


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  axis segments distal to the single emerging chiasma.
2 s has only two visual neuropils and no optic chiasma.
3             The occurrence of a second optic chiasma and protolobula are suggested to be synapomorphi
4 s, retinal axons were misguided at the optic chiasma and terminated in the head mesenchyme instead of
5 irst direct evidence that SMC1beta acts as a chiasma binder in mammals, stabilizing sites of exchange
6 the retinal ganglion cells, optic tract, and chiasma but thereafter being lost except in a proportion
7                The formation of at least one chiasma/CO between homologous chromosome pairs is essent
8           Chromosome synapsis, first-meiotic chiasma configuration, and segregation behavior of this
9 onsistency between map length estimates from chiasma counts and genetic data.
10 chromosome compaction and post-recombination chiasma development.
11  can be estimated and the pattern of overall chiasma distribution can be inspected for differences in
12                              Analysis of the chiasma distribution in Atmlh3 suggests that dHj resolut
13 on in barley (Hordeum vulgare) and show that chiasma distribution reflects polarization in the spatio
14 ey suggest a potential route to manipulating chiasma distribution that could be of value to plant bre
15  is reduced and is accompanied by a shift in chiasma distribution with an increase in interstitial an
16 es, this is not necessarily reflected in the chiasma distribution.
17   Under the assumption that no more than one chiasma exists in each marker interval, we describe how
18 sis is disrupted in 2x hybrids, with reduced chiasma formation and frequent univalents, but is normal
19 complexities are discussed in the context of chiasma formation as a series of coordinated local chang
20 nvenient to define models for the process of chiasma formation at meiosis as stationary renewal model
21 able chromosomes that display high levels of chiasma formation at meiosis.
22                            Crossing over and chiasma formation during Caenorhabditis elegans meiosis
23 igated the factors underlying the pattern of chiasma formation in barley (Hordeum vulgare) and show t
24 the relationship between chromosome size and chiasma formation than by cytogenetic constraints.
25  to ensure coordination of events leading to chiasma formation.
26 binational interactions to mediate crossover/chiasma formation.
27 mosomes, resulting in partial competence for chiasma formation.
28 h DNA recombination and structural events of chiasma formation.
29 frequencies are closely correlated with both chiasma frequencies and SC length.
30                                              Chiasma frequencies for dy/dy plants were significantly
31 mutant revealed a significantly reduced mean chiasma frequency (0.85 per cell), compared with an Atms
32            Previous reports demonstrate that chiasma frequency can be manipulated in plants by deplet
33 (E5/2/5/10), which had been selected for low chiasma frequency over a number of generations and which
34                                          The chiasma frequency was increased within the interstitial
35 pparently normal in this mutant and its mean chiasma frequency was similar to that of wild-type plant
36  dominant genes with a significant effect on chiasma frequency, was crossed with L. temulentum (Ba308
37 of crossovers, exhibiting a 60% reduction in chiasma frequency.
38 ng arm chromosome arm 6S, where dy increased chiasma frequency.
39 mata and evaluated evidence for the obligate chiasma hypothesis.
40 n asymmetrical isochromosome were bound by a chiasma in only two of the 1134 pollen mother cells anal
41 lustrate how to apply these results to study chiasma interference and to map centromeres using multil
42 omere and the telomere, (3) greater positive chiasma interference in male than in female meioses, and
43               Computer simulation shows that chiasma interference increases the recombination effecti
44 ilocus tetrad probabilities under a class of chiasma interference models, the chi-square models.
45                                     Positive chiasma interference occurred on five of the 12 chromoso
46                                              Chiasma interference prevents the arising of closely loc
47 oximity to other recombination events (i.e., chiasma interference), and, intriguingly, the sex of the
48 yield information on chromatid interference, chiasma interference, and centromere locations.
49 yield information on chromatid interference, chiasma interference, and centromere positions.
50  are beginning to provide an explanation for chiasma localization in barley.
51 hers, such as barley and some other grasses, chiasma localization is extremely pronounced.
52                                     The mean chiasma or paired arm (PA) frequency of homoeologous chr
53 omosomes, is the requirement of at least one chiasma per chromosome (or chromosome arm) per meiosis.
54  required chiasmata for meiosis: minimum one chiasma per chromosome (PC) and per chromosome arm (PA).
55 e the biological requirement of at least one chiasma per chromosome.
56  adult, however, irrespective of oocyte age, chiasma positions and SCC are normal.
57  one family of count-location models for the chiasma process that can also be expressed as stationary
58 s can be used to order markers under general chiasma processes.
59 ally, segregation of chromosomes joined by a chiasma requires a bipolar spindle.
60 on, commitment to meiotic recombination, and chiasma resolution, the hta1-htb1 delta/hta1-htb1 delta,
61 al malacostracan whose lamina is linked by a chiasma to a medulla that is linked by a second chiasma
62 asma to a medulla that is linked by a second chiasma to a retinotopic outswelling of the lateral prot
63                              Localization of chiasma to the distal regions of barley chromosomes rest

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