


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ively utilized for molecular recognition and chemical sensing.
2 imetic mammalian color-detection approach to chemical sensing.
3 n new opportunities for MIR spectroscopy and chemical sensing.
4 ory receptors widely studied in invertebrate chemical sensing.
5 ns to nanolithography, data storage, and bio-chemical sensing.
6 mbling of new materials or in the context of chemical sensing.
7 idly collect low-noise colorimetric data for chemical sensing.
8  delivery of target samples for colorimetric chemical sensing.
9 ered the broad acceptance of bulk optodes in chemical sensing.
10 a promising methodology in bioanalytical and chemical sensing.
11 ractive index in regimes relevant to bio and chemical sensing.
12 find numerous applications in biological and chemical sensing.
13 response that will find wide applications in chemical sensing.
14 lenging issue to many applications including chemical sensing.
15  important issues in advanced biological and chemical sensing.
16 ant route for high-throughput biological and chemical sensing.
17 ss is restricted, opening up new horizons in chemical sensing.
18 k-polystyrene (SSEBS) thin polymer films for chemical sensing.
19 ication (RFID) tag that has been adapted for chemical sensing.
20 rsatile approaches for thermal, acoustic and chemical sensing.
21 urce with a residual capacity to accommodate chemical sensing and biosensing capabilities.
22 suited for applications such as separations, chemical sensing and catalysis.
23 es prepared by LPNE may have applications in chemical sensing and optical signal processing, and as i
24 ed platform for integrated waveguide - based chemical sensing and photodetection.
25 vanced applications in nanomedicine, energy, chemical sensing, and colloidal plasmonics in general.
26 tform for light manipulation, biological and chemical sensing, and nonlinear optics.
27 d much interest for nucleic acid sequencing, chemical sensing, and protein folding at the single mole
28         These transducers are attractive for chemical sensing applications for several key reasons.
29 ) based cantilevered device for portable bio-chemical sensing applications is presented.
30 sic building blocks for novel electronic and chemical sensing applications.
31 ure development toward molecular imaging and chemical sensing applications.
32 tonic crystals for molecular recognition and chemical sensing applications.
33 device sensitivity when used in liquid-phase chemical sensing applications.
34  which makes this system very attractive for chemical sensing applications.
35               A new all-in-fiber trace-level chemical sensing approach is demonstrated.
36                             A cross-reactive chemical sensing array was made from CdSe Quantum Dots (
37              This method could be applied to chemical sensing arrays to increase the discrimination a
38                       It can be retrieved by chemical sensing arrays using correlation analysis.
39 trace molecular detection for biological and chemical sensing as well as for food product quality and
40       The mammalian olfactory system detects chemicals sensed as odours as well as social cues that s
41 al revision of the current definition of the chemical senses based upon spatial criteria.
42 s) have successfully been used for selective chemical sensing because the shape and size of their imp
43 hes and applications such as intracavity bio/chemical sensing, biocontrolled photonic devices, and bi
44 plications in the biomedical field including chemical sensing, biological imaging, drug delivery, and
45 icity, catalysis, energy conversion/storage, chemical sensing, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery.
46 various fields, such as composite materials, chemical sensing, biomedicine, optoelectronics and nanoe
47 ave found many applications in the fields of chemical sensing, biosensing, bioimaging, nanomedicine,
48 rip waveguides (DSWGs) suitable for advanced chemical sensing/biosensing is demonstrated.
49 of the most serious subjects in the field of chemical sensing, but it remains an enormous challenge.
50 polystyrene (SSEBS) films for the purpose of chemical sensing by examining the selectivity of the sen
51                            Deficits in these chemical senses cannot only reduce the pleasure and comf
52 creased electrical conductivity and improved chemical sensing capabilities.
53 n, optical, electric and magnetic materials, chemical sensing, catalysis, and biomedicine.
54                       This work presents new chemical sensing devices called "membraneless gas-separa
55 uced, low-cost, disposable, multi-parametric chemical sensing diagnostic platforms.
56 arness them for gas storage and separations, chemical sensing, drug delivery, catalysis, and nanoscal
57                 Furthermore, the role of the chemical sensing element (i.e., gelatin) was assessed by
58 nt concentrations of gelatin (i.e., specific chemical sensing element) and trypsin (i.e., analyte), a
59 e devices have been tested in biosensing and chemical sensing experiments.
60 tituent nanoparticles combine electronic and chemical sensing functions, we term these systems 'chemo
61 volving functional groups of the enzyme in a chemical sense in the reaction.
62  "ordinary" odorants to initiate vomeronasal chemical senses in vertebrates, which play important rol
63                Nerve signaling in humans and chemical sensing in bacteria both rely on the controlled
64                                       Direct chemical sensing in liquid environments using polymer-gu
65                            Conductance-based chemical sensing in metal-semiconductor nanostructures a
66  signaling mechanism provide a blueprint for chemical sensing in small compartments, such as olfactor
67                                 We show that chemical sensing in the mammalian GI tract determines th
68                               A motion-based chemical sensing involving fuel-driven nanomotors is dem
69                                              Chemical sensing is of critical importance to human heal
70 binds Pb2+ and is used as a photonic crystal chemical sensing material.
71 ld vast potential for near-infrared imaging, chemical sensing, materials engineering, and quantum inf
72                                              Chemical sensing may be a general mechanism used by comm
73              Here we report a simple optical chemical sensing method that utilizes the colour change
74 elopment of plasmonic circuitry for bio- and chemical sensing, nanoscale optical information processi
75                                 Thus, direct chemical sensing of crude oil IR signatures without any
76             Highly promising photonics-based chemical sensing opened up by the new guest@MOF composit
77                                          The chemical sensing performances of these OBP modified tran
78                                       From a chemical sensing perspective, glycerides are challenging
79 l open a door to a new catalytic-laser-based chemical sensing platform for detecting a wide range of
80 orts a highly sensitive and selective remote chemical sensing platform for surface-adsorbed trace che
81                    However, it is unclear if chemical sensing plays a role in establishing mammalian
82 crom widths and were filled partially with a chemical sensing (polymer + dye) layer to produce a micr
83 tes a new concept of self-amplification of a chemical sensing process and can potentially increase th
84 ion and charge transport, photoreception and chemical sensing processes could be a touchstone for rev
85 omote recruitment of coactivators, such that chemical sensing, receptor activation, and transcription
86                                          The chemical senses, smell and taste, are the most poorly un
87                                          The chemical senses-smell and taste-allow animals to evaluat
88 tal cation models representing the substrate chemical sensing surface.
89 atinum site was tested as part of a complete chemical sensing system that included a platinum counter
90 herichia coli (EHEC) relies on inter-kingdom chemical sensing systems to regulate virulence gene expr
91 ave been increasingly used as transducers in chemical-sensing systems.
92                         Optical filter-based chemical sensing techniques provide a new avenue to deve
93                               We introduce a chemical sensing technology, named ChIMES (Chemical Iden
94 EG/ENaC family of genes play a wider role in chemical senses than previously suspected.
95                                   Taste is a chemical sense that aids in the detection of nutrients a
96 ecify which brain structures are involved in chemical sensing that occurs below a threshold of consci
97       This provides a high dimensionality to chemical sensing that permits high sensitivity (often do
98 light emission is an attractive modality for chemical sensing, the effect of charged surfactant adsor
99 uce light, vision may supplement thermal and chemical senses to orient postlarval settlement at vent
100 tinylated reagents, an approach that enables chemical sensing to be performed in specified microenvir
101  lack advanced eyes and thus rely largely on chemical sensing to perceive their surroundings.
102 lications, ranging from nonlinear optics and chemical sensing, to quantum information processing and
103              With the first demonstration of chemical sensing using on-chip MCT waveguides, monolithi
104 ve photonic crystals have been developed for chemical sensing using the variation of optical properti
105 ared transparent waveguides for liquid-phase chemical sensing utilizing evanescent field absorption s
106                           A MCA prepared for chemical sensing was exposed to the samples made of head
107  molecules that can allow noninvasive/remote chemical sensing with minimal sample preparation.

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