


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 igned as 707,459 base pairs, was synthesized chemically.
2 ide (CPS) from B. pseudomallei was purified, chemically activated, and covalently linked to recombina
3                    In addition, the multiple chemically active components in these particles (iron, o
4 ive in catalysing oxidation and reduction of chemically active groups in surface-anchored N-heterocyc
5 ageously, the nano-assembly PM-GSH-CuNCs was chemically adsorbed over the cellulosic strips and appli
6 erences used to train the sensory panel were chemically analysed and employed to reduce the number of
7 cretions of P. shermani, its components were chemically analysed by energy dispersive X-ray spectrosc
8 while following a national sampling plan and chemically analyzed for vitamin and mineral content with
9                           The identified and chemically and biologically characterized active compoun
10 ative to DNA and RNA probes because they are chemically and biologically stable, easily synthesized,
11 thyl)-5-norbornene-exo-2,3-dicarboximide), a chemically and electrochemically active polymer layer.
12 t that this failure can be overcome by using chemically and geometrically accurate representations of
13                             Here we report a chemically and magnetically sensitive depth-dependent an
14 integrated cellular response elicited by two chemically and pharmacodynamically diverse beta-adrenoce
15                  Here, we show that TERS can chemically and spatially probe the site-specific chemica
16                We find that the ANs, powered chemically and/or by the energy of electromagnetic radia
17 e distinct mechanisms by which structurally, chemically, and functionally diverse ligands modulate GP
18 idth, and edge planarity could be controlled chemically at the atomic level.
19                    This represents the first chemically based fly egg identification approach with ap
20 crostructure, well-interconnected scaffolds, chemically bonded interface, and coupled strengthening e
21 tes are strongly coupled with the NAC by the chemically bonded interface, exhibiting mutual strengthe
22 cted damage to the retina and optic nerve in chemically burned eyes.
23 t radionuclides from the Trinity device were chemically, but not isotopically, fractionated by conden
24 enzymatically by a norcoclaurine synthase or chemically by phosphate resulted in opposite stereoselec
25 lites as reported in literature, and quantum chemically calculated thermodynamics of hard-hard, hard-
26 cleotides, whether incorporated naturally or chemically, can provide insight into the stability of Wa
27 idic bonds, as cleavage of these linkages is chemically challenging and there is a paucity of informa
28 ewurztraminer and Riesling juices and wines, chemically characterised and studied using sensory time-
29                          This study aimed to chemically characterize and evaluate the anti-inflammato
30 n (DESI) mass spectrometry (MS) to image and chemically characterize the metabolic profiles of HGSC,
31  species that could be spectroscopically and chemically characterized.
32        So far, however, a general, reliable, chemically clean approach to prepare single crystals sui
33 u protein analysis approach that is based on chemically cleavable fluorescent antibodies.
34 -catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition is also chemically compatible with the BN core, further endorsin
35 ve pharmacodynamic interactions within other chemically complex systems, such as those found in count
36 lls, respectively, with potencies similar to chemically conjugated counterparts, and longer plasma ci
37 Our results suggest that YIGSR-A99 peptides, chemically conjugated to FHs and applied to wounded mSMG
38 coli, and chromatographically purified, then chemically conjugated to two different anti-HIV monoclon
39                          We demonstrate that chemically-conjugated Qbeta VLPs elicited the highest qu
40 opagating influenza in host cells displaying chemically-controlled, divergent proteostasis environmen
41     Upon oxidation by H2 O2 both sensors are chemically converted to tetramethylrhodamine, producing
42 ell-free tissue expander comprised only of a chemically cross-linked biocompatible polymeric hydrogel
43 nozyme), we introduce for the first time the chemically cross-linked multilayer polyion complex in wh
44 pproach of vacancy-driven gelation to obtain chemically crosslinked hydrogels from defect-rich 2D mol
45              In contrast to the heat-treated chemically-crosslinked gels, the elastic modulus of the
46  for when considering ecological dynamics of chemically defended animals and coevolutionary predator-
47                                              Chemically defined (CD) and hydrolysate-supplemented med
48                                          The chemically defined components of the bacterial envelope
49 oculture with other cell types and relies on chemically defined conditions up to and including the ge
50 uded organic acids, observed particularly in chemically defined formulations, and furans, pyridines,
51  as a new, user-friendly route for supplying chemically defined human glycans simply by combining bio
52  supplements (Cholesterol Lipid Concentrate, Chemically Defined Lipid Concentrate, Lipid Mixture 1, G
53                   Thus, the incorporation of chemically defined LN-511-E8 into biosynthetic scaffolds
54                          Here we show that a chemically defined maturation medium supplemented with t
55 n adipogenesis induction medium, but also in chemically defined medium specifically for osteogenesis,
56                                      Using a chemically defined medium, we found that (p)ppGpp accumu
57 , and TGFbeta pathway activity in a minimal, chemically defined medium, we show parallel, robust, and
58                           We describe here a chemically defined natural N-linked glycan scaffold that
59  into complexes for fusion can be studied in chemically defined reactions.
60 e media, including non-toxicological and non-chemically deleterious effects.
61 paired by the absence of an efficient way to chemically deliver them into the cytosol of cells.
62  mechanisms centres on reversible folding of chemically denatured membrane proteins.
63 yes to the experimental values RG and RE For chemically denatured proteins we obtain mutual consisten
64 n the biochemical route 1, alkali lignin was chemically depolymerized into vanillin and syringate as
65 tions in a membrane environment to develop a chemically detailed model of the E5 protein/PDGFbetaR co
66 spines in morphologically, electrically, and chemically detailed pyramidal neuronal models based on r
67                               The results of chemically detailed simulations presented here show that
68                                           By chemically detecting 5hmU we present a method to provide
69        Here instead we find that rather than chemically detecting prey, hydrodynamics forces BV into
70 sect and mammalian life cycle stages possess chemically different lipid rafts due to different sterol
71 Here, we performed laboratory experiments on chemically different organic materials in order to simul
72 d resonance Raman spectroscopy highlight the chemically different reaction options influenced by the
73 ated sulphur-containing aldoximes containing chemically different side chains, whose break-down produ
74 e compositions represent monoisotopic (i.e., chemically different) species.
75 uld result in compressed detection times for chemically discerning measurements that probe disease.
76                   By capturing cells without chemically disrupting their potential function, our meth
77  structure is accessed by inclusion of three chemically distinct anions, which are accommodated by al
78  electrochemical reduction gave a mixture of chemically distinct clusters on the surface, (Cu) m ,(Ag
79 n cloud droplets are highly concentrated and chemically distinct from the underlying bulk or overlyin
80 ry and site-directed mutagenesis showed that chemically distinct HNO donors 1-nitrosocyclohexyl aceta
81                               The ability of chemically distinct ligands to produce different effects
82  the input of disproportionate quantities of chemically distinct litter, invasive plants may potentia
83 ining the activity and binding properties of chemically distinct macrolide inhibitors of translation,
84 aneously measure the biodistribution of many chemically distinct nanoparticles.
85                                     Finally, chemically distinct Panx1 inhibitors blocked development
86 cal heterogeneities as a function of size or chemically distinct particle surfaces can determine the
87 20 nm) NPs suppress allergic response to two chemically distinct sensitizers; 1-fluoro-2, 4-dinitrobe
88 iences where thin, highly turbid layers mask chemically distinct subsurface structures.
89 blocks to produce microcapsules covered in a chemically distinct, dense network of hair-like outgrowt
90                         Large collections of chemically diverse boronic acid fragments are commercial
91  the active site to regioselectively oxidize chemically diverse compounds is critical for better unde
92                                        Three chemically diverse ERG channel blockers (terfenadine, Er
93  We examined the effects of a broad range of chemically diverse general anesthetics and related nonan
94  is their ability to couple the transport of chemically diverse ligands to an inwardly directed proto
95  These findings should inspire the design of chemically diverse ligands with distinct pharmacological
96 al-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a family of chemically diverse materials, with applications in a wid
97 gs demonstrated that MR1 was able to capture chemically diverse structures, spanning mono- and bicycl
98  analytical challenge, as cells are dynamic, chemically diverse, and fragile.
99 an be used to form a library of independent, chemically driven actuators for use in such microrobotic
100                             Here we describe chemically-driven artificial rotary and linear molecular
101                                    Herein, a chemically enabled volumetric 3D digital light photoacti
102        Our results indicate that DARs can be chemically engineered for selective remote control by li
103  bacterial fluids, active liquid crystals or chemically engineered motile colloids.
104 sion of bulk g-C3N4 with 10% mass loading of chemically exfoliated carbon nitride.
105 ts that metastable and temperature-sensitive chemically exfoliated MoS2 (ce-MoS2 ) can be made into e
106 tion of electrode films formed by restacking chemically exfoliated nanosheets of two-dimensional meta
107                                              Chemically exfoliated, metallic MoS2 nanosheets are func
108                                       Unlike chemically-exfoliated monolayer nanoparticles, the litho
109 GO) sheets with lateral sizes >10 mum, using chemically expanded graphite as the starting material.
110                              We also examine chemically exposed TMD films intermittently interrogated
111                              Analyses of the chemically-extractable fraction show that supplementatio
112                        The hydrocarbons were chemically extracted and analysed using Gas Chromatograp
113 -density carbohydrate microarrays containing chemically extracted cell wall polysaccharides collected
114 -performance atomic Fe catalyst derived from chemically Fe-doped zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIF
115 onfocal mu-X-ray fluorescence imaging upon a chemically fixed and air-dried C. dubia specimen.
116                    Phase contrast microCT of chemically fixed yet unstained samples resolved the nucl
117 d to elevated Cu, Ni, and Zn concentrations, chemically fixed, dehydrated, stained, and embedded, pri
118                                      Using a chemically-fixed HeLa cell labeled with fluorescent core
119 nd other differentiated planetary bodies are chemically fractionated compared to primitive, chondriti
120 -1), pH 9), representing a simple, cheap and chemically friendly sample preparation method.
121 s of the salamander Plethodon clearly differ chemically from those shown for other glue-producing ter
122  including out-of-equilibrium self-assembly, chemically fuelled molecular motion, compartmentalised c
123          The resulting Pt NP microwires were chemically functionalized to allow the covalent immobili
124 ted solely by surface functional groups in a chemically gated-all-around configuration.
125                                 Finally, the chemically generated radical anion and polyanion states,
126                                   The use of chemically grown nanoparticles in whole tissues can ampl
127                                        This "chemically guided functional profiling" workflow can the
128 tagged synthetic peptides and recombinant or chemically H6-modified proteins.
129                    We study dissolution in a chemically heterogeneous medium consisting of two minera
130            Plant specialized metabolites are chemically highly diverse, play key roles in host-microb
131                                        Seven chemically identified sites (Ser-487, Ser-497, Thr-500,
132        Finally, the separated TLC spots were chemically identified using high-performance liquid chro
133 , 11, and 10 metabolites, respectively, were chemically identified; r-range: -0.30 to 0.20; P = 6 x 1
134                               We find that a chemically improved member, RU.521, is active and select
135  high sensitivity and detected ROS generated chemically in solution and in actual cell environments.
136                     When we vaccinated mice, chemically inactivated BNSP333-S1 induced high-titer neu
137 g the extrapolation to the low dose exposure chemically inconsistent.
138     Conduction velocity remained constant at chemically increased network activity levels.
139                   These results suggest that chemically increasing the net negative surface charge of
140       Because propagation-active fibrils are chemically indistinguishable from innocuous aggregates a
141                            Using a system to chemically induce activity in exogenously expressed Rac1
142                                  Finally, we chemically induce hypoxemia via hemolytic anemia resulti
143 t protein mCherry can be brought to a purely chemically induced blue-fluorescent state by incubation
144   These two reversible processes allow for a chemically induced breathing of the flexible structures.
145 he pressures of reduced oxygen, nutrients or chemically induced cell death, but the mechanisms drivin
146                                              Chemically induced conformational changes are studied an
147 l and can partly reverse the consequences of chemically induced diabetes.
148 erates the normalization of hyperglycemia in chemically induced diabetic recipient mice, which can al
149                       In this study, we used chemically induced dimerization to rapidly relocalize pr
150 oth human liver disease and a mouse model of chemically induced liver injury despite marked activatio
151  proliferative bipotent cells, which we term chemically induced liver progenitors (CLiPs).
152 face AMPA receptor down-regulation evoked by chemically induced long-term depression.
153 e use a flow cytometry-based method to track chemically induced LTP by detecting surface AMPA recepto
154 GPBAR1 in mediating leukocyte trafficking in chemically induced models of colitis and investigate the
155 n of C3 and CFB mRNA expression was noted in chemically induced mouse cSCCs, compared to benign papil
156 o be overrepresented metabolic pathways in a chemically induced murine model of colitis.
157                                              Chemically induced osmotic diarrhea reduced colitis seve
158 system integrating dCas9-based targeting and chemically induced proximity technologies to allow small
159 s, and Atf3 knockout mice develop aggressive chemically induced skin tumors with enhanced CAF activat
160         This mutant, Reln(CTRdel), carries a chemically induced splice-site mutation that truncates t
161                 We found that chronic DBS or chemically induced synaptic stimulation reduced accumula
162                                 Thermally or chemically induced unfolding has previously been employe
163                                      We used chemically-induced dimerization to translocate inositol
164                                        Then, chemically-induced epithelial tumors in the hamster chee
165 e phosphatase (TC-PTP), encoded by Ptpn2, in chemically-induced skin carcinogenesis via the negative
166                               We developed a chemically inducible Cas9 (ciCas9) and a droplet digital
167 rogels inside living cells that explores the chemically inducible dimerization paradigm.
168  two molecules-that collide with a third and chemically inert 'bath gas' molecule that simply transfe
169 ve formation of a primary amide group from a chemically inert alkyl group.
170         Helium is generally understood to be chemically inert and this is due to its extremely stable
171                                              Chemically inert F2PhEtyCbl resisted thermolysis of its
172             Crystalline surfaces of gold are chemically inert, whereas nanoparticles of gold are exce
173 f DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) is chemically inhibited or when the DNA-PKcs gene is delete
174                                    Nanoscale chemically inhomogeneous surfaces comprising of gold, pa
175                However, the content of total chemically intact omega-3 fatty acids was higher in the
176                             It is common and chemically intuitive to assign cations electrophilic and
177                            The result set is chemically intuitive, naturally grouped by substitution
178 condary phase of structurally disordered and chemically labile Co(OH)2 is introduced to ensure a high
179  discovered a cyclic form of t6A (ct6A) as a chemically labile derivative of t6A in tRNAs from bacter
180 sed on the intrinsic delithiation process of chemically leaching lithium from the Li13 Si4 alloy.
181 thermore, as the side chains are constructed chemically, many unnatural modifications can also be dir
182 metry (ToF-SIMS) as a label-free approach to chemically map small molecules in aggregated and single
183                      ZnSnxGe1-xN2 alloys are chemically miscible semiconductor compounds with potenti
184 e toward carbohydrates-on native agarose and chemically modified agarose in the gel phase for the fir
185 ablished as a platform for bio-conversion of chemically modified analogues of pleuromutilin intermedi
186                 In brief, the NC surface was chemically modified and then was decorated with silver a
187 of-function phenotypes are mainly induced by chemically modified antisense oligonucleotides.
188 t cell types and species upon treatment with chemically modified ASOs targeting 5' UTR inhibitory reg
189 gRNAs of Cas9 and Cpf1, and donor DNA can be chemically modified at their terminal positions without
190  and aS fibrils, testing their ability to be chemically modified by DHA.
191               The CH3 NH3 PbI3 perovskite is chemically modified by introducing SrCl2 in the precurso
192 urther demonstrated by the construction of a chemically modified C2A domain of Synaptotagmin-I protei
193 uraminic acid lyase (NAL), and the resulting chemically modified enzymes were screened for activity w
194                                              Chemically modified indium tin oxide nanoparticle modifi
195 s that protect genomic stability by excising chemically modified nucleobases that alter normal DNA me
196 n of the sugar conformational preferences of chemically modified nucleosides in solution.
197                                              Chemically modified oligonucleotides that disrupt the in
198 ailable, enabling absolute quantification of chemically modified proteoforms, and therefore systems-l
199                                              Chemically modified PS-ASOs can mediate efficient target
200   Functional and structural studies based on chemically modified semisynthetic KcsA channels along th
201 ry N-acetylagalactosamine (GalNAc) ligand to chemically modified siRNA has enabled asialoglycoprotein
202 ular proteomes, increasingly including their chemically modified variants.
203    Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) is chemically modified with pyrroloquinoline quinone glucos
204                      The study also presents chemically-modified cellulosic paper strips with the pyr
205 e for traceability of highly-degraded and/or chemically-modified DNA material.
206                               New methods to chemically modify streptogramins would enable structural
207 ape the bactericidal action of vancomycin by chemically modifying their cell-wall precursors.
208 fer hints on the targeted cultivation of the chemically most prolific microorganisms known from micro
209  used comparative whole-genome sequencing of chemically mutagenized and natural Pgt isolates to ident
210                                 We show that chemically mutagenizing the genome of cancer cells drama
211 s is controlled with precision by relying on chemically nanopatterned surfaces, leading to macroscopi
212     Advancing biosensing nanotechnologies in chemically "noisy" bioenvironments require careful engin
213 ur development and characterization of three chemically novel AEs that effectively suppress prolifera
214 bubioside and cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside were chemically obtained for the first time, and characterize
215 complexes are generally not thought to react chemically on collision with a third molecule in the gas
216 g nucleic acids, aptamers can be synthesized chemically or enzymatically.
217                                              Chemically or optically powered active matter plays an i
218                                The resulting chemically ordered surface regions acts as an effective
219 are visually oriented while Scleroglossa are chemically-oriented, given that Iguania doubles Sclerogl
220                        Our results show that chemically orthogonal electrolytes based on HFE solvents
221 hway engineering can be employed to insert a chemically orthogonal tag into a complex natural scaffol
222                                            A chemically patterned microfluidic paper-based analytical
223           The topcoat, in conjunction with a chemically patterned substrate, directs the assembly of
224                   Furthermore, we found that chemically perturbing Fus3 dynamics with a specific inhi
225                        Here, we describe the chemically precise immobilization of an enzyme on an eng
226  on selected fish samples after an enzymatic-chemically pretreatment.
227       Thus, the focus of the work here is to chemically probe the range of thermodynamically stable t
228                                           By chemically processing biomass, and employing nanometrolo
229                       Moreover, the use of a chemically programmable ligand, such as DNA, would allow
230 sulfide-containing compounds, but is able to chemically react with them without addition of any catal
231 s are unable to preserve the native state of chemically reactive and beam-sensitive battery materials
232  the formation of highly reactive compounds (chemically reactive metabolites, CRMs) that can lead to
233 rikes are known to morphologically alter and chemically reduce geologic formations and deposits, form
234 thermal activity, high CO2, As emissions and chemically reduced fluids.
235  those measured in studies with biologically/chemically reduced model clays.
236  (antiHER2/Hyd@AuNPs-APTMS-Fe3O4) containing chemically reduced silver ions, as a label bioconjugate
237  Fe(II) associated with NOM (as-received and chemically reduced) at pH 7, and investigated the effect
238 ntrast between the neural representations of chemically related odorants in females compared to males
239  the original sample aliquot, O-glycans were chemically released from urinary exosomes and profiled,
240 erized 101 Mass2Motifs with biochemically or chemically relevant substructures.
241  this protein complex, either genetically or chemically, removed ABCC4 from the plasma membrane, incr
242 information can be rewritten, resulting in a chemically rewritable BCP SC display.
243                             Other than being chemically robust enough to be incorporated into macrocy
244                                    Recently, chemically robust heptazine-based polymers known as grap
245  of 10 coupled with a maximum of the 10 most chemically selective m/z (requiring a minimum of 3 m/z),
246 ductor substrates, and enhance durability of chemically sensitive interfaces.
247                                              Chemically similar but morphologically distinct nanocarr
248 suggesting that low-chi interactions between chemically similar or distinct blocks intimately influen
249                Interestingly, resveratrol is chemically similar to ICRF-187, a clinically approved ch
250 s represents a step forward in the search of chemically simple, potent, and selective antagonists for
251 ate and dynamic XB behavior were measured in chemically skinned myocardial preparations isolated from
252 trate that thermophoresis enables robust and chemically specific directed motion of liposomes, which
253 component of the refractive index (i.e., the chemically specific information) is provided to overcome
254 ging is a highly sensitive, solid-state (and chemically) specific, rapid, and versatile imaging techn
255  mechanism of internalization of asymmetric, chemically stabilized, cholesterol-modified siRNAs (sd-r
256  lithium metal, this LiF coating serves as a chemically stable and mechanically strong interphase, wh
257               Both reagents were shown to be chemically stable and nontoxic to HEK293T cells at conce
258                              This carbide is chemically stable in alkaline media and over the potenti
259 ery systems were non-toxic to the RPE cells, chemically stable in porcine vitreous and delivered carg
260 n fluorescence but otherwise leptosperin was chemically stable over prolonged storage at 37 degrees C
261 tic acid, and 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid are chemically stable over prolonged storage, but not 2-meth
262                        Thermodynamically and chemically stable RNA nanoparticles derived from the thr
263 rfluorocyclobutyl polymers are thermally and chemically stable, may be produced without a catalyst vi
264 tural bioactives possible to be refined into chemically standardized mixtures for biological applicat
265  These novel constructs are synthesized in a chemically straightforward process that involves interca
266  in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, are chemically stratified with depth and have distinct biolo
267 heparan sulfate) and compared our results to chemically sulfated hyaluronan.
268 eaction is one of the most common methods to chemically synthesize a six-membered carbocycle.
269  apparent biological activity, we set out to chemically synthesize d-allo-ShK and determine its X-ray
270 hey are typically prohibitively expensive to chemically synthesize, and unlike longer RNAs, they are
271 ns into the beta scorpion toxin Ts1, we have chemically synthesized a novel binder [S14R, W50Pra]Ts1
272          These and other derivatives are now chemically synthesized and remain the mainstay of therap
273              Partially N-glycolylated-CS was chemically synthesized as a standard for mass spectromet
274 ral and bioactive vitamin D3 metabolite, was chemically synthesized for the first time.
275               Therefore, these peptides were chemically synthesized for validation purposes.
276 le strain by "endoreduplication intercross." Chemically synthesized genomes like Sc2.0 are fully cust
277        We exploit these findings to design a chemically synthesized peptide corresponding to RH5Nt, w
278                                        Using chemically synthesized short RNA corresponding to the fi
279  Both genes were separately suppressed using chemically synthesized siRNAs.
280 s study, a single injection of inclisiran, a chemically synthesized small interfering RNA designed to
281 y calibrating the fluorescent signal against chemically synthesized standards.
282                    These structures are then chemically synthesized to give synthetic-bioinformatic n
283  class of affinity reagents because they are chemically synthesized, thus making them highly reproduc
284 t and its human equivalent SAA1(47-104) were chemically synthesized.
285 s and four other unique hexasaccharides were chemically synthesized.
286             This work opens opportunities to chemically tailor SWCNTs at the single chirality level f
287 ariety of functions and it is the ability to chemically tailor the type, population and distribution
288                                        These chemically tailorable framework materials are the subjec
289                                    Analogous chemically termolecular reactions mediated by ephemeral
290                                        Such 'chemically termolecular' reactions, in which all three m
291     The identification and prioritization of chemically tractable therapeutic targets is a significan
292 particle formation and the heat treatment to chemically transform particles into an oxide strongly in
293 ated with ionic exchange membranes (MCDI) or chemically treated (inverted-CDI or i-CDI).
294  in situ modification and affords a route to chemically trigger deaggregation and droplet dispersion.
295  based on low-cost, solution-processable and chemically tunable organic materials, are promising alte
296                      Finally, the ability to chemically tune the 2P absorption profile through the us
297                                      Using a chemically tuned kinetochore-targeting assay, we show th
298                     Amiclenomycin (ACM) is a chemically unstable antibiotic with selective activity a
299 a very attractive route to locally produce a chemically valuable product from an abundant resource.
300 that cryo-concentrated acidic brines rapidly chemically weather olivine minerals and form sulfate min

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