chemical compound NSC23766 was identified by a structure
130 Application of a Rac-specific inhibitor, the chemical compound NSC23766, to schwannoma cells restored
131 ing the identification and quantification of chemical compounds occurring in A. dioicus shoots harves
132 process allowed to separate all investigated chemical compounds of selenium: seleno-l-methionine, met
133                                          The chemical compounds of the oils were examined by GC/MS.
134 issues in vivo, but assessing the effects of chemical compounds on cells in specific regions of 3D cu
135 learner accurately learned the effects of 48 chemical compounds on the subcellular localization of 48
136  containing tens of thousands to millions of chemical compounds, one problem is assessing the sensiti
137  finding relevant documents for a particular chemical compound or family.
138                   Inhibition of autophagy by chemical compounds or knocking down the expression of ke
139 FT-ICR MS) technique to characterise in situ chemical compounds produced during natural ageing (from
140 iation-induced markers, as well as different chemical compounds produced from the lipidic fraction of
141 data from public datasets relating to drugs, chemical compounds, protein targets, diseases, side effe
142 lgae are emerging as a source of sustainable chemical compounds, proteins and metabolites, including
143 acteria to sense and respond to gradients of chemical compounds released by plant roots.
144                                              Chemical compounds released during bidirectional host-pa
145 d Snq2:Pdr5) in the presence of 1,246 unique chemical compounds revealed a positive correlation betwe
146 LC plate passed through the ELDI source, the chemical compounds separated on the plate would be desor
147 d to those for ERalpha LBD bound to the same chemical compounds serve as an indication that ERbeta LB
148 int of view, these can be addressed by small chemical compounds, so-called biologicals (eg, mAbs and
149       We tested a novel class of antioxidant chemical compounds (SOD mimics: AEOL10113 and AEOL10150)
150       This pigment may correspond to various chemical compounds such as PbCrO(4) and PbCr(1-x)S(x)O(4
151 hannels, is activated by mild cooling and by chemical compounds such as the supercooling agent, icili
152                               Furthermore, a chemical compound targeting PrxII inhibits the expansion
153 stretching experiments can be used to screen chemical compounds targeting NC proteins and to further
154 1-associated MPNST to identify a novel small chemical compound that inhibits tumor cell growth.
155 thermore, treatment with salubrinal, a small chemical compound that specifically inhibits protein pho
156 vestigation, functional IR complexes and the chemical compounds that activate them have not been iden
157  cell-based assays can be used to screen for chemical compounds that affect aggregation and may provi
158  the quantitative detection of mutations and chemical compounds that alter neurite morphology in vitr
159 ave been able to identify specific groups of chemical compounds that are more cytotoxic toward the re
160  The objective of this study was to identify chemical compounds that are synthetically lethal with VH
161 proach for high-throughput identification of chemical compounds that can modulate precise genome edit
162 rocarbon material rich in O and N containing chemical compounds that could act as initiators of prebi
163 ious azomycin-containing synthons to produce chemical compounds that could chelate radioactive metals
164        Discovery of molecular mechanisms and chemical compounds that enhance neuronal regeneration ca
165 ating myogenesis across species and identify chemical compounds that expand mouse satellite cells and
166           We have here also identified small chemical compounds that function as chemical or pharmaco
167                      Dioxins are a family of chemical compounds that has received considerable attent
168 cintillation proximity assay to identify two chemical compounds that inhibit binding of human IL-5 to
169    The seed oils of CT, CTA, and CFA possess chemical compounds that make them useful in health-orien
170                                          The chemical compounds that make up gaseous oxidized mercury
171 s significantly enhanced our knowledge about chemical compounds that mediate the regulation of reprod
172  complexes in human cells, and to screen for chemical compounds that modulate the activities of the h
173                                              Chemical compounds that mostly contribute to the flavour
174              A screening approach identified chemical compounds that promote the differentiation and
175 tion for these diseases has been to identify chemical compounds that reduce the size or number of inc
176 gh-content imaging platform, we screened for chemical compounds that reverse transforming growth fact
177     Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are chemical compounds that selectively inhibit the synthesi
178 s screening assays for the identification of chemical compounds that show beneficial effects against
179                        The identification of chemical compounds that specifically and rapidly block C
180 study provides a new strategy for generating chemical compounds that specifically inhibit TGF-beta-SM
181 sion analysis and for the discovery of novel chemical compounds that specifically modulate the expres
182 CA provides clues for the development of new chemical compounds that target alternative binding sites
183 velop a biophysical method for investigating chemical compounds that target the nucleic acid chaperon
184 oceed without definite identification of the chemical compounds that they contain.
185 oncentration as well as by a subset of small chemical compounds that were previously identified as ac
186 yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to screen for chemical compounds that will inhibit fatty acid uptake.
187 perties of an ubiquitin-binding protein by a chemical compound, thereby shedding light on a novel dru
188  significantly reduce the number of possible chemical compounds to be investigated.
189           High-throughput screening (HTS) of chemical compounds to identify modulators of molecular t
190           Our study opens a new avenue using chemical compounds to reprogram reactive glial cells int
191                                        Other chemical compounds traditionally used as inhibitors of g
192 ibition of G9a H3K9 methyltransferase by the chemical compound UNC0638 activates fetal and represses
193                        The large majority of chemical compounds underwent at least one catalytic step
194 e examined the mechanisms of action of these chemical compounds using biochemical, molecular biologic
195 e examination of radioprotective activity of chemical compounds using rat thymocytes.
196            Fungi can produce a wide range of chemical compounds via secondary metabolism.
197 -wide target profile as the fingerprint of a chemical compound, we predicted that seven FDA-approved
198      Alkylating agents comprise one group of chemical compounds which modify DNA by reacting with oxy
199                 Ionic liquids are remarkable chemical compounds, which find applications in many area
200            Diisocyanates are highly reactive chemical compounds widely used in the manufacture of pol
201 eens are a valuable tool for identifying new chemical compounds with antimalarial activity.
202  in the absence and presence of a variety of chemical compounds with different binding modes and phar
203 hat the essential oil of L. grandis contains chemical compounds with good potential for the treatment
204     We have previously developed a series of chemical compounds with high affinity for the sigma-2 re
205  model predicts the biological activities of chemical compounds with higher specificity and sensitivi
206                            Identification of chemical compounds with specific biological activities i
207                                  To identify chemical compounds with the ability to overcome the inhi
208 s for model organisms exposed to hundreds of chemical compounds with varying carcinogenicity and geno
209 atial organization of biological entities or chemical compounds within hydrogel microstructures.
210                                              Chemical compounds within individual nanoliter droplets
211   Information on the spatial distribution of chemical compounds within internally mixed individual pa
212 ntrolled by the composition and diversity of chemical compounds within plant litter mixtures, rather

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