


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  energy into mechanical energy and back into chemical energy.
2  energy into mechanical energy and back into chemical energy.
3 d thus do not convert actual light energy to chemical energy.
4 nthetic reactions that convert sunlight into chemical energy.
5 rive photosynthesis by converting light into chemical energy.
6 RC) from purple bacteria converts light into chemical energy.
7 motor motion is biased through a coupling to chemical energy.
8 nthesis, the conversion of light energy into chemical energy.
9  plants converts the energy of sunlight into chemical energy.
10 ure of solar radiation and its conversion to chemical energy.
11 otosynthetic conversion of light energy into chemical energy.
12 ncy of the transduction of light energy into chemical energy.
13 ), harvesting solar energy and storing it as chemical energy.
14 isomes, to harvest and convert sunlight into chemical energy.
15 photosynthetic assembly to be converted into chemical energy.
16 any processes, including light conversion to chemical energy.
17  is the principal converter of sunlight into chemical energy.
18 quires an efficient means for its storage as chemical energy.
19  that store electrical energy in the form of chemical energy.
20 most useful way to convert solar energy into chemical energy.
21 m's most important role is in the release of chemical energy.
22 ithin the cell, the conversion of light into chemical energy; 236 proteins were found in the signific
23  cyanobacteria convert sunlight and CO2 into chemical energy and biomass.
24        Brown adipose tissue (BAT) dissipates chemical energy and generates heat to protect animals fr
25                                          The chemical energy and radicals from an oscillating chemica
26               Light drives the production of chemical energy and reducing equivalents in photosynthet
27 ecular-level separations in industrial-scale chemical, energy and environmental processes.
28 ecular-level separations in industrial-scale chemical, energy and environmental processes.
29           However, nucleoli actively consume chemical energy, and it is unclear how such nonequilibri
30 A. palmeri flowers provide six times as much chemical energy as flowers of D. wrightii.
31 rown and beige adipose tissues can dissipate chemical energy as heat through thermogenic respiration,
32 issue is a thermogenic organ that dissipates chemical energy as heat to protect animals against hypot
33 ic brown and beige adipose tissues dissipate chemical energy as heat, and their thermogenic activitie
34 in 1, a mitochondrial enzyme that dissipates chemical energy as heat.
35 ss uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) and dissipate chemical energy as heat.
36 olymer translocation and the coupling to the chemical energy (as well as nucleotide pairing energies)
37 tations by converting mechanical energy into chemical energy at a cell-level.
38 ong the antennae pigments and converted into chemical energy at very high efficiency.
39 ng the molecular nature of the conversion of chemical energy (ATP hydrolysis in the alpha/beta-subuni
40 s unclear how these DNA translocases harness chemical energy (ATP turnover) to perform mechanical wor
41            The results show that 0.68 of the chemical energy available from ATP splitting was convert
42 chanically flexible, and able to harness the chemical energy available inside biological systems.
43 hesis, light energy is stored in the form of chemical energy by converting CO2 and water into carbohy
44 d organic dyes to convert visible light into chemical energy by engaging in single-electron transfer
45        Sunlight is absorbed and converted to chemical energy by photosynthetic organisms.
46 emical cells, sunlight may be converted into chemical energy by splitting water into hydrogen and oxy
47 ideal combustible for fuel cells wherein its chemical energy can be converted directly into electrica
48 n-driven transport is one mechanism by which chemical energy can directly drive the motion of particl
49 s--that binding energy can be converted into chemical energy--can be exploited to 'fine-tune' the phy
50 nthesis, light is used for the production of chemical energy carriers to fuel biological activity.
51 the context of the sustainable production of chemical energy carriers.
52 ural process of solar energy conversion into chemical energy carriers.
53 how that the relative impacts of thermal and chemical energy change across organizational scales.
54 eaction centers to convert light energy into chemical energy, chlorophototrophy, occurs in organisms
55 % of dry weight and approximately 10% of the chemical energy content of the leaf tissues.
56  spectrum irradiation and a maximum solar-to-chemical energy conversion efficiency of 2.8%.
57 r play a dual role in enhancing the solar-to-chemical energy conversion efficiency.
58 ot only play a critical role in the solar to chemical energy conversion scheme, but also provide a no
59 -related properties associated with solar-to-chemical energy conversion, such as Fermi level, bandgap
60 ectrons in metal NPs that may be utilized in chemical energy conversion.
61 fect has important consequences for light-to-chemical energy conversion.
62 er visible light photocatalysts for solar-to-chemical energy conversion.
63 and DeltarGo'B,298.15 represent non-thermal, chemical energy converted into thermal energy during a r
64 ebiotic environment that supplied sources of chemical energy could have produced additional species w
65            Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the chemical energy currency of biology, is synthesized in e
66  gating model has been proposed in which the chemical energy derived from Ca2+ binding is transduced
67  of stored mechanical strain energy, whereas chemical energy derived from calcium binding is approxim
68 e surface stress, and can be used to convert chemical energy directly into a mechanical response, thu
69                           Fuel cells convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy with hig
70                           Fuel cells convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy with hig
71 ) is a unique tissue that is able to convert chemical energy directly into heat when activated by the
72 ated engulfment minimizes the utilization of chemical energy during this dramatic cellular reorganiza
73 e developed highly efficient ways to convert chemical energy (e.g., ATP hydrolysis) to mechanical mot
74 drolysis products is essential for using the chemical energy efficiently.
75  distribution, the storage of electrical and chemical energy, energy efficiency, and better energy ma
76 rgy predicting shallow-water richness, while chemical energy (export productivity) and proximity to s
77 uld proceed efficiently, which could provide chemical energy for chemoautotrophic life.
78                Brown adipose tissue oxidizes chemical energy for heat generation and energy expenditu
79 nts in which light energy is transduced into chemical energy, forming ATP and reduced carbon compound
80 genase occurs under ambient conditions using chemical energy from adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) hyd
81 wn to rely on myosin II motors which convert chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis into forces on actin
82 The dimeric motor protein kinesin-1 converts chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis into mechanical work
83                       Kinesin motors convert chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis into unidirectional
84 -binding cassette (ABC) transporters convert chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis to mechanical work f
85 tromere that integrates mechanical force and chemical energy from dynamic microtubules into directed
86 rts, the atomic-level mechanism transmitting chemical energy from hydrolysis into mechanical force th
87               Actin-myosin cross-bridges use chemical energy from MgATP hydrolysis to generate force
88                           Our motors extract chemical energy from RNA molecules decorated on the nano
89 hat builds an electrochemical gradient using chemical energy from the reduction of O(2).
90                       Due to the recovery of chemical energy from waste organics by the mild microbia
91 rotary molecular motors powered by light and chemical energy have been developed.
92 c reaction centers convert light energy into chemical energy in a series of transmembrane electron tr
93 ironmental aromatic acids are transformed to chemical energy in bacteria that possess the requisite s
94 Ps are molecular motor proteins that utilize chemical energy in cycles of ATP binding, hydrolysis, an
95 to the corresponding acids, conserving their chemical energy in form of ATP.
96 re important in converting light energy into chemical energy in green plants.
97 eport a method to store electrical energy as chemical energy in higher alcohols, which can be used as
98 nisms inhabiting methane seeps transform the chemical energy in methane to products that sustain rich
99         In general, these nanomotors consume chemical energy in order to undergo a series of shape ch
100 phur) serve as both nutrients and sources of chemical energy in reduced environments, both assimilati
101 ) is known to function in the dissipation of chemical energy in response to cold or excess feeding, a
102 membrane-based technologies that can convert chemical energy in salinity gradients to useful work.
103                 During working contractions, chemical energy in the form of ATP is converted to exter
104                           The requirement of chemical energy in the form of ATP to support systolic a
105 ay an integral role in maintaining levels of chemical energy in the form of ATP, which is essential f
106  conversion of carbon dioxide and water into chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates and the rel
107 rsion of the electronic excitation energy to chemical energy in the form of charge separation takes p
108        Brown adipose tissue (BAT) dissipates chemical energy in the form of heat as a defence against
109 ose tissue (BAT) is specialized to dissipate chemical energy in the form of heat as a defense against
110 n fat and inducible beige fat both dissipate chemical energy in the form of heat through the actions
111 n adipose cells are specialized to dissipate chemical energy in the form of heat, as a physiological
112     Brown fat, on the other hand, dissipates chemical energy in the form of heat, thereby defending a
113 nergy expenditure through the dissipation of chemical energy in the form of heat, using mitochondrial
114 desirable because they can convert heat into chemical energy in the form of hydrogen.
115 ell of a battery stores electrical energy as chemical energy in two electrodes, a reductant (anode) a
116 system is believed to be mostly sustained by chemical energy, in the form of fast-sinking particulate
117 erties but is also capable of converting the chemical energy input into mechanical work by lifting ob
118                            In the absence of chemical energy input, these stability sensors can sensi
119 d by mechanical energy inputs, as well as by chemical energy inputs from ligand binding.
120 hondrial respiratory chain complexes convert chemical energy into a membrane potential by connecting
121 ntified here for the efficient conversion of chemical energy into an electrochemical potential should
122          Synthetic nanomotors, which convert chemical energy into autonomous motion, hold considerabl
123 muscle fibres, flagella and cilia to convert chemical energy into co-ordinated movement remain poorly
124   DNA-based machines that walk by converting chemical energy into controlled motion could be of use i
125 uctase enzymes to catalyze the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy.
126 ells, in which living microorganisms convert chemical energy into electricity, represent a potentiall
127                Myosin motor proteins convert chemical energy into force and movement through their in
128               Actin-myosin II motor converts chemical energy into force/motion in muscle and nonmuscl
129           Thermogenic fat cells that convert chemical energy into heat are present in both mice and h
130 genesis is the cellular process transforming chemical energy into heat in response to cold.
131           Brown and beige adipocytes convert chemical energy into heat through uncoupled respiration
132 ure, given its amazing capacity to transform chemical energy into heat.
133 itated by motor proteins-proteins converting chemical energy into kinetic energy.
134 ses a unique rotational mechanism to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy and back into che
135 ses a unique rotational mechanism to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy and back into che
136  such as kinesin, myosin, or dynein, convert chemical energy into mechanical energy by hydrolyzing AT
137  such as kinesin, myosin, or dynein, convert chemical energy into mechanical energy by hydrolyzing AT
138 actions results in the efficient transfer of chemical energy into mechanical energy.
139  a theoretical model for the transduction of chemical energy into mechanical fluid flow in these syst
140 ust function as a molecular motor converting chemical energy into mechanical force as it moves over t
141                            The conversion of chemical energy into mechanical force by AAA+ (ATPases a
142 el, the RecA class of ATPase motors converts chemical energy into mechanical force by the progressive
143 osin, the mechanism by which dynein converts chemical energy into mechanical force remains largely a
144 led, synthetic active matters that transduce chemical energy into mechanical motion are examples of b
145 carry out biological processes by converting chemical energy into mechanical motion, their functions
146 ymatic molecules that function by converting chemical energy into mechanical motion.
147   For a cell to move forward it must convert chemical energy into mechanical propulsion.
148 le, which are enabled by the transduction of chemical energy into mechanical work by polymerization p
149  possibility of using ribozymes to transduce chemical energy into mechanical work for nucleic acid na
150  with force generation and the conversion of chemical energy into mechanical work.
151 ration gradients and through the exchange of chemical energy into mechanical work.
152    Myosins are molecular motors that convert chemical energy into mechanical work.
153 important cellular processes by transforming chemical energy into mechanical work.
154  plus ends that enables this transduction of chemical energy into mechanical work.
155 ein is a multisubunit ATPase that transforms chemical energy into motion along microtubules.
156 ions like a molecular motor that can convert chemical energy into the work of strand separation and t
157 chnology, which visualizes the conversion of chemical energy into visible light by luciferase enzymes
158 nvenient way to convert sunlight energy into chemical energy is a key step towards realizing large-sc
159          The conversion of solar energy into chemical energy is catalyzed by two multisubunit membran
160 thetic systems, the conversion of light into chemical energy is driven by electronic couplings that e
161 reaction centers, where long-term storage as chemical energy is initiated.
162                                      Because chemical energy is required to fuel systolic and diastol
163 fluenced biochemical kinetics allow but that chemical energy limits higher-order community structure
164  responsible of the conversion of light into chemical energy occur in specific organelles, the chloro
165 rsion of light energy to biologically useful chemical energy occurs in the specialized thylakoid memb
166 lls, as devices for direct conversion of the chemical energy of a fuel into electricity by electroche
167              Firefly luciferase utilizes the chemical energy of ATP and oxygen to convert its substra
168 s conformational changes as it harnesses the chemical energy of ATP for active transport.
169 esses by which motor molecules transduce the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis into mechanical moveme
170  by Pantaloni and Carlier, transformation of chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis into polymerization en
171                   The model assumes that the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis is used through a loos
172                         Helicases couple the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis to directional translo
173 of a family of diverse proteins that use the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis to generate force and
174      Proteins within this family harness the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis to perform a broad ran
175 etic data, we determine how Rho utilizes the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis to translocate RNA.
176 porters are molecular pumps that harness the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis to translocate solutes
177 s can generate electricity directly from the chemical energy of biofuels in physiological fluids, but
178 , the mechanical energy can compete with the chemical energy of cytoskeletal polymerization to regula
179 on between the strain energy of buckling and chemical energy of electronic hybridization between boro
180 ween active and inactive cofactor forms, the chemical energy of GTP hydrolysis is required for gating
181 types of artificial muscles that convert the chemical energy of high-energy-density fuels to mechanic
182 ing an important role in the transduction of chemical energy of hydrolysis of ATP into mechanical mov
183  the process of converting sunlight into the chemical energy of life.
184 ke other ligand-gated channels, converts the chemical energy of ligand binding to the mechanical forc
185 Helicases are motor enzymes that convert the chemical energy of NTP hydrolysis into mechanical force
186    Helicases are motor proteins that use the chemical energy of NTP hydrolysis to drive mechanical pr
187  is the principal converter of sunlight into chemical energy on Earth.
188       Our simulated pathways reveal that the chemical energy produced by ATP hydrolysis is harnessed
189 yme can also work in reverse and utilize the chemical energy released during ATP hydrolysis to genera
190 to how this protein efficiently converts the chemical energy released during the reaction ATP + H(2)O
191 97 functions as an ATP motor, converting the chemical energy released upon hydrolysis of ATP to ADP i
192  energy to useful work (electric currents or chemical energy, respectively), the question arises whet
193 ine by creatine kinase provides an essential chemical energy source that governs myocardial contracti
194 bon source for biosynthesis and an inorganic chemical energy source) is encoded within a genome that
195 ombined to create platforms for light-driven chemical energy storage and enhanced in-situ reaction mo
196 cleotide and lipid synthesis, signalling and chemical energy storage.
197  a cell's transmembrane proton gradient into chemical energy stored as ATP.
198                 Molecular details of how the chemical energy stored in ATP is coupled to mechanical d
199 hanochemistry that efficiently harnesses the chemical energy stored in ATP to drive complex mechanica
200  splitting directly converts solar energy to chemical energy stored in hydrogen, a high energy densit
201  engineered processes to control the mixing, chemical energy stored in salinity gradients can be harn
202 Pase) is a molecular motor that converts the chemical energy stored in the molecule adenosine triphos
203 r complexes often involves the conversion of chemical energy (stored or supplied) into mechanical wor
204 ons for the understanding and development of chemical energy technologies, which will rely on e(-)/H(
205                Each MT polymer is a store of chemical energy that can be used to do mechanical work,
206           Hydrogen gas is a storable form of chemical energy that could complement intermittent renew
207 e photochemical conversion of light into the chemical energy that fuels the planet Earth.
208 e motors that can operate autonomously using chemical energy (that is, the components move with net d
209 hlorophylls for the conversion of light into chemical energy, the driving force of life on Earth.
210             With the rapid depletion of this chemical energy, the earth is shifting back toward the i
211 biological systems is exclusively powered by chemical energy, this concept has not been realized in m
212 c effects or generating mechanical work from chemical energy through cooperative action.
213  Rhodobacter sphaeroides converts light into chemical energy through the light induced two-electron,
214  Rhodobacter sphaeroides converts light into chemical energy through the reduction and protonation of
215 ial reaction center (RC) converts light into chemical energy through the reduction of an internal qui
216        Here we describe a molecule that uses chemical energy to activate and bias a thermally induced
217 ctrochemical potential difference, providing chemical energy to almost all life on earth.
218 lar processes depend on enzymes that utilize chemical energy to catalyse unfavourable reactions.
219              The nature of the conversion of chemical energy to directional motion in myosin V is exa
220 act with HtrII, followed by transfer of this chemical energy to drive structural transitions in the t
221  Fuel cells directly and efficiently convert chemical energy to electrical energy.
222 bind to actin cytoskeletal filaments and use chemical energy to exert pulling forces.
223 e HAD family, it serves in the conversion of chemical energy to ion gradients.
224 f myosin plays a key role in transduction of chemical energy to mechanical displacement.
225 s of replisomes powered by the conversion of chemical energy to mechanical energy through ATP binding
226 f interrelated reactions, the heart converts chemical energy to mechanical energy.
227 ious mechanisms by which ring motors convert chemical energy to mechanical force or torque and coordi
228  dynamic structural changes, thus converting chemical energy to mechanical work, ultimately resulting
229              How do molecular motors convert chemical energy to mechanical work?
230 impulsive force to actin while consuming ATP chemical energy to propel myosin thick filaments relativ
231            Its cell-wall-anchored motor uses chemical energy to rotate a microns-long filament and pr
232    The cystoviral hexameric NTPase, P4, uses chemical energy to translocate single-stranded RNA genom
233 gin can be interfaced to achieve challenging chemical energy-to-fuels transformations.
234 hotosynthesis that convert solar energy into chemical energy, ultimately powering almost all life on
235 hnologies, the direct conversion of solar to chemical energy using photocatalysts has received signif
236 ubsequent conversion of excitation energy to chemical energy via charge separation.
237 ations), which are subsequently converted to chemical energy with almost 100% efficiency.
238 ght intensities by converting photoenergy to chemical energy with near unity quantum efficiency and u
239 es of chloroplasts convert light energy into chemical energy, yet the development of chloroplast and

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