


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 vent crucial for the efficient resolution of chiasmata.
2 nd precise inter-hemispheric connections via chiasmata.
3 th the cycles, and rarely progresses to form chiasmata.
4 nation intermediates, resulting in increased chiasmata.
5 her genes are responsible for these residual chiasmata.
6 and segregate without recombining or forming chiasmata.
7 mologous chromosomes to promote formation of chiasmata.
8 mal regions between centromeres and proximal chiasmata.
9 ces using MLH1 foci more accurate than using chiasmata.
10 s of homologous chromosomes held together by chiasmata.
11 n lead to segregation even in the absence of chiasmata.
12 ific cohesin SMC1beta massively lose SCC and chiasmata [3, 4].
13 y, chromosomes from mutant mice did not form chiasmata, a point that connects exchanging homologous c
14 y difficult method of cytologically counting chiasmata among human male meiotic events (sperm).
15 s cytological observations on the numbers of chiasmata and evaluated evidence for the obligate chiasm
16              As a result, syp-3 mutants lack chiasmata and exhibit increased chromosome mis-segregati
17 orrespondence in position and number between chiasmata and HTP-1/2-depleted regions and provide evide
18 ng meiosis, which in turn helps to establish chiasmata and promote genetic diversity.
19                                   In lieu of chiasmata and synaptonemal complexes, there must be mole
20 sis, homologous chromosomes become linked by chiasmata and then move back and forth on the spindle un
21 s fall below the level required to stabilize chiasmata and to hold sister centromeres tightly togethe
22 he oval shape of diplotene bivalents between chiasmata, and the rigidity of pachytene chromosomes are
23       In recombination-proficient organisms, chiasmata appear to mediate associations between homolog
24                 In Arabidopsis, about 85% of chiasmata are eliminated in Atmsh4 mutants, denoting tha
25                               Crossovers and chiasmata are eliminated in him-17 null mutants but are
26 all components required to convert DSBs into chiasmata are present.
27                                 The residual chiasmata are randomly distributed between cells and chr
28                                              Chiasmata are replaced by a homolog conjunction complex
29                                              Chiasmata are restricted to chromosomal ends, which make
30 le to arrest at metaphase I, indicating that chiasmata are unstable in the absence of cohesion.
31 st organisms, the stable connections, called chiasmata, arise from crossovers.
32 formation of cytological structures known as chiasmata at the sites of genetic crossovers (COs).
33            Crossover interference results in chiasmata being more evenly distributed along chromosome
34                    msh-5 mutant oocytes lack chiasmata between homologous chromosomes, and crossover
35  reduces crossing over, resulting in lack of chiasmata between homologs and consequent missegregation
36 ires the production of physical connections (chiasmata) between homologs through recombinational exch
37 g of homologous chromosomes held together by chiasmata biorient.
38 re not detected, and oocyte chromosomes lack chiasmata but appear otherwise intact.
39     Furthermore, DSB levels and incidence of chiasmata can be modulated by loss of LIN-35/Rb.
40 reased homeologous chromosome pairing by 1.6 chiasmata/cell in T. aestivum x Ae. speltoides hybrids a
41 ivum x Ae. speltoides hybrids by 8.4 and 5.8 chiasmata/cell, respectively.
42 y checkpoint, rather than a recombination or chiasmata checkpoint, may be activated in response to me
43 omosomes during meiosis depends on linkages (chiasmata) created by crossovers and on selective releas
44 ur observation of synaptonemal complexes and chiasmata demonstrate that a typical meiotic program occ
45 r, the chromosomes exhibited dynamic loss of chiasmata during metaphase I, resulting in meiotic failu
46     Consistent with this, univalents lacking chiasmata elicit a SAC-mediated arrest in Mlh1(-/-) oocy
47                                              Chiasmata established by recombination are normally suff
48 es concerning the minimum number of required chiasmata for meiosis: minimum one chiasma per chromosom
49 ls-the lamina, medulla, and lobula-linked by chiasmata has been used to support arguments that insect
50 chores are pulled toward opposite poles, and chiasmata holding bivalent chromosomes together are reso
51 ins of the 15% residual (AtMSH4-independent) chiasmata in Arabidopsis we conducted a cytological and
52 r corresponds approximately to the number of chiasmata in maize meiosis.
53  the de novo ROB influences the placement of chiasmata in the long arm, it is most likely that the tr
54                                 The residual chiasmata in the mutants were distributed randomly, indi
55 designated sites fail to mature into COs and chiasmata, indicating a pro-CO role for HIM-6/BLM that m
56 s indicates that a presence of more than one chiasmata is rather caused by the relationship between c
57 genetic crossovers, cytologically visible as chiasmata, is skewed toward the distal regions of the ch
58 r during meiosis I, physical linkages called chiasmata need to form between homologs, sister chromati
59 unique sex-dependent effect on MLH1 foci and chiasmata numbers was observed: males exhibited an incre
60 correspond to the number and distribution of chiasmata on diplotene-metaphase I chromosomes.
61                                The number of chiasmata per cell was reduced from 14 in control plants
62 ct as to the direction of change, with fewer chiasmata reported in Arabidopsis thaliana and more cros
63        These CO sites, seen cytologically as chiasmata, represent a reciprocal exchange of genetic in
64 e segregation is ensured by the formation of chiasmata resulting from crossing over.
65                                              Chiasmata resulting from interhomolog recombination are
66 ants exhibit reduced recombination and fewer chiasmata, resulting in the loss of obligate crossovers
67 ith an increase in interstitial and proximal chiasmata, suggesting a potential route to modify recomb
68  homologous chromosomes are required to form chiasmata, temporary connections between homologues that
69 ssovers generate homolog connectors known as chiasmata that are stabilized by cohesion between sister
70 ng homologous chromosomes together, creating chiasmata that ensure accurate disjunction during reduct
71 rhomolog crossovers (COs), which mature into chiasmata that temporarily connect the homologs to ensur
72                           Meiotic crossovers/chiasmata, that are required to ensure chromosome disjun
73                In most eukaryotic organisms, chiasmata, the connections formed between homologous chr
74 s in meiosis, including reduced formation of chiasmata, the cytological appearance of COs.
75  loss of arm cohesion and destabilization of chiasmata, the frequency at which recombinant homologs m
76 hesin in association with destabilization of chiasmata, the physical linkages between homologous chro
77 o ncd; even though chromosomes are joined by chiasmata they fail to segregate at meiosis I.
78      In many species there is a tendency for chiasmata to be distributed in favored regions along the
79               Most organisms use crossovers (chiasmata) to maintain physical connections between homo
80  formation of crossovers, and the consequent chiasmata, to accomplish successful segregation of homol
81 ing over between homologs, and the resulting chiasmata, to direct meiosis I chromosome segregation, y
82 ially induced breaks generate crossovers and chiasmata using the normal meiotic recombination machine
83 lines, although the localization of residual chiasmata was not affected.
84                 Total crossovers measured by chiasmata were unchanged when heterozygosity was varied,
85                         Crossovers establish chiasmata, which are physical connections between homolo
86                       Crossovers mature into chiasmata, which hold and orient the homologous chromoso

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