


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 yridyl) ethyl ITC (PY-ITC), and assessed its chemopreventive ability in comparison to sulforaphane (S
2 in kinase (AMPK) including salicylate, whose chemopreventive action has been established by epidemiol
3  and to investigate how survivin affects the chemopreventive action of deguelin.
4   Collectively, our results suggest that the chemopreventive action of resveratrol and aspirin involv
5 f SAMe on APEX1 regulation might explain the chemopreventive action of SAMe and the reason that chron
6  stem cell dynamics, which might explain the chemopreventive action of this drug indicating that tag
7 t-derived polyphenols such as EGCG may exert chemopreventive action through pharmacological targeting
8 , the underlying molecular mechanisms of the chemopreventive activities of daidzein and its metabolit
9 cally beneficial, particularly by exhibiting chemopreventive activities.
10 ibute further evidence that aspirin may have chemopreventive activity against prostate cancer and hig
11 idzein, a well known soy isoflavone, but its chemopreventive activity and the underlying molecular me
12 (PCa), but there is significant variation in chemopreventive activity between individual men.
13 ysis indicated that norathyriol mediates its chemopreventive activity by inhibiting the ERK-dependent
14 efore established that vitamin D3 exerts its chemopreventive activity by interrupting a crosstalk bet
15 P-31398 possesses significant dose-dependent chemopreventive activity in a well-established colon can
16      Brassinin has been demonstrated to have chemopreventive activity in preclinical models but the m
17          Resveratrol is a phytochemical with chemopreventive activity in preclinical rodent models of
18 -rich extracts have been reported to exhibit chemopreventive activity in the oral cavity.
19 ulating agent CP-31398 possesses significant chemopreventive activity in vivo against intestinal neop
20            However, the basis for its cancer chemopreventive activity is not fully understood.
21  in tumor development, one mechanism for the chemopreventive activity of black raspberries may be inh
22                  This study investigated the chemopreventive activity of blueberry extract in triple-
23                                          The chemopreventive activity of celecoxib was shown to corre
24  this effect, suggesting that the lung tumor chemopreventive activity of I3C might be related to modu
25      Growing evidence has indicated that the chemopreventive activity of NSAIDs is mediated by induct
26                                              Chemopreventive activity of other agents that restore tu
27 carcinogenesis and provides insight into the chemopreventive activity of the anti-inflammatory agent
28 tion of genistein that may contribute to the chemopreventive activity of this dietary isoflavone and
29 irst time that BSC and p-XSC may exert their chemopreventive activity, at least in part, by inhibitin
30 cognized reaction, contributes to its cancer chemopreventive activity.
31 olyphenolic compound of red wine with cancer chemopreventive activity.
32 on factor Nrf2 was first described as having chemopreventive activity.
33  as an anticancer agent, due to its specific chemopreventive activity.
34 ntiation and a useful model for the study of chemopreventive agent action.
35  colonic ACF formation and might be a useful chemopreventive agent against colorectal carcinogenesis.
36      Green tea has been shown to be a potent chemopreventive agent against lung tumorigenesis in anim
37                      Selenium is a potential chemopreventive agent against prostate cancer, whose che
38 isothiocyanate (PEITC) is a promising cancer chemopreventive agent but the mechanism of its anticance
39 strate that NO-aspirin 2 may be an effective chemopreventive agent by favorably affecting the inhibit
40  lung carcinogenesis, and deguelin acts as a chemopreventive agent by inducing a reciprocal regulatio
41 ch prohibited acceptance of finasteride as a chemopreventive agent by most urologists.
42 e, no recommendation for intervention with a chemopreventive agent can be made.
43 olyphenol, has gained interest as a nontoxic chemopreventive agent capable of inducing tumor cell dea
44  Curcumin is a dietary anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive agent consisting of two methoxyphenol ri
45 is in A/J mice and merits investigation as a chemopreventive agent for human lung cancer.
46 esults show that enzastaurin is an effective chemopreventive agent in a mouse model of sporadic colon
47  crude wheat husk could be used as a natural chemopreventive agent in food supplement.
48 bitor enzastaurin may represent an effective chemopreventive agent in patients at high risk for colon
49 ate carcinoma, and it has been examined as a chemopreventive agent in prostate cancer.
50 fficacy of the diphenol curcumin as a cancer chemopreventive agent is limited by its chemical and met
51 ay by hyperacetylating RelA/p65, whereas the chemopreventive agent resveratrol inhibits NF-kappaB by
52 rived l-isomer, is a highly promising cancer chemopreventive agent substantiated by inhibition of che
53                                       Cancer chemopreventive agent sulforaphane (SFN) and dibenzoylme
54                       We also found that the chemopreventive agent sulforaphane can target these DCIS
55     Quinone-induced oxidative stress and the chemopreventive agent sulforaphane inhibit Keap1-depende
56 r results identify norathyriol as a safe new chemopreventive agent that is highly effective against d
57 the plant Curcuma longa, is a widely studied chemopreventive agent that was shown to have a low toxic
58 min, a plant polyphenol, is a widely studied chemopreventive agent with demonstrated antitumor activi
59 ast, B-DIM (BR-DIM from Bioresponse, Inc.; a chemopreventive agent) significantly inhibited both mTOR
60 l data suggest that it functions as a cancer chemopreventive agent, although the underlying mechanism
61 es that are essential for a potential cancer chemopreventive agent, and thus merits further evaluatio
62 nzyl isothiocyanate (BITC), a dietary cancer chemopreventive agent, causes apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 an
63 s report, we have analyzed the efficacy of a chemopreventive agent, curcumin, in blocking RON tyrosin
64 e deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor and a dietary chemopreventive agent, decreased NO production in macrop
65 ratrol, a well-established phytoestrogen and chemopreventive agent, has gained much attention among o
66                     Vitamin D3, an effective chemopreventive agent, interrupted this crosstalk by blo
67 ted molecular biomarkers and mechanisms of a chemopreventive agent, silibinin, against human colorect
68                                 Considered a chemopreventive agent, the ability of genistein to modul
69          Using this device, we tested if the chemopreventive agent, vitamin D, could interfere with P
70 cently identified as a promising lung cancer chemopreventive agent, while (+)-dihydrokavain was compl
71 romoter haplotype and unpredicted inhibitory chemopreventive agent-haplotype interactions.
72 us vegetables that is an important candidate chemopreventive agent.
73  evaluation as a potential colorectal cancer chemopreventive agent.
74  further investigation as a potential cancer chemopreventive agent.
75 ific risks and benefits associated with each chemopreventive agent.
76 ntial candidate for pre-clinical trials as a chemopreventive agent.
77  early treatment and prevention of NMSC with chemopreventive agents (for those with the BsmI SNP).
78 r investigation of calcium and vitamin D3 as chemopreventive agents against colorectal neoplasms, and
79 he relevant factors in the administration of chemopreventive agents and difficulties in assessing lon
80 inical trials; outline the business case for chemopreventive agents and vaccines for federal research
81 cument about the approval process for cancer chemopreventive agents and vaccines for the FDA; develop
82  clinical trials; therefore, combinations of chemopreventive agents are gaining increasingly populari
83 ential bladder toxicity when Nrf2-activating chemopreventive agents are used in humans exposed to ABP
84 nity to intervene with mechanistically based chemopreventive agents at various stages of disease prog
85 ndeed can be very useful, not only as cancer chemopreventive agents but also in oncotherapy.
86 uced in different tissues by the antioxidant chemopreventive agents ethoxyquin and butylated hydroxya
87 he potential role of ASA and other NSAIDs as chemopreventive agents for CM.
88 -2) inhibitors, are among the most promising chemopreventive agents for colorectal cancer.
89 at inhibit the enzyme COX-2 may be effective chemopreventive agents for NMSCs.
90  lead to the use of PSMA inhibitors as novel chemopreventive agents for prostate cancer.
91 general population; however, they may act as chemopreventive agents for stomach and esophageal cancer
92  of skin cancer, prompting great interest in chemopreventive agents for this disease.
93 ate that NSAIDs are among the most promising chemopreventive agents for this disease.
94 d that B vitamins have the potential role as chemopreventive agents for upper gastrointestinal cancer
95 ts of prospective randomized human trials of chemopreventive agents have in many cases been less impr
96                  The promise of retinoids as chemopreventive agents in breast cancer is based on the
97 athway could be candidates for evaluation as chemopreventive agents in individuals at high risk of de
98     Moreover, antiestrogens show efficacy as chemopreventive agents in women at high risk of developi
99                                   Most known chemopreventive agents including certain selenium compou
100 e received increasing attention as potential chemopreventive agents of skin cancer, but evidence is i
101 ophageal tumorigenesis and of the effects of chemopreventive agents on these events.
102                                    Preferred chemopreventive agents possess 1) antiproliferative and
103  represent a new class of therapeutic and/or chemopreventive agents that blocks Akt signaling in neop
104           There are several putative soybean chemopreventive agents, but most cancer research has foc
105 nsible for the metabolism and disposition of chemopreventive agents, chemical toxins and carcinogens,
106 odel is useful for assessing the efficacy of chemopreventive agents, specifically those compounds tha
107 ilability and limit any unwanted toxicity of chemopreventive agents, such as EGCG.
108 vel is reduced by treatment with the dietary chemopreventive agents, sulforaphane and green tea polyp
109 e of several commonly used drugs as melanoma chemopreventive agents.
110 ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are effective cancer chemopreventive agents.
111 ists might be a new class of therapeutic and chemopreventive agents.
112 gesting that they may find utility as cancer chemopreventive agents.
113  for palatability and ability to deliver the chemopreventive agents.
114 ic delivery and bioavailability of promising chemopreventive agents.
115 derivatives with promising utility as cancer chemopreventive agents.
116 loitation of autophagy inducers as potential chemopreventive agents.
117 g STG28 as a scaffold to develop more potent chemopreventive agents.
118 thetic food additives, as nutraceuticals and chemopreventive agents.
119 cribing a new class of DNA repair-activating chemopreventive agents.
120 t reveals how hGSTP1 is regulated in vivo by chemopreventive agents.
121 y as strong phytoestrogens and potent cancer chemopreventive agents.
122  the design of new and novel rexinoid cancer chemopreventive agents.
123 vedic medicine, has been reported to exhibit chemopreventive and anti-inflammatory activities through
124  cell types is likely to underlie its potent chemopreventive and anti-inflammatory activity.
125 regioselective enzyme catalysis, and a known chemopreventive and antiinflammatory drug, i.e., curcumi
126 ydrolysis products, isothiocyanates, possess chemopreventive and antioxidant activities.
127 antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antimutagenic, chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activities.
128 he antidiabetic drug metformin exhibits both chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activity for multip
129 nd other food products, was shown to possess chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activity in the pre
130 g axis and suggest that it could be a useful chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agent to delay prog
131 ionale for the development of more effective chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents with less to
132 nism of action that may be essential for its chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects.
133 l)retinamide (4HPR) has shown potential as a chemopreventive and therapeutic agent.
134 atechins (GTC), which are suggested to offer chemopreventive and therapeutic effects on cancer.
135  cancer risk in young women, and predict the chemopreventive and therapeutic efficacy of COX-2 inhibi
136 e and phenotype as a function of response to chemopreventive and therapeutic regimes.
137 se model is ideally suited for testing novel chemopreventive and therapeutic strategies against pancr
138 litate the development of efficient and safe chemopreventive and therapeutic strategies for skin canc
139 t B-DIM could serve as a novel and efficient chemopreventive and/or therapeutic agent by inactivation
140 the Bowman-Birk family exert their potential chemopreventive and/or therapeutic properties via protea
141 ition could be one of the mechanisms for the chemopreventive and/or therapeutic roles of curcumin in
142 molecular mechanisms that may be targeted by chemopreventive and/or therapeutic strategies.
143 s attract considerable interest as potential chemopreventive anticancer agents.
144 ld have health beneficial properties such as chemopreventive, antimicrobial or antioxidant capacity.
145           Overall, our results indicate that chemopreventive, apoptotic, and anti-inflammatory activi
146                                              Chemopreventive approaches aimed at inhibiting the chron
147 s in the efficacy of available screening and chemopreventive approaches for women with a mutation in
148 more accurate and individualized nutritional chemopreventive approaches in the future.
149 tent with the rationale of these 2 different chemopreventive approaches.
150 igh-risk smokers, diagnostic modalities, and chemopreventive approaches.
151 intake of vitamin A and carotenoids may have chemopreventive benefits against melanoma, but epidemiol
152           Selenium has been reported to have chemopreventive benefits in lung cancer.
153  have not yet been analysed for differential chemopreventive bioactivity.
154 selective rexinoid that displays substantial chemopreventive capacity with little toxicity.
155 ns up a new prostate-specific target for CaP chemopreventive/chemotherapeutic drug development.
156 he FDA; develop new design models for cancer chemopreventive clinical trials; outline the business ca
157 y, specific chelators, including the natural chemopreventive compound curcumin, reverse the inhibitio
158 he discovery of norathyriol, a plant-derived chemopreventive compound identified through an in silico
159                      The ability to act as a chemopreventive compound indicates that apigenin treatme
160 er insights into the mechanisms of action of chemopreventive compounds and other environmental agents
161 hat functions as a sensor for thiol-reactive chemopreventive compounds and oxidative stress.
162 rf2 activators are currently being tested as chemopreventive compounds in clinical trials.
163 ns and metabolize isothiocyanates, which are chemopreventive compounds in cruciferous vegetables.
164 r prevention has primarily focused on single chemopreventive compounds that may not be sufficiently e
165 In this review, we discuss promising natural chemopreventive compounds, their molecular targets, and
166 d globally and are rich sources of potential chemopreventive compounds.
167 ion by arsenic that is distinct from that of chemopreventive compounds.
168              Genistein is a candidate cancer chemopreventive drug being tested in clinical trials.
169 Bay 11-7082 and rapamycin may potentially be chemopreventive drugs against Barrett's esophagus-associ
170                        Interestingly, cancer chemopreventive drugs potently stimulate Drosophila Nrf2
171  thus, other combination treatments, such as chemopreventive drugs, are needed.
172                     Evidence clearly shows a chemopreventive effect for aspirin and other non-steroid
173                                       SAMe's chemopreventive effect may be related to its proapoptoti
174 TV-Pax8PPARgamma mice was insensitive to the chemopreventive effect of a PPARgamma agonist but was pr
175 paper is to review the evidence supporting a chemopreventive effect of aspirin, discuss its potential
176  as ginnalins, but little is known about the chemopreventive effect of KJT on colon cancer.
177 mendation reflects increasing evidence for a chemopreventive effect of low-dose aspirin against color
178                        Recent evidence for a chemopreventive effect of low-dose aspirin may tilt the
179 endations for future experiments testing the chemopreventive effect of n-3 FAs in breast cancer, as p
180                              To evaluate the chemopreventive effect of nitric oxide-donating aspirin
181                          We investigated the chemopreventive effect of SP against 7,12-dimethylbenz[a
182 owledge, this is the first report of in vivo chemopreventive effect of SP against DMBA-induced breast
183 , we attempted to identify biomarkers of the chemopreventive effect of the RXR-selective retinoid LGD
184              These findings support that the chemopreventive effect of the Urso-Aspirin combination o
185                                          The chemopreventive effect was more pronounced in the first
186 pecies, which are key early mediators of its chemopreventive effect.
187    In this study, we investigated the cancer chemopreventive effects and the underlying molecular mec
188  warranted to determine whether statins have chemopreventive effects in high-risk groups.
189 , epidemiology, and preclinical and clinical chemopreventive effects in the lower intestine of nonste
190 ue to the presence of 8-prenylnarigenin, and chemopreventive effects mainly attributed to xanthohumol
191  maple polyphenols may have potential cancer chemopreventive effects mediated through cell cycle arre
192 ologic and laboratory studies have shown the chemopreventive effects of 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(
193 , 2011, through June 30, 2014, to assess the chemopreventive effects of a standard course of topical
194                   The present study examines chemopreventive effects of CP-31398 on intestinal adenom
195 ffects, critically important determinants of chemopreventive effects of EGCG in both in vitro and in
196  role of PI3K/AKT signaling in mediating the chemopreventive effects of ITCs.
197      This provides a novel mechanism for the chemopreventive effects of n-3 PUFA in breast cancer.
198 he underlying molecular mechanisms of cancer chemopreventive effects of SFN and DBM.
199 l and may partially account for the reported chemopreventive effects of soybean.
200 re is substantial evidence for the potential chemopreventive effects of vitamin D, folate, fruits, an
201 l studies have shown that statins could have chemopreventive effects on HCC.
202 aried, and the mechanisms by which FA exerts chemopreventive effects remain to be clarified.
203 e mechanism by which [6]-gingerol exerts its chemopreventive effects remains elusive.
204 n the molecule is administered at low doses (chemopreventive effects), or at high doses (pharmacologi
205 ontribute to retinoid-induced anticancer and chemopreventive effects.
206 f flavonoids to benefit from their potential chemopreventive effects.
207 getables are widely studied for their cancer chemopreventive effects.
208             A successful strategy to improve chemopreventive efficacies is by down-regulating tumor p
209  Data suggest that vitamin D intake may have chemopreventive efficacy against melanoma, but there hav
210                Accordingly, here we assessed chemopreventive efficacy and associated mechanisms of lo
211 f polyps suggested that silibinin exerts its chemopreventive efficacy by inhibiting cell proliferatio
212                              We assessed the chemopreventive efficacy of atorvastatin (Lipitor) and c
213 Herein, for the first time, we evaluated the chemopreventive efficacy of dietary silibinin against pr
214                     Herein, we evaluated the chemopreventive efficacy of grape seed extract (GSE) aga
215                                We tested the chemopreventive efficacy of indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a c
216 the present study tested the hypothesis that chemopreventive efficacy of SFN could be augmented by th
217 dings suggest that AR levels may predict the chemopreventive efficacy of SRD5A inhibitors.
218       In the present study, we evaluated the chemopreventive efficacy of targeting the terminal synth
219 elecoxib significantly enhanced colon cancer chemopreventive efficacy.
220 ion in the GSTP1 gene promoter and candidate chemopreventive exposure in regulating human GSTP1 expre
221  evidence that vitamin B supplements are not chemopreventive for lung cancer and may be harmful.
222 ation of SeMSCys without negative effects on chemopreventive glucosinolate contents.
223 GCG) is often described as the most potently chemopreventive green tea catechin; however, the low bio
224 macological actions; it has been shown to be chemopreventive in non-melamona skin cancer in mice thro
225       We conclude that FA supplementation is chemopreventive in this model of Helicobacter-associated
226 nt stratification for targeted therapies and chemopreventive interventions.
227   Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring cancer chemopreventive, is the hydrolysis product of glucorapha
228 restingly, when TRAMP mice were treated in a chemopreventive manner with the DNA methyltransferase in
229 findings identify a novel vitamin D-mediated chemopreventive mechanism involving a positive feedback
230 ion of cyclin D1 was highlighted as a cancer chemopreventive mechanism.
231 y of SERMs may contribute to antioxidant and chemopreventive mechanisms, providing a new approach to
232         Antiproliferation is one of the many chemopreventive modes of action it has been shown to eng
233           We showed that glucocorticoids and chemopreventive modified nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
234 dentified in many plant tissues and exhibits chemopreventive or chemosensitising properties against h
235  suggest that resveratrol may be a promising chemopreventive or chemotherapeutic agent for lung cance
236 ues merit further investigation as potential chemopreventive or chemotherapeutic agents.
237  as kaempferol, might be a good strategy for chemopreventive or chemotherapeutic application.
238 ns, compound 2j could be a good candidate in chemopreventive or chemotherapeutic strategies.
239  important source for further development of chemopreventive or therapeutic agents against prostate c
240 ey determinants of KS onset and potential KS chemopreventive or therapeutic targets.
241 nasin is a 43-amino acid naturally occurring chemopreventive peptide with demonstrated anti-cancer an
242 sed on the structure of indole-3-carbinol, a chemopreventive phytochemical, we developed a novel deri
243                                          The chemopreventive potency of CDDO-Im was evaluated by meas
244 in the APC(min/+) mice model, suggesting its chemopreventive potential against intestinal cancers inc
245                                              Chemopreventive potential of celecoxib porous particles
246     However, the molecular mechanisms of the chemopreventive potential of cocoa and its active ingred
247   Thus, the aim of this work was to test the chemopreventive potential of green tea extract and EGCG
248                                          The chemopreventive potential of NSAIDs might differ by popu
249 rroborate our earlier findings regarding PCa chemopreventive potential of silibinin in TRAMP model an
250                         To further study the chemopreventive potential of these nutrients, we conduct
251 ry and botanical natural compounds that have chemopreventive potential.
252  presence of other constituents to exert its chemopreventive potential.
253 ed potency of CDDO-Im in vivo highlights the chemopreventive promise of targeting Nrf2 pathways with
254 s metabolite methylthioadenosine (MTA) exert chemopreventive properties against liver and colon cance
255   Similarly, a combination of estrogenic and chemopreventive properties has been reported for various
256                                          The chemopreventive properties of diet-derived EGCG alter MT
257         This mechanism may contribute to the chemopreventive properties of n-3 fatty acids in prostat
258              Studies examining the potential chemopreventive properties of nonsteroidal anti-inflamma
259 erature, but the final verdict regarding the chemopreventive properties of NSAIDs against melanoma is
260       Despite the documented antioxidant and chemopreventive properties of selenium, studies of selen
261 rminant of cancer risk and a mediator of the chemopreventive properties of selenium.
262 vator protein-1 (AP-1) may contribute to the chemopreventive properties of this compound.
263 thylselenol (CH3SeH), also purported to have chemopreventive properties, is the gamma-elimination pro
264      Because several of these compounds have chemopreventive properties, we determined the effects of
265 idant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and chemopreventive properties.
266  both humans and animal models with possible chemopreventive properties.
267 eceived attention in recent years due to its chemopreventive properties.
268 ent based on recent evidence of its apparent chemopreventive properties.
269 nic effects, both of which contribute to its chemopreventive properties.
270                                   The cancer chemopreventive qualities of green tea have been well do
271 evidence to transcriptomic results regarding chemopreventive response of cells to CA treatment.
272 skin, providing additional support for their chemopreventive role; verification of study findings is
273      Our results assign both therapeutic and chemopreventive significance to methylation patterns in
274 target for the development of more effective chemopreventive strategies and agents.
275  diagnosis, more successful therapy, and new chemopreventive strategies for these illnesses.
276                                              Chemopreventive strategies have been increasingly deploy
277 , that inhibitors of EGFR might be useful in chemopreventive strategies in individuals at increased r
278 of chemical carcinogenesis and the design of chemopreventive strategies is whether procarcinogen bioa
279                                              Chemopreventive strategies might be used to reduce the r
280 iles through either lifestyle alterations or chemopreventive strategies.
281 ffectiveness of new treatment modalities and chemopreventive strategies.
282 in this group, and underscoring the need for chemopreventive strategies.
283  model and, thus, has potential for use as a chemopreventive strategy for UVB radiation-induced malig
284  targeted drugs, could represent a promising chemopreventive strategy in women at high familial risk
285 sed IGF-II sensitivity to develop an in vivo chemopreventive strategy using the azoxymethane (AOM) mu
286  risk for colorectal cancer and be used as a chemopreventive strategy.
287 e results suggest that sustained delivery of chemopreventives such as curcumin using polymeric microp
288  is a major cytoprotective gene and is a key chemopreventive target against cancer and other diseases
289 lved could help identify new therapeutic and chemopreventive targets.
290 s derived from A. hydaspica may be promising chemopreventive/therapeutic candidates against cancer.
291 f our diet, are being investigated for their chemopreventive/therapeutic properties.
292 rts the use of AHR agonists such as I3C as a chemopreventive therapy for IBD-associated CRC in human
293 tial platform for monitoring the efficacy of chemopreventive therapy of premalignancy, imaging the ti
294 sults encourage further study of Tempol as a chemopreventive, to reduce the incidence of radiation-in
295 the use of a cocktail of R1, R2 and XVX as a chemopreventive tool against colon cancer.
296                    Finasteride is a valuable chemopreventive tool because it reduces the risk of pros
297 e Cancer Prevention Trial were used to model chemopreventive treatment strategies: treat all men, tre
298  lines than ASA and should be considered for chemopreventive trials with HNPCC carriers.
299 his history comprises a fascinating array of chemopreventive, vaccine, surgical, and behavioral scien
300 of using mifepristone as a cancer metastasis chemopreventive, we performed a systems pharmacology ana

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