


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 AC electrical synapse and the DBC(R)-->AIIAC chemical synapse.
2  function, formation, and maintenance of the chemical synapse.
3 uisite step in the coordinated assembly of a chemical synapse.
4 and organize neurotransmitter receptors at a chemical synapse.
5 on, function, maintenance, and repair of the chemical synapse.
6 ibility to the information flow generated by chemical synapses.
7  been studied as thoroughly as plasticity in chemical synapses.
8 and has a critical role in vesicle fusion at chemical synapses.
9 e exocytotic release of neurotransmitters at chemical synapses.
10 cal synapses and from potentially inhibitory chemical synapses.
11 ticipate in vesicular transmitter release at chemical synapses.
12 nctions were often in close proximity to PV+ chemical synapses.
13 , separating the roles of ADL electrical and chemical synapses.
14 synapses in retinal bipolar cells than about chemical synapses.
15 nslated rapidly into membrane fusion at fast chemical synapses.
16 dissect the intricate molecular machinery of chemical synapses.
17 rent sets of neurons from those connected by chemical synapses.
18 ory cells and fast excitatory and inhibitory chemical synapses.
19 y required electrical synapses, but not fast chemical synapses.
20 he presynaptic membrane are important to all chemical synapses.
21 urse similar to post-tetanic potentiation at chemical synapses.
22 2 msec, consistent with direct electrical or chemical synapses.
23 al synapses are actually plastic, similar to chemical synapses.
24 ion between neurons with both electrical and chemical synapses.
25 haGC sensitivity via the AIIAC-->sOFFalphaGC chemical synapses.
26 es that load and release neurotransmitter at chemical synapses.
27 timescales via cooperative interactions with chemical synapses.
28 g among neurons is most commonly mediated by chemical synapses.
29 ly add two additional neurons and inhibitory chemical synapses.
30 and regulation of neurotransmitter uptake at chemical synapses.
31  a gap junction circuit that antagonizes ADL chemical synapses.
32 ration of ligand-gated ion channels and fast chemical synapses.
33 aphrodites, drive C9 repulsion through their chemical synapses.
34      VBN relay neurons also communicated via chemical synapses.
35 rical junctions are necessary forerunners of chemical synapses.
36 al synapses resemble those produced later by chemical synapses.
37  processes, including signal transduction at chemical synapses.
38 othesis that CCK and PV cells are coupled by chemical synapses.
39      Nerve tissue contains a high density of chemical synapses, about 1 per microm(3) in the mammalia
40 l synapses within their communities and with chemical synapses across them.
41 egulation only occurred in the presence of a chemical synapse and required calcium signaling in the p
42 mmunoreactive interneurons interconnected by chemical synapses and dendritic gap junctions.
43                  Neurons communicate through chemical synapses and electrical synapses (gap junctions
44 sive membrane with conductances to represent chemical synapses and electrotonic junctional connection
45 function in the VAs to block the creation of chemical synapses and gap junctions with interneurons no
46 c GABAergic inputs to GCs, NGFCs also formed chemical synapses and gap junctions with various molecul
47  dynamic interactions between electrical and chemical synapses and intrinsic membrane properties allo
48 ress how interactions between electrical and chemical synapses and intrinsic membrane properties cont
49 rons, respectively terminate on the soma via chemical synapses and on the dendrite of the ovoidal cel
50 nal amacrine cells (ACs) may make inhibitory chemical synapses and potentially excitatory gap junctio
51       At mutant GF-TTMn and GF-PSI contacts, chemical synapses and small regions of close membrane ap
52 s 10(4) ATP molecules to transmit a bit at a chemical synapse, and 10(6)-10(7) ATP for graded signals
53 nent is possibly polysynaptic, mediated by a chemical synapse, and fatigues at high stimulus frequenc
54 e similar to those that induce plasticity at chemical synapses, and offer the possibility that calciu
55                                              Chemical synapses are complex structures that mediate ra
56 fundamental units of neuronal communication, chemical synapses are composed of presynaptic and postsy
57                                      Whereas chemical synapses are known to be highly dynamic, gap ju
58 we show that neural activity and function of chemical synapses are not required for sodium channel cl
59 ever, cellular networks before formations of chemical synapses are poorly understood.
60 se data demonstrate that both electrical and chemical synapses are prominent within nRt and suggest d
61 ic interneurons connected via electrical and chemical synapses are thought to play an important role
62                                        While chemical synapses are very plastic and modifiable by def
63        NSSs are essential to the function of chemical synapses, are associated with multiple neurolog
64 ediated by HCs via a sign-inverting feedback chemical synapse associated with a chloride channel.
65 ey receive electrotonic inputs from and make chemical synapses back onto pacemaker and relay cells.
66 synapses can be functionally as important as chemical synapses because their distinct properties prov
67 example, introducing Cx36 into an inhibitory chemical synapse between an olfactory receptor neuron an
68 on, there is no ultrastructural evidence for chemical synapses between mammalian cones, although such
69  neural networks the nonlinear nature of the chemical synapses breaks the elegant mathematical connec
70 oreceptors conveyed through interneurons via chemical synapses (broad correlations), share excitation
71 icity have been extensively characterized at chemical synapses, but a relationship between natural ac
72 ses the majority of neurotransmission within chemical synapses, but action potential-independent spon
73 izations is required for optimal function of chemical synapses, but little is known about how it is a
74 een neurons, has been studied extensively at chemical synapses, but modulation of electrical synapses
75  in development before the formation of most chemical synapses, but recent work shows gap junctions p
76 rons can be connected by both electrical and chemical synapses, but the organization and interaction
77 vity have been described in great detail for chemical synapses, but the relationship between natural
78 Glycine receptors are anchored at inhibitory chemical synapses by a cytoplasmic protein, gephyrin.
79              Neurons transmit information at chemical synapses by releasing neurotransmitters that ar
80 on gap junctions and without interconnecting chemical synapses, can generate coherent population osci
81                               Electrical and chemical synapses coexist in circuits throughout the CNS
82   Their work demonstrates how electrical and chemical synapses combine to improve information process
83                                              Chemical synapses contain specialized pre- and postsynap
84 enter or leave a restricted space, such as a chemical synapse, containing a high density of binding s
85 eactive (PV+) interneurons interconnected by chemical synapses, dendritic gap junctions, and axonal g
86                                  Unlike most chemical synapses, electrical synapses interact through
87 adult cerebral cortex by both electrical and chemical synapses, establishing networks that can have i
88                               Electrical and chemical synapses exist within the same networks of inhi
89                   We found that the expected chemical synapses failed to form on schedule, and they w
90  great deal about the molecules that support chemical synapse formation and function, we know little
91  gap junctions have been observed to precede chemical synapse formation and have been hypothesized to
92 ify a surprising link between electrical and chemical synapse formation and show that Nbea acts as a
93 coupling relates to a coordinated inhibitory chemical synapse formation between sparsely labelled int
94                     Thus, new electrical and chemical synapse formation within a neuronal network is
95 GMP-dependent protein kinase only suppresses chemical synapse formation without effects on neuronal g
96 15 produce defects in TRN touch sensitivity, chemical synapse formation, and cell-body morphology.
97  and during developmental windows of intense chemical synapse formation, and might therefore contribu
98 us waves of activity are present even before chemical synapse formation, needing gap junctions to pro
99 ficking, is required for both electrical and chemical synapse formation.
100 al 1 (LPeD1; postsynaptic) were explored for chemical synapse formation.
101 ons, and the formation of a novel excitatory chemical synapse from B2 to B1 neurons.
102  We conclude that in the absence of discrete chemical synapses, glutamate flows between cones during
103 nsitization of ligand-gated channels at fast chemical synapses has been difficult to establish.
104 is developmental sequence from electrical to chemical synapses has led to the hypothesis that, in dev
105                      In contrast, disrupting chemical synapses has no effect on the electrical coupli
106 sis that the structure of the active zone of chemical synapses has remained uncertain because of limi
107 uired to maintain and modify the strength of chemical synapses have been characterized extensively.
108 connected with each other via electrical and chemical synapses; however, whether and how they inhibit
109     The processing that occurs at this first chemical synapse in the auditory pathway determines the
110 ordinated interaction between electrical and chemical synapses in a defined retinal circuit enhances
111 e results suggest a multitiered strategy for chemical synapses in developmental regulation of electri
112  principles were then extended to most other chemical synapses in diverse nervous systems.
113 tudy investigated the role of electrical and chemical synapses in sustaining 4-aminopyridine (4-AP)-e
114 otoreceptor ribbon synapses and conventional chemical synapses in synaptic vesicle exocytosis.SIGNIFI
115                                 Typical fast chemical synapses in the brain weaken transiently during
116 tor output synapses are the best known tonic chemical synapses in the nervous system, in which glutam
117 ivity to alterations of the strengths of the chemical synapses in the network.
118 dult-born neurons promotes and/or stabilizes chemical synapses in the olfactory bulb, revealing a neu
119               Similar to other glutamatergic chemical synapses in the retina, the DBC(R)-->AIIAC syna
120 nes by electron microscopy revealed numerous chemical synapses, including for the first time direct i
121                         Neurotransmission at chemical synapses involves regulated exocytosis of neuro
122                                          The chemical synapse is a specialized intercellular junction
123   Synaptic vesicle fusion at active zones of chemical synapses is executed by SNARE complexes.
124 ther they share mechanisms of formation with chemical synapses is not clear.
125             Communication between neurons at chemical synapses is regulated by hundreds of different
126                           The development of chemical synapses is regulated by interactions between p
127        The defining morphological feature of chemical synapses is the vesicle cluster in the presynap
128                       Transmitter release at chemical synapses is triggered by high calcium concentra
129 emporal downstream signaling, similar to the chemical synapse, is intriguing.
130                               In contrast to chemical synapses, less is known regarding the determina
131                                       Unlike chemical synapses, little is known about the development
132 and then lose their electrical coupling as a chemical synapse-mediated inhibitory circuit matures.
133 ptic membranes directly oppose each other at chemical synapses, minimizing the delay in transmitting
134 report flexible three-dimensional artificial chemical synapse networks, in which two-terminal memrist
135 ual identified neurons during the 2-4 d when chemical synapses normally form.
136                             Communication at chemical synapses occurs via neurotransmitter release wh
137  resolve these limitations, we reconstructed chemical synapses of rat neocortex, the archetypical "av
138 8% of the pairs were connected via GABAergic chemical synapses, often reciprocally.
139                  This is significant because chemical synapses on a retinal ganglion cell require the
140 or SV-2, suggesting that the parvocells form chemical synapses on the relay and pacemaker cells.
141 afferents terminate as mixed (electrical and chemical) synapses on the distal portion of the lateral
142 analysis at identified mixed (electrical and chemical) synapses on the goldfish Mauthner cell, we sho
143 similarity to pre- and postsynaptic sites at chemical synapses, one side in electrical synapses shoul
144 idely held that the convergence of high-gain chemical synapses onto AIIs confers the highest sensitiv
145                                           At chemical synapses, presynaptic action potentials (APs) a
146                    Combining electrical with chemical synapses, prolonging tau(Decay) of inhibitory c
147                               Electrical and chemical synapses provide two distinct modes of direct c
148                                 Formation of chemical synapses requires exchange of organizing signal
149                              At conventional chemical synapses, RIMs contribute substantially to vesi
150 d Aplysia sensory neurons, which do not form chemical synapses, sensorin mRNA is diffusely distribute
151                         At a variety of fast chemical synapses, spent synaptic vesicles are recycled
152 o, miniature events have been found at every chemical synapse studied.
153 e demonstrate at single mixed electrical and chemical synapses that fast chemical transmission intera
154  the postnatal development of electrical and chemical synapses that interconnect TRN neurons.
155 nterneurons are connected via electrical and chemical synapses that may be crucial in modulating comp
156                                      At fast chemical synapses the rapid release of neurotransmitter
157 d by single neuron resonance, electrical and chemical synapses.The presence of both gap junctions and
158                              At conventional chemical synapses, their function involves Ca(2+) channe
159  We then turned our focus away from standard chemical synapses to connexin-based gap junctions and he
160                        The unique ability of chemical synapses to transmit information relies on the
161 GC that relies on gap junctions, rather than chemical synapses, to convey its selectivity for the ori
162                                           At chemical synapses, transmission between neurons is media
163 Cs in fact have similar densities of several chemical synapse types, including OSN inputs.
164                                           At chemical synapses, voltage-activated calcium channels (V
165 d for which no anatomical evidence of direct chemical synapses was found.
166                                   Inhibitory chemical synapses were also common between FS cells, and
167                                   Inhibitory chemical synapses were seen as early as postnatal day 4
168 ceptors (GluRs), and 100 microM Cd2+ for all chemical synapses) were microperfused very locally to un
169 of Ca(2+) that triggers exocytosis at a fast chemical synapse, which requires understanding the contr
170 ), a neuron capable of forming inappropriate chemical synapses with a number of novel targets in cult
171 e a propensity for developing unidirectional chemical synapses with each other rather than with neigh
172 the hippocampus rarely develop electrical or chemical synapses with each other.
173 otoreceptor ribbon synapses and conventional chemical synapses with respect to synaptic vesicle primi
174 s causes them to form ectopic electrical and chemical synapses with the GF, in turn causing that post
175 a preferentially develop electrical, but not chemical, synapses with each other.
176  their relative activity phase, we block all chemical synapses within the network and drive the LP an

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