コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 hymus and small intestine but not colon, and chemoattracts a small fraction of PBLs that coexpress th
3 -chemoattractant (I-TAC), which specifically chemoattract activated T cells by signaling through the
7 demonstrate that chemokines CXCL1 and CXCL8 chemoattract ASC by signalling through their receptors,
8 ophage-inflammatory protein 3alpha, and they chemoattract bone marrow-derived immature, but not matur
11 d organ chemokine (SLC), a CC chemokine that chemoattracts both dendritic cells (DCs) and T lymphocyt
15 products of these PLP-specific CD8+ CTL can chemoattract CD4+ T cells that are specific for a myelin
16 mice conditionally expressing the neutrophil chemoattracting chemokine KC and the beta-galactosidase
17 carrying out distinct tasks: beta-defensins chemoattract DC precursors through CCR6, whereas Vegf-A
21 astoma, and renal cell carcinoma efficiently chemoattracted ex vivo-expanded primary human T cells.
24 n 1-alpha (MIP-1alpha), and MIP-1beta, which chemoattract genetically modified BMCs into the CNS.
25 romal cell-derived factor 1alpha/SDF-1alpha) chemoattracts hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (H
28 y of certain beta-defensin family members to chemoattract immature dendritic cells and CD45RO+ CD4+ T
29 tients or experimentally sensitized rodents, chemoattract leukocytes from the circulation into the lu
31 stromal cell-derived factor 1, CXCL12, which chemoattract mature DC, elicit humoral, protective, and
32 eutrophil migration, IP-10 has been shown to chemoattract monocytes and T lymphocytes in vitro, sugge
34 oalveolar lavage samples from Kras(LA1) mice chemoattracted murine endothelial cells, alveolar inflam
35 lpha, these SAA fragments failed to directly chemoattract neutrophils and monocytes, to induce chemok
37 frog-derived temporins have the capacity to chemoattract phagocytes by the use of human FPRL1 (or it
38 monocytes, suggesting that TA is capable of chemoattracting phagocytic leukocytes by the use of a G(
39 stead, nucleotide degradation eliminated the chemoattracting properties of the myotube-conditioned me
41 panded ex vivo human bone marrow fibroblasts chemoattracted RMS cells in an HGF- and SDF-1-dependent
42 ous pancreatic cells secrete chemokines that chemoattract Schwann cells (SC) of nerves and thus induc
45 dulators in adaptive immunity by selectively chemoattracting T lymphocytes and immature dendritic cel
47 omal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1 gradient to chemoattract the stem cells, we evaluated the expression
50 2 increases the ability of these cells to be chemoattracted to CXCR4 using gp120 and renders them mor
51 pheral blood after myocardial infarction and chemoattracted to the infarcted myocardium in an SDF-1-C
52 nd N-cadherin, which enabled EMT cells to be chemoattracted towards and physically interact with endo
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