


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e require mass production methods that avoid chemical degradation.
2 release free radicals and accelerate organic chemical degradation.
3 emulsions, which provides protection against chemical degradation.
4 ructure of 3 was established by MS, NMR, and chemical degradation.
5 as carried out by spectroscopic analysis and chemical degradation.
6 ns, electrospray ionization-MS analyses, and chemical degradation.
7 ithout resorting to crosslinking or invasive chemical degradations.
8  pure form and structurally characterized by chemical degradation analysis, NMR spectroscopy, and mas
9 retation of spectroscopic data, coupled with chemical degradation and application of the modified Mos
10  and (1)H-(15)N HMBC experiments, as well as chemical degradation and chiral analysis.
11                    Anthocyanins are prone to chemical degradation and color fading in the presence of
12                                  Products of chemical degradation and compounds contained within the
13 y interpretation of spectral data as well as chemical degradation and derivatization studies.
14 etailed spectroscopic analysis, supported by chemical degradation and derivatization, and biosyntheti
15 ent amino/guanidino acids were determined by chemical degradation and derivatization, followed by HPL
16 ood correlation was obtained between time of chemical degradation and shear rate with fluorescence re
17 om other sources and tested for physical and chemical degradation, and degradation products were iden
18  by a combination of spectroscopic analysis, chemical degradation, and derivatization studies.
19 f non-BET bromodomain containing proteins to chemical degradation, and highlight lead compound dBRD9
20 r desorption ionization MS and enzymatic and chemical degradation as experimental constraints to rapi
21 NTs with HRP and compared these results with chemical degradation by hemin and FeCl(3).
22   The purified UDP-Galf was characterized by chemical degradations, by electrospray mass spectrometry
23 hitinous exoskeleton is largely resistant to chemical degradation copepods are exceedingly scarce in
24 e- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, and chemical degradation/derivatization.
25 in foods, but they are highly susceptible to chemical degradation during storage leading to color fad
26   The sequence is initially determined using chemical degradation, electrospray ionization (ESI), tim
27                                              Chemical degradation followed by chiral HPLC- and GC-MS
28                                              Chemical degradation from tryptophan oxidation correlate
29 ological pharmaceuticals is a major cause of chemical degradation if the compounds are not formulated
30  anticipate that the structural insight into chemical degradation in full-length monoclonal antibodie
31 A (SIgA) are structurally equipped to resist chemical degradation in the harsh environment of mucosal
32 asses of polar, aprotic solvents that resist chemical degradation in the O(2) electrode, but these so
33 lyzers of similar type indicated significant chemical degradation in the older membranes.
34 tailed investigations by means of sequential chemical degradation indicated a predominant incorporati
35 than the hexamer to thermal, mechanical, and chemical degradation, insulin-dependent diabetic patient
36  fractionation, (13)C-CP/MAS NMR, sequential chemical degradation) it was possible to provide a compa
37  in Krebs bicarbonate medium and its rate of chemical degradation measured by high-performance liquid
38 ic processes with, the presumed, same formal chemical degradation mechanism.
39 o the depurination reactions employed in the chemical degradation method of DNA sequencing.
40      Stereochemical assignments were made by chemical degradation of 1, derivatization of the resulti
41 y examined the impact of antioxidants on the chemical degradation of beta-carotene encapsulated withi
42  amino acid cysteine accelerates the natural chemical degradation of both gantacurium and AV002 via t
43                                  The rate of chemical degradation of citral in acidic aqueous solutio
44 lsion-based delivery systems that retard the chemical degradation of encapsulated carotenoids during
45 l diazonium functionalization suppresses the chemical degradation of exfoliated BP even after three w
46  objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical degradation of high molecular weight PAM, inclu
47 n temperatures (5-70 degrees C); however the chemical degradation of lutein increased with increasing
48 ately 30%), but importantly it catalyzed the chemical degradation of PAM, likely due to dissolution o
49  We report molecular-level quantification of chemical degradation of perfluorosulfonated acid (PFSA)
50                      We report quenching and chemical degradation of polymer-coated quantum dots by r
51  not contain His at position A(12), leads to chemical degradation of the protein [e.g., Met A(2) is o
52 inated groundwater sites as a consequence of chemical degradation of trichloroethene (TCE) by in situ
53  provide a new insight into the physical and chemical degradation of wellbore cement by CO(2) leakage
54                               Mechanical and chemical degradations of high-capacity anodes, resulting
55 ility on drying, biological degradation, and chemical degradation on account of Fe(3+)-catalyzed prod
56      Racemization of amino acids is a common chemical degradation pathway observed in biopharmaceutic
57  This work is the first to detect a specific chemical degradation product formed during iTMC OLED ope
58 roxycytosine (5-OHC), and 5-hydroxyuracil, a chemical degradation product of cytosine, in both nuclea
59 armacokinetics of ixabepilone and two of its chemical degradation products were evaluated.
60 CP/MAS NMR) and invasive methods (sequential chemical degradation, pyrolysis) were applied to obtain
61                            The assessment of chemical degradation rates from water-sediment experimen
62 ass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and chemical degradations showed that the kasB mutants synth
63 e (LPS) was structurally characterized using chemical degradations (Smith degradation and beta-elimin
64  spectrometric techniques, and enzymatic and chemical degradations (Structures L1 and L1a).
65                      NMR, computational, and chemical degradation studies established their structure
66  was based on a variety of spectroscopic and chemical degradation studies, and the assignment of a tr
67  (also known as the "peeling" reaction) is a chemical degradation technique that only cleaves the gly
68         These polymers are more resistant to chemical degradation than their polycarbonate analogues
69 d inorganic chemical remediation and organic chemical degradation using various pathway-engineering a
70 carbon (CFC) compounds arising from abiotic (chemical) degradation using zero-valent iron (ZVI) and b

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