


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or that functions specifically in salt taste chemosensation.
2 nel function in the regulation of C. elegans chemosensation.
3 y neurons that are not normally required for chemosensation.
4 it, papilla and knob sensilla act in contact chemosensation.
5 phisms contribute to individual variation in chemosensation.
6 some fresh approaches to classic problems in chemosensation.
7 h the adaptive and non-adaptive evolution of chemosensation.
8 resentation of anticipatory and consummatory chemosensation.
9 nels or raphe neurons in central respiratory chemosensation.
10  elegans arrestin-1 (arr-1) does not disrupt chemosensation.
11 t role for RGS proteins in the regulation of chemosensation.
12 ry modalities, such as vision, audition, and chemosensation.
13 action, osmosensation, mechanosensation, and chemosensation.
14 multiple egl-4-regulated pathways, including chemosensation.
15 ted in a coordination mutant and involved in chemosensation.
16 orm a Na(+)-sensitive channel mediating salt chemosensation.
17 defects associated with mechanosensation and chemosensation.
18 ions of vagal and spinal afferent neurons to chemosensation and chemonociception.
19 ved huge expansions of genes associated with chemosensation and detoxification compared with speciali
20 ein-coupled receptors that mediate olfactory chemosensation and serve as chemosensors in other tissue
21  a resolution device, with specific focus on chemosensation and the olfactory system, is of appeal.
22  proposed to form a transduction channel for chemosensation and thermosensation, and tax-2 activity i
23 ensory functions, such as phototransduction, chemosensation, and thermosensation, in many species fro
24 e recently been made in understanding insect chemosensation at the molecular and cellular levels.
25 in adult sensory neurons profoundly disrupts chemosensation, based on both behavioral analysis and Ca
26 ore rhythmogenic microcircuits to O2-related chemosensation for the first time.
27       In recent years, however, the field of chemosensation has benefited from new methods and techni
28 this coding strategy is a general feature of chemosensation in C. elegans, we imaged calcium response
29  G protein signaling (RGS) protein, restores chemosensation in Ce-grk-2 mutants.
30 3a together are sufficient for olfactory CO2-chemosensation in Drosophila.
31                  We find that the quality of chemosensation in lower dimensions is controlled by doma
32  that P2Y1 modulates heat responsiveness and chemosensation in muscle afferents to play a key role in
33  of general importance to both modalities of chemosensation in other insects.
34 nd demonstrate the essential role of contact chemosensation in the early courtship steps of mate sele
35                                              Chemosensation in the nervous system of the nematode Cae
36                                      Contact chemosensation is required for several behaviors that pr
37 ing a conserved role in thermoregulation and chemosensation, is required for this specialized host-se
38 ression, little is known about their role in chemosensation, largely due to the lack of available mut
39  of carbon dioxide, suggesting that aberrant chemosensation may underlie anxiety disorders associated
40 si that express OBPs are required for normal chemosensation mediated through the leg, as ablation of
41 FAR1) and GPR120 have been implicated in the chemosensation of dietary fats.
42 is required for some forms of olfaction, for chemosensation of salts, and for thermosensation.
43                     In contrast to mammalian chemosensation or Drosophila olfaction, which are initia
44 l types that are not associated with contact chemosensation raising the possibility that these protei
45 is-specific genes possess predicted roles in chemosensation, reproduction, adaptation to specific die
46 Here we present a theory of the precision of chemosensation that covers bounded domains of any dimens
47 n one well-known example of gastrointestinal chemosensation (the "incretin effect"), it is known that
48 ucleotide-gated channel that is required for chemosensation, thermosensation and normal axon outgrowt
49 tify genes and small molecules that modulate chemosensation, thermosensation, and mechanosensation.
50 y of male flies to detect females by contact chemosensation through the pheromone-sensing ion channel
51 ly, Drosophila melanogaster, rely on contact chemosensation to detect nutrient-rich foods, to avoid c
52           Insect survival depends on contact chemosensation to sense and avoid consuming plant-derive
53  causing defects in locomotion, feeding, and chemosensation when mutated.

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