


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 method is generally applicable to enzyme and chemical kinetics.
2 ents in order to provide measurements of the chemical kinetics.
3 nter into the rate equations of conventional chemical kinetics.
4 , knowledge is available concerning relevant chemical kinetics.
5 d to identifying the molecular mechanism and chemical kinetics.
6                 Such dependence is unique in chemical kinetics.
7 ations and their synchronization in terms of chemical kinetics.
8 sional mixing that permits the study of fast chemical kinetics.
9 ple model of differential equations based on chemical kinetics accurately predicts the outcomes of th
10                     Classical arguments from chemical kinetics allow us to specify the nonlinearities
11                                 Their slower chemical kinetics allows processive motility and a high
12  of reaction belongs to a class of nonlinear chemical kinetics also linked to chaos, wave propagation
13 ependent low-Mach-number model with detailed chemical kinetics and a mixture model for differential s
14                               We discuss how chemical kinetics and architecture can be designed to ge
15             Gene networks involve stochastic chemical kinetics and are far from equilibrium.
16 study of enzyme reactivity, taking cues from chemical kinetics and dynamics studies of small molecule
17 rview of the current status of the theory of chemical kinetics and mechanisms for complex processes.
18    This article deals with the evaluation of chemical kinetics and photochemical data for use in atmo
19 ule self-assembly is largely governed by the chemical kinetics and thermodynamics of tubulin-tubulin
20  a simple process explicable by conventional chemical kinetics and transition-state theory.
21 reveals the presence of phenomena foreign to chemical kinetics, and calls for explanations of how enz
22 s from crystallography, mutational analysis, chemical kinetics, and computational analysis are consis
23 lecular concentrations, mobility parameters, chemical kinetics, and fluorescence photophysics.
24  (anti-) cooperative collective behaviors in chemical kinetics, (anti-)ferromagnetic spin models in s
25                         The extension of the chemical kinetics approach allowed us to obtain the thic
26        We introduce systematic approaches to chemical kinetics based on the use of phase-phase (log-l
27            A fundamental question is when do chemical kinetics become evolutionary dynamics?
28                             Using a detailed chemical kinetics box model, we find that to explain the
29  rates have long been suspected to depend on chemical kinetics, but have never been definitely measur
30 ge for describing the dynamical behaviour of chemical kinetics, capable of modelling a variety of dig
31 ctions of continuous-deterministic classical chemical kinetics (CCK) are typically ascribed to system
32 up to a factor of 2.8) owing to the close to chemical kinetics-controlled condition.
33 ed biochemistry, we used basic principles of chemical kinetics coupled with quantitative measurements
34  are based on chemical schemes which require chemical kinetics data for the elementary reactions invo
35 etration of gases and particles, analysis of chemical kinetics data, and design of fluid reactors, de
36 ns that are similar to the ones of classical chemical kinetics, expressed in terms of the stoichiomet
37 lationships between classical and stochastic chemical kinetics for general biochemical systems with e
38 entified; however, little is known about the chemical kinetics for this system.
39 urrent computational procedures to determine chemical kinetics from first principles, thus by using n
40                                   The use of chemical kinetics has recently enabled highly accurate q
41 ecular dynamics, molecular interactions, and chemical kinetics in biological systems.
42 e of hydrogen bonding and to NMR methods for chemical kinetics, including 2D-EXSY spectroscopy.
43 e presence of an enzyme allowed quantitative chemical kinetics information on enzymatic processes to
44 conceptual model that takes into account the chemical kinetics involved with PS-mediated Fe acquisiti
45                      We generated a detailed chemical kinetics model for the decomposition reaction b
46                           Predictions from a chemical kinetics model indicate that gas-particle parti
47                        For the first time, a chemical kinetics model was developed to explain behavio
48  the data on site-directed mutants using the chemical-kinetics model provides information on the stru
49 it with three kinds of models--a three-state chemical-kinetics model, a physical-kinetics model, and
50                                      Using a chemical kinetics modeling approach, the authors develop
51 ents based on first principles transport and chemical kinetics models as well as accurate reconstruct
52 to compute Fisher information for stochastic chemical kinetics models without the need for Monte Carl
53 ng to constrain and better validate detailed chemical kinetics models.
54 e Fisher information matrices for stochastic chemical kinetics models.
55  and parameter identifiability in stochastic chemical kinetics models.
56 e radical" polymer melt as a function of the chemical kinetics of its formation.
57                                          The chemical kinetics of organic nitrate production during n
58                                          The chemical kinetics of the in-situ reaction in the microfl
59 dust should have a significant effect on the chemical kinetics of the outer nebula by introducing red
60 vision, have long been investigated, but the chemical kinetics of the thermal decay of rhodopsin has
61 hich nanocrystal doping is determined by the chemical kinetics of three activation-controlled process
62            It has been hypothesized that the chemical kinetics of transcription factor/DNA interactio
63 nnot be explained using either deterministic chemical kinetics or simple Gaussian noise approximation
64 ns in population genetics, biochemistry, and chemical kinetics (reaction-diffusion systems).
65                                              Chemical kinetics simulations link the elementary reacti
66 n circuit uses the stochastic formulation of chemical kinetics, stochastic mechanisms of gene express
67                                Deterministic chemical kinetics studied in the past has shown that bis
68       For high-temperature and high-pressure chemical kinetics studies, the shock tube is the reactor
69 ogic problems related to chronic diseases in chemical kinetics terms.
70 of biological phenomena by reducing detailed chemical kinetics to a discrete, finite form.
71  paper, we employ the stochastic approach to chemical kinetics to construct the pause time distributi
72  model that incorporates active stresses and chemical kinetics to evaluate the observed timescales.
73 present a model based on first principles of chemical kinetics to explain how biologically mediated t
74  We use data from mRNA expression arrays and chemical kinetics to formulate a metabolic model relevan
75 atistical formulations, which do not exploit chemical kinetics to guide inference.
76               We use equilibrium analysis of chemical kinetics to obtain functional forms that are in
77 rategy to apply the conventional workflow of chemical kinetics to the aggregation of the Abeta40 pept
78                                      When do chemical kinetics turn into evolutionary dynamics?
79                                         This chemical kinetics view is difficult to reconcile with ob
80 process is not described by the conventional chemical kinetics, which is only valid in the limit that
81  to obey the laws of conventional stochastic chemical kinetics, while the clustered membrane receptor
82 enzyme reaction rate explicitly by combining chemical kinetics with magnetic field-dependent spin kin

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