


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 labeled neurons of the body wall that may be chemosensory.
2 classically respond to hypoxia by increasing chemosensory activity in the carotid sinus nerve (CSN),
3 of Kv may provide a mechanism to enhance the chemosensory activity of the CB and ventilation.
4 nerves were used to study mechanosensory and chemosensory afferent function in 3-, 12- and 24-month-o
5 ons, via transmitters, between gustatory and chemosensory afferents inside taste buds will help expla
6 und pattern common to all investigated taxa: chemosensory afferents supplying thousands of intrinsic
7 e solitary tract (NTS), a site that receives chemosensory afferents, and the ventral surface of the m
8  a rational basis to initiate the design and chemosensory analysis of new low-calorie sweeteners.
9 itory electrical junction activity between a chemosensory and a mechanosensory circuit.
10 ctivity also controlled immunity through ADF chemosensory and AFD thermosensory neurons that regulate
11 tem and basal forebrain, as well as with the chemosensory and basomedial amygdala.
12 st L. tripustulatus relies mainly on contact chemosensory and gustatory cues.
13 imulate ventral axon branching in C. elegans chemosensory and mechanosensory neurons.
14 de-gated channel (CNGA), which suggests dual chemosensory and neurosecretory activities.
15                            Here, we identify chemosensory and oxygen-sensing circuits that affect the
16 ecause AIY neurons are post-synaptic to most chemosensory and thermosensory neurons, it is probable t
17 erior cortical amygdaloid nucleus (ACo) is a chemosensory area of the cortical amygdala that receives
18      However, the contribution of particular chemosensory areas (carotid vs. aortic bodies) to this r
19  potential oxygen-sensing cells in all three chemosensory areas innervated by branches of the Xth cra
20      However, the contribution of particular chemosensory areas, such as carotid (CB) vs. aortic bodi
21  Furthermore, the findings indicate that the chemosensory array is a promising platform for the devel
22        Bacteria utilize a large multiprotein chemosensory array to sense attractants and repellents i
23 olecular complexes: ribosome, virus capsids, chemosensory array, and photosynthetic chromatophore.
24 itical role of interface 2 in organizing the chemosensory array, in directing the clustered array to
25  clustered at the cell poles as in wild type chemosensory arrays.
26 and GLP-1 regulate two C. elegans behaviors: chemosensory avoidance of octanol and quiescence during
27 termined the chemical tuning of isolated CO2 chemosensory BAG neurons of the nematode Caenorhabditis
28 avoidance TOL-1 signaling is required in the chemosensory BAG neurons, where it regulates gene expres
29 er concentrations as predicted by the gbBLM, chemosensory-based BLMs, the USEPA BLM, and hardness-adj
30           We took advantage of the disrupted chemosensory behavior characteristic of Caenorhabditis e
31 e FOCE system approach and suggests that the chemosensory behavior of a deep-sea urchin may be impair
32 nnective hub, and promote reestablishment of chemosensory behavior.
33 ve greatly advanced our understanding of the chemosensory behaviors of host-seeking parasites.
34                 To quantitatively understand chemosensory behaviors, it is desirable to present many
35 d provide a molecular basis for differential chemosensory behaviours driven by the brainstem raphe nu
36 sual gender perception draws on subconscious chemosensory biological cues, an effect that has been hi
37 M) generated wings with ectopic sensilla and chemosensory bristle duplications.
38 receptors and are among the core proteins of chemosensory cascades.
39               We found the expression of the chemosensory cation channel dTRPA1 in these cells to be
40 e levels of neuromediators and expression of chemosensory cation channels, protein gene product 9.5 (
41 ns in the peripheral taste system: embryonic chemosensory cell fate determination and the specificati
42 eviously unidentified cholinergic, polymodal chemosensory cell in the mammalian urethra, the potentia
43 olving a previously unidentified cholinergic chemosensory cell monitoring the chemical composition of
44                           The tuft cell is a chemosensory cell that responds to signals in the extrac
45                                     Solitary chemosensory cells (SCCs) of the nasal cavity are specia
46 t of airway T2Rs expressed in nasal solitary chemosensory cells activates a calcium wave that propaga
47                                              Chemosensory cells in the mucosal surface of the respira
48 that transduction by the intranasal solitary chemosensory cells is necessary to evoke trigeminally me
49 ebrafish in both i) apical microvilli of the chemosensory cells of taste buds including the epitheliu
50                               Isolated nasal chemosensory cells respond to the classic bitter ligand
51     Each barbel carries taste buds, solitary chemosensory cells, and epithelial nerve endings, all of
52                    Olfactory sensory neurons chemosensory cilia are elongated, mucus embedded, fully
53 he surface forming a knob projecting several chemosensory cilia of approximately 50 x 0.2 mum, devoid
54 copy revealed that CheS is part of the polar chemosensory cluster and that its cellular localization
55 ulators that they phosphorylate and (ii) the chemosensory cluster to which they localize.
56 fficient to localize the CheAs to a specific chemosensory cluster.
57 est control strategies based on manipulating chemosensory communication.
58 ic basis for stimulus pH detection in rodent chemosensory communication.
59    In Escherichia coli the membrane-spanning chemosensory complexes are polar and new static complexe
60 e followed the relative positions of the two chemosensory complexes, FtsZ and MreB in aerobic and in
61 iated and cytoplasmic, chromosome-associated chemosensory complexes.
62 e results demonstrate the convergence of the chemosensory components of flavor onto single GC neurons
63 or interaction in quiet wakefulness when the chemosensory control system is intact, response gains ph
64  the presence of an evolutionarily conserved chemosensory cue within the blood odor mixture.
65 sex (dsx)-expressing neurons that respond to chemosensory cues (P1 neurons) were artificially activat
66  show that mammals can make use of bilateral chemosensory cues combined with serial sampling to local
67  guided by photosensory, mechanosensory, and chemosensory cues.
68 formation of interaction networks depends on chemosensory cues.
69 males as well as responses of MeA neurons to chemosensory cues.
70 ns, which was preceded by severe progressive chemosensory defects.
71  signaling pathways involved in these insect chemosensory-dependent behaviors requires the activity o
72                           Here, we show that chemosensory detection of two secondary metabolites prod
73  most extensively studied for their roles in chemosensory detection, recent work has implicated two f
74  drive inspiratory motor output or increased chemosensory drive.
75                     However, assessing these chemosensory effects is difficult because gastric infusi
76 plasticity is induced after male-male social chemosensory encounters, resulting in enhanced MC suppre
77                                After salient chemosensory encounters, the accessory olfactory bulb (A
78 uronal plasticity following male-male social chemosensory encounters.
79 ere we show that tuft cells, which are taste-chemosensory epithelial cells, accumulate during parasit
80  central nervous system (CNS) evolved from a chemosensory epithelium, but a simple epithelium has lim
81 e is a marker for perception of a variety of chemosensory experiences.
82                                     However, chemosensory families often display the strongest genome
83  kinase Ret, regulates the expression of the chemosensory fate determinant Phox2b early in GG develop
84  the oral cavity are carried to the brain in chemosensory fibers that contribute to chemesthesis, the
85                         We propose that this chemosensory function enables a mouse to rapidly assess
86                                              Chemosensory function was attenuated in the 24-month col
87 n with Galpha(q/11), did not affect Ce-GRK-2 chemosensory function, disruption of the predicted PH do
88 erentiate between nuclei that have a primary chemosensory function, versus those that are relays in t
89 s gene expression and is necessary for their chemosensory function.
90 bound conformation, also eliminated Ce-GRK-2 chemosensory function.
91 ting genes with potential implications in CB chemosensory function.
92  respiratory A. flavus may impair motile and chemosensory functions of airway cilia, contributing to
93      Olfactory and gustatory ligands bind to chemosensory G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in spec
94                             Taste is a major chemosensory gate used to decide whether or not an anima
95                                   Within the chemosensory gene families, we observed a general reduct
96 observed a general reduction in the level of chemosensory gene transcripts, although a subset of odor
97                          Large expansions of chemosensory genes involved in the reception of pheromon
98                The increase in expression of chemosensory genes suggests an enhanced role in adult bu
99  determinants of vectorial capacity, such as chemosensory genes, do not show elevated turnover but in
100                                        These chemosensory GPCRs are expressed in highly specialized c
101               Neurons in mPFC can encode the chemosensory identity of gustatory stimuli.
102                                              Chemosensory information processing in the mouse accesso
103 w these rare and unique cell types transduce chemosensory information to the nervous system has been
104 fundamentally different strategies to encode chemosensory information, and that distinct receptor sub
105 regulates two parallel circuits that process chemosensory information, the accessory and main olfacto
106 litarius caudal region, which receives vagal chemosensory information.
107 ting the notion of integrative processing of chemosensory information.
108 nd loss of Phox2b expression with subsequent chemosensory innervation deficits, indicating that Ret i
109   These findings strengthen the link between chemosensory inputs and conserved mechanisms of lifespan
110 ility of the animal to discriminate distinct chemosensory inputs.
111 gr2-Pet1 neurons, which project primarily to chemosensory integration centers and are themselves chem
112 pitations and dyspnea via stimulation of non-chemosensory interoceptive channels would be sufficient
113      The OSNs express IR92a, a member of the chemosensory ionotropic receptor (IR) family and project
114 nic altricial birds are capable of acquiring chemosensory knowledge of their parents during early dev
115 endent on uncharacterized maternally derived chemosensory ligands.
116 rdinate cell division and segregation of the chemosensory machinery.
117                                 By comparing chemosensory mechanisms to those in the visual system we
118  changes mediated by remodeling of canonical chemosensory modules.
119 or in Drosophila melanogaster males, but the chemosensory molecules, cells, and mechanisms involved r
120  evoked by repeatedly touching the food with chemosensory mouthparts.
121 onas aeruginosa PAO1 has a much more complex chemosensory network, which consists of 26 chemoreceptor
122 ate a G-protein-signaling pathway in the ASJ chemosensory neuron pair that induces expression of the
123  to perform a systematic characterization of chemosensory neuron responses to multiple odors, odor co
124                We identified a single larval chemosensory neuron that detects these molecules.
125 a bacterial-produced signal and the nematode chemosensory neuron that permit cross-kingdom interactio
126 ted variant of channelrhodopsin, in specific chemosensory neurons and expose large numbers of freely
127  thermal receptor 1 (gtr-1), is expressed in chemosensory neurons and has no role in heat sensing but
128 Second, peripheral sensory neurons-olfactory chemosensory neurons and nociceptor sensory neurons-dete
129 d RIH interneurons uptake 5-HT released from chemosensory neurons and secretory neurons.
130 og, distal-less, is required both to specify chemosensory neurons and to regulate the morphologies of
131 fic rescue experiments, we show that the ASI chemosensory neurons are newly identified components of
132  larvae, suggesting a role of the intestine, chemosensory neurons ASI and ASJ, and the interneuron PV
133  the conclusion that most, if not all, nasal chemosensory neurons derive from NeuroD1-expressing glob
134 ing the sensory endings of C. elegans' major chemosensory neurons exhibit strong and sustained decrea
135                                              Chemosensory neurons extract information about chemical
136      Aedae-KR was immunolocalized in contact chemosensory neurons in prothoracic tarsi and in sensory
137 ed in part by environmental cues received by chemosensory neurons in the amphidial sensillae.
138       The mouse geniculate ganglion contains chemosensory neurons innervating lingual and palatal tas
139 ion of the proton-activated receptor GPR4 in chemosensory neurons of the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus
140 or-type guanylate cyclase GCY-9, to cilia in chemosensory neurons of the nematode Caenorhabditis eleg
141             In chordates, mechanosensory and chemosensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system (P
142 es several novel insights: (1) it shows that chemosensory neurons play important roles in the nematod
143 l map reveals that despite the dense wiring, chemosensory neurons represent the environment using spa
144 cuous warming, we find that TRPA1-expressing chemosensory neurons respond to chemicals but not warmth
145 ansmembrane proteins, which are expressed in chemosensory neurons that detect environmental stimuli.
146 have identified different classes of contact chemosensory neurons that detect female or male pheromon
147 by promoting the development and function of chemosensory neurons that surveil the metabolic activity
148  depth; AGS-3 activates Galpha(o) in the ASH chemosensory neurons to allow food-deprived animals to d
149 e C. elegans connectome for pathways linking chemosensory neurons to neck motor neurons, and prune th
150 porally restricted stimulation of Drosophila chemosensory neurons with an array of different chemical
151  protein Cx36 between Caenorhabditis elegans chemosensory neurons with opposite intrinsic responses t
152 evelopment and subsequent diversification of chemosensory neurons within the geniculate ganglion (GG)
153 eneberg ganglion, the vomeronasal organ, and chemosensory neurons within the main olfactory epitheliu
154  mouse retina, and in vivo in Caenorhabditis chemosensory neurons, Drosophila larval neuromuscular ju
155 n of familiar food activates the pair of ADF chemosensory neurons, which subsequently increase seroto
156              The olfactory epithelium houses chemosensory neurons, which transmit odor information fr
157 urons, the bilaterally symmetric pair of ASJ chemosensory neurons.
158 mic reticulum (ER) stress in the ASI pair of chemosensory neurons.
159  protein-coupled receptor DAF-37 in specific chemosensory neurons.
160  which is expressed exclusively by olfactory chemosensory neurons.
161 xpressed in five types of amphid and phasmid chemosensory neurons.
162 P, expressed in distinct types of Drosophila chemosensory neurons.
163                          MIP is expressed in chemosensory-neurosecretory cells in the annelid larval
164 n the rhodopsin family, known to contain the chemosensory olfactory receptor subfamily.
165 ensitive glomus cells of the carotid body, a chemosensory organ at the carotid artery bifurcation tha
166 ula, but not at later stages when a putative chemosensory organ forms.
167 idence that two CheW proteins coexist in one chemosensory pathway and that both are essential for che
168          Previous studies identified the Dif chemosensory pathway as crucial for the regulation of EP
169   Sensory adaptation in the Escherichia coli chemosensory pathway has been the subject of interest fo
170                                          The chemosensory pathway of Rhodobacter sphaeroides comprise
171                                      The Frz chemosensory pathway regulates the cell polarity axis th
172                                      The Frz chemosensory pathway regulates the frequency of cell rev
173 heW(1) and CheW(3) are incorporated into one chemosensory pathway that is essential for B. burgdorfer
174               Trafficking is stimulated by a chemosensory pathway that is not dependent on the calori
175 domain of FrzCD, the receptor for the frizzy chemosensory pathway, interacts with two A-motility prot
176 taxis that has 5 chemoreceptors and a single chemosensory pathway, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 has a
177 ricter definitions for the components of the chemosensory pathway.
178 ulate lifespan and stress resistance through chemosensory pathways and the sirtuin SIR-2.1.
179                                              Chemosensory pathways are a major signal transduction me
180  switch is used to toggle between orthogonal chemosensory pathways by controlling the expression of C
181            However, we know that respiratory chemosensory pathways converge on the parabrachial nucle
182 ental data allowed us to conclude that three chemosensory pathways in P. aeruginosa utilize one chemo
183 sists of 26 chemoreceptors feeding into four chemosensory pathways.
184 cules not normally recognized by the natural chemosensory pathways.
185   An investigation into proteins involved in chemosensory perception in the melon fly, Bactrocera cuc
186 plications for models of social identity and chemosensory perception.
187 ator attraction by exploiting the visual and chemosensory perceptual biases of drosophilid flies.
188 sulfide-reactive functionalities on the same chemosensory platform in probe SNAN-3, a much broader ra
189 n, but does not decrease channel function in chemosensory primary signal transduction, also restores
190                      Circadian regulation of chemosensory processes is common in animals, but little
191 rents to understand its inherent thermo- and chemosensory properties as well as the role of the ankyr
192 -degrading phosphodiesterases (PDEs) and the chemosensory protein BdlA, with BdlA playing a pivotal r
193   By couching population genomic analyses of chemosensory protein families within parallel analyses o
194                            For example, CSP (chemosensory protein) and takeout genes, the dopamine pa
195                                       Insect chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are a family of small solub
196 of other large families, we demonstrate that chemosensory proteins are not outliers for adaptive dive
197                          Membrane-associated chemosensory proteins form a number of dynamic unit-clus
198            Finally, we provide evidence that chemosensory proteins have experienced relaxed constrain
199  foundation for future functional studies of chemosensory proteins in the melon fly and for making mo
200 tro phosphorylation studies with all the Dif chemosensory proteins that were expressed and purified f
201          Similar patterns were observed with chemosensory proteins, "plus-C" odorant-binding proteins
202 aster females are highly selective about the chemosensory quality of their egg-laying sites, an impor
203  of protein sequences putatively involved in chemosensory reception were identified and characterized
204 ll-specific markers and all but one of their chemosensory receptor classes expressed in the single ze
205             Insects sense odours via several chemosensory receptor families, including the odorant re
206 l an early evolutionary origin of the insect chemosensory receptor family and raise the possibility t
207 ur analyses have expanded annotations of the chemosensory receptor gene families, and provide first-t
208                                    Zebrafish chemosensory receptor genes are expressed across a large
209 e projections of 34 GAL4-lines of individual chemosensory receptor genes.
210                                              Chemosensory receptor proteins, including odorant recept
211 nd quantitative analysis of the codling moth chemosensory receptor repertoire.
212               The GRoSS alignment places the chemosensory receptor subfamilies for bitter taste (TAS2
213                  Further, a subset of GPCRs, chemosensory receptors (including olfactory and taste re
214 omone transduction in mammals, including (a) chemosensory receptors and signaling components of the m
215   Thus, rodent olfactory sensory neurons and chemosensory receptors have the capacity for recognizing
216 dinated reception of signals by mechano- and chemosensory receptors in fish.
217 n of olfactory signaling, although odors and chemosensory receptors involved are unknown.
218         Multiple Serpentine Receptor B (SRB) chemosensory receptors regulate Galpha pathways in gusta
219 d to uncover the relevant signaling ligands, chemosensory receptors, and responsive sensory neurons t
220       We show that EC cells express specific chemosensory receptors, are electrically excitable, and
221 mouse nose has an additional small family of chemosensory receptors, called trace amine-associated re
222  enzymes producing pheromones, perception by chemosensory receptors, through to the neural circuits p
223 s of neuronal sub-types expressing different chemosensory receptors.
224                                           CB chemosensory reflex activation also results in unstable
225  the expression of AOE genes, ROS levels, CB chemosensory reflex and BP, and also stabilized breathin
226 s and ROS levels, reversed the heightened CB chemosensory reflex and hypertension, and also stabilize
227 wn to exhibit a heightened carotid body (CB) chemosensory reflex and hypertension.
228 wn to exhibit a heightened carotid body (CB) chemosensory reflex and hypertension.
229 ular breathing with apnoeas, an augmented CB chemosensory reflex as indicated by elevated CB neural a
230 gen (O2) sensing by the carotid body and its chemosensory reflex is critical for homeostatic regulati
231  re-programming of the redox state in the CB chemosensory reflex pathway.
232 ubstantial interindividual variation in this chemosensory reflex response, with profound effects on c
233 essure (BP), breathing and carotid body (CB) chemosensory reflex were examined in adult rats.
234 essure (BP), breathing and carotid body (CB) chemosensory reflex were examined in adult rats.
235 initions for the different components of the chemosensory reflex, going from the salient molecules an
236 r breathing with apnoea and augmented the CB chemosensory reflex, with all these responses becoming n
237                                              Chemosensory reflexes initiated by the carotid body and
238 lixus showed increased expression of several chemosensory-related genes in imaginal bugs, while both
239  linked to traumatic insemination, a reduced chemosensory repertoire of genes related to obligate hem
240 ally tested this hypothesis by measuring the chemosensory response of newborn snakes to prey odors at
241  Snakes fed dragonfly larvae increased their chemosensory response to both dragonfly larvae and crayf
242                              Perturbation of chemosensory responses in specific subsystems through di
243            We used OCPI microscopy to record chemosensory responses in the mouse vomeronasal epitheli
244           Our study demonstrates that innate chemosensory responses to prey can be modified by prey a
245 hemotaxis pathway, and CheR1 forms part of a chemosensory route that controls biofilm formation.
246 ar hydrocarbons (CHCs) at mating and utilise chemosensory self-referencing to recognise recent mates.
247                                              Chemosensory self-referencing, therefore, could be a wid
248 nique chemical cues are available to support chemosensory self-referencing.
249 s, including mammalian taste buds and insect chemosensory sensilla, show a marked compartmentalizatio
250                                    Bacterial chemosensory signal transduction systems that regulate m
251 Specific diets or agonists that target these chemosensory signaling pathways may be considered as new
252 f phosphate flow and novel output signals in chemosensory signaling pathways that are involved in cys
253                                Disruption of chemosensory signaling through the loss of TRMP5 abrogat
254 liminated the ability of Ce-GRK-2 to restore chemosensory signaling.
255                                Processing of chemosensory signals in the brain is dynamically regulat
256                          Early processing of chemosensory signals occurs in two functionally and anat
257 e identities and behavioral role(s) of these chemosensory signals, and how they interact, are incompl
258                                            A chemosensory signature of "self" that modulates behavior
259 but not warmth, a specificity conferred by a chemosensory-specific TRPA1 isoform with reduced thermos
260                                              Chemosensory specificity in the main olfactory system of
261 I (glomus) cells exhibit hypersensitivity to chemosensory stimuli and elevated sympathoexcitatory res
262                                         Many chemosensory stimuli evoke innate behavioral responses t
263  enables integration and binding of multiple chemosensory stimuli over a prolonged time scale.
264 m multiple glomeruli, enables integration of chemosensory stimuli over extended time scales by interg
265  play a role in emotional learning involving chemosensory stimuli, such as olfactory fear conditionin
266 ing GRK-2 function are not hypersensitive to chemosensory stimuli.
267 tatory cortex has been proposed to integrate chemosensory stimuli; however, no study has examined the
268 e molecules are involved in the detection of chemosensory stimuli?
269 that just happen to display sensitivity to a chemosensory stimulus?
270              We demonstrate that FimL, a Chp chemosensory system accessory protein of unknown functio
271                         The Escherichia coli chemosensory system consists of large arrays of transmem
272 dog genomes, with an expansion of the feline chemosensory system for detecting pheromones at the expe
273 ry systems or the consequences of rhythms in chemosensory system function.
274                                      The Dif chemosensory system is essential for the regulation of E
275                                            A chemosensory system is reported that operates without th
276 thus support a mechanochemical model where a chemosensory system measures the mechanically induced co
277  selection has shaped the well-characterized chemosensory system of Drosophila melanogaster, we have
278  interspecific variation indicating that the chemosensory system of lacertids has undergone substanti
279 e have identified and characterized the Che7 chemosensory system of Myxococcus xanthus, a common soil
280 ce contact, TFP retraction activates the Chp chemosensory system phosphorelay to upregulate 3', 5'-cy
281 thelium are therefore equipped with a subtle chemosensory system that communicates the sensory inform
282 tion and signal transduction through the Chp chemosensory system, a chemotaxis-like sensory system th
283 defective in both EPS production and the Frz chemosensory system, indicating that EPS regulates cellu
284 y relation is tested in the Escherichia coli chemosensory system, which exhibits near-perfect chemore
285  approach to better understand the bacterial chemosensory system.
286  cluster encoding a putative chemotaxis-like chemosensory system.
287  pili-based "twitching" motility and the Chp chemosensory system.
288                                              Chemosensory systems and TCS both modulate phosphorelays
289                                              Chemosensory systems are complex, highly modified two-co
290  is known about how circadian clocks control chemosensory systems or the consequences of rhythms in c
291                                              Chemosensory systems provide attractive models to addres
292  the functional difference between these two chemosensory systems remains unclear.
293      The mouse olfactory mucosa is a complex chemosensory tissue composed of multiple cell types, neu
294  show that subtypes of hugin neurons connect chemosensory to endocrine system by combinations of syna
295 minate rigorously between molecules that are chemosensory transducers at the head of a physiological
296 ng with an ever increasing list of potential chemosensory transducing molecules.
297 rylation of the histidine kinase CheA in the chemosensory transduction chain is a widespread mechanis
298 efinitions, re-evaluate current knowledge of chemosensory transduction, and propose the 'multiple sal
299                                              Chemosensory valence-encoding interneurons exist across
300 anism for generating rapid changes in innate chemosensory valence.

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