


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ely well suited to efficient (high-leverage) chewing.
2 ation of SF and SFN occurred during in vitro chewing.
3 ic behaviours such as walking, breathing and chewing.
4 acking (a rhythmic facial expression) versus chewing.
5 z rhythm during lip-smacking, but not during chewing.
6  which entails swallowing food whole without chewing.
7 upting before, during, or after habitual gum-chewing.
8 ivation both during resting state and during chewing.
9 icate brain regions involved with initiating chewing.
10 evaluate brain activity in humans during gum chewing.
11 groups, with no complications related to gum chewing.
12 gies is better adapted for either gnawing or chewing.
13 CI, 1.67-6.43) with >10 years paternal betel chewing, 1.62 (95% CI, 0.88-2.96) for 5 to 9 years, and
14                          To evaluate whether chewing a loading dose (LD) of ticagrelor, 180 mg, vs tr
15          Edentulous individuals have reduced chewing ability and lower fruit and vegetable consumptio
16                                    Perceived chewing ability explained approximately 4% variance in i
17                                    Perceived chewing ability significantly increased in both groups.
18 f this study were to: determine if perceived chewing ability was predictive of fruit and vegetable in
19 ke of fruits, vegetables, and nutrients, and chewing ability were assessed pre-and 6 weeks post-inter
20                                     Improved chewing ability with new dentures has resulted in little
21 , psychosocial factors, as well as perceived chewing ability, must be addressed.
22                                    Perceived chewing ability, sociodemographic, and psychosocial fact
23 ved to be significantly superior in terms of chewing ability, when compared with zero-degree posterio
24                                        Gutka chewing alone, chewing among individuals with prediabete
25 wing among individuals with prediabetes, and chewing among healthy controls did not significantly inc
26                         Gutka chewing alone, chewing among individuals with prediabetes, and chewing
27                                              Chewing an LD of ticagrelor, 180 mg, in patients with ST
28 atients with STEMI were randomized to either chewing an LD of ticagrelor, 180 mg, or standard oral ad
29 creases bilateral masseter activation during chewing, an effect driven by the expression of TeNT in S
30  occurred specifically while recipients were chewing and hence emitting the most potent chemical cues
31  and taste, an unusual epigastric sensation, chewing and lip smacking, automatisms, postictal symptom
32 sely related to the native oak received more chewing and mining damage than distantly related oaks, a
33 otably including ingestive behaviors such as chewing and nursing.
34 riodontal inflammatory conditions with gutka chewing and prediabetes.
35       Longer duration of paternal betel quid chewing and smoking, prefatherhood, independently predic
36 ression in insects, and the function of both chewing and sucking mouthparts in insects.
37  salivary hypofunction exhibit difficulty in chewing and swallowing foods, tooth decay, periodontal d
38 on activates and modulates the gastric mill (chewing) and pyloric (filtering of chewed food) motor ci
39 ctromyographic activity occurring during gum chewing, and (2) to explore these data for evidence of s
40 increased age, less education, difficulty in chewing, and absence of dentures.
41                                   Before gum chewing, and at 7 min and 15 min afterward, whole plaque
42  generated by other people eating, drinking, chewing, and breathing [1-8].
43  mammals, e.g., walking, swimming, suckling, chewing, and breathing, inhibition is often hypothesized
44 ments, the effects of mechanical disruption, chewing, and digestion on almond seed microstructure and
45  in stepping, jaw opening and closing during chewing, and inspiration-expiration in breathing, which
46  activities of daily living (e.g., speaking, chewing, and swallowing).
47 r the effects of paternal smoking, areca nut chewing, and their duration prefatherhood on age of dete
48 ent, lower educational level, and pan masala chewing appear to be risk factors of GERD symptoms for t
49 o predict volatile induction: feeding guild (chewing arthropods > sap feeders), diet breadth (special
50 d to enable both gnawing at the incisors and chewing at the molars.
51 cluding locomotion, grooming, head movement, chewing, auditory stimuli, and whisker movement (both pa
52 ants, honeydew-producing membracids and leaf-chewing beetles on perennial host plants in field experi
53                             Items related to chewing, being understood, tasting, and dry mouth were p
54 hat physiologically relevant exercise (i.e., chewing bubble gum for 6 min) increases masticatory musc
55  feeding guilds (piercing aphids, generalist chewing caterpillars and specialist chewing caterpillars
56 neralist chewing caterpillars and specialist chewing caterpillars).
57 s issue in the network-driven, gastric mill (chewing) circuit in the crab stomatogastric nervous syst
58  almonds, which were consumed under the same chewing conditions.
59 is latter situation, using the gastric mill (chewing) CPG in the crab (Cancer borealis) stomatogastri
60 mples were quantified into 165 variables per chewing cycle, averaged to create a single multivariate
61    Approximately 11 right- and 11 left-sided chewing cycles and associated masticatory electromyograp
62 s in early cladotherians that indicate their chewing cycles included significant transverse movement,
63 mprised one-third of the diet, the number of chewing cycles per year would have declined by nearly 2
64 ith increased yaw rotation of the jaw during chewing cycles.
65         We found high phylogenetic signal in chewing damage but not mining damage and all traits exce
66 milarity in leaf traits also received higher chewing damage but not mining damage.
67 own defoliating herbivores and suggests that chewing damage on mountain birch foliage could significa
68 , sex, duration and daily frequency of gutka chewing, duration of gutka placement in the mouth, and d
69 ividuals generally experience a reduced food-chewing efficiency.
70                                          Wax chewing elicited a similar response, indicating a mastic
71 s after the two-year program of habitual gum-chewing ended, 288 children were re-examined.
72        During the 5 years after habitual gum-chewing ended, xylitol gums reduced the caries risk 59%
73 g, jumping, shakes, abdominal constrictions, chewing, facial tremor and scratching.
74 all fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and Chewings fescue (Festuca rubra L. subsp. fallax [Thuill]
75  Palaeolithic processing technologies affect chewing force production and efficacy in humans consumin
76       Tooth roots provide support to counter chewing forces and so it is advantageous to grow roots q
77                          Previous studies on chewing frequency across animal species have focused on
78 e maximum force of muscle, so that the upper chewing frequency scales as the -1/3 power of body mass
79 xcess of saliva describes the lower limit of chewing frequency, scaling approximately as the -1/6 pow
80 roused without elucidating the variations in chewing frequency.
81                   Platelet reactivity in the chewing group was significantly reduced by 24% at 30 min
82    Patients in the intervention arm received chewing gum 4 times a day postoperatively.
83 s suggest that regular use of CHX-containing chewing gum appears useful to control dental plaque form
84       Lastly, the role of vagal signaling or chewing gum as potential treatment strategies of allevia
85  amplitude was significantly decreased after chewing gum containing 4 mg of nicotine.
86 tude responses decreased significantly after chewing gum containing both 2 and 4 mg of nicotine.
87                                              Chewing gum could induce increased swallowing frequency,
88  instructed to use 5 pieces of the unlabeled chewing gum daily (containing 5.0 mg CHX acetate/piece;
89   The null hypothesis of this study was that chewing gum does not have any effect on the clearance of
90                            Sham feeding with chewing gum has been shown to accelerate the return of g
91 owels (OR = 3.1, 95% CI 2.1-4.5), sharing of chewing gum or partially eaten candies (OR = 3.4, 95% CI
92 dents were assigned a random ordering of the chewing gum products and received professional tooth cle
93 phosphate-fortified (alpha-TCP) experimental chewing gum released sufficient calcium and phosphate to
94                           The CHX-containing chewing gum showed significantly reduced plaque values (
95 H < 4 during the postprandial period without chewing gum were 5.7 (1.7-13.5) and, with chewing gum, 3
96                                Two pieces of chewing gum were used following each morning and evening
97 ut chewing gum were 5.7 (1.7-13.5) and, with chewing gum, 3.6 (0.3-7.3), respectively (p = 0.001).
98 ng diluted samples, computer keyboard swabs, chewing gum, and cigarette butts.
99            These techniques include nicotine chewing gum, skin patches, nasal sprays, and inhalers, a
100  acetate-, xylitol-, and sorbitol-containing chewing gum.
101  and could be used as an active component in chewing gums or mouthwashes for both caries and gingivit
102 tent of TiO(2) included candies, sweets, and chewing gums.
103 duals with prediabetes irrespective of gutka-chewing habit (P <0.05).
104 age, sex, duration of prediabetes, and gutka-chewing habits was collected using a questionnaire.
105 es risk for several years after the habitual chewing has ended.
106 e show that a specialist caterpillar (biting-chewing herbivore) and a specialist aphid (phloem feeder
107 lants were independently challenged with (1) chewing herbivores (Manduca sexta), (2) piercing-sucking
108 e season resulted in halving of herbivory by chewing herbivores and a reduction in the abundance of p
109   It is well known that plant damage by leaf-chewing herbivores can induce resistance in neighbouring
110 ng, which likely reduces plant resistance to chewing herbivores due to its negative cross-talk with J
111                                         Leaf-chewing herbivores fluxed 6.2 g m(-2) yr(-1) of frass an
112 a the salicylic acid pathway, whereas biting-chewing herbivores induce plant resistance mainly via th
113               Simultaneously, however, these chewing herbivores stimulated JA production, demonstrati
114                        The growth of various chewing herbivores was not significantly affected by the
115  suite of proteins that defend maize against chewing herbivores.
116                                  Stereotyped chewing, horizontal home cage activity, and changes in b
117    On multivariate analysis, heavy-areca nut chewing (HR = 2.18, 95% CI: 1.37-3.47), current smoking
118 postoperative oscillopsia that occurred upon chewing in 29 of 34 patients (85%) and upon walking in 8
119 nce for specific brain areas associated with chewing in humans and demonstrated that brain activation
120 d immunosorbent assay (ELISA) indicated that chewing increased IgA secretion.
121                                              Chewing increased pain in both female and male patients
122                                      Because chewing-induced masticatory muscle pain was significantl
123                     Thus, sex differences in chewing-induced pain were found in control subjects but
124  (Solanum lycopersicum) defenses against the chewing insect beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua; BAW).
125 g is required for host plant resistance to a chewing insect herbivore.
126                Damage inflicted to leaves by chewing insect larvae led to an increase in the local an
127 nase that is a key defensive protein against chewing insect pests in maize (Zea mays).
128 syringae pv tomato DC3000, and larvae of the chewing insect tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta).
129 n contrast to their detrimental effects on a chewing insect, calcium oxalate crystals do not negative
130 litatively and quantitatively different from chewing insects and aphids.
131  JA synthesis is essential for resistance to chewing insects and male reproductive function and furth
132  may influence JA-dependent defenses against chewing insects and SA-dependent defenses against aphids
133 ortant role in plant defense against various chewing insects and some pathogenic fungi.
134                Here we provide evidence that chewing insects differentially alter the oxylipin profil
135 ws the elaborate behaviors exhibited by leaf-chewing insects that appear to function specifically to
136 ors of Nicotiana attenuata responses against chewing insects, a 26-nucleotide tag matching the HSPRO
137 tion and response to both phloem-feeding and chewing insects, often antagonistically; NPR appears to
138  which they serve as toxic compounds against chewing insects.
139 complex responses against pathogens and leaf-chewing insects.
140 y impaired by both generalist and specialist chewing insects.
141   In the present study we show that vigorous chewing is limited by the maximum force of muscle, so th
142  either forcing itself beneath the thatch or chewing its way into it.
143                       It is known that gutka chewing jeopardizes periodontal health; however, severit
144 bbage looper (Trichoplusia ni), a generalist-chewing lepidopteran.
145 n parasite systems and to the pocket gophers-chewing lice system, and demonstrate that both host shif
146 s and have played a minor role in the gopher-chewing lice system.
147 ociation with oral-buccal movements, such as chewing, licking, and grooming.
148 acial behaviors such as breathing, sniffing, chewing, licking, swallowing, vocalizing, and in rodents
149 tion to quitting smoking, quitting areca nut chewing may also reduce the risk of first recurrence in
150                         Habitual xylitol gum-chewing may have a long-term preventive effect by reduci
151          The findings suggest that areca nut chewing may jeopardize the defensive functions of neutro
152 tle or no exercise; a low-salt diet; trouble chewing meat; self-reported protein albumin, blood, or s
153          The STNS includes the gastric mill (chewing) motor circuit in the stomatogastric ganglion (S
154 (STG), where they activate the gastric mill (chewing) motor circuit.
155 OC) neurons trigger a specific gastric mill (chewing) motor pattern in the stomatogastric ganglion so
156 or (GPR) neuron, regulates the gastric mill (chewing) motor rhythm.
157 arthria, dysphagia, sialorrhea and excessive chewing/mouthing behaviors) have not been fully explored
158 e other is a roachoid with long antennae and chewing mouthparts very similar in form to the most gene
159 quamosal jaw joint, which allows a posterior chewing movement, and must have evolved independently fr
160                      The syndrome of vacuous chewing movements (VCMs) in rats is similar in many resp
161                                Using vacuous chewing movements (VCMs) induced by chronic haloperidol
162 pregulated in treated rats that show vacuous chewing movements (VCMs).
163 showed that speech movements are faster than chewing movements, and the functional coordination betwe
164  in having relatively smaller teeth, reduced chewing muscles, weaker maximum bite force capabilities,
165 tes even after controlling for sex and gutka chewing (odds ratio = 13.2; 95% CI = 4.3 to 40.7).
166       Previous studies demonstrated that the chewing of a 2.5% (mass fraction) alpha-tricalcium-phosp
167                             In contrast, the chewing of a conventional sugar-free gum did not elimina
168                                              Chewing of areca quid increases the prevalence of period
169 under masticatory stimulation induced by the chewing of parafilm (1 g) at 10 or 60 strokes/min for 15
170               These results suggest that the chewing of the experimental gum deposits a labile minera
171 ir activation accelerates further cleavage ("chewing") of the fragments, while the chymotrypsin-like
172 tional effects of paternal Areca catechu nut chewing on offspring metabolic syndrome (MetS) risk in h
173 t the patient had a long-standing history of chewing on toilet bowl deodorizing cakes.
174 variables, with a special focus on areca nut chewing, on disease recurrence and progression in patien
175 e the effects of paternal smoking, and betel chewing, on the risks of early MetS in human offspring.
176 on of almond tissue by mechanical methods or chewing, only the first layer of cells at the fractured
177       Teeth that erupted after 1 year of gum-chewing or after the two-year habitual gum use ended had
178         Rhythmic movements, such as walking, chewing or scratching, are phylogenetically old motor be
179 ceived gingival bleeding (P <0.001), pain on chewing (P <0.001), dry mouth (P <0.001), and oral burni
180 mia, smoking, alcohol consumption, betel nut chewing, physical activity, income, and education level,
181 ions of population and is related to certain chewing practices that involve direct exposure of the gi
182 lly stimulate this region of the face (e.g., chewing) produced no detectable increases in GCL activit
183 findings have clinical significance in betel-chewing regions and broader implications for theory of m
184                 The results suggest that the chewing-related factors evaluated in this sample are not
185 hasic (protraction/retraction) gastric mill (chewing) rhythm driven by the projection neuron MCN1 in
186 oceptor neuron on the biphasic gastric mill (chewing) rhythm driven by the projection neuron modulato
187 nin (PK) peptides activate the gastric mill (chewing) rhythm without the participation of the project
188 asic (protraction, retraction) gastric mill (chewing) rhythm, triggered in the isolated stomatogastri
189 iodontal surgery in the past 2 years?," and "Chewing satisfaction?," were added to the model.
190 f withdrawal measured as increased grooming, chewing, scratching, and shaking, plus the appearance of
191 ns may dynamically change over the course of chewing sequences.
192 ypothesis is that monkey lip-smacking versus chewing should also exhibit these differences.
193 ffects to be maximized, habitual xylitol gum-chewing should be started at least one year before perma
194 vivo, during VCN-triggered and POC-triggered chewing, show that the lateral teeth protraction movemen
195            Teeth that erupted before the gum-chewing started had no significant long-term prevention
196                                              Chewing-stimulated flow rates were not significantly dif
197 ic reflux esophagitis, in basal and parafilm chewing-stimulated saliva, its volume, pH, bicarbonate,
198 te vials under resting conditions and during chewing-stimulated secretion over 45 min.
199            Samples of unstimulated whole and chewing-stimulated whole saliva were collected under sta
200                         It is concluded that chewing stimulates epithelial cell transcytosis of IgA a
201                                     Notably, chewing, sucking and gall-making herbivores were more af
202                                              Chewing sugar-free gum for half an hour after a meal can
203 ontract in response to self-generated noise (chewing, swallowing) and non-auditory stimuli.
204                                              Chewing, swallowing, breathing, and vocalization in mamm
205 ons among activated brain areas during a gum-chewing task.
206 that guinea pigs are more efficient at molar chewing than squirrels.
207                               One hour after chewing, the pain remained above pre-test levels for fem
208 eeth benefit most from two-year habitual gum-chewing - those erupting before, during, or after habitu
209                    On the other hand, gentle chewing to mix food uniformly without excess of saliva d
210 tionary link documenting the transition from chewing to piercing mouthparts in relation to suction fe
211 hat snuff may be a stronger risk factor than chewing tobacco for smokeless tobacco lesions, but the u
212 f and only 61 cases and 96 controls had used chewing tobacco in the absence of cigarettes, precluding
213 dences of oral cancers in users of snuff and chewing tobacco in which NNK is present in high concentr
214 ncy of use, and duration of use of snuff and chewing tobacco separately for never and ever cigarette
215 terval (CI) = 8.5-39.8], followed by current chewing tobacco use [OR = 2.5; 95% CI = 1.3-5.0].
216 state of residence, applicator license type, chewing tobacco use, and total lifetime days of all pest
217 om India on cigarette smoking, bidi smoking, chewing tobacco, and secondhand smoke.
218 ho provided information on the use of snuff, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, and alcohol and who receive
219 olescents by preventing the use of snuff and chewing tobacco.
220 uency, and daily minutes of use of snuff and chewing tobacco.
221 cavity, whereas associations were weaker for chewing tobacco.
222 th snuff being more strongly associated than chewing tobacco.
223 ovative saliva reactor, which imitated human chewing under temperature control.
224 lows chromatids to move towards the pole by 'chewing up' microtubule tracks.
225 ve inhibition of platelet aggregation in the chewing vs the standard group were 51% vs 10% (95% CI, 1
226                                              Chewing was associated with activations in the cerebellu
227                                        Betel chewing was associated with tobacco use but not with can
228                                        Betel chewing was not associated with global health, social fu
229         Although ever (versus never) tobacco chewing was weakly associated with HNC among never cigar
230    Further, those with a habit of pan masala chewing were more likely to develop GERD compared with t

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