


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  governed by one key parameter: the monopole chemical potential.
2 wn to arise chiefly from oscillations in the chemical potential.
3 rane that converts electrical potential into chemical potential.
4 s a weak concentration dependence for excess chemical potential.
5 hetic bacteria convert light energy into ATP chemical potential.
6 e protein's surface, which increases protein chemical potential.
7 rates of the S and Mo edges under low sulfur chemical potential.
8 tial control over time-reversal symmetry and chemical potential.
9 ear infrared spectral range as a function of chemical potential.
10 t be explained by the increase of a solute's chemical potential.
11 xcitation, its wavelength and the gate-tuned chemical potential.
12 e of the Dirac semimetal Na3Bi at its native chemical potential.
13 D oscillations are lifted and independent of chemical potential.
14  them increased surface-to-volume ratios and chemical potentials.
15 urbative, nanoscale characterization of spin chemical potentials.
16 y uniform, diffusion coefficients and excess chemical potentials.
17 concentrations can be always tuned by atomic chemical potentials.
18 ied at a relatively high pressure, i.e. high chemical potential; (3) an unfavorable entropic term rel
19 esent the highest phase barrier and steepest chemical potential after x = 0.75, leading to phase tran
20 s of biosynthetic gene clusters with diverse chemical potential, almost none of which are yet functio
21  account for the phase diagrams predicts the chemical potential and chemical activity of cholesterol
22 ons on the corresponding cosolvent dependent chemical potential and denaturation thermodynamics.
23 etween solvated surfaces at prescribed water chemical potential and is applied to a stack of phosphol
24  be dynamically switched off by lowering the chemical potential and moving from the intra-band to the
25 s likely dependent upon properties linked to chemical potential and partitioning such as fugacity, fu
26 lts in an effective increase of the solutes' chemical potential and protein stabilization.
27 potentials due to the entanglement of atomic chemical potentials and Fermi energy, in contrast to the
28 o), because this ratio prescribes the oxygen chemical potentials and the relative abundances of metal
29                                          The chemical potentials and the respective thermodynamic Aff
30  of external stimuli, including temperature, chemical potential, and competing guests.
31 two identical tilted crystals have different chemical potentials, and carriers across the twin bounda
32 he atomic origin of the fixed charge, excess chemical potentials, and diffusion coefficients of the c
33 e poorly ordered, utilize only two different chemical potentials, and the same materials that absorb
34 gy can always be tuned by varying the atomic chemical potentials; and (3) the charged defect compensa
35 ensate at k parallel approximately 0, with a chemical potential approaching to zero.
36 ee of preferential exclusion and increase in chemical potential are directly proportional to the prot
37 nges in absorption over very small shifts in chemical potential are possible thus allowing for very s
38  between free and complexed form so that the chemical potentials are constant throughout the membrane
39  the two films suggests the change in oxygen chemical potential as a source of distinct magnetic prop
40 , thereby conserving a fraction of the redox chemical potential as p.m.f.
41 assay showed a sharp increase in cholesterol chemical potential as the cholesterol mole fraction appr
42 ing accompanies an anomalous decrease of the chemical potential, as indicated by the overall movement
43                           The time-dependent chemical potentials, as well as the equilibrium behavior
44 ce exhibits a broad maximum when varying the chemical potential at moderate interactions, which signa
45 his simulation method a spatially continuous chemical potential barrier is used to simulate the influ
46                Recent work revealed that the chemical potential barriers encountered at the surfaces
47 ent-voltage relationship obtained with fixed chemical potential barriers.
48  transfer is determined by the difference in chemical potential between the redox mediator and the SW
49 50 ps, and a simultaneous transient shift of chemical potential by as much as 100 meV.
50                         Varying the graphene chemical potential by using static electric field yields
51 red to liquid-ordered transition at constant chemical potentials by approximately the same amount.
52 nsity to a change in the system, at constant chemical potential, by computing the softness kernel, [F
53  magnetic insulator, finding that the magnon chemical potential can be controlled by driving the syst
54                      In the former case, the chemical potential can closely approach, at large drivin
55                                     The spin chemical potential characterizes the tendency of spins t
56 hene at the neutrality point, i.e., when the chemical potential coincides with the Dirac point energy
57 s a counterintuitive lowering of the surface chemical potential concomitant with the formation of a m
58  nearsighted, indicating that under constant-chemical-potential conditions like dilute solutions chan
59 y consumption may lie in harvesting the high chemical potential contained in RO concentrate using sal
60 ensemble (at a fixed difference in component chemical potentials, Deltamu), was recently implemented
61 s of the membrane and that decreasing the H+ chemical potential (DeltamuH) or increasing the membrane
62 g on the electrical potential (Deltapsi) and chemical potential (DeltapH) compositions of the PMF.
63         Moreover, in a crowded solution, the chemical potential depends on the size of the solute, wi
64 rotein and nucleic acid processes, we obtain chemical potential derivatives (mu23 = dmu2/dm3) quantif
65                          New expressions for chemical potential derivatives and preferential interact
66 nd backward one-way fluxes J = J+ - J-, with chemical potential difference deltamu = RT ln(J-/J+).
67  best determined from simulations in which a chemical potential difference of water has been establis
68 Bending-induced asymmetric stresses generate chemical potential difference, driving lithium ion flux
69  coefficient, which was interpreted with the chemical potential driving force model.
70                                          The chemical potential driving the reaction is supplied by t
71 y, could be pinned and independent on atomic chemical potentials due to the entanglement of atomic ch
72 xcitation energy from absorbed sunlight into chemical potential energy in the form of a charge-separa
73 t electron tunnels relatively to reservoirs' chemical potentials enjoy the novelty and the potential.
74 that this was a result of the extremely high chemical potential environment, that is, very high monom
75  cause plasmolysis to occur gradually as the chemical potential equilibrates.
76 , the homologous hydrocarbon group of lowest chemical potential, evolve only at pressures greater tha
77 the smallest gap, the dependence of s on the chemical potential exhibits a dip-and-peak structure in
78 nt transport orbital is located close to the chemical potential (Fermi level) of the electrodes.
79 on on the wall of the pore, and an offset in chemical potential for lithium and sodium ions.
80 by the slow-diffusing proteins increases the chemical potential for unsaturated lipids within the clu
81 hand sides of this reaction and evaluate the chemical potentials from theory.
82 utational design algorithm based on physical chemical potential functions and stereochemical constrai
83 sion by the crowders leads to an increase in chemical potential, given by Deltamu = -k(B)T lnf.
84 r a trapped gas, the spatially varying local chemical potential gives rise to multiple quantum phases
85 orphological instability is generated by the chemical potential gradient between two materials when t
86 which diffusive binder transport driven by a chemical potential gradient is the mechanism of binder r
87 entration gradient of guest corresponds to a chemical potential gradient.
88 le unique power sources driven entirely by a chemical potential gradient.
89 or a quantitative description we need to use chemical potential gradients as driving forces.
90  even entirely offsets the steady decline of chemical potential gradients at the tablet-medium interf
91  of oxidized sulphur species could establish chemical potential gradients in the martian near-surface
92                               In the second, chemical potential gradients result in material transfer
93                                          The chemical potential has a nonlinear carrier density depen
94                                              Chemical potential has an additional contribution due to
95 eved by replacing Ir with Rh atoms, with the chemical potential immediately jumping to or near the to
96  However, all known spin ices have values of chemical potential imposed by their structure and chemis
97  nontrivial evolution of the bulk bands with chemical potential in a topological phase transition is
98  dynamics (MD) simulations at constant water chemical potential in combination with basic theoretical
99 on (which breaks time-reversal symmetry) and chemical potential in ferromagnetic thin films of Cr-(Bi
100                           Varying the oxygen chemical potential in our experiments induced changes in
101        We thus show how to tune the monopole chemical potential in spin ice and how to access the div
102 ected by the corresponding change of protein chemical potential in the crystalline phase.
103  them should be given by the equality of its chemical potential in the leaves.
104                More importantly, for a large chemical potential in the resonant case, the photon hopp
105 ts that there is no detectable electrical or chemical potential in the thylakoid after a brief time i
106               Such steps are known to couple chemical potentials in other energy transducing systems.
107 (MSA) is used to predict ion-specific excess chemical potentials in the filter and baths.
108                          This means that the chemical potentials in the solution phase are essentiall
109                 Good agreement of adsorption chemical potentials, including order of chromatographic
110                             0.04eV change in chemical potential increases plasmon energy by 0.05 eV s
111 stem seems to have a previously unrecognized chemical potential intrinsic to the antibody molecule it
112 al insulator-superconductor junctions as the chemical potential is moved through the true topological
113 P-driven proton transport (4-6) describe how chemical potential is transferred at the molecular level
114 ojection of bulk Dirac Fermi surfaces as the chemical potential is varied.
115                Here, we use a phototriggered chemical potential jump method to rapidly initiate the p
116 t these solubility limits, where cholesterol chemical potential jumps, the cholesterol-phospholipid b
117 se in CH4 oxidation turnover rates at oxygen chemical potentials leading to Pd to PdO transitions.
118 quer." It describes the fact that, for fixed chemical potential, local electronic properties, such as
119                       Simulated annealing of chemical potential located the highest affinity position
120  we confirm that under these conditions, the chemical potential made available by cycles of hydration
121 to a single point in momentum space when the chemical potential mu is tuned precisely to the Dirac/We
122 ure T and pressure P, the condition of equal chemical potential mu must be satisfied.
123 ation yields the effect of the solute on the chemical potential, mu(2), of the DNA.
124 density functional theory, employment of the chemical potential, mu, and the chemical hardness, eta,
125 ic pressures are generated by differences in chemical potential of a solution across a membrane.
126  optical control over both magnetization and chemical potential of a TI may be useful in efforts to u
127 urate prediction of k values from the excess chemical potential of anions in water suggests that anio
128  adenosine triphosphate (ATP) against an ATP chemical potential of approximately 12 kcal mol(-1), wit
129 is work, the compositional dependence of the chemical potential of cholesterol in cholesterol/phospha
130                                          The chemical potential of cholesterol was found to be much h
131 ral base pair would increase the genetic and chemical potential of DNA.
132                We have computed the absolute chemical potential of glycine oligomers at infinite dilu
133  be dynamically switched off by lowering the chemical potential of graphene.
134 xygen reduction reaction (ORR); however, the chemical potential of H2 replaces an external electrical
135                                       As the chemical potential of O2 increases chemisorbed oxygen fo
136 unctional theory techniques to calculate the chemical potential of possible Ti arrangements on an Al(
137 lalities when temperature, pressure, and the chemical potential of solute 3 are fixed.
138                       This suggests that the chemical potential of TG is lower in the vicinity of aqu
139 gradients across coupling membranes into the chemical potential of the beta-gamma anhydride bond of A
140 ce is the perturbation by the protein of the chemical potential of the cosolvent.
141  osmolytes stabilize proteins by raising the chemical potential of the denatured ensemble, and the un
142                         A metal will fix the chemical potential of the electrons and perturb the elec
143 radient flow batteries for energy storage in chemical potential of the engineered solutions.
144                The method also estimates the chemical potential of the factor that defines the thresh
145 ying SrTiO3 substrates, we control the local chemical potential of the films.
146 TP hydrolysis; the system harnesses the full chemical potential of the hydrolysis reaction to the syn
147                     By expressing the excess chemical potential of the ion as a sum of mean-field eps
148                       The excess or nonideal chemical potential of the native state and of each denat
149                       The exploration of the chemical potential of the nitro group and a putative rea
150 olutions made in different solvents based on chemical potential of the proton in the solutions.
151  sequence is linearly dependent on the water chemical potential of the solution, set using several ve
152                           Here, we lower the chemical potential of three-dimensional (3D) Bi2Se3 film
153   This study undoubtedly shows that both the chemical potential of water and its physical state influ
154         Controlling the solution and lattice chemical potentials of Cd(2+) and Mn(2+) allows Mn(2+) d
155 on derived from ab initio calculation of the chemical potentials of light elements dissolved in solid
156 a measure of the mutual perturbations of the chemical potentials of the cosolvent and the protein.
157 ration; and the large difference between the chemical potentials of the gaseous growth species and th
158  driving force for motion is the gradient of chemical potentials of the proteins.
159 ntiometric measurement for comparison of the chemical potentials of the proton in different solutions
160 ble to change the temperature, pressure, and chemical potentials of the several components in any the
161 h an association constant K(AB) is to equate chemical potentials of the species on the left- and righ
162 K-12, conformationally couples the rates and chemical potentials of the two reactions that it catalyz
163 arget complex that catalyzes and couples the chemical potentials of two reactions: GTP hydrolysis and
164 alose considerably elevates the activity (or chemical potential) of KCl, raising the salt activity co
165 his correlation highlights the effect of the chemical potential on the SERS enhancement at the end of
166 aracterized either by an increased effective chemical potential or by a reduced effective temperature
167 ctance of the point contact as a function of chemical potential or confinement.
168  that is strictly a measure of the cosolvent chemical potential perturbation by the protein in the te
169                                 The observed chemical potential profile is in excellent agreement wit
170 antial changes in specific components of the chemical potential profiles are found far from the mutat
171 nding domain, and its magnitude by the local chemical potential rather than the applied current.
172 fying dissipative effects in temperature and chemical potential regimes far from perfect quantization
173  a general expression for s as a function of chemical potential, temperature and gap magnitude for th
174 ablishes a catalytic pathway that allows the chemical potential that had been transferred to the APS
175 able energy, then jumps occur in cholesterol chemical potential that lead to its precipitation from t
176 st, Dy(2)Ge(2)O(7), with a radically altered chemical potential that stabilizes a large fraction of m
177 dity is observed in the compressibility, the chemical potential, the entropy, and the heat capacity,
178 n of ideal and nonideal contributions to the chemical potential, the equation of motion shows a purel
179                             Depending on the chemical potential, the FIs induce either an anomalous o
180  by the proton motive force, composed of the chemical potential, the proton gradient (DeltapH), and t
181       By tuning conditions toward low oxygen chemical potential, this metastable state and the result
182                                          Our chemical potential titrations describe the thermodynamic
183      How these two kinds of proteins convert chemical potential to a proton transmembrane electrochem
184 nes operate far from equilibrium by coupling chemical potential to repeated cycles of dissipative nan
185 ism is required for allocation of associated chemical potential to the distinct demands, such as ATP
186                   This causes the receptor's chemical potential to vary across the membrane.
187 ides a means for controlling the quantity of chemical potential transferred to the APS reaction.
188 g up to the optimum level does not shift the chemical potential, unlike in ordinary Fermi liquids.
189                                We probed its chemical potential using double bilayer graphene heteros
190 n at (T, pel), including its vapor pressure, chemical potential, volume, internal energy, enthalpy an
191  precedent resonant length measurement using chemical potential waves analogous to laser detection.
192             It is shown that suitable linear chemical potential waves can, in fact, be manufactured b
193        Considering the quasi-Fermi levels as chemical potentials, we demonstrate that increasing the
194 ynamically equivalent, because the change in chemical potential when transferring water from the inte
195 a) gives the fraction of the overall binding chemical potential where the LA complex is established.
196 emical interaction described by an offset in chemical potential, which likely reflects the difference
197                                Adjusting the chemical potential with the use of the electric field ef

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