


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 fuses laterally, functioning as a long-range chemorepellent.
2 signaling by semaphorins, a family of axonal chemorepellents.
3 g and/or degrading lipid chemoattractants or chemorepellents.
4 mbers that can function as diffusible axonal chemorepellents.
5 itudinal axon guidance by the Slit family of chemorepellents.
6                                    Using the chemorepellent acetate to phosphorylate and acetylate Ch
7                                   The rectal chemorepellent activity is blocked by anti-collapsin-1 a
8 rom melanomas expressing CXCL12 confirms the chemorepellent activity of high concentrations of CXCL12
9 s support the thesis that the CXCR4-mediated chemorepellent activity of intrathymic SDF-1 contributes
10 entration, has been shown to act as a T-cell chemorepellent and abrogate T-cell infiltration into a s
11  emigration, and, in vitro, netrin 1 acts as chemorepellent and antagonizes platelet-derived growth f
12 he medial part of ventral telencephalon, and chemorepellent and chemoattractant activities expressed
13  the class 3 semaphorins, which are neuronal chemorepellents, and plays a role in the directional gui
14 ort that Slit proteins, a family of secreted chemorepellents, are crucial for the proper development
15 eems to act both at close range as a contact chemorepellent, by affecting insect gustatory receptors,
16                   These results suggest that chemorepellents can prevent the premature innervation of
17  crossing of the midline and as a long-range chemorepellent controlling mesoderm migration away from
18                                 Gradients of chemorepellent factors released from myelin may impair a
19 ation assays demonstrated that netrin-1 is a chemorepellent for migrating adult OPCs.
20                 Functionally, Slit acts as a chemorepellent for olfactory bulb axons.
21 several classes of developing axons and as a chemorepellent for other classes of axons, apparently de
22      Collapsin-1 can function as a selective chemorepellent for sensory neurons, however, its early e
23 of Slit containing only the LRRs function as chemorepellents for axons projecting from the olfactory
24    Here, we show that slit1 and slit2, known chemorepellents for RGC axons expressed in specific regi
25 network describes the underlying pathways of chemorepellent gradient sensing in D. discoideum.
26  Furthermore, the secreted protein Slit is a chemorepellent guiding the migratory direction of GABAer
27 acellular glycoproteins that may function as chemorepellents in axon guidance and neuronal cell migra
28 (Sema3E), initially identified as a neuronal chemorepellent, is involved in the regulation of cell mi
29                             Semaphorin 3A, a chemorepellent known to inhibit integrin activation, was
30 ay from the roof plate (RP) in response to a chemorepellent mediated by the bone morphogenetic protei
31 y because both glial populations express the chemorepellent molecule slit-2, and cortical axons expre
32 ate that combinations of chemoattractant and chemorepellent molecules are involved in this ventricle-
33                 In addition to their role as chemorepellent netrin-1 receptors, UNC5 proteins may med
34 e results indicate that DPPIV functions as a chemorepellent of human and mouse neutrophils, and they
35 ocument for the first time that Slit2-N is a chemorepellent of VSMCs.
36 le of Semaphorin3A (Sema3A), a cell guidance chemorepellent, on angioblast migration and corneal avas
37 hat pathway tissues might secrete diffusible chemorepellents or chemoattractants that guide cranial m
38 ce is provided for a distinct trochlear axon chemorepellent produced by floor plate cells.
39 hat allogeneic cells engineered to express a chemorepellent protein would not be rejected.
40 1 was also shown to elicit a CXCR4-dependent chemorepellent response from fetal SP thymocytes.
41 s from their localized origin is guided by a chemorepellent response to netrin 1.
42 romeric netrin-receptor complex to mediate a chemorepellent response.
43 wth may be due to a chemoattractant and/or a chemorepellent secreted by intermediate targets of corti
44 he response of Drosophila motoneurons to the chemorepellent Sema-2a during synaptic refinement.
45                                          The chemorepellent Sema3F is required for IPT axon pruning,
46 udy examines the possible role of a secreted chemorepellent, Semaphorin 3E (Sema3E), in neutrophil mi
47             Mapping along this axis requires chemorepellent signalling from tectal cells, expressing
48 ns remain concerning how chemoattractant and chemorepellent signals are integrated within the cell an
49 t) or away from the source (in the case of a chemorepellent)--such migration is termed chemotaxis.
50 maphorin 3A (SEMA3A)-encoded semaphorin is a chemorepellent that disrupts neural patterning in the ne
51 ceptor for semaphorin3A (Sema3A), a secreted chemorepellent that facilitates axon guidance during neu
52 e responsible for the graded distribution of chemorepellents that drive the directed migration of neu
53  proteins (BMPs) appear to act as RP-derived chemorepellents that guide the early trajectory of the a
54 epelling axons, including the Slit family of chemorepellents via their Robo receptors, and Netrin1 vi

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